A Fathers Wrath

Branch 4: Ding

---D-Day+169, Goridine 12th, 2nd Wednesday Morning---

---Chenghai, Turtle Gate---

“Sister!  Have you ever dreamed of such a place?”

A fresh freckle faced youth turns his head every which way.  Eager to view all the sights he’s never seen before.  His height makes this easier for him.  At six feet, he is half a foot taller than most yanese men.

Broad shoulders encourage the flowing crowds to give the young man a wide berth.  None wanting to get knocked flat by a pivoting overexcited wall of muscle.  Built by years of farming in cold northern Yangxu.

Spending so much time under the harsh sun has given the boy a tanned ruddy complexion.  With long black hair tied up into a simple topknot.  Covered by a large conical straw hat.  Shading cheerful deep brown eyes.

A simple gray hemp tunic with long sleeves, and trousers, covers his big frame.  Feet wrapped in straw and leather sandals.  Carrying a backpack containing a sleeping mat and supplies for the open road.

Over one shoulder is a long wrapped pole.  At least nine feet tall.  Despite glints of bronze flashing through the hemp cover.  Many do not notice it.  As if, to their eyes, the covered spear isn't even there.

A young woman's voice shouts from a ways behind the enthusiastic young man.

"Little brother?  Do not get too far ahead!  Big sister warned you about wandering off!"

The admonished boy stops and turns around.  His face adopts a pleading expression  With wide open sad eyes and raised eyebrows.  Causing several passing women to stumble and do double takes.  Suddenly lost in those [Puppy Dog Eyes].

"Aw… but sister…" he whimpers.

That sister, however, is prepared.  Pulling down the rim of her own conical hat.  Blocking the assault.  Keeping eyes on his feet, she points where brother’s face should be and launches a [Scolding Sister] counterattack.

"No no no.  Put those away!  Auntie warned you about using them in public.  These city girls are not used to little brother's tricks!"

Though soundly defeated, the tall farmer's cheer returns.  Releasing the women around him.  A few sigh, as he walks back and hugs his sibling.  Wishing they were the ones getting embraced in those thick muscular arms.

"Okay… sorry sister…" earnestly apologizing.

Despite being used to her kin's games.  And within a sea of strangers.  The girl cannot help but relax.  Melting into his arms.  Breathing deep that earthy scent he’s always had.

Sister is dressed a lot like her "little" brother.  Gray hemp tunic and trousers with long black hair pinned up in a bun.  Large conical hat shadowing a cute face with sandals guarding dainty heels.

She is far shorter than her sibling though.  Only a bit over five feet with small breasts and a slight frame.  Stunning jade eyes make the youngster’s ruddy face nearly sparkle.

As a farmer, of course she isn't weak.  Having already fought demon beasts and bandits before joining brother's adventures.  Skilled with both hunting bow and villager ax.  Her slim body hides surprising strength.

However, this time, the village girl fears they are truly in over their heads.

A dignified, but kindly, voice interrupts her worrying.

"Young master, might this humble soul bother you with a minor gift?"

The siblings turn to see an old man has stopped beside them.  Exiting the river of pedestrians and standing in the small downstream pool of space created by little brother’s wide chest.

Dressed in silks that look clean.  If a bit old and worn.  He shows a friendly smile and gives off a scholarly aura.  'Maybe he is a city official?' the two think to themselves.

Sister cups her hands, bows respectfully and replies first.

"Please, grand senior elder."  The old man's left eye twitches.  "We could not ask for gifts from one as aged as you.  Does venerable elderly uncle need aid crossing the street?"

The not quite so old that he thinks he should be called "grand senior elder," calms himself before continuing.

"No, noble daughter. *ahem* This young reputable senior has simply misplaced his wallet and hopes you cou-"

Gruff female words intrude from behind.

"Still using the 'lost wallet' scam, Crazy Cao?  Thought you promised Crimson to stop grifting newcomers."

Struggling to keep that pleasant smile, the supposed scholar looks over his shoulder.

Easily intimidating and parting the flow of people.  A warrior woman every inch as tall as little brother steps through.  Her most noticeable feature is not the short spiky hair, blue eyes, or foreign face.  But an ugly jagged scar going down its right side.

