A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 48 - Life in Danger

Chapter 48 Life in Danger
Qin Shu was quickly sent to the military general hospital of City Lin.

The hospital possessed the most exquisite technology, the best equipment, and the top talents in the country. Besides, with Ling Mohan’s special identity, when Qin Shu arrived at the hospital, there were already a row of experts and medical personnel waiting for her at the gate.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry!”

“Be careful!”

“Prepare for matching the blood type and transfusion!”

The medical personnel didn’t dare to be neglectful. They sent Qin Shu to the operating room quickly for rescue. Moreover, the director of the hospital personally acted as the operator, didn’t dare to make any mistakes at all.

The dazzling red light lit up outside the operating room and the entire floor was sealed off. Soldiers stood with guns and questioned the passers-by strictly. No irrelevant people were allowed to enter or leave the room to interfere with the operation!

Ling Mohan stood outside the operating room with a cold expression. His entire body was filled with a fierce rage. Blue veins stood out on his forehead, looking as if he would kill people now.

“Report to Colonel!” Adjutant Li hurriedly walked over.

“Speak!” Ling Mohan’s tone was cold, his eyes dark and deep.

Adjutant Li’s heart trembled. He forcefully straightened his back and reported, “According to the information provided by the witnesses at the scene, we have found the hit-and-run driver’s license plate number and the direction in which he was running. We have also set up checkpoints to stop him.”

Ling Mohan coldly looked at the guard. “Who are those women causing the trouble?”

The guard was in quite a messy state now. There were still two blood traces on his face that was scratched by women’s sharp nails. He told Ling Mohan about the insults and beatings Qin Shu had received without missing a single word.

The coldness in Ling Mohan’s eyes almost overflowed as he listened!

Adjutant Li asked carefully, “How do you want to dispose of them?”

Ling Mohan said in a deep voice with a cold smile, “Arrest them. Find out who is behind this matter!”

He would figure out who was going against Qin Shu behind his back!

“Yes, Colonel!” Adjutant Li stood up straight and saluted him.

It fell into silence again outside the operating room. With Ling Mohan being the center, the surrounding air cooled down outwards layer by layer. The chilly atmosphere pressed down on people inch by inch, and the air was suffused with a kind of suppression and suffocation that made one almost unable to breathe.

The longer the red light stayed on, the more terrifying Ling Mohan’s expression became. His pair of black eyes stared fixedly at the red light, and the others didn’t even dare to breathe heavily.

One hour, two hours, three hours… Time tickled by. Qin Shu was still not out of danger.

She was badly hit and was bleeding profusely on the spot.

Fortunately, Ling Mohan was an omnipotent special forces soldier. He had a way to deal with this kind of emergency and had helped stop the bleeding partially for Qin Shu in time.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Even so, Qin Shu still fell into a state of shock. The atmosphere in the operating room was thus even tenser than outside. Everyone was doing their best to save Qin Shu!

Night gradually deepened, like a ferocious beast opening its big and bloody mouth, ready to swallow a person to the point where nothing was left.

Ling Mohan’s face was tight, his thin lips stiffened, and his two sharp sword-like brows were tightly knitted together.

He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but he didn’t light it. Then he took it down very soon and crushed it into a ball before throwing it into the trash can.

The colonel was always calm and composed, but Adjutant Li could feel that he was very irritated this time!

Looked like Miss Qin was a person whom the colonel paid special attention to.

At two o’clock in the morning, the red light on the operating room was finally off.

Ling Mohan narrowed his eyes and strode over. The director walked out of the room with a tired face. He smiled at Ling Mohan. “The operation was very successful. Miss Qin has been out of danger for temporary. But we still need to observe her with caution for twelve hours. When Miss Qin wakes up, we also need to do a further examination.”

The director and the Ling family held a deep friendship between each other. The director’s military rank was one level higher than that of Ling Mohan’s, but he personally stood by the operating table to rescue Qin Shu for seven or eight hours, this favor was very important to Ling Mohan.

