A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 51st

On the back of her little iron plate, there was a logo printed. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

On the blue (color) primer, a magenta-shaped three-petal flower pattern was sprayed with white paint, with an eye in the middle of the petals.

Even if a small part was cut off because of the cutting of the iron sheet, it was still obvious. This is the sign Lu Xingchi said undoubtedly.

The small iron plate has rough edges and a sloppy shape. It is obviously made of scrap iron.

Bei Nuan had noticed that the back of the piece of iron she was hanging was a piece of white (color) paint, and the back of the piece of Lu Xingchi’s was blue (color) paint with a few white (color) lines on it.

Looking at the thickness and texture of the iron plate, it should all come from the same kind of iron sheet.

And this piece of the small spoon happened to have the logo printed on the back.

This is really a broken iron shoe, it turned out to be hidden under the eyelids.

Bei Nuan hurried out and called in Lu Xingchi who was waiting outside the door.

After Lu Xing came in late, he took Xiao Shao’s iron medal and looked at it, pondered for a moment, and asked, “These iron medals, shouldn’t they be made by Lao Hu?”

Xiao Shao replied: “Yes, he said that he cut it out of scrap iron. His kind of iron is the only one on the island. No one else has it, and there is no way to imitate it.”

It turned out to be anti-counterfeiting.

Jiang Fei has already turned around to leave, “We are going to see that old Hu again.”

Several people were looking for Bei Nuan on the island yesterday, wishing to turn the whole island over. Now they are more familiar with the maze-like cave, and they are familiar with it.

Lao Hu still stayed in the empty cave last time.

It’s just that he didn’t play cards with others this time, and he was the only one in the cave.

He was slumped in his chair like mud, drinking from a stainless steel cup for drinking water. He was half drunk, his eyes were hollow and blurred, and he stared at the top of the cave in a daze.

The wine is probably the kind brewed on the island itself. It has a strong taste and can be smelled from far away.

Seeing Lu Xingchi and the others coming in, he asked in a daze, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Yeah. I have something to ask you.”

Lu Xingchi raised his hand, and his iron plate was hung on his slender finger, and it flickered.

“You made this thing?”

Lao Hu drank a lot of wine, glanced at the sign, and didn’t take Lu **oss seriously.

He was busy drinking, and didn’t want to care about Lu Xingchi, reached out his hand and held the cup again, “Did I do it, why should I tell you?”

Lu Xing was silent (color).

The cup in Lao Hu’s hand suddenly (takes off the tuo) hand.

As if being snatched away suddenly, the cup flew into the air by itself, and then hovered.

As if there is an invisible (violent) hand, in three or two strokes, a good cup is crumpled into a pitiful ball.

The remaining wine in the glass was squeezed out, splashing Lao Hu all over his body like rain.

“I have limited patience.”

Lu Xingchi still picked up the sign in his hand with his finger, and asked again, “You made this thing?”

This time even if Old Hu was drinking too much, he knew that something extraordinary had happened in front of him (fafa), and he didn’t dare to provoke Lu Xingchi anymore.

He was stunned for a moment before he said, “I did it by myself.”

“Where did the iron sheet you use for this come from?”

Lu Xing shook the iron sign later.

Lao Hu mobilized his brain, which was not lightly numbed by alcohol, and thought hard.

“It’s a box in the warehouse. There are a lot of empty boxes of this kind in the warehouse. I took out a few and made several boxes of iron plates. They have not been distributed until now.”

“Do you have any empty boxes left?” Lu Xing chi asked.


Lu Xing did not speak for a while, and glanced at him with a look of “Will you show it to me?”

Old Hu quickly stood up.

He was drunk, unable to stand still, trying to maintain his balance, staggered to the wall, and dragged out an iron box from the place where the sundries were placed under the curtain.

The iron box is blue (color), and some places are painted with white (color) stripes.

Bei Nuan saw the sign Lu Xingchi said at a glance. The logo was painted on the corner of the box, and there were a few letters and lines of fine print beside it.

Lu Xing squatted down and looked over the iron box carefully.

“It turned out to be humanitarian aid.” Lu Xingchi told Bei Nuan and the others, “It was donated by an organization called lbd.”

“Have you heard of this lbd?” Lu Xingchi raised his head and asked Lao Hu.

