A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 87: The ding ding dong is gone.

Ronald and the cronies were stunned after they saw Mary take up a human form. She was a lady of elegance. Slender long legs, plump butt, waist looked as if it was molded by hands of an artisan, two proud peaks hidden behind big sized seashells, a deep crevice of beauty parting them. Her figure was dripping with beauty and charisma. 

Her face also changed, an oval face, long eyebrows curving downwards, two big sparkly black eyes, a sharp gaze. Her long smooth nose and thin lips. She was a piece of art created by God to define beauty. Ronald has totally forgotten about any other woman in this world. He wanted only her.

Well, it may sound exaggerated, but that is how things are in illusions. Yes, when they were busy focusing on the water-woman, Maya created an extensive illusion with You Xi Wang's help. This was the final nail in the coffin for the boys as they were too focused on the water woman. 


On the outside of this illusion, Lara Michel was the only one who was not under the control of You Xi Wang and Maya. Neo closed in on the cave receiving You Xi Wang's go signal. He entered the cave and subdued the girl after some struggle. He knocked her out and as You Xi Wang asked him, he used her Holo-phone to record whatever was going to happen next and came out of the cave so he does not get caught in the video by mistake. 

(You all must think why can Neo access Lara's Holo-phone despite it being so secure and advanced. Well, Holo-phone has a flaw too. Despite being so advanced and secure, it unlocks when it scans the fingerprint of the person wearing it. And since Neo subdued her, how hard could it be to manipulate a finger?)


Inside the illusion.

Ronald and others were mesmerized by Mary's appearance, so they unconsciously gulp a mouth full of saliva. Their third legs woke up just besetting sights on Mary's curves. They were determined to complete the test and then get her under them on the bed. 

Ronald asked, "Mary, I am called Ronald Colt. Can I ask you a question?"

Mary nodded and Ronald asked, "How can we breathe underwater?"

Mary tilted her head and said, "Atlantis is blessed by the God of seas. All humans here can breathe underwater."

Chris spoke, "Can you tell us more about your God of Seas?"

Mary replied in a monotonous tone, "You will know after the test." she paused and then continued, "Follow me to the trial grounds. It just so happens that today is the day of my clan's annual trial ceremony so every man in the empire will take the test."

The group of boys was curious and followed her with no complaints. On the way, they saw the wonders of Atlantis which they never could have imagined. The females were extremely beautiful, and the males looked extremely strong. Some people were walking on two feet while some were riding sea creatures. They reached a square where a statue was standing. This statue was of a man who looked handsome and held a trident in his left hand while his right hand was pointing forward. He looked very valiant and awe-inspiring. The eyes of the statues were as if they were following the group.

Mary stopped and bowed to the statue. The boys followed her actions. They did this with two motives, first, if this statue was a living entity then by bowing they will show it due respect and not to offend it. The second, to create a good impression on Mary that they respected her culture. This moved could be called sleek, but Mary was a beautiful illusion and they were not aware of this. 

Mary spoke, "This is our founding father, Poseidon, the god of the seas."

They nodded and after the brief introduction, they followed her and reached a big open training field. The field was filled with thousands of men standing in queues holding butcher knives in their hands. They all looked like a well-trained army. They were all draped in Blue Colored cloth. They wore matching Dhotis. Mary led the group to a high pedestal and asked them to stand there. 

Before leaving she said, "If you all could really perform the first part of the task unflinchingly, no matter who becomes my groom the others can marry my sisters, and just so you know, we are all untainted." she pointed to a pavilion nearby where a lot of Aphroditic women stood gazing at the guys and whispering something to each other now and then. Some even waved to them. This was enough stimulant for them.

Ronald said, "Let's conquer this place." and his lackeys nodded.

Mary left after flashing them all an expectant smile. This shocked the guys.

Tom spoke, "I don't mind spending my whole life just to have one hour of her life"

Jared sneered, "I will do that for 30 minutes."