Ling Mohan didn’t say much crap, though. He said in a deep voice, “Thank you. Director, I’ll personally call on you to express my gratitude another day.”

“Good, good, good!” The director smiled heartily and patted Ling Mohan’s shoulder.

Qin Shu was carefully pushed out on the sickbed by the nurse. Her face was pale without a trace of blood. She just lay there quietly like she had lost her vitality.

Ling Mohan’s hand was hanging by his side. He clenched it into a fist, and his eyes were as gloomy as water!

He had never imagined that Little Qin Shu, who was normally a trouble maker and liked to create disturbances, would one day lie on a sickbed like this.

Qin Shu was transferred to the intensive care unit. She needed to be observed for twelve hours. After she woke up, the doctor would be able to confirm whether she had been completely out of life danger or not.

Ling Mohan arranged four soldiers to guard the door of the ward. Without his order, no one else would be allowed to visit. Even doctors and nurses had to undergo strict interrogation and examination before entering!

Not only that, there were also soldiers who were guarding every elevator and staircase entrance of the entire floor with guns. Qin Shu was the only patient on this floor.

Ling Mohan gave the order coldly, “Don’t send the news to others that Qin Shu gets injured, especially to my grandpa. Whoever dares to mention an extra word in front of him will be punished by the military law!”

“Yes, Colonel!” Adjutant Li quickly went to transmit the order after receiving it.

Not long after, he hurriedly walked back to Ling Mohan and said, “Report to Colonel, the four women have talked.”

Ling Mohan narrowed his eyes. “Speak!”

Adjutant Li weighed his words and said, “They were staff members of a nightclub. They didn’t know Miss Qin at all. Someone paid them to cause trouble.”

Sure enough!

Ling Mohan sneered. He knew Little Qin Shu well. Although she loved to be a trouble maker in ordinary times, she would never do such a thing as seducing a married man.

Therefore, upon hearing the guard’s words, Ling Mohan concluded that it was someone planned to frame Little Qin Shu behind her back.

“Who instigated them?” Ling Mohan’s tone was cruel.

Adjutant Li hurriedly showed the series of information he got to Ling Mohan, including the photo of the person who was behind all this matter.

“It’s him!” As Ling Mohan uttered these few words from his mouth thoughtfully, the chill rose wildly in his eyes, and his thin lips curled up into a cold-blooded arc.

When Adjutant Li looked at Ling Mohan’s gloomy sneer, he lit a row of candles in his heart and prayed for the person who framed Qin Shu in secret. He asked, “Colonel, how do you want to dispose of those women?”

Ling Mohan coldly glanced at Adjutant Li and said, “Lock them up. Make them suffer.”

As for what kind of torture the colonel wanted them to undertake, there were many ways available in the army.

Recruits who had just been sent to the barracks were disobedient, but in the end, all of them surrendered to these available ways of torturing in the army. After that, they would obediently accept the training and become good soldiers.

Adjutant Li remembered that Ling Mohan had an important military meeting tomorrow morning, which all the higher-ups of the military would attend, so he hurriedly reminded Ling Mohan, “Why don’t you go back and rest? I’ll stay here and watch Miss Qin.”

“No need.” Ling Mohan refused flatly.

“But you have a meeting tomorrow…”

Ling Mohan’s sharp gaze swept over. Adjutant Li immediately shut up.

Alright, he was worrying too much.

Ling Mohan was a high-level special forces soldier who had received blood-and-iron training. He could stay awake for one day and night, furthermore, he wouldn’t even have any problem to stay awake for three days and three nights!

There was a time when Ling Mohan was on a mission outside the country. In order to kill a senior leader of the Rose Organization, he stayed motionless outside the target’s villa for three days and nights. During that time, he didn’t drink any water and relied on only compressed biscuits to maintain his strength.

In the end, Ling Mohan successfully killed that senior leader, causing the Rose Organization to fall into panic for a time.

