A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 44: The Night Hound.

The group lay on the trees without making a single movement. This beast could move through the shadows, which gave it an edge in hunting and sneaking behind anyone. The beast cautiously looked around. When it found nothing suspicious it walked up to the bank and bent down to drink water.

You Xi Wang knocked an arrow but just as he was about to shoot it he stopped and lowered his bow. He shook his head to the team, and they did not question but kept laying there. After quenching the thirst, the wolf disappeared in the dark forest. The group then came down from the trees and looked at You Xi Wang in confusion.

Allan asked, "Bro, why did you not take the shot?"

You Xi Wang answered unhurriedly, "It was a female wolf, she is weak because she gave birth recently."

Fenny retorted with a question, "How do you know that?"

"Because I scanned this area, fifty meters away, I sensed some cubs." You Xi Wang pointed in the direction the wolf disappeared.

Everyone understood why he did not take the shot. He would not kill a mother and capture her cubs. Night Hounds were very intelligent, it was said that if you hurt anyone of their kin, they will attack you when spotted regardless of anything. Despite being loners, these wolves mated once a year. They will release an undetectable spirit aura, which was visible only to their kin. Also, they were not immoral people.

You Xi Wang moved fast and caught some fish from the river, the fish were black in color. They were only five fish, they distributed among themselves and Allan took out a small kettle from his bag, he filled it with water and boiled the fish in eat. Neo Paul cleaned the fishes by removing its scales and bones, then they refilled the kettle and boiled it fried, roasted it lightly.

The process was done this way because the fish in the lake could have been poisonous while boiling them with water-induced with spirit energy would clean the poisonous element. The group sat together and ate, You Xi Wang gave half of his fish to Fenny as she needed more food than others. This was the effect of thunder affinity. A higher metabolism, higher diet.

Allan left to set traps and alarms with Fenny, Neo was on the first watch so he sat atop a tree while Yuki and You Xi Wang shared another treetop. Yuki looked at Xi Wang and held his hand, but You Xi Wang had his eyes closed and he kept cultivating while using his soul energy to monitor the surroundings.

She smiled and shook her head. She also closed her eyes and started cultivating. Allan returned with Fenny after an hour he found the couple cultivating and did not disturb them and sat down on another treetop while Fenny took another one as her resting area.

Allan took the second watch as Neo took a nap. The night was very calm and silent, except for occasional roars of beasts echoing in the forest as they preyed, surrounded by the shroud of darkness. Soon, after another hour, it was You Xi Wang turn to watch. He opened his eyes and saw Yuki holding his hand as she cultivated. She sensed him waking up. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Xi Wang, you meanie. You went into a meditative state as soon as you sat down. What use it is of me being beautiful?" she pouted her lips.

You Xi Wang chuckled and instead of explaining anything, he just kissed her pouting lips. This surprised her. Her face turned red. He parted the lips and said, "The reason I can focus is that I have you by my side, if we need to be strong and better than anyone else we have to be focused on what is the purpose of the moment we are in. I believe my beauty Yuki knows that."

Yuki was lost in his soft, gentle gaze, his mellow voice as he spoke. She woke up from her stupor when she felt him tugging her hand.

You Xi Wang smiled, "You continue cultivating, I will take your watch." he said.

She nodded at him with affectionate eyes. He stood up and walked to where Allan was keeping watch. Allan nodded to him and they switched places. They choose the highest tree in the vicinity to keep watch while they slept on the adjacent trees.

You Xi Wang Kept watch for two hours and it was three in the night when he suddenly sensed something with his soul energy. He woke up Neo and asked him to keep silent and watch as he went out to check out the frantic spiritual moment.

He took up his spear and moved through the forest. He reached the area with frantic movements and heard sounds of beasts battling with each other. He sat down by a tree, concealing his presence.

A giant tiger was fighting the night hound, the tiger was just a spirit formation beast yet he was overwhelming the night hound because her body was weak and she was busy shielding her cubs cowering with each other under the fear of the tiger. The wolf was becoming more and more desperate as the tiger kept attacking it relentlessly. The expression of worry was obvious in the wolf's eyes, although they were black, yet the charm was dim.

Your Xi Wang was getting agitated with every moment passing. His body moved on its own and the next second he was swinging his spear towards the tiger's claw. CLANG, it was as if metal bashed against metal. A loud sound was produced and both of them backed up.

The tiger looked at You Xi Wang with enraged eyes. It wanted to tear this human in front of him to pieces. How dare a weakling disrupt its plan? The human was also calculating. This tiger was called Blood Bane tiger. It was known for its regenerative and berserk abilities. This tiger looked just like a normal tiger on earth in size and appearance, but its fur was blood red.

You Xi Wang spoke, "I know you can understand my words, do not worry, stay with your cubs, I will deal with this cat for you." his words were intended to the wolf behind him. The wolf looked cautious but when she sensed no ill intent, she slowly went back to her cubs.

You Xi Wang channeled his spiritual energy in his battle suit and took down the top. He tied the sleeves around his waist and with a bare torso, he lifted his spear in his right hand and pointed it towards the tiger, taunting it.

The tiger felt enraged, so it moved towards You Xi Wang roaring loudly.

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