A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 89: Backed off.

The group was shocked because You Xi Wang was levitating in the air. Yuki rushed to his side and saw Maya growling at her to stop her. Her intention was clear, not to disrupt whatever was happening. You Xi Wang was undergoing another minor upgrade in his soul cultivation. The pressure inside the hide-out was increasing with every passing moment. Allan hurriedly asked Neo to close the opening and used his spiritual energy to lit up the dark cave. 

They did not want the pressure to leak out of the cave, lest it attracts some unwanted elements to disturb them. As time passed, the group found the pressure more unbearable. They wanted to move but found themselves totally bound by the pressure coming from You Xi Wang's body. The wolf pups were a different story altogether. They were sitting near You Xi Wang and curled up together. Their eyes were closed, and they seemed to have been meditating. The golden light radiating from You Xi Wang was nourishment for them to temper their growing physiques and improve their bloodlines.

Fenny saw this and slowly with great effort moved near You Xi Wang and sat down in a lotus position. She started meditating. After a few minutes, her ragged breathing calmed down and became even. The pressure was now not grinding on her but blending with her cultivation. She analyzed and opened her eyes.

"You guys, come and sit near Xi Wang. The pressure coming from him is unique. It is helping my cultivation grow. Come quickly." with that, she closed her eyes again and fell into a meditative state. Yuki followed her instantly and came near You Xi Wang with Allan and Neo in tow. Neo was sitting near the cave entrance, which made him the furthest and the latest to reach You Xi Wang. After a few minutes, they all realized that what Fenny said was correct and this pressure was a good thing. 

A couple of hours passed by when the pressure started decreasing. The group felt it and opened their eyes. They looked towards their hovering friend with anticipation in their eyes. You Xi Wang's body gradually descended on the ground. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around at his friends. He smiled at them. Maya came to snuggle her head into his cheek. He gently stroked her fur with an affectionate smile on his face. 

Yuki came to his side. She held his face and kissed him forcefully. You Xi Wang was shocked by this action of hers. But being a guy, he responded to her advances in full fervor. Fenny on the other side crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the floor, waiting for them to stop.

After 40 seconds when the couple separated, they heard a clapping sound. They turned and saw Fenny clapping her hands with a sweet smile on her face. They both felt chills in their heart. The last time she did this was when she found them gazing into each other's eyes for too long, so she just glued their nose together with ultra glue. Ultra glue took an hour for the doctors to take off from their noses. 

You Xi Wang hurriedly covered his lips and spoke, "Momma, she forced herself on me. It is not my fault." he was so scared of Fenny that he did not even think twice and threw Yuki under the bus. 

Yuki did not feel bad but also did the same, "Momma Fenny, I swear, it was him who kept ongoing." they both could kill themselves for each other and destroy the world for a smile on the other's face but for Fenny, they would sacrifice the other person with no hesitation. 

Fenny sneered and said, "Oh, so you remember that I am present here? I thought, I am invisible. Come show me how you both were licking and sucking each other like dogs. Show me, my babies." her tone was very soft and warm but this warmth was deadly. Neo and Allan slowly crept away from them, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. 

Yuki and You Xi Wang kept shaking their heads. Fenny sighed, "To think my kids were such wanton bitches. They have no shame in exchanging their saliva when momma is present. I wonder if they jump on to hump each other every time they are alone. Neo, you know about beasts, right? What do you call those lustful pups with pink fur?"

Neo replied, "Cupid Dingo, momma." 

"Ah, yes cupid dingo, those pups mate all year round and their population is so fast-growing that it is scary. I wonder if Yuki will produce kids on yearly basis too." Fenny spoke in a weak voice. Her expressions were as if she was really scared.

There was no sound inside the hideout for a few seconds and then Fenny yelled, "You horny ball sacks and cunts. Do you not know that some people do not have a happening sex life? Next time I find you hoes performing PDA, I am castrating you. Do you get me?"

"Yes, momma." Yuki and You Xi Wang replied in sync. The reason Fenny always reacted like this was not that she was jealous or anything, but because she had found no one and despite being open-minded and all she was quite conservative on the inside so PDA was something she never liked.

After the situation calmed down, they talked about how You Xi Wang did what he did, and he told them everything about his soul prowess. He did not feel any need to hide any of his skills from them. They were all very touched by this display of brotherhood by him. They decided to never betray each other and even swore a heavenly oath for this. Allan narrated how they raided when You Xi Wang was asleep. They also told him they are known as the phantoms now. 

You Xi Wang knew that they had a nickname but did not understand that it was so popular now. They rested and headed out to raid when the dawn arrived. You Xi Wang took the lead, and the raids became easier to conduct. They raided 6 squads in three hours. Their points started soaring and their name started climbing the list quickly. They would stop and rest as they did in the past. The group totally owned the sneak attack method. 

You Xi Wang and his team were now in the top 10. This shocked everyone when they learned about this. It was the second last day of the assessment when this team showed its prowess. The presiding invigilators were very calm and kept on watching the show. This was very normal that some teams will show off their prowess at the end of the examination. The group continued to hunt regardless of the time and reached the top 5 by the evening.

Now with one day left, there were only five groups left inside the area of examination. You Xi Wang and his friends did not run through the area to search for the teams but laid a trap any genius or expert won't avoid. 

They set off a flare that could be seen from the whole assessment field. The flare attracted the fourth and third group on the list, and they were handled by You Xi Wang and his team with some effort. You Xi Wang and Neo got injured while Yuki and Fenny had some slight flesh wounds. But they won those two groups and taking over the accumulated number of student tokens they were now the first team on the list and they left the region again to sit down and hide inside the cliffs and hills.

You Xi Wang and others rested for a day before healing completely. The assessment ended. You Xi Wang and his team received the top result with humble smiles on their faces. They were all escorted to the hospital for a mandatory check, where they came across Edward Colt, who was also inside the hospital to meet his eunuch son. You Xi Wang and Edward Colt came across each other and the wind inside the hospital went turbulent.

Edward Colt spoke to him with a sneering face, "I see the You family's Young master is also taking part in this harmful exam?"

You Xi Wang stopped and his face became calm. He spoke, "You have a problem with that?"

Edward was surprised and then again sneered, "Such a high tone, are you not afraid of my guards?"

You Xi Wang walked towards him and said, "You really do not want to provoke me. You minion of the death sect. I will put you in the coffin one day." his voice was slow and only the two of them could listen to each other. 

Hearing his words, Edwards's pupils dilated to needles, and he asked, "I will tear you apart."

You Xi Wang spoke, "Come and try. Dark dweller."

Edward found out that this guy knew his secrets, which if disclosed will become the means of his destruction. He backed off and glared at You Xi Wang with eyes full of killing intent. You Xi Wang also did not back out and glared back. After a few minutes, Edward snorted and left the area. 

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