A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 57: Alliance with a fairy.

Snow sat down reading the journal while You Xi Wang busied himself with skiing the Terra Dame's hardest skin parts and taking out its beast core. In Metropia there was a saying, dead beasts are treasures, and You Xi Wang who was excellent in material science at such a young age knew this very well. He looked at Maya, who was about to drool and chuckled. He cut off a piece of beast meat and gave it to Maya. He extracted the bones from the carcass; they were very good material to make swords, spears, and halberds with.

After he was done, he looked toward Snow and she was still reading the journal. You Xi Wang meditated and replenish his spirit energy, so he sat down on the ground near Maya in lotus position with his eyes closed.

Snow wiped the tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She stood up and walked towards You Xi Wang who was now in deep meditation but Maya moved and stood between her and You Xi Wang; she bared her fangs on Snow, her blue eyes shone and three icicles formed from the spiritual energy in the surroundings.

Snow stopped in her tracks and said, "I am not an enemy, Maya." the latter barked at her, which made You Xi Wang wake up. He saw the scene in front of him and shook his head.

He spoke in a soft voice, "Maya, come here. She is not an enemy." Maya moved back while her gaze still trained on Snow. The icicles dispersed.

Snow said in a wary voice, "She seems to hate me too much for a Snow Shadow cub." Snow Shadows were among stronger beasts but they did not hate too much while if a Night Shadow hates you the whole species will hate you.

You Xi Wang picked up the beautiful fur ball in his arms and sat her on his shoulder as he answered Snow, "She is half Night Hound and half Snow Shadow, her trait of hatred comes from that side of her lineage."

Snow was surprised to find out about Maya's origins and said, "You don't plan on selling her do you?" her words made You Xi Wang emit a cold aura, "You better not try anything or I will make you beg for death." his voice was so cold it made Snow take a step back. She was shocked to feel this much threat from his words.

She said, "Don't worry, I did not intend to ask you to sell her, just wanted to advise you against it. You might not be aware, but Night Hound(s) rarely mate with another tribe of wolves. You are lucky to have found her."

You Xi Wang nodded, he was not very efficient with the beast world knowledge. He stood up and asked, "I have a question for you and you better be honest. Are you here from Seedling Inc. or not?"

Snow replied, "I am here for myself, and my father. Seedling Inc. offered him a highly paid job but now he is missing. He was never like this in the past. My mother is also missing, I think someone is doing this against my family from the shadows and I want to sort this out. Also, they attempted to abduct me when I was on my way home, but thankfully I got away."

You Xi Wang nodded and held his chin with his hand. After pondering on this for a few minutes he spoke, "My parents were the owners of a tech company. They went to have a business meeting with the Mirai group and on the way back their maglev exploded. They did not survive. We got to know that Edward Colt, the CEO of The Mirai Group was behind it, I took an oath that day that I will destroy everyone in The Mirai Group. That bastard will pay with his everything, money, family, pets, children, everything." his body was shaking from anger and his eyes turned blood red by the end of his speech.

Snow saw how angry he was and kept silent. After some moments he calmed down and said, "I apologize but that guy makes my blood boil." the former nodded showing that she understood.

You Xi Wang suddenly said, "Would you like to join hands with me? We can take down this piece of shit together and look for your parents and don't worry, they won't hurt them if they have something important on them, you know. Dark dwellers are very selfish, they never hurt their interests."

Snow looked into his eyes and she could not see any deceit or ill intentions. She asked, "How long would it take to find my parents?"

He replies, "I am on a camp for 15 days. I have asked my aunt to gather information about Seedling Inc. I will ask her about the progress tomorrow. If we gather anything too important, then we will depart immediately to deal with it or my family can get it done, we have core formation and primal soul formation realm people behind us it won't be that bad."

Snow learned about his resources and came to understand that, this was better than her doing anything alone on her own. She asked, "Which family are you from?"

You Xi Wang smiled and answered, "We may not be the bigshots but we are known as You Family from Silica City."

Snow fell silent and asked in surprise, "Who is You Zhichi to you?"

You Xi Wang replied with a smile, "She is my big sister, do you know her?"

Snow shook her head and said, "Know her? Celestial Saintess is my rival in sword art and never have I ever won over her."

You Xi Wang was happy to listen about this at first as he got to know that his sister won but then he was shocked his eyes widened he pointed his finger toward Snow and said loudly, "YOU ARE THE SNOW WHITE DEMONESS FROM OUR SCHOOL" he covered his mouth as soon as he finished.

Snow White Demoness was the moniker Snow has gained after she defeated every boy who wanted to see her face. This gave birth to a rumor that she is ugly. Now, when she heard You Xi Wang say this her eyes turn cold, and before she could say anything You Xi Wang said, "Who the fuck gave you this name. God almighty, these shit heads are calling this Snow fairy a demoness? Her eyes and forehead are more beautiful than their whole families collectively." he looked at Snow and in a soft voice said, "I have never seen you ever before, and I thought Snow White Demoness was scary looking, but if you are that Snow White Demoness then I guess you should be called Snow White Fairy."

He stretched his hand towards her and said in a questioning tone, "Allies?"

She stood there for a while shocked by how he called her a fairy until her eyes softened a bit and she shook his hand with a nod. You Xi Wang said happily, "I am now in alliance with a fairy."

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