Lao Hu sat back in the chair strenuously, trying to keep his eyes flushed with alcohol, “Huh?”

Lu Xingchang changed his question, “Have you received humanitarian aid before on the island?”

This old Hu knows.

“This place is flooded every year. There was once a storm in the past two years. The salt river burst its banks and flooded the fields planted in many places.”

Bei Nuan knew about this, and it was written in the book that the N country was hit by a disaster.

Lao Hu continued: “After the flood subsided that year, there were famines everywhere, and many people died. Later, some people brought in a lot of food.”

Old Hu thought for a while, and suddenly figured it out.

“I remember, this kind of box seems to have been shipped that time, right? The other boxes are made of cardboard, which is of no use. It’s been kept in the warehouse.”

Lu Xingchi asked, “When they donated things, did they also donate cars?”

Old Hu was surprised, “Yes, two cars were donated, and they said they were used to help rebuild. How do you know?”

This makes sense.

The logo on the iron plate and the logo on the van come from this way.

Lu Xingchi asked, “Have you ever dealt with the donating organization?”

“No,” Lao Hu said, “These things are distributed uniformly by local charity organizations and distributed uniformly. They say that there are large companies in many countries. Knowing that we donated from the disaster, we can just collect them. I don’t know who it is.”

It seems that they just got things from this organization by mistake.

Lu Xingchi had been observing him carefully and knew that he had not lied.

When he got the information he wanted, Lu Xing slowed down, and then struck the ground sideways and questioned for a while, unable to dig out anything useful anymore.

What he cares about is what kind of organization this lbd is.

Bei Nuan thought, it’s a pity that I can’t go online, otherwise I want to know what this lbd is, just search the Internet and solve it in minutes.

Regarding the sign, Lao Hu couldn’t ask anything more here, and Lu Xingchi began to interrogate him.

“What is going on with your iron medal? What are these abcdefs divided by?”

Lao Hu’s eyes suddenly panicked.

He took a peek at the stainless steel cup that had fallen on the table and was crumpled up like waste paper. It stuttered more than when he answered the question about the box.

“I didn’t come up with this, it was all Qiu’s idea.”

“Oh?” Lu Xingchi said in a relaxed tone, “What does he put up a sign (gan gan) for the workers?”

Lao Hu’s wine almost woke up.

This morning, news came out on the island that Qiu Zhengxun died in an accident in the casino, and that his brother Qiu Ji is now in power.

Old Hu guessed.

Qiu Zhengxun is dead. Even if he recruits all his ideas now, it should be fine, right?

Honestly speaking.

“Ye Qiu said that there is a shortage of people (gans) on the island now, and more and more laborers are recruited.

“But there are too few people in our regiment. With so few people, it’s difficult to control so many people, and we can’t delegate power to them for their own control, for fear that they will make big troubles.”

“Master Qiu came up with an idea. He said that the easiest way is to divide them.”

Bei Nuan understands.

Qiu Zhengxun only used a small broken iron card to divide the laborers on the island into three or six or nine ranks.

From a to f, do not cooperate with each other, do not communicate, form a perfect chain of contempt, and dislike each other.

ab looks down on cd, cd looks down on ef, and conversely, ef dare not provoke cd, cd does not dare to provoke ab, but he may not not hate them in his heart.

This group of people who eat cassava with a sign, although there are many in number, is useless.

They are so busy that you despise me and I hate you, Qiu Zhengxun can continue to sit back and relax.

This Master Qiu has a very sinister intention.

With the speed of spreading rumors on the island, as long as you make a few random samples, you can add some mysterious (color) color to the iron plate, so that everyone can believe in the authority (sexual xing) of the iron plate.

Lu Xingchi continued to ask, “That’s it? You haven’t finished talking yet.”

Old Hu shivered severely and raised his eyes to peep at Lu Xingchi.

Lu Xingchi’s posture was leisurely, but his pale eyes (color) were chilling, as if he could see through everything.

Old Hu whispered, hesitated for a long time before continuing to explain.

“Master Qiu also said that there used to be strong winds and torrential rains every summer, and the storms were heavy. If we were not sure, the land we planted would be destroyed, and there would be famine again.”

