A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 91: Dinner Date With Sisters.

You Xi Wang boarded the airship heading home with a dazzling smile. His handsome and blissful appearance caused some girls to have their hearts start racing while the guys just wanted to rip his face off with a scythe. He came inside the airship and sat down beside Allan and Neo. The inside of the airship was more like a commercial airline, just way too spacious than the carriers on the earth. This world was simply extravagance materialized. 

Neo Paul tried to hold in his curiosity but just after two minutes he failed and asked You Xi Wang.

"Bro Wang, why are you in lady killer mode. Leave some dough for your brothers too, man. By the way, what is the reason behind this smile of yours." he gave away his motive after some teasing. 

Allan on the other side shook his head and said, "Neo, calm down. He will tell us when he wants to." this time Neo shook his head and thought inside his heart, 'Could it be that bro Allan is possessed by some old ancestor. That must not be the case. How come his temper became like that of an old and sensible man. I just hope he does not die a virgin. God, please help him.'

If Allan were to know that his musclehead brother was having such thoughts he might bust a fuse and spank the former's butt to kingdom come. You Xi Wang just sighed with the pleasure he felt recalling how Edward Colt looked like. This incident ensured quite a few things in his future. 

The first, Edward Colt suffered such a severe blow at the hands of his dear son.

Second, his relationship with the three families, The Crows, The Benedicts, and the Steiners turned sour. Not only on the personal front but also the professional front as the three families pulled out from investing in his ventures. 

Third, The Crow family was known for going the extra mile to help their friends, You Xi Wang can be said to have gained the friendship of The Crow family. The Benedict Family was the same and the Steiners were known for the brutality their enemies face on standing against them. 

Fourth, the fact of You Liangxin and Chen Limao having an accident on the way back from an unfruitful meeting with Edward Colt did plant the seed of suspicion. If You Family suffered any personal grievance it will be pinned at Edwar Colt. So a few months will be now smooth sailing and his sister can come out in the public eye. But You Xi Wang did not turn a blind eye to the potential danger in the shadows. After all who knows what kind of cards this dark dwelling parasite had.

You Xi Wang spoke, "I just put my hand inside Edward Colt's gut and twisted it inside out. Hahaha... and I discovered that this dark bug is a coward who can only harm you from the shadows. But that is also his skill, after all, catching someone off-guard requires a cunning fox brain."

After that, he explained to them both what he did, and when he was done, instead of laughing his friends were feeling rather flabbergasted. The airship moved through the void (empty space in the atmosphere/ sky, etc;) at a stable speed, and soon the group touched down on the asphalt of Silica City. All of the First-year students from the Silica academy were gathered at the airport (Well, not everything needs a different name,). 

The faculty of the academy was also here to take custody of their students from the council executives. The family members were also there to check on their children. Amidst the gaze of School faculty and the family members, the council officials guided the students out after setting their Holo-phones back to the way they were before the examination. You Xi Wang and his team all followed the executioners in a disciplined manner, like soldiers. 

Celestia was sitting on Roberts's shoulder to have a better view of the situation. This little girl was so loveable that even the Iron-Faced butler of You Xi Wang succumbed and let her be willful with him this time. Celestia was a sensible girl and the elders in the family taught her good values. So she knew how to behave. She turned out to be very disciplined as well. She was bobbing her small head up and down and was eagerly waiting for You Xi Wang. 

"Muu, Uncle Robert, why is big brother still not here?" the doll-faced girl pouted her rosy lips looking very adorable. 

"Aww, who wronged my little Celes." a voice and affectionate voice came from behind and You Xi Wang approached them wearing his Black Battlesuit. Celestia jumped down from Robert's shoulders. This girl forgot that she is not yet very proficient in balancing her body and she twisted her ankle and was about to fall on her face when You Xi Wang came to her rescue and caught her in his arms. 

The girl had water gathering in her eyes from the pain of twisting her ankle. You Xi Wang could not see her like this and channeled his spirit energy through her ankle and the pain faded away, the ankle was as if it was never twisted. Celes knew how her pain went away and she spoke in a small voice, "Sorry to be a mess big brother."

You Xi Wang pinched her cute as a button nose and shook his head, "I know you jumped because you wanted to meet me right? Next time be careful. My Celes will not make the same mistake twice, right?"

Celes vigorously nodded her small head, and let You Xi Wang carry her in his arms. Then You Xi Wang headed to see his school faculties to inform them about leaving for home. On the way to meet his teacher in charge a lot of students from the other classes, who were either spared by him or were helped during the exam congratulated him for coming out on the top, while the parents of the students also came forward and made introductions, they all knew that You Xi Wang was known as the Maestro and he had inherited the Tianlong Technologies after his parents passed away. 

Maddison completed the formalities and then asked him to report to the school in the morning the next day. His team also followed suit and left home with their families. Fenny was tagging along with You Xi Wang as her parents were busy working at the company and Yuki followed him because she wanted to talk to his sister about the insights she had gained during the examinations. You Zhichi was a girl with a cultivation base of the sixth level of the spirit formation. Her skills were a force to be reckoned with. She was also capable in the way of the sword and had achieved Sword intent at the age of 19. She was 21 now so her skills should have improved.

After coming back home Celestia was speaking less and less. You Xi Wang noticed this and asked her, "What happened Celes, do you want to say something?"

The girl looked into his eyes with some hesitation in her eyes. You Xi Wang smiled at her and encouraged her to speak her mind. The girl said, "Big brother when you were gone. Uncle Haoren took kiki and lucy out to eat. He invited me as well but I said, I will go with big brother. Can we go?"

You Xi Wang caressed her head and said, "Okay, let's go and eat outside today. Okay? Let me change my clothes and take a bath first okay? Who else should we invite?"

Celestia shook her head and said, "No others, they don't let Celes have ice cream."

You Xi Wang laughed and said, "Okay, just you, me, and big sister Zhichi. Is that okay with you?"

Celes bloomed into a big smile and nodded her head and she also rushed to tell You Zhichi about the plan and change her clothes. You Xi Wang took a shower and changed into his favorite white shirt and blue jeans. He waited for Celes and his big sister to arrive by dealing with some tasks in the family, listening to some reports, and passing down some instructions. 

You Zhichi was busy discussing things with Yuki and when Celes came to tell her about this plan. She started multi-tasking, she chose a white top and blue jeans. She would always twin her clothes with her brother when going for a casual dinner. But the surprising thing was that the little Celestia was also wearing the same color combination of clothes. When the two of them entered the main gathering hall of the family, the three of them looked at each other and started laughing. 

You Xi Wang asked Robert to drive them to a place called The Hearty Kitchen. This place was newly opened and he got to know about it from a cousin of his. He met inside the gathering hall during the time he was listening to the reports. This place had a rule, that if the guest could cook something new then they will be forever VIPs of the place. The dishes in this world were somewhat bland compared to the Earth. 

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