Over a red cotton tunic and trousers is heavy lamellar armor covering the torso, shoulders and thighs.  Metal vambraces and greaves protect forearms and shins.  Hands rest on a long banded and studded club laying across her shoulders.

This warrior's armor has seen better days.  Dented and scratched.  Some scales replaced with different metals or missing entirely.  But those eyes are still sharp as a hawk's.  Toned muscles ready for violence.

The old man nearly loses his gentle smile after recognizing who it is.  Still, ever the professional, he smoothly turns back to the two siblings.  Adding only a bit of snark to an intellectual sounding reply.

"I have never seen that stick maiden before in my life.  And one as steady as Mount Tai should know better than to interrupt others and mind her own busine-"

Ignoring him completely, the young man waves at the fighter.

"Hi big sister.  Is auntie done?"

The not-quite-official official's smile transforms into a frown and he groans before grumbling.

"You know her?"

Before either sibling can answer, the warrior speaks again.

“They are with me, Crazy Cao.”  She smirks.  Making her scar stand out even more.  “Man proposes.  Heaven disposes.  Go find another sucker.”

The kindly old senior who stood there is now gone.  Replaced by a stooped shifty weasel.  His smile becomes a sneer.  Side eying the armored lady, he hisses.

"Hmph.  Fine.  But Crimson will be very interested to hear the Bloody Basher is back in town.  Might send you an invite."  Big sister's eyes turn hard.  "Been ages since the arena's had a good match."

"You said your piece, conman."  Motions with her chin.  "Now scram, before I bash you."

Cao takes one last look before rejoining the stream of humanity going down the street.  Soon a familiar voice, sounding scholarly and friendly again, can be heard.  "Young mistress, might this humble patriarch bother you with a minor gift?"

Shaking her head and now with a disappointed expression.  Big sister turns back to the duo.

"Did we not tell you to stay close?  The streets are full of pickpockets and scammers."  Looks exasperated.  "This isn't a village or sect town.  Take the wrong corner and you could be sold to a mine."  Stares at the girl.  "Or a brothel."  The two guiltily keep their eyes down.  Earning a sigh.  "Come on.  Follow me."

A chastised and regretful pair quietly trail the warrior as she walks upstream.  The masses parting before her.  All it takes is a glance, each time, to convince thieves to look elsewhere.

Sister finally works up the courage to speak.

"Big sister?  Is auntie in trouble?"

A barked laugh in reply.

"Ha!  No, one of the guards saw little sister's tattoos.  Auntie had to show a sect badge, and stamp a lot of forms, to keep the cat girl out of jail."

Warrior leads them out of the human current and into an empty pocket.  A short alley.  Where a motherly concerned tone greets them.

"There you are.  Auntie was getting worried."  Pauses as she looks at their dejected postures.  "Seems you have already been talked to.”  Glances at big sister.  “So I will just say that I am relieved you are okay."

The matron steps forward and gives both siblings a hug.  Lingering a bit longer in little brother's arms.  Unlike hemp and cotton, she wears robes of thick white silk that wrap and billow with long loose sleeves.

While almost as short as sister, auntie's breasts are much bigger.  As is the two handed sword strapped to her back.  And when she moves?  Glimpses of a fine chain hauberk hidden beneath robes can be seen.

Hesitantly coming around from hiding behind the matron, is a beastkin girl.  

An ice catkin with soft thick fur and blue within blue eyes.  Her spotted white pelt may be good camouflage among the snowy northern mountains.  But it is useless in this city.

Athletic and short.  Blue tribal tattoos cover every bit of exposed pink skin.  Declaring which tribe she belongs to and her status within it.

With so much hair, tunics, trousers, even robes can be uncomfortable.  So little sister only wears undergarments and light leather armor under a large brown hooded cloak.  Helping to hide the ink art that southern beastkin refuse.  And which marks her an eternal enemy of Luyan.

The cat girl scoots closer.  Looking up at little brother with mournful eyes.

"This one is sorry.  For causing so much trouble."

The boy replies with a cuddle that envelops little sister.  Letting her nuzzle in.  And covering herself with his scent again.  Comforting words send her heart soaring.

