A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 31 - Scum and Prude

Chapter 31 Scum and Prude
Weekend, Lincheng West Road.

Qin Shu got out of the car, and saw Su Xiaoya standing at the entrance of the restaurant and looking around. And Su Xiaoya put on a big smile when seeing her coming.

“Darling!” With overflowing enthusiasm, Su Xiaoya threw herself at Qin Shu and happily held her hand.

Qin Shu looked up at the restaurant and asked, “Why don’t you go in? Stand at the entrance as a receptionist?”

“I was just waiting for you.” Su Xiaoya replied with a grin.

Qin Shu frowned upon her, “I bet you’re too scared to go inside alone.”

“Hey! Life is already hard, so don’t expose the truth! Save my face, please.” Su Xiaoya gave her a glare, “Let’s go inside, stay for a while and excuse us soon. I’ll treat you to a big dinner later.”

Qin Shu taunted, “You coward.”

They walked into the restaurant arm in arm.

It was a famous time-honored Chinese restaurant in Lincheng. Decorated in a simple but elegant manner, it was brimming with classic grandeur.

Su Xiaoya loved the spicy chicken in this restaurant the most, and she would come over to have a big meal every weekend before she went abroad.

“Hello. Is this Miss Su?” The waiter greeted them with a smile.

Su Xiaoya nodded.

The waiter smiled and said, “This way please.”

Qin Shu and Su Xiaoya were taken to a private room. When they opened the door and entered, two people sitting inside looked up at the same time.

One was elegant and gentle while the other was beautiful and generous. They were just a perfect match.

Qin Shu immediately felt that Su Xiaoya tightened her arm over hers. Xiaoya was in a completely nervous state.

She secretly pinched Su Xiaoya and smiled at the man beside the table, “Hey, Mu Qian. It’s been a long time since we met last time. You are getting even more handsome.”

Su Xiaoya soon recovered her senses and immediately pretended to be cool. She smiled and said, “Brother, if you continue to be so handsome, you will be the most outstanding man in the world. My future sister-in-law will feel unsecure.”

“Your brother is very popular with female patients and nurses in the hospital. I don’t feel secure even now.”

The woman sitting beside Mu Qian smiled and said. “Stop it.” Mu Qian picked up a serious tone, but his handsome face had a faint smile on it. He introduced the woman beside him to Qin Shu and Su Xiaoya, “This is Mingxiao. You can take her as your sister when you meet her next time. Do behave yourselves and no more joking.”

“Alright. Got it.” Su Xiaoya sticked her tongue out.

As the eldest son of the Mus, Mu Qian was always serious and well behaved like a graceful gentleman in ancient times.

Su Xiaoya’s mother married his father when she was only five years old. Su Xiaoya saw Mu Qian, who was seven years older than her, sitting on a stool and playing piano seriously like a little old man. So she always called Mu Qian little old man behind his back.

Later on, when she grew up, Su Xiaoya stopped calling him that way.

Although she was not biologically related to him, Mu Qian was her brother legally.

Su Xiaoya knew very well that it was impossible for her to marry Mu Qian. She had never told Mu Qian about her love for him.

Four years ago, she made an excuse and went to study abroad. When she got back, Mu Qian had already got a beautiful and stylish girlfriend, Qi Mingxiao.

The Mus was a leading player in the medical and electronic industries. They owned a premium private hospital where young Mu Qian was already the president.

Qi Mingxiao was the pearl of the Qis and the editor-in-chief of Asia’s top fashion magazine. They were a perfect match in terms of both family background and appearance.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoya’s heart was filled with sadness. Although Mu Qian had ordered many of her favorite dishes, Su Xiaoya could not savor any flavor at all.

Noticing Su Xiaoya’s abnormal behavior of burying herself in food, Qin Shu couldn’t help but frown slightly.

And Mu Qian and Mingxiao occasionally lowered their heads to chat with each other in a low voice. Mingxiao always wore a sweet smile. No wonder Su Xiaoya was like a coward.

Just as Qin Shu was about to make an excuse to leave with Su Xiaoya, she suddenly heard Mingxiao ask with concern, “Xiaoya, why are you crying? Don’t you like these dishes?”

As soon as she spoke, Mu Qian looked at Su Xiaoya.

Su Xiaoya was at a loss. Her mouth was filled with food. She shook her head and then nodded. Her eyes and nose were all red. She looked very embarrassed.

Qin Shu pressed her hand on Su Xiaoya’s under the table and calmly smiled at Mu Qian and Mingxiao, “How can she not cry? Try this spicy chicken. It’s too hot. I’m about to burst into tears.”

“Yes. It’s too spicy!” Su Xiaoya finally swallowed the food in her mouth and pretended to get a glass of water.

Mu Qian handed the glass to her.

Su Xiaoya accidentally touched his finger and abruptly retracted her hand like she suffered an electric shock. She then took the glass handed over by Qin Shu and drank half of it.

Mu Qian’s hand stopped in the air for a moment. Then, he put down the glass and picked up two pieces of sweet and sour fish for Su Xiaoya. “Try this. This is also your favorite, and it’s not spicy.”

Su Xiaoya nodded but she didn’t dare to look at him. Again, she buried herself in food.

Looking at them, Qi Mingxiao frowned imperceptibly.

Things continued.

Qin Shu didn’t eat much. She thought it was time to leave and acted in surprise, “Xiaoya, our movie is about to start.”

