A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 343: Griffin Tallus.

You Xi Wang and the rest were brought out of the cave and to the top of the mountain. There was a castle that looked exactly like the mansion of the You Family back at Metropia. The juniors were surprised. You Zhen Long said, "Do not think that the ancestors did not care for the family. This mansion was left here by my predecessors. Since then any of the You family cultivators would come up here and this will be their abode." 

The people nodded and were taken inside. Inside the decoration was all vintage but luxurious. You Zhen Long said, "Comfort is sought out after everyone." 

The juniors nodded, they spotted a lot of portraits hanging on the walls. A young girl asked, "Elder, can we take pictures of this wall? We will show it to the family when we return." 

The old man nodded with a smile. You Xi Wang asked, "Elder, who is your direct descendant?" 

The smiling eyes of the old man dimmed. He sighed and said, "I will not hide it from you. My wife could not give birth because of an injury. So I never had a child. As for her, she has already departed." 

You Xi Wang bowed in apology. The old man waved his hand and asked him to stop worrying. It was only natural for him to be curious about his family. The two people came inside the kitchen and You Zhichi followed them, the three people prepared food for the rest. They also gave the old man a few recipes they have bought from Metropia. 

You Zhen Long liked the food, and he was happy to learn something new. The meal was completed very quickly, the people all went out to explore the new place for a bit. You Xi Wang and You Zhichi sat inside the place. The young man asked, "Elder, can I go and look for our great grandmaster?" 

You Zhen Long raised his eyes and asked, "Who is it?" 

"Griffin Tallus." said the celestial maiden. 

You Zhen Long's pupil dilated and he stood up with a flinch, his aura began to run rampant around the place. The whole cave was as if it will come crumbling down. He gradually calmed down and spoke with a sigh, "Thankfully you are her great grand disciples. You go and seek her but be very careful. She is a weird one." 

The two siblings exchanged a glance and since they were given a hint about the personality of the lady, they decided to ask You Zhen Long even more about her. You Zhichi asked, "Elder, is there something wrong?" 

You Zhen Long sighed and said, "Something you say? This lady has been stuck in her menopause for the past two centuries. There is a guy ten kilometers away from here, he entered her domain in the south and hunted a steel fur rabbit. This lady seemed to be waiting for him to do that. She appeared there and demanded compensation for the damage he had done to the domain.

You know, steel fur rabbit is as big as a tabby cat and it has steel as its fur. It tastes bland and the meat is not enough to even prepare a dish.  How is can she call just robe that guy for tungstamite. Tungstamite is a precious metal that can form a holy spirit artifact. You tell me is the value the same? 

When we gather at a place, she will hog over all the wine in the name of saving it for her disciples to arrive. You tell me what sort of bullshit is this. The bad thing is she is at a level where one thought against her can get you loaded with abhorring arrays. I was scared to invite her to fix the heating problem. 

One time she made a guy locked in a lust demon array because he passed by the lake where she bathed. That old hag..." 

The more he spoke the more agitated he became. The speech did not seem to be ending anytime sooner. You Xi Wang had served him water twice in two hours. Finally, with a sigh, the old man let go of his excitement. He dismissed them as he slumped on the couch itself in the name of meditation. 

The two siblings got out of the place and the boy let out a loud whistle. This whistle was the signal for the rest of the people around. After a minute a team of five disciples came over. You Xi Wang told them to arrange things according to what You Tong says after they are gone, and not to provoke trouble or he will have them on the guillotine. 

The people nodded and stood guard to convey the message. You Zhichi stood on a flying sword and the boy sat in front of her with his legs crossed. The flying sword emitted a spirit energy barrier to hold his body up. He pointed forward and said, "CHARGE." 

You Zhichi shook her head with a helpless smile as the two rushed to see their great grandmaster. On the way, they came across some good spirit fruits and some exotic spirit beasts. You Xi Wang teased a little cat. The cat seemed to have taken a liking to him after he healed her hind leg and played with him. 

After a few minutes, the two siblings stopped in front of a valley in the center of the valley their was a large tree. The reason they stopped was that You Zhichi said, "Spirit rune arrays." 

You Xi Wang nodded his head and said, "Some of them are for tickling while some are peak grade nine killing arrays. The whole valley is laced with them." 

You Zhichi asked with a confused expression, "How do you know it is for tickling?" 

Coughs..."That is the rune, I and Celes derived from the combination of two." said the boy. 

You Zhichi twisted his ear and scolded him, "It is because of you those two little devils can do all this mischief. You know they used that on the whole array hall students. You spoil them too much, Gougou." 

Her tone was harsh. You Xi Wang held her hand without removing it from his ear and begged, "I am sorry, I swear not to do this again. Owww, big sis let it go. It will come off. OUUCCHHH, Chichi, my sweet chichi, my mother let go."

You Zhichi heard him call her his mother and she let go of his ear with a sigh. She said, "Brat, mom would have spanked your ass into a tomato." 

You Xi Wang said, "A squashed one at that." 

The two looked at each other and chuckled loudly. This was their bond. You Zhichi asked, "What to do?" 

The boy replied, "Call out first?" 

The two nodded and spoke in a calm and sincere tone, "Great Grandmaster, disciples You Xi Wang(You Zhichi) are here to meet you." 

From the inside of the valley, a calm voice replied, "You guys came here, it is good. I saw you two messing around just now. You are good kids. Now, you must undo the arrays before you can see me. You have an hour."

The two people nodded and said, "We accept." 

You Zhichi stood up in front and said, "I take the killer arrays. They are all peak nine." 

You Xi Wang shook his head, "I cannot instacast them, that is why I do not use them. Dismantling is still easy. You are not allowed to always safeguard me."

He knew his sister will not listen to him so before she could say anything, he said, "You take left, I take right. Race to the finish. However, be careful." 

The girl smiled and nodded. The two people began to take down arrays. Their speeds had left the middle-aged lady astonished. She did not expect these two to be the peak nine-level array master and that was all that she had covered the valley with. She wanted to see if they would find this tricky and call for her help.

However the result made her sigh and mumble, "Animus, what sort of monsters did your disciples find." 

She knew about Animo Albus and Alester Book but these two were not monsters in her eyes. The skills these two people had at the peak of their youth were too shallow compared to the two youths in front of her. She was sitting on a rocking chair below the big tree. She wore a white hanfu dress and had a book in her hand. This book was a paperback one. Her face was mature and very beautiful. 

Suddenly, she sensed a gaze locked at her. You Xi Wang was gazing at her with a smile through the array of barriers. He said, "Chichi, I won." 

You Zhichi said, "Idiot, I won, look here." 

She turned her head and saw You Zhichi walk out from behind a bush. She was about to kneel down to kowtow the lady on the chair when the lady said, "Indeed, you won, he wasted time to announce his win." 

The next second she spoke through mental sense, "You know it was intentional?" 

You Zhichi nodded with a smile. The result was a tie but You Xi Wang let her win. You Xi Wang also walked over and the two siblings kowtowed the lady. Griffin closed her book and asked with a smile, "Animus is alive?" 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Grandmaster is alive and well."

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