A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 81: Defeat.

The delinquent boy was called Hermes Jettison. He wore an open shirt and his muscles were shown in full glory, some hints of body tattooed could be seen on his chest. He had a mohawk hairstyle. His ears were pierced and his eyebrow had a cut close to the edge dividing them in two. He really looked like a thug. Schools in Metropia had no restrictions on the dressing style but only on grades. 

The two classes were fired up, one wanted to save their beautiful classmate while the other wanted to win her over. Maddison Midnight was worried, and she called Fenny.

"Fenny, I expected you to be responsible. How could you place such a brazen bet?" she spoke in a scolding tone.

"Miss, trust me. You Xi Wang is not like he was in the past anymore. Plus, you also know how he treats his close ones. Maybe, you are not aware, but he and Yuki are now a couple. Don't worry, miss, just enjoy the show." Fenny told her about Yuki and You Xi Wang dating each other. Her words helped the teacher calm down a bit. 

Daina who was also standing next to Maddison listened to all this. She was surprised by the attitude Fenny displayed. Her class was united with the rust these kids had in each other, but it was not this adamant. She turned her gaze towards You Xi Wang and found him meditating with some kids sitting next to him, including Yuki. These kids were none other than his team, Allan, Neo, Fenny, who had just left their side, and Yuki.

Daina then turned to face Maddison and said, "Say, Maddie, is this the strongest team of your class?"

Maddison nodded and looked at her friend in askance. Daina understood the question in her gaze and replied, "Isn't this student You Xi Wang known as the maestro? Why is the think tank of your class competing at the front?"

Maddison only said, "How would I know? This group is strongest because they are unpredictable. Plus, ever since this morning I feel You Xi Wang is not like how he used to be. He has gone through a lot."

Then she started telling Daina about You Xi Wang of the past. While the teachers were chatting with the class monitors, Fenny and a boy from class D called Damon came forward discussed the rules. 

For the first test, each of the competitors will get five trials. The best score will then be taken as a valid strength. The second test was of speed which was kept simple. Both of them would run from side to side and the one who finishes the track first will be the winner. The final test was to be decided by the contenders themselves. They both agreed and told their classmates about the rules. 

Hermes was the strongest in his class while You Xi Wang was known as the weakest in his. After the teachers used their authority to start the machines both of them came to stand facing each other near the Power Pole. 

You Xi Wang had a calm expression on his face. He was so calm that it looked indifferent. Those who knew him understood it was just the calm before the storm. Hermes had a scowl on his face, he was arrogant in his strength. He spoke, "You the weakling of class A, dare to play with me? You will lose your face and the girl too, Maestro."

You Xi Wang only looked at him as if he was air. His indifference was enough to irritate Hermes. Before the latter could react Fenny said, "Oi, lawn head, go take the test. I am rooting for you."

Hermes looked at Fenny in a rage. He took a step in her direction but then a soft voice stopped him, "Are you backing out?" 

It was You Xi Wang, who spoke up. Let alone, Hermes, whole class D got triggered. 

"Are you looking for death weakling?"

"Oi, oi, ain't that a high tone for a loser."

"God damn is this boy toy taking our bro as a joke."

A lot of comments came forward from the students of class D just when class A wanted to reply they heard a snap sound and they all swallowed their words. 

You Xi Wang spoke again, "Since you will not make a move, I will do it myself."

He did not wait for Hermes to reply and came to stand next to the pole. He spread his legs and bend his knees a bit. He bends his elbows and raised his hands to his waist. He took a deep breath and infused his spiritual energy in his fist. 


The whole room fell into silence after he landed his blow on the pole. The pole was vibrating slightly. Readings appeared on the calculation panel.

1000 kg.

This was a reading of a peak spiritual formation, but You Xi Wang was in the early spiritual realm. This shocked the whole room.

You Xi Wang turned to Hermes, who was stuck in a stupor and said, "I will take only one attempt because I always try to do my best. Your turn,"

His voice was calm, but his words were arrogant. Hermes gritted his teeth and gave him a cold look. You Xi Wang still looked at him in indifference. Hermes came next to the pole and took his stance. He punched out. 


A sound rang out, but it was not as loud as You Xi Wang's. Again the numbers appeared on the screen. 

750 kg.

800 kg was the strength of someone in the peak middle-level spiritual formation. Hermes was a genuine fifth level spiritual realm cultivator. His strength was valid, but compared to You Xi Wang it was all in vain. The winner of the first round was decided. 