Su Xiaoya was stunned at first and then nodded, “Right, I almost forget it without your reminding. Hey, brother and Mingxiao, Qin Shu and I have asked friends out for a movie at 2:00 PM. We have to leave right away.”

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Mu Qian put down his chopsticks.

Before Mu Qian finished his sentence, Su Xiaoya had quickly got up, grabbed her bag, and left with Qin Shu in a hurry.

“She’s still like a kid.” Mu Qian smiled at Qi Mingxiao, “Sorry, my little sister is always in a rush.”

“It’s fine. I like her very much. She’s very cute.” Qi Mingxiao smiled.

Mu Qian didn’t say anything else. He glanced at Su Xiaoya’s plate and paused for a moment.

She did not have the fish at all.

Mu Qian always felt that Su Xiaoya was avoiding him, as if she wanted to get rid of him.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.


Qin Shu was dragged out of the restaurant by Su Xiaoya. They did not stop until they got to the mall on the Lincheng West Road. They sat on a bench, panting.

Qin Shu said angrily, “Su Xiaoya, you’re just becoming more cowardly!”

“I just feel bad.” Su Xiaoya leaned against Qin Shu’s shoulder and said, “Darling, only you can understand me. You know, I will turn over the table if I continue to see them together. Luckily, you were quick-witted just now and helped me get over it. Otherwise, Mingxiao would think that I’m insane.”

Su Xiaoya cried for a while and then laughed like a mad person. Qin Shu was just there with her, allowing her to vent her emotions.

“Hey, let’s go shopping!” Su Xiaoya suddenly dragged Qin Shu up and headed straight towards Chanel.

Qin Shu had no choice but to follow her.

Chanel was an international first-tier brand. There were many types of products, including clothes, bags, cosmetics, perfume, and so on. Every product was famous and expensive.

“Wow, this dress is so beautiful. Go and try it on.” Su Xiaoya picked up a black gauze dress and kept asking Qin Shu to try it on.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and pointed at the V-shaped collar, “Are you sure you want me to try it on?”

“You don’t dare to?” Su Xiaoya asked.

“No. I’m just afraid that I will irritate you.” Qin Shu looked at Su Xiaoya’s breast.

Su Xiaoya was angry, “So what about you C cup? I’m proud of my A cup.” “Hurry up and get changed. I want to see you in this dress. It must be very beautiful.”

“Qin Shu?” A gentle voice suddenly came from behind them as they laughed.

There was uncertainty in the voice.

The smile on Qin Shu’s face subsided slightly and she turned around to look over.

Tang Anru wore a light-yellow dress with flower patterns. With long golden hair and fair skin, she held the arm of Qi Mingran.

Qi Mingran was in a classy silver-gray custom-made suit. His hair was meticulously groomed, setting off his mature, steady, elegant and noble temperament.

They were just a perfect match.

When Tang Anru saw Qin Shu turn around, a trace of surprise immediately bloomed on her gentle look. “It’s really you. I thought I had mistaken someone else as you.”

“It is me.” Qin Shu smiled and answered in an estranged tone.

Tang Anru got rid of Qi Mingran’s arm and happily walked up to Qin Shu, reaching out for Qin Shu.

Qin Shu slightly sidestepped.

The smile on Tang Anru’s face froze up and she was kind of at a loss, “Are you… still angry with me?”

They became estranged because of Little Su. Then they were assigned internship at different departments.

It was the rule of the Military Industrial Group that every intern had to intern at all main departments. Qin Shu and Tang Anru hadn’t seen each other for about half a month.

Tang Anru had phoned Qin Shu a few times. But Qin Shu was always taking on a cold attitude, and then hang up on the excuse that she was busy.

After being carefully asked by Tang Anru, Qin Shu smiled, “There’s nothing to be angry about. It’s all over.”

She didn’t want to argue with Tang Anru anymore.

Compared to the death of Tang Anru’s parents, what Tang Anru had done to her was insignificant. She could only pretend that she didn’t know anything. Qin Shu also hoped that Tang Anru wouldn’t bother her in the name of a bestie in future.

Unfortunately, Tang Anru was not someone who gave up easily.

In the eyes of outsiders, she was kind and pure, cherishing friendship.

“Qin Shu, I know that you’re still angry at me. What exactly do you want me to do to forgive me?” Tang Anru’s gentle and beautiful eyes looked at Qin Shu earnestly, as if Qin Shu was unwilling to forgive her at all.

“Let it be”, Qin Shu said coldly.

There was a touch of sadness in Tang Anru’s eyes, “Qin Shu, don’t be like this, okay? You are my bestie. I don’t want to see things between us going like this. I also hope that you can be my bridesmaid in future and give my best wishes to you.”

Qin Shu was not touched at all.

Tang Anru’s look was full of guilt and sorrow. Her slim body and delicate face made her look pitiful, like a beautiful and fragile lily.

Qi Mingran walked over and hugged Tang Anru.

“Qin Shu, you should know very well how Anru treats you. Don’t be unreasonable.” Qi Mingran frowned.

He wanted to say more but stopped.

Qin Shu looked at them and finally couldn’t help but mock, “Yeah, I know very well how she treats me. For example, when she knew that I was dating you, she pretended not to know and secretly interfered our relationship.”

Tang Anru was stunned upon hearing Qin Shu’s words!

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