“There are zombies everywhere this year. Even if there is a famine, no outside aid will come in, so I put a sign on the workers…”

This time even Bei Nuan shuddered.

Old Hu continued.

“When he asked me to go to the island as a laborer, he would deal an a card to those who could (gan) live, and to the old, weak, sick, and disabled, as well as those who are alone on the island and have no family members. If there is a famine, From…”

Old Hu looked at Lu Xingchi in shock, his voice was very small, “…start with the f card…”

Bei Nuan bit her lip.

Lu Xingchi interrupted Lao Hu with a glimpse.

“The cave is too boring, you guys go out and wait for me outside.”

Du Ruo put her hand on Bei Nuan’s back and pushed her out, while saying, “Walk, this kind of questioning is too boring, just let him (gan gan), let’s go out and get some air.”

After Bei Nuan and the others had all gone out, Lu Xingchi signaled Lao Hu to continue.

Lao Hu continued: “Ye Qiu said that those people are used to hanging the bottom f cards, and they are weak. If there is a famine, eat them first, and the resistance will not be too great.”

“Those who hold high-level brands will only be thankful that they are lucky and didn’t get f cards. This matter has nothing to do with them, and they shouldn’t stand up and speak for those f cards. They will only follow (rou). ”

“Eating those with f cards and abcde cards won’t have any reaction. If you eat those with e cards, the abcd cards on them won’t be so good. If you eat like this, the famine will always pass.”

When he finished speaking, there was silence in the cave.

Lu Xing walked over, pulled the chair opposite him and sat down, leaned back in the back of the chair, stared at him for a while, and suddenly made a sound.

“Pick yourself (dry gan) (dry gan) clean.”

Lu Xingchi smiled.

“It’s as if you didn’t make the idea of ​​dividing people into different ranks.”

Lao Hu was completely awake this time, looking at the terrifying man sitting opposite in horror.

His eyes could see everything, as if they could see through people’s hearts.

Lu Xingchi propped his elbows on the armrests of the chair, crossed his fingers and placed them in front of him, and moved slightly with his thumb against him.

A dagger suddenly emerged from nowhere, flew in front of Lao Hu, and hovered in the air.

“Are you going to say it yourself, or let me open your head and see for yourself?”

Old Hu shivered, he looked at the dagger that was strangely hovering in the air a few inches away in front of him in fear, and swallowed hard.

He finally confessed.

“I (gan gan) divide people into different levels, but I really didn’t expect that Master Qiu would use it like this!”

“Oh?” Lu Xingchi became interested.

Lao Hu glanced at the sharp dagger point again, and hid back.

The dagger was sent forward lightly, and its position relative to him did not change at all.

Old Hu was about to cry.

“I take care of the registration of workers on the island. Every time someone comes up, I remember a name.”

“When registering each person’s name, I just wrote the number at the back, one, two, three, four, five and so on. I wrote it secretly by myself, and no one told it.”

“As a result, Master Qiu came one day, flipped through my notebook and asked what the numbers behind my name meant.”

“I told him that people who came here grew stronger and looked stronger, so I would count one, and those who were too old or too young, and weaker, I would count five.”

“Master Qiu thought for a while and praised me, saying that it was really a good idea.”

“Then he asked me to change one to five from a to f, saying that it was so, with a stronger sense of level (strong qiang), and then he asked me to be an iron medal, giving everyone one, and the person who will go to the island in the future will also be one person. Send one.”

After he said this, he stopped talking.

Lu Xingchi’s beautiful eyes showed an impatient look (color), and the dagger was sent forward and stopped in front of Lao Hu’s eyes.

“Do you think I was wasting my time sitting here just to hear you say this?”

Old Hu was already leaning tightly on the back of the chair, unable to hide, cold sweats came out of his forehead one after another.

Lu Xingchi stopped going around with him anymore.

“Old Hu, what is your power?”

Lao Hu was completely soft this time.

This man really knows everything.

“I can see a kind of light.”

Lao Hu’s eyebrows drooped, and this time he finally gave up completely.

“The light on everyone is different. Some people are red, some are yellowish, and some are green.”

Lu Xingchi speculated, “So you record the greenest person as a and the red person as f?”

“Yes. From green to yellow to red, the more red, the lower the grade.”

Lu Xingchi asked: “What does the light color (color) represent?”