Hermes then looked at You Xi Wang and said, "You might be strong, but I, Hermes, is faster. Just you wait to eat my dust, kid."

You Xi Wang didn't reply and moved to take a position on the Speed Lane, Hermes followed him and stood next to him. According to the rules, any contact between the two competitors will lead to a straight disqualification of the initiator.

Daina spoke in a loud voice, "On your marks." 

You Xi Wang and Hermes bent forward, spreading their legs. 

Daina spoke again, "Get set."

The competitors then raised their heads and focused on the tracks while infusing their spiritual energies in their feet. They were ready to move at any moment.

Daina's voice rang out in their ears, "Go!"

Just as these words left her mouth the two people on the track vanished. They ran with all their might and You Xi Wang did not hold back anything or underestimated his opponent in the slightest of manner. Hermes was the same, he was cautious of You Xi Wang after the Power-Pole test. But the reality was cruel. Despite all his effort, You Xi Wang was an inch ahead of him. The Speed lane was completed soon. They both reached the end. 

The system then showed the image of both of them crossing the finish line almost simultaneously. The speed data was also displayed along with the image. 

129 km/Ph for You Xi Wang and 127 km/Ph for Hermes. This result also shocked the crowd, because the difference was minimal, but it was in You Xi Wang's favor. There were murmurs inside the room, they all were discussing the outcome of this race in hushed voices. 

Hermes was so angered that he almost coughed up blood. He could not understand how was this kid so powerful. He looked at You Xi Wang and saw the latter had some beads of sweat on his forehead. This made him understand that his opponent was not looking down on him but was doing his best to defeat him, You Xi Wang's image in his heart raised a bit after this. 

He did not provoke him and directly went to the quadrant-off area and held a spear in his hand. He gestured to You Xi Wang to come and fight with him. The latter accepted and followed. 

Hermes spoke, "I have heard that you are proficient in the art of spear. How about we compare in the same?"

You Xi Wang nodded and accepted his proposal. He waved his hand, and a spear appeared in his hand. It was the spear Fenny had changed for him. They both took their stance and Maddison snapped her fingers. The battle began. They kept exchanging moves and their attacks were all very sharp and dangerous, but the other party always parried or dodge it. You Xi Wang opened up a gap between him and Hermes and said, "One move to decide?" 

The latter nodded in acceptance.

In the crowd of students, Neo spoke, "Bro Wang is going to use that?"

Allan by his side nodded. Yuki watched the whole exchange with a poker face, but inside her heart was beating like drums. She was happy because her boyfriend was fighting for her and nervous if he suffered any injury. Despite being cultivators, they were still teenagers.

You Xi Wang moved and his spear formed beautiful arcs. The wind moved along with the spear tip. The winds acted as knives of wind. Hermes countered with his own spear sense. But You Xi Wang had already looked into a higher ability, the spear intent. As they both moved and the competition stagnated at a level, he started releasing the spear intent.

Spears of wind started forming and follow his attacks. Hermes was getting pushed back, he was feeling overwhelmed, without giving up he kept countering with his own attacks but when they both exchanged a hundred moves You Xi Wang increased the pace of his moves, He was now dancing with his spear, his attacks were now grazing Hermes and scratch started forming on his clothes. 

This movement was exquisite, and the students were dumbstruck after watching You Xi Wang's battle skills. Maddison and Daina exchanged a glance and started recording this move. And as the dance progressed, the wind surrounding You Xi Wang took the form of a dragon. The dragon roared, shaking all the students. The dragon rose and dived under the spear tip. It was as if a magician moving his wand and directing a spell. 

"Piercing Dragon" You Xi Wang stabbed his spear, the dragon moved at a frightening speed and Hermes said hastily, "I admit defeat" the spear tip which was enshrouded by the dragon form energy appeared in front of his brows. He heaved a sigh of relief. He never expected this so-called weakling to be so dangerous. 

The teachers came to their side. They were about to speak when You Xi Wang spoke.

"Metropia Penal Code, article 980, recording anyone's martial skills without knowledge is punishable by 50 lashes." his meaning was clear, he did not permit his teachers to record his skills as the revelation of his skills could prove detrimental if leaked, he was not undefeatable.

Both teachers felt embarrassed and reluctantly deleted the videos in their Holo-Phone. After this You Xi Wang was declared the winner. The rest of the students started taking their tests.

He started walked towards a corner to sit down as others started taking the exams when a guy from Class D attempted to do a sneak attack on him. Others were surprised, and a scream rang out inside the room.

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