A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 73: Boss.

You Xi Wang was very impressed with the technological advancement of this world. His sister held his hand and said, "Bro, this is your first time coming to the office. Your cabin has been arranged and your assistant has been appointed. Come, let's go to your cabin and get on with work."

You Zhichi led him to his cabin using the elevator. They reached the top floor, stepped out of the elevation platform. A woman and a man stood there waiting for them. The man was wearing a steel gray suit with black shoes and a black tie. He had a lean build but was as tall as You Xi Wang. The man had gray hair and a sharp-looking face with glasses resting on his nose. His face had some wrinkles around his eyes. Evidently, he was older and had more experience.

The women had a genial appearance and gave off a gentle vibe. She was wearing a white formal blouse and a black pencil skirt paired with black heels. She had her auburn hair tied in a bun. She looked like she was in her twenties, but she was in her late forties. 

You Xi Wang saw them and greeted them with a smile, "Good morning Auntie Stella, Uncle Gerrard." the woman was called Stella and the man was called Gerrard. They were both assistants to You Liangxin and Chen Limao, respectively. 

The pair greeted him in unison, "Good morning, Young master."*2

Gerrard was a major in marketing and sales, while Stella specialized in management and finance. Chen Limao and You Liangxin both had different departments to overlook. You Zhichi has taken over her mother's skill for marketing and sales while You Xi Wang had to wear his father's shoes from now on. You Liangxin and Chen Limao themselves were good at technology development but because they did not trust anyone else they took these jobs upon themselves.

Stella came forward and said, "Young Master, today is your first day in the office and you are earlier than the work hours. the staff will be very impressed."

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "You overpraise me, Auntie Stella, let's go to my cabin. Please be patient with me as I know little about business and technicalities yet." although he could be said to have some skill in business. He still needed to appear cordial on the surface. The two people were satisfied with his approach.

You Zhichi patted his shoulder and said, "Have a good first day, Bro. I am now going to get some things done. You learn, okay."

You Xi Wang nodded with a smile and left with Stella in tow. Gerrard and You Zhichi left for their offices. On the way to the cabin You Xi Wang spoke, "Auntie Stella, the works hours are 11 to 4. Is this time enough for the company to develop and compete with others?"

Stella was surprised by this question and said, "These hours were set by your father, Young master. This can be discussed in the general meeting today."

You Xi Wang nodded, and they reached the cabin. This cabin was used by his father in the past. You Xi Wang pushed the door, and an integrated lock system scanned his hand and the door opened with a click. This door could only be opened with the owner's handprint. The cabin was in the rightmost corner of the building and two walls were made of ballistic glass that can be turned dark and transparent according to the desire. The left wall of the room was directly opposite to the Cabin You Zhichi was in at the moment. 

You Xi Wang turned to the left wall to watch her cabin and found his sister looking at his office too. They both waved simultaneously and then froze. They shook their heads in sync. Stella who noticed this smiled. This was exactly like the times when they would attend office parties. You Xi Wang, then explored the whole cabin. A rectangular table was placed in the center of the room with a transparent screen set over it. The table faced the left wall, which gave him the view of his sister's office. Behind his table was a mahogany wood bookshelf. Just that the shelf was filled with documents and equipped with a laser curtain security system. Not even air could pass through, let alone a hand. 

In case of a power outage, a Lithical iron shutter would drop, closing the exposed front of the safe and closing the safe, and forget about drilling or breaking into the safe through other sides. They were all just covered with mahogany wood inside laid, two inches thick lithical iron sheets.

You Xi Wang sat on the big cushioned chair and said, "This room is just like how dad would like it. Simple and effective." 

Stella nodded on the side and took a chair opposite You Xi Wang as she began introducing him to the core members of the company and their roles and present situation of the company. They talked for an hour and it was now time for the staff to clock in. You Xi Wang said, "Auntie Stella, the general meeting will be broadcasted live through the whole edifice and also block communications with the outside for that duration of time. I want the staff to know who and what I am, yet I don't want it to leak out to our rivals."

Stella nodded since she found nothing wrong with this arrangement. She left to arrange things the way You Xi Wang asked. It was now 11.30 in the morning and You Xi Wang who was reading some documents on the computer on his table heard a knock on his cabin.

"Come in," he said in a calm manner.

You Zhichi came in and said, "Let's go, it's time for the meeting."

You Xi Wang nodded and closed the file on his computer and followed his sister to a floor below where the conference hall was located. The siblings entered the conference hall under the scrutinizing gazes of the executives. The gazes were focused on You Zhichi. She was the elder among these two. So, the executives thought You Xi Wang was just the in-name boss. This was the first big meeting held after their parents passed away. You Zhichi got nervous but her brother was beside her coughed a bit, making all the gazes fall on him.

He smiled slightly and said, "Have a seat, ladies, and gentlemen."

He pulled the chair for the Vice-chairman. Everybody thought their speculation was correct but just when some were satisfied, You Xi Wang called out for his sister. You Zhichi gracefully sat in the chair. You Xi Wang did not take a seat on his chair. He placed his forearm on the headrest of the chair and stood beside it, silently gazing at everyone.

He said in an unhurried manner, "My name is You Xi Wang and I am the son of You Liangxin. You all know that. But I am nothing like my father." his words shocked the whole staff, even only You Zhichi was unfazed as she knew it from the very beginning that her brother was his own person and not like her father.

You Xi Wang continued, "I will show due respect and gratitude to those who deserve it. I will admire those who deserve it. I want Tianlong tech to reach the position everyone here dreamed of. I ask for your support. So, I hope you all stay loyal and true to your duties for the company. Obviously, providing you with rewards for a job well done is my responsibility and I will not shrink back when that moment arrives. All the rules are the same as they were before, harmonizing together and increasing efficiency."

Executives nodded, they realized that the young man in front of them was anything but naïve. The speech continued as You Xi Wang discussed the aims for the future and the changes in the benefits of their hard work. You Xi Wang then said, "My father once said, If you don't aim to reach the top, don't aim at all. So, that is my goal. To make this company a top company that is known throughout the planet. I would like to propose a work hour change. The current work hours are from 11 to 4 in the evening. This is too inefficient. If we want to be the first we have to arrive here first too. " he paused a bit before continuing.

"I propose we work from 9 to 4, the reason is simple. I only ask for two more hours of your time. You will be compensated accordingly. Those who agree please raise your hands." he stopped and allowed people to discuss withing themselves. Five minutes after 85% of people raised their hands.

You Xi Wang looked at those who did not raise their hands and asked, "May I know, why you oppose this plan?" he was not overbearing and not easygoing and acted just like any other boss would do with an employee. An old man then said, "Young Master, some of us are old and it is not easy to get here so early by ourselves, while some have kids at home who are too young to be left alone. This is why we opposed it."

You Xi Wang pondered for a bit and said, "The company will set a daycare area where you can have your kids stay. Maids and sitters will be hired for their care and as for old people, a cab service will be provided to pick up and drop you. Is that okay?"

The executives exchanged glances and agreed with smiles on their faces, "We agree Boss." the old man who put the opinion forward was the first person acknowledged You Xi Wang as their Boss. You Xi Wang nodded with a smile and finally took a seat in the chairperson chair.

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