Old Hu confessed: “I don’t know. But I observed and found that the greener the light, the safer people are. It is not easy to have accidents and die less. People who emit reddish light generally do Died very quickly.”

Lao Hu helped himself to defend himself, “I didn’t divide people according to the division method mentioned by Master Qiu. I only distribute f cards to those who are red. Anyway, they are dying, and there is no f card. ”

Lu Xing nodded, “When did you have this ability? From rebirth?”

When the word “rebirth” came out of Lu Xingchi’s mouth, Lao Hu no longer looked at the dagger in front of him, but looked at him in amazement.

“Yes, since I was born again.” The old Hu wilted.

Lu Xing glanced at him lightly, “Have you died?”

Old Hu said honestly: “I died once. It was the seventh year after the zombie outbreak. Many zombies have mutated. This lake is useless and the island can’t be guarded. We ran out in a boat.”

“When I was about to go ashore, everyone else went up, and my legs caught the zombies in the water.”

Old Hu shivered.

Old Hu seemed to remember the fear of being dragged away by the zombies, and subconsciously put his hand on the table (touching Mo), as if looking for a stainless steel cup for wine, and suddenly remembered that the cup was gone.

He withdrew his hands in a weird manner.

Lu Xing thought to himself, if Bei Nuan was here, she would definitely ask a question.

Lu Xingchi asked for her, “There is a kid named Xiaoshao who sells roasted finches on the island, is he dead?”

“Xiao Shao,” said Old Hu, “I know, she had grown up as a big girl back then, and a few months before the island was broken, she went over the wall with a young man.

Lu Xing listened absently, and grabbed the iron medal in his hand.

He went around and asked a bunch of things, but in the end he still had to face the problems that he didn’t want to face.

Lu Xingchi said, “The man who was with me, you gave him a b card at the beginning, and then changed it to a card. Why?”

Lao Hu thought for a while and replied, “I remember this. At first I saw his light was a bit yellowish, and then I saw it again. I don’t know why, but it became pure green again. I don’t understand why the light is a bit yellowish. Will change, I have never encountered it before.”

Lu Xing paused for a while before continuing to ask quietly, “Where is the girl with me? You gave her an f card.”

Old Hu swallowed his saliva and glanced at the dagger.

“As long as you tell the truth, I won’t (kill sha) you.” Lu Xing said lightly.

Lao Hu said tremblingly: “She is… pure red.”

“According to my previous experience, if the light on your body is greenish, you might die. If the light on your body is reddish, you might have a chance to live, but like her, people who emit pure red light will die. Up.”

When Lu Xing came out late, the sky was already full of stars outside the cave.

Bei Nuan was standing with his back to the cave and waiting for him.

The ends of her long hair were gently raised by the night breeze. In front of her, there was a magnificent sky that no longer had light pollution, and there was a bright and splendid Milky Way across it.

Hearing his coming out, Bei Nuan turned his head and smiled at him under the stars.

She asked: “What’s new?”

“Nothing.” Lu Xingchi said, “Those iron medals are what they made to deceive people.”

Bei Nuan looked like he had guessed it a long time ago, “I’ll just say, how can it be so evil and “survival chance”, how did you come up with it.”

Du Ruo and the others also came over, Du Ruo left and right, took Jiang Fei and Tang Yuan’s shoulders, “Let’s go, let’s go back (sleep in Shui) to sleep. I’m so sleepy.”

Bei Nuan also turned and walked forward happily.

Lu Xing followed Bei Nuan a few steps later, and suddenly stretched out his hand, took the F card off her neck, and threw it into the grass.

The grass is too dark, and the sign is gone after throwing it away.

Bei Nuan was inexplicable, “Why did you (gan gan) throw away my brand?”

Lu Xing faintly replied, “What do you wear (gan) that kind of useless stuff? It’s all boring?”

He took his brand out of his pocket and threw it into the grass.

Du Ruo heard it, and immediately turned around and grabbed his iron medal, “Say it first, I don’t want to throw it. I finally got the a.”

Tang Yun asked: “Will it be troublesome if you don’t wear it?”

Bei Nuan thought for a while, “I think Qiu Ji doesn’t seem to like his brother to hang up signs.”

Lu Xingchi looked down at her through the starlight, “You know him quite well?”

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