A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 21 - Must Divorce Him

Chapter 21 Must Divorce Him
“Ow!” Qin Shu suddenly covered her belly, knitting her eyebrows and looking at Ling Mohan with her pitiful eyes. “Colonel, I have a stomachache. It seems my period has come.”

When a woman has a period, she doesn’t feel well. At least she needs a good rest for a few days, hee-hee.

Ling Mohan stared at her sharply.

He was a member of the special forces and used to be a scout. How could he be fooled by the little trick of Qin Shu?

The colonel raised his eyebrows and said evilly, “Let me have a look.”


Could the bastard even know about “look”, one of the four ways of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medical treatment?

When Qin Shu was grumbling, Ling Mohan grabbed her, pressed her against his lap, and reached for her skirt.

So that was what he meant!

Qin Shu flushed immediately.

She held her skirt with all her strength and shouted out of shame, “Stop it. I’m not having a period!”

The next second, a chill ran through the lower part of her body as her skirt was ruthlessly lifted.

Ling Mohan’s breathing changed at once.

Qin Shu could feel the fiery gaze above her head. Although she usually appeared to be fearless and could translate erotic novels fast, she was actually the kind of person who would draw back under real circumstances.

“Bastard, let go of my skirt!” Ashamed and angry, Qin Shu struggled violently and pinched Ling Mohan in the thigh desperately.

Ling Mohan let out a hum. He tightened his chin and then leaned over and bit her unexpectedly.

In an instant, Qin Shu was struck dumb and the whole cabin was still.

Struggling to take his eyes off of her, Ling Mohan said with a deep voice, “Dare you lie again?”

Qin Shu straightened up and gawked at him.

Ling Mohan frowned: Was the girl scared out of wits?

“Bastard!” Qin Shu abruptly pounced on Ling Mohan and snapped a bite at his neck.

Ling Mohan didn’t stop Qin Shu. Instead, he held her by the waist tightly. It was the first time he had allowed himself to be treated by others this way.

After a long while, he said mildly, “Alright, enough for you. We are arriving.”

Qin Shu almost exploded with rage.

Her cheeks and ears were now both red. She glared at Ling Mohan, thinking about how to get back at him.

Humph, this bastard actually bit her. If she didn’t get back, wouldn’t she be placed at his mercy in future?

She was unaware that her glare was taken as fawning by Ling Mohan. Rather than deterring him, her glare aroused him instead.

If they were not going to meet Grandpa Ling, he would definitely not let her go like this.

Ling Mohan helped Qin Shu tidy her dress and hair after getting off the car and then ordered her aggressively, “Talk nicely. Don’t make a scene.”

“Humph!” Qin Shu was pissed off.

Ling Mohan took her hand and strode into the yard where Grandpa Ling was recuperating.

The courtyard was quiet and refined, with flowers and trees being well trimmed. The guards on duty saluted Ling Mohan in succession.

“Where is my father?” Ling Mohan went into the house and asked the deputy secretary of Grandpa Ling.

The deputy secretary replied with a smile, “Grandpa Ling went to City B yesterday. He said going around became harder as he got older, so he wanted to visit his old comrades while he could still move. He would come back in a month or so.”

Qin Shu was relieved while feeling a little bit sad.

Ling Mohan frowned and asked, “Who is going with him?”

The deputy secretary answered, “Second Lieutenant He and a military doctor. Please don’t worry. There will be no problem.”

Grandpa Ling was a major military figure. Although he was retired, his safety was still a top priority for all. On this trip, he was naturally escorted by a team of security guards.

Ling Mohan nodded. He had originally brought Qin Shu here to see Grandpa Ling. Since Grandpa Ling was away, he was not interested in staying here to see flowers and grass.

Therefore, he took Qin Shu’s hand and left.

Back in the car, Qin Shu pretended to be very sorry. “It seems that we have to wait and tell grandpa about our marriage after he comes back.”

Ling Mohan darted her a look. “We may as well tell him over the phone.”

Qin Shu gritted her teeth: What a bastard! He always used grandpa against her.

No. She must prevent Ling Mohan from announcing their marriage to grandpa and get divorced before grandpa knew about their marriage.

Once making up her mind to divorce Ling Mohan, Qin Shu suddenly leaned on him and said cutely, “Colonel, marriage is a big deal. How can you explain it to grandpa clearly on the phone? You’d tell him in person. Otherwise, he would think that you lied to him.”

He snorted, holding Qin Shu tightly in his strong arms. Gritting his teeth, he said, “You trouble-maker!”

All through his military career, Ling Mohan had never met someone who was as difficult to deal with as Qin Shu. She could kill people with a smile, and her small mouth would say things that could make people angry to the point of being half-dead. She was simply here to torture him.

“I am going back to the barracks to train new recruits,” Ling Mohan said.

That’s terrific, Qin Shu thought. Hurry up and leave. I don’t want to stay with you.

Yet, Ling Mohan said, “You are going with me.”

Qin Shu was reluctant. “Why? I don’t want to watch you torture those new recruits. I’d like to go back to sleep. You woke me up too early this morning.”

Then she let out a long yawn, her eyes moist, looking a bit pitiful.

Ling Mohan didn’t force her this time. He ordered the driver to send Qin Shu back to the military compound, while he himself went back to the barracks.

