A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 83: Assessment.

After treating Thomas Colt with his skills, he came back to the Strength Testing Room. His class was still getting their results. He sat down in the corner, waiting quietly. He had no interest in mingling with people on his own. After reincarnation, his mentality has changed. Maya and the other pups came to his side and sat down there in peace as the others were busy in their assessment.

Daina noticed him from the monitoring area. She was curious about this guy, so she made her way over to him. She spoke, "Student You Xi Wang, thank you for saving me from the accusation of teaching a dark dweller."

You Xi Wang locked eyes with her and said with an indifferent face, "It is what one should do."

Daina did not expect him to give her such a cold reaction and was taken back. Even though she dressed up differently from the others, she was not ugly in any manner. She probed again, "Student You Xi Wang, do you mind telling me, how did you know that Thomas was a dark dweller?"

"Teacher Daina, I have faced She Congming earlier and noticed his behavior. Dark dwellers are impulsive, and when they make a move, the spiritual energy does not fluctuate. It is a very minute change, but it will be noticed if you keep up your guard. The stronger a dark dweller, the better they conceal it." You Xi Wang replied.

Daina was surprised to know such a thing even existed. Then she felt shameful for not knowing all this as a teacher, yet a student in his teens knew this. She stood there in contemplation. Just when she was about to ask something Maddison also came beside You Xi Wang with Yuki helping her.

Maddison smiled and said, "You Xi Wang, you have done a good job."

You Xi Wang smiled lightly while replying with a thank you. Yuki came to his side and crouched down to play with the pups. Maddison looked at the pups and Maya, who was sleeping in You Xi Wang's lap, caught her eye. She asked, "This white one is your spirit beast, right?"

The latter nodded while he kept stroking Maya on her back. Maya snuggled closer to show her fondness. Maddison looked at Daina and asked her with a weird look. 

Maddison asked, "You are not thinking about poaching my student, are you?"

Daina immediately looked away, scratching the back of her head.

Maddison pouted, "Daina, I will never let this happen. Go mind your class."

Daina gave her a sheepish smile and spoke, "Like maybe we can exchange our students no? This will be a good experience."

Maddison was about to speak, but Yuki cut her short, "Teacher Daina, please give up. This plan might backfire on your class."

Daina looked at her a bit and then remembered how Hermes fought with You Xi Wang, and given the violent and rebellious streak inside the students of her class. It might turn out into a roadside brawl inside the class. Thinking about this, she gave up her idea, shaking her head. 

Daina sighed and spoke, "Student You Xi Wang, if ever need my help do not hesitate, as long as it is within my power I will lend you a hand. Okay, see you guys around. Take care sis." after bidding farewell to Maddison, she left to complete conducting the initial tests for her class. 

Soon, Allan, Neo, and Fenny were done with their tests and came over. They also completed the registration for the annual assessment. You Xi Wang picked up Maya and told his friends he needs to get to his office as he had a meeting to attend. The others also left to prepare for the assessment. What they were unaware of was that You Xi Wang's way of handling Thomas Colt has made him come into the limelight and the school. 

The executioner department sent Tanaka Kinben to take over the scene, and when he found out it was You Xi Wang who did this, he put a gag order on the news. This order prevented everyone from leaking any word about it because if the news leaked out and someone attacked You Xi Wang to avenge Thomas Colt this would become a blemish on The Council's face. 


You Xi Wang rushed to his office and started dealing with things to stabilize the company. He also held meetings about the direction of their new products. The furniture he wanted to produce was bean bags, this was the easiest project, the technology eased up sewing up a leather bag and filling it with a gel-like substance which will take re-shape when anyone sat down on it. Metropia did not use styrofoam, so they came up with a gel which was even more convenient than styrofoam.

You Zhichi planned a thorough advertisement campaign for selling this product. You Xi Wang kept cultivating in his free time and conducting meetings for launching the guitar and soccer video game. The council has given them a no-objection certificate as these two ideas were not found harmful for society. The Council even praised their company for taking such a unique approach towards the development of the world. 

The days flew by in a blink and before they knew. The day of assessment was here. The assessment was always held in the wild. The area was combed and pacified by the Council. The executioners would eliminate every threat higher than the average level of the students taking part in the assessment. The annual assessment was held at the same time all over the planet. Silica City, Croma City, and Neon City were neighboring cities. They were allocated the same zone for the assessment. This location was never to be disclosed before the assessment officially started. This step was taken to prevent any student or their families from interfering with the process. Executioners from the council were posted to watch over the transparency. 

The school would assign their teachers to safeguard the students in dangerous situations, but this only was not enough. There were still some deaths happening in the assessments. The goal was to survive in the forest. The students could raid each other and grab their tokens. These tokens were given to them by their schools. When a student losses their token, they would be thrown out of the examination area. Besides this, one can also survive by collecting beast cores. Ten beast cores were equal to one student token. 

The exchange ratio was cruel, but this also taught everyone a lesson. Only with strength can one live. The process would last for a week. The score list was displayed live. The area was a circle with thousand miles in diameter. The scale of these examinations was worldwide and given that this world was ten times as big as the earth You Xi Wang was not shocked when he researched all the information. 

He asked all his friends to wear a black battle suit. They even painted their weapons in black. The motive was to hunt at night. Their black suits and weapons would help them in hiding. They could not take any form of medicine and rations with them. Otherwise, how would they learn to survive? Those who had spirit beasts had a restriction set over them. They could not use their shared skills by themselves. Only the beast can cast their skill and not the human.

This would limit them from taking advantage of the situation. It was understandable that some people are stronger than others but the strength of a spirit beast was a boost that can not be matched with just hard work. Imagine two people of the same realm, but one of them has a spirit beast companion? Not fair.

You Xi Wang and his team arrived at their school wearing their battle suits. They all looked spectacular. Maddison passed them all with the student tokens and said addressing the whole class, "I do not care about the rules, but if any of you attacked each other to score, or rejected to help in need. You can forget about stepping inside my classroom afterward. Do you get it?"

Her firm voice made students understand that their teacher was not joking at all. They all replied in sync, "Yes, Miss."

Maddison smiled and nodded, "Good, now go get them."

The class cheered and all of them departed to take the airship they were assigned to. An airship looked like an aircraft carrier but was equipped with thrust engines running on spirit cores. This was a magnificent vehicle. They could use Holo-Phones, but they could not contact their classmates other than their team. While they were on the airship an officer from the council tweaked with their Holo-phones and set them according to the guidelines. 

They all checked their equipment. You Xi Wang received calls from his family wishing him all the best. Emily and Susan called him together to wish him and Yuki good luck. You Zhichi also called him she tried to hide her concern with a smile. This made You Xi Wang feel warm. He assured them he will take care of himself. he asked his sister to focus on herself, as her examination will also be held later. Celestia was the only one who complained to him about leaving her and not taking her out for a picnic. You Xi Wang, the maestro had to spare a lot of effort to coax this little fairy into forgiving him. After an hour they reached their destination.

The area designated to them was called Fire Dunes. The mode of disembarkment was a dive from the airship and using the parachutes inside their battle suits to land safely. Thus, You Xi Wang, and his team jumped off from the airship.

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