"Little sister, I will always accept you."


Someone clearing their throat dispels the pink atmosphere.  And another girl enters the dirty alley.  Heartbeat skipping when little brother smiles her way.

"Hi elder sister, where did you go?"

The also white silk robe wearing girl is only a couple inches shorter than the young man she has known for his entire life.  Still remembering when a much younger little brother swore to marry her one day.

And while her robes are not as exquisite as teacher's?  Elder sister diligently follows in auntie's footsteps.  Difficultly, she shifts focus away from the childhood friend and bows to the incognito sect elder.

"Master, I delivered your report to the local branch."  Pulls a scroll out of a loose sleeve.  "This was waiting for you."

Elegantly, auntie accepts the rolled paper, opens it and begins reading.  Her five allies anxiously await the news.

Eventually, the matron nods and looks up to address the team.

"Good news everyone.  The Matriarch approves.  Once we finish here?  We will proceed to Beiguang."  She lovingly looks at the youth.  "Little brother?  Shall we find your cousin's fiance?"

He excitedly nods, bows and cups hands.

"Yes auntie.  Thank you!"

All smiles now.  The six pick up their backpacks, arrange gear and hide money, before walking back out into the street.

In sight are the port city's towering walls and huge "Turtle Gate."  This northern entrance to the oriental metropolis is a massive roofed red stone structure with three entrances.

Two smaller "pedestrian" sized gates flank a huge central one.  That’s so wide, multiple wagons can pass through it side by side.  It’s the only opening on the north side of town and where they spent hours waiting in line to enter.  Arriving even before the sun had risen.

Past the entrance is one of Chengai’s busiest streets.  A wide avenue with plenty of room for wagons and raised "sidewalks'' on both sides for foot traffic.

Lined with brightly painted buildings, each three to six stories tall.  Little brother's head again swivels every which way.  Trying not to miss a single detail.

Even the wagons overload his senses.  Sporting an amazing variety of livery and colors.  Some truly massive versions are actually pulled by tamed demon beasts, instead of oxen or horses.

The sidewalks are packed with travelers, commuters, shoppers, messengers and porters.  All manners of fashion and class fill his sight.  Most the village boy has never seen.  Even a sprinkling of races he had only ever heard of in fireside tales.

Despite the brick pavings and clear skies, the footsteps of thousands upon thousands kicks up a lot of dust.  Just as all that sweat creates quite the pungent odor.

The party of six passes by every sort of shop imaginable.  Even some his mother had made him swear on their ancestors to never enter.  On the higher floors are apartments.  Most with shutters open wide and occupants hanging out.  People watching.

The farther they walk, the more curious the young man becomes.  "Big sister?  How many call this city home?"

"The last census I know of counted over a hundred thousand households."  She answers.

Little brother is gobsmacked.  "This must be the biggest city in the world."

"Ha!"  The warrior barks.  "Chenghai is big.  But hardly the biggest.  I have been to a city ten times its size."

So shocked is the youth that he nearly topples a passing palanquin.  Quick apologies defuse the incident and both groups soon go on their way.

They make a couple of stops.  Asking for directions to help keep them on course.

Sister muses out loud.  "I am still surprised we met that merchant where we did.  Without his wagons it would have taken another week to reach here."

Elder sister nods.  "That was weird.  Those ruins were far from any village.  And the road we took was not much better than a trail."

"I have long accepted that there are no coincidences under heaven."  Auntie wisely comments.  "Only opportunities."

The elder's disciple cups hands towards her.  "Indeed, master."  Turning to the others.  "But we must be vigilant.  Such fortuitous encounters may be subtle and easily missed."

An eight-hour has passed but their march continues southward.  Uphill.  Downhill.  Big streets.  Small alleys.  Passing markets, temples, halls and wards.  They even visited an eatery for a hot meal and cold drinks.

They cross another of those strange "intersections."  Where guardsmen with flags and horns direct, and sometimes stop, wagon traffic.

As they get closer to the address the cousin's fiance gave in her last letter.  Little brother's "sisters" feel more and more uncomfortable.  No one wants to say what should be said.  So auntie finally begins "the talk."