Chris spoke, "I will do that also but not just her, her sisters."

Ronald said, "Brothers, the time has come when we all conquer these beauties and live a blissful life."

They all cheered inside the illusion while in reality, they looked like they were all just standing there in the cave with a vigilant expression on their faces.


Inside the illusion, on the podium where they stood came an old man who introduced himself as the royal priest of Atlantis, the group of hooligans then bowed to him earning themselves a nod. 

The priest then turned to the crowd of men below and said in a normal voice, "These guests are the nominal candidates of princess Mary's future grooms. As long as one of them succeeds, he will be married to the princess, and if all of them passed, then the princess will select who do they all want to Mary. Now show them how to take the test. For Atlanta."

"For Atlanta." a cry shook the sky, and the men raised their butter knives and undid their dhotis. They were now buck naked and before the boys on the podium could discern anything, these men slashed down in a synced motion. 


They cut down their 'ding ding dongs' with no hesitation and did not make a sound. The boys on the podium were shocked and felt their souls sucked out of them. They all exchanged glances, but just when they were about to flee, rays of light descended from the sky and the men below the podium were all showered in it. Soon there 'ding ding dongs' grew back. Their physiques were enhanced at a visible pace. This sight left the boy even more confused. They turned to face the royal priest.

The old man then said, "This is a test by our god Poseidon. When one succeeds he blesses them and their genitals also grow back. We all have gone through this test and all received the blessing of the god." throughout this process his voice was calm and his face had a smile.

The boys exchanged glances and after watching the phenomena in front of them, they believed it to be real. The royal priest then said, "You can close your eyes and before you slash you can chant, "For the strength of Poseidon. That will help you abandon every distraction. Since you are all blessed, warriors please use your own spiritual energy to form blades. Warriors of Atlantis cannot practice spirit that is why we rely on metal knives."

The boys were hesitant and looked at each other, just when they were about to give up some sweet voices yelled, "We are waiting for you, husband."

The boys turned and saw all those aphroditic women waving at them, with their eyes filled with expectations. They nodded and hardened their hearts. 

They closed their eyes and undid their pants. They raised their hands. Their respective spiritual energies gathered and formed blades. They yelled, "For the strength of Poseidon."


After the silence of initial moments, they all issued cries of agony. 


Neo who was watching from outside gulped and the hair on his neck stood up. He could not imagine what kind of illusion made these guys cut off their penis. 

The boys inside the cave fell, holding their crotches. Ronald opened his eye with great effort and when he saw that the surrounding area is no longer the underwater paradise, he yelled, "Lies." 

He wanted to rush out of the cave and find the one who did it and tear him to pieces, but the pain made him roll on the ground like a worm. Shroud was ordered by You Xi Wang to go inside the cave and wake up Lara Michel. The Night upper followed the instructions and using shadows came under Lara and licked her cheeks a bit. He masterfully avoided being caught in the video frame. That was innate instincts of a Night Hound.

"Mmm, Young Master Colt, you are so naughty," Lara mumbled while she was unconscious, and as if a bolt of lightning hit her she sat upright remembering how she was knocked out by a burly boy. She checked around and saw her four friends rolling on the ground with their hands on their crotch, which was bleeding profusely. 

She rushed towards Ronald Colt and asked him, "Young master, we were attacked. What happened to you." her expression was that of panic. 

Ronald replied, "Get me some medicine to stop this pain."

"Yes." Lara moved like flash and opened her storage, she took out some herbs and mashed them together. Then carefully she put some of them under Ronald Colt's tongue and repeated the same thing to others. A few minutes later their pain eased and they managed to sit up looking at their 'ding ding dongs' on the ground they felt aggrieved and enraged. Lara also saw their penises on the ground and covered her mouth not daring to utter a single sound. It was only then she felt something wrong with her Holo-Phone. 

She checked and saw that her Holo-phone recorded the entire thing. She closed the recorder and just then they were all tranqed by a sniper-rifle and fell unconscious.

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