He was the head of a special troop known as the Wild Wolf, which used to be comprised of 16 members, all being brutally trained elite soldiers.

However, three years ago, this special troop carried out a secret mission assigned by their superiors, and when they returned, only ten members, including Ling Mohan, remained. The other six members were all sacrificed!

Ling Mohan, as the captain of the special troop, had a heavy burden on his shoulders.

This time, he planned to select some candidates for the Wild Wolf from the new recruits and therefore had to train them in person.

The Wild Wolf was in need of fresh blood.

At the thought of the secret mission and the six brothers that died three years ago, Ling Mohan’s expression became cold, and his eyes revealed a terrifying killing intent!

He will definitely avenge his deceased brothers!

Adjutant Li who followed Ling Mohan could sense his bloody mind and started to sweat again.

The colonel’s air was too overwhelming. No wonder few girls dared to approach him.

Thinking of this, Adjutant Li had more respect for Qin Shu.

Qin Shu did not know that in just a few days, she had become the heroine in Adjutant Li’s heart.

Now the heroine was lying on the big bed, tossing and turning sleeplessly, pondering how to persuade Ling Mohan into divorcing her.

Harmony was the core of a happy marriage. If she wanted a divorce, she had to make some disharmony.

Qin Shu rolled her eyes and had an idea.


Late at night, the cold moon was hanging high in the sky.

Qin Shu sat in the living room fighting against her drowsiness, but her eyelids were out of control and were closed soon.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast over her.

Qin Shu’s eyes snapped open to see Ling Mohan standing silently in front of her. She didn’t know when he came back.

“Why did you walk so quiet? I am scared to death,” Qin Shu muttered.

Ling Mohan frowned, “Why not sleep in the bedroom?”

“I’m waiting for you.” Qin Shu smiled sweetly. She stood up and took Ling Mohan to the dining room. “Colonel, come with me. As your most qualified wife, I specially prepared a snack for you.”

Ling Mohan cast his sights on his wrist that was taken by Qin Shu, and curled his thin lips slightly.

On the dining table was a bowl of appetizing noodle with tomato egg sauce, a tender poached egg lying on soft noodle along with red tomato, evoking a good appetite at first sight.

Ling Mohan raised his eyebrows at Qin Shu who looked like a virtuous wife and urged him, “Try it now. I made it on my own. You must finish it all.”

“I haven’t seen you for three years. It seemed that you have improved your cooking skills?” Ling Mohan sat down and picked up some noodle with his chopsticks.

Qin Shu said nothing but looked at him with a smile.

Ling Mohan took a large mouthful of noodle. He chewed and then paused. A blue vein popped up on his forehead. The next moment he looked furiously at Qin Shu.

“How does it taste?” Qin Shu asked, as if expecting to be praised.

She looked so innocent.

Nevertheless, a sly look flashing across her eyes betrayed her.

Qin Shu went on smilingly, “Go on eating, I will cook more for you if it is not enough. From now on, I will cook you three meals a day.”


Ling Mohan put down the chopsticks. He abruptly jerked Qin Shu to his chest and covered her mouth with his lips.

“Hum-hum!” Qin Shu didn’t expect that. Her teeth were forced open and she then tasted something bitter and salty.

She added three tablespoons of salt to the noodle, and now she herself had to enjoy it.

Qin Shu slapped Ling Mohan on his shoulders, trying to make him release her.

But Ling Mohan remained unmoved. He clutched her head with his big hands and forced her to taste every bit of the salty noodle.

After quite a while, Qin Shu was kissed out of breath, and Ling Mohan eventually let go of her, though he wanted more. “It tastes good,” he said with a subtle smile.

“You did it on purpose!” Qin Shu glared at him.

“And you?” Ling Mohan gave a cold smile. “I bet it took a lot of work to cook this bowl of noodle. My dear wife, you are so nice. Why not enjoy it with me? I can feed you, if you don’t mind.”

“No, help yourself to it!” Qin Shu turned around angrily.

Ling Mohan grabbed her by the wrist with a cold expression. He warned, “Little Qin Shu, you’d better behave yourself.”

Qin Shu tucked her beautiful long hair behind her ear. She rolled her eyes and asked with a charming smile, “Otherwise?”

She had barely finished her words before she was pressed against the table by him.

“I will do you here!” The man’s evil and vulgar words lingered by her ears.


This bastard was behaving like a thug again.

Wise persons suit their actions to the time. Qin Shu understood this well.

She immediately softened her voice, “Okay, I know, I will try my best to be a good cook.”

In fact, Qin Shu wasn’t a bad cook at all. She was able to make lots of delicious desserts.

“Clumsy liar!” Ling Mohan sniffed and let go of her.

Qin Shu quickly got away from Ling Mohan and fled to the other side of the table, rubbing her painful wrist while staring at him angrily.

Ling Mohan had just returned from the barracks and was still in his military uniform, which made him look doughty, wild, and cold, like a lion that was ready to make its move.

Bah, a beast in human attire! Pretending to be someone!

Qin Shu secretly cursed Ling Mohan, labeling him with all the derogatory words, as if this could help her vent her anger and discontent.

She would not give up like this. She would surely make Ling Mohan sick of her and then ask to divorce her.

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