A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 36: Town Of Adventures.

Sahasa town also known as an adventure town among the people. This town was situated right at the border of the infamous wild area of the Flora Sector, the Whispering Woods, where lived spirit beasts of shadow element.

Spirit beasts differed from demons, Spirit beasts practiced cultivation with the help of beast cores. As their cultivation progressed, they strengthen their core bloodline and become Magical demon beasts with further advances, until they can transform into humans. These Magical demon beasts do not have a core or spiritual root, but a bloodline blessed by the heavens which help them cultivate further. Magical demon beasts also have human-like offsprings but they have a seal placed on them before birth, which suppresses the bloodline preventing the offspring from harming itself and others as they cannot control it that well.

Fenny Salah, for instance, was a similar individual. Her parents were both mid-level Primal Soul cultivators. They were both honest and good people. The intelligence of a spirit beast is very simple. They only gain a higher level of IQ and EQ after they reach the last stages of the Magical demon beast realm. When they transform into humans, they gain inherited memories stored inside the bloodline which helps them cultivate spiritual energy.

When a magical demon beast transforms into a human they are in the Primal soul realm. They are physically stronger than humans but lag in cultivation speed. In spirit beast stages their bloodlines are not pure, Magical demon beasts are missing spiritual core to aid bloodlines, all this speed only increases when they achieve human form. When they reach the human form, they will appear to be a five to six years old kid.


After spending nearly five hours on the road, You Xi Wang and the company arrived at their destination, the town of adventures. The high-track way merged into the common-track way and lead the group into the town, the town was filled with hustle bustle which made the ambiance vivacious, but just as it was lively as it was dangerous too. This lively place was also a gathering spot for criminals and dark dwellers. Murders and robbery were common occurrences in this town. Strength was the only authority here. The council had dispatched several enforcers, but it still could not keep up with the number of people entering and exiting the town every day.

Allan led the way on his Lev-bike, followed by You Xi Wang on his left-wing and Neo Paul on his right flank. This was a standard formation they came up with on the way to reduce the chances of sneak attacks on the group. Who knew when some prick jumped over attempting to rob them.

The town gate, there was a Council Outpost where you had to register for how long you will stay in the town and what was your purpose of arriving. Allan entered the outpost and others followed him. The outpost was a beautiful five-floor building likely made up of white marble blocks with titanium threads weaving through them and defense systems mounted on the walls; the building was surrounded by a high tungsten fence which glowed orange, signifying that electricity was running through them and one should not approach. The fence could absorb spiritual energy inside one's body and once stuck you are as good as dead.

The group entered the office after parking their Lev-bikes. They saw a beautiful lady and a handsome looking man sitting behind the reception desk. The group approached them and Allan spoke, "Sir, we are students from Silica City and we would like to stay in the town for a night."

The man behind the desk nodded and moved his hands over the table, and a holographic screen manifested in front of the man. The man then spoke, "Please scan your ID here by placing it over the marked circle.

There was a circle marked on the tabletop which scanned the ID of the travelers, Allan nodded and put his wrist over the circle, a light flashed through the tabletop and scanned the Holo-phone. A beep was heard and the man behind the table nodded, showing that the ID is real and verified. The others followed the same procedure and when they were done, the man finally introduced himself, "Welcome to Sahasa town, the town of adventures. I am Cole. This lovely lady beside me is Ms. Monica. We will help you regard anything you need during the stay, also please contact us as soon as you think you need help."

You Xi Wang spoke this time, "We are looking for a place to spend the night, is it possible for us to stay in the Council Outpost. If not, then please refer to a place that is quiet and safer by the standards around here."

Cole gave an apologetic smile and replied, "I am very sorry, sir. The Council does not allow anyone to have accommodation in the Outpost until they are immediate council officials. There is a place where you can stay, the Indi Inn. The place is clean and quiet, it might be costly, but it is safe given the standards of this place, as they say 'It is dark under the lamp' the inn is situated right next to the so-called hidden assassination organization HQ, The Blade. So it is almost always there and neglected."

You Xi Wang thought for a bit and looked at Allan, who nodded in affirmation. They thanked Cole and left after asking for directions. They followed the directions on foot, the boys formed a triangle around the girls, You Xi Wang came across a vending stall on sideways. He selected few masks and handed it to his friends and they all covered their faces. You Xi Wang got himself a black wolf shaped mask and Ushijima Yuki got a matching white wolf mask. Neo Paul had a red lion-shaped mask, Fenny Salah chooses a skull-shaped while Allan bought a scarf and veiled his mouth with it.

The town was like an inkblot on the face of Metropia, while one side of the world was all clean managed and safe, this side was gray, depressed, and chaotic, this town had an environment the opposite of what You Xi Wang has seen till now, while others were more accepting towards it. It could be because he was half a newcomer in the world, yet he adjusted quickly.

The surroundings were dirty, people were lying on the sidewalks every few meters, You Xi Wang noticed a pair of kids, a boy and a girl who begged for food, yet nobody spared them a look. The girl seemed to be unable to speak while the boy walked her leading him by the hand. Their clothes were torn in places and faces were covered with dirt, hair of the two was also scattered and bushy, making them look dirty. You Xi Wang could not take it anymore and walk over to them, his friends were confused at first, but then followed him while minding their formation.

You Xi Wang stopped one foot away from the pair and asked them, "What is your name? And why are you two alone?"

The girl flinched as she saw the mask and started shivering, tears were forming in her eyes, after all these two kids were just six years old. The Boy realized someone questioning them so he replied, "Sir, my name is Chris and this is my friend Celestia. Our parents were murdered, that is why we are alone."

You Xi Wang bent down and took off his mask. He smiled at the girl and patted the boy on his shoulder and said, "Would you two like to come with us? I can bring you away from here and you do not have to worry, I swear in the name of my blood that shall I ever have any ill intentions towards you two then I may die."

The kids have been suffering for a year now and were in a very dire state they did not expect a total stranger will come and be their ray of hope in the darkness of despair. They both started crying and hugged You Xi Wang tightly. He consoled them a bit and brought them to the Inn. The group also welcomed them both with warm hearts, and Fenny was already on her way to teach them the way of the world.

The group slowly moved through the crowd and reached the Indi Inn. The adventure has begun.

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