Adjutant Li wasn’t sure what kind of feelings Ling Mohan had for Qin Shu. This feeling seemed so strong that it could even make the dignified and heartless Colonel Ling Mohan guard the night in the ward. Could it be that the Colonel really liked this woman?

However, if the Colonel really liked Qin Shu, it didn’t seem that he cared much about her.

Adjutant Li didn’t dare to make wild guesses about Ling Mohan’s personal love life. He stood there with great concentration and guarded the night with Ling Mohan.

The next afternoon, Qin Shu woke up.

But she wasn’t fully conscious. She opened her eyes and saw Ling Mohan in military uniform. Her expression was in a trance and she couldn’t tell where she was.

When the doctor came to examine her, Qin Shu finally came to her senses a little and answered a few simple questions.

Ling Mohan frowned and asked the doctor, “How is she?”

The doctor heaved a sigh of relief and answered with a smile, “Judging from the current signs, Miss Qin is fine for the time being. Her mind is clear. There is no signs of memory loss or dementia.”

“Are there any other after-effects?” Ling Mohan asked again.

The doctor hesitated and thought for a moment. “I can’t guarantee there won’t be after-effects. It still depends on Miss Qin’s later recovery.”

Ling Mohan’s expression was not very sunny, but he didn’t make things difficult for the doctor.

At this moment, Qin Shu was lying on the sickbed. Her right leg was severely fractured with a thick plaster around it. There was also a circle of medical white gauze on her forehead. Her delicate face was even paler than the wall of the hospital. She looked somewhat thin and weak.

She was conscious not long before she fell asleep again.

Ling Mohan stood beside the sickbed and stared at her for a long time. His gaze was complicated, mixed with all kinds of emotions.

At the First Military Industry Group, City Lin.

“Hey, Anru, how is Qin Shu now?” In the office, someone walked over and whispered to ask Tang Anru.

Quite a few employees of the military industry group had learned about what happened yesterday evening.

Some people sympathized with Qin Shu, while others gloated. The accident meant that Qin Shu would not be able to participate in the intern exam next week, which meant that the interns would have one less competitor.

Therefore, many others kept coming to Tang Anru and asked about Qin Shu.

Tang Anru put down the documents in her hand. With a trace of worry appearing on her gentle and beautiful face, she sighed and said, “To be honest, I don’t know about Qin Shu’s condition, either.”

Another person said in surprise, “Isn’t she your bosom friend?”

The implication was that, how could you don’t know!

Tang Anru revealed a guiltiness on her face and said in a low voice, “Last time I apologized to Little Su for Qin Shu, Qin Shu got angry. She hasn’t forgiven me… Of course, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t apologize on her behalf without permission. Forget it. This is all a matter of the past. I really regret that I didn’t pull Qin Shu back yesterday. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be hit by the car.”

Tang Anru’s eyes turned red as she spoke, tears flickering in her eyes and almost falling down.

Others comforted her and said, “This has nothing to do with you. It’s because Qin Shu didn’t behave properly and seduced other people’s husband…”

“No!” Tang Anru suddenly argued fiercely and stared at the other party with tears in her eyes. “Don’t talk about Qin Shu like that. She is my bosom friend. I believe she did not seduce other people’s husband.”

That person asked suspiciously, “Then how do you explain the matter happened yesterday?”

Another person also said, “Anru, you are too simple, and you think too kindly of Qin Shu. To be honest, I also sympathize with her because she was hit by the car, but there are some facts that cannot be erased by sympathy. Everyone can see her behavior in school. Who knows what else she has done in private?”

Tang Anru shook her head repeatedly and firmly said, “No, Qin Shu won’t do anything like that. I trust her.”

Everyone thought Tang Anru was just too silly.

After work, Tang Anru called Yang Bin and wanted to ask him if he knew which hospital Qin Shu was in.

However, the phone didn’t get through for a long time.

Yang Bin always answered her call in seconds. Why didn’t he answer her call this time?

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