"Little brother?"

“Yes auntie?”  He answers, slowing down to gawk at another pagoda temple.

Hesitating.  "Please do not think ill of your cousin's fiance if we find her behaving… dishonorably."


"During lean years it is common for young men and women to go to the city looking for work, yes?"

Little brother nods distractedly.  "Yes…"

"And some do not return, yes?"

Getting confused.  "...Yes."

“Well she is still sending letters and money.  So while she is likely safe?”  Auntie pats the youth’s hand.  “What she does to earn that money may not be… honorable.”

Nearing another intersection, the village boy stops, bringing the party to a halt with him.  And earning some complaints from passers by that the farmer ignores.  He looks at the matron.  Narrowing his eyes.

"Auntie?  Are you trying to say cousin’s fiance is selling her body?"

Big sister waves her hands and breaks into the conversation.

"We don't know that for sure, little brother.  It is just that village girls far from home may not find honorable work.  So to survive they must… well… sell what they have.”  Shoulders slump and looks down.  “Themselves."

"I know what a prostitute is, big sister."  Crosses his arms.  "And cousin told me he doesn't care.  He still wants his fiance to come home."

Big sister sighs.  Realizes she's been doing that a lot today.

"Little brother?  Even if cousin does not care?  His fiance may."  The warrior shrugs.  "Something can break in a girl when she sells herself to strangers.  Not everyone can forgive themselves."

"Big sister, I will help her- uh, what's that?"

A rumble in the distance.  Screaming and shouting getting closer.  Around a corner in the road suddenly comes a stampede of panicked people.


The crack of a whip is heard as a carriage drawn by four horses flies around the bend.  Two wheels briefly leaving the stones as it tilts dangerously to the side.  Escorting it are armed galloping cavalry.  Yelling at everyone to get out of the way.

Only a glance is needed to see how luxurious the hurtling coach is.  Must be ludicrously expensive.  Its owner among the wealthiest in Chenghai.

At the intersection ahead, frantic guardsmen blow horns and wave flags to clear the street.  Scattering pedestrians and sending wagons carrying freight or passengers scrambling to the sides of the avenue.

Some even end up on the sidewalks.  Injuring citizens, damaging storefronts and spreading more chaos.

The fearful flood of fleeing humanity hits the group like a tidal wave.  Carrying them along as they try not to fall and get trampled.  By persons, beasts, or wheels.

Suddenly the youth shouts.


The village boy sees something which inspires him to leap upwards.

"Little brother!"

Sister yells as she's swept away by the chaotic current.

Using every bit of strength and qi he can muster.  The powerful young man soars over the mob.  Landing in the middle of the street.  Between the oncoming carriage, and a cowering woman.

Pushed down while crossing the street.  Her ankle was stepped on and is badly broken.  Leaving her unable to move without excruciating pain.

With the injured lady is a girl young enough to be her child.  Who’s arms are wrapped around the woman’s neck.  Sobbing and refusing the lady's pleas to abandon her.


The whip cracks again as the coach speeds closer.  In return, little brother begins spinning while swinging his spear.  Building momentum.  Its bronze leaf blade and double crescent ax now exposed, shining with an inner light.

[Earth Shatter]

Using both hands, he raises the poleaxe up high before hammering it down onto the ground in front of him.


Brick and rock explodes outward in front of the village boy.


The charging horses scream as they get blasted by debris.  Yanking away from the pain rips free their harnesses and sends all four tumbling to the sides.

Letting the shaft drop and dig into the now broken ground.  Bringing the carriage to a bone jarring stop.  Flipping it and catapulting a screaming driver over the youth’s head.  Hitting the ground and rolling to a stop behind him.

The young man turns to the apparent mother and daughter.  "It is alright, sisters.  You are safe no-"

*whapish* *ching*

Feeling danger.  Little brother swings his spear over the ladies' heads.  Repelling the barbed tip of a razor sharp whip.

"You are courting death, boy!"  The yanese driver finishes standing back up.  Livid that this bumpkin blocked his sneak attack.  "I serve the Huang clan.  How are you going to compensate them for this?"

The subordinate knows he is in trouble.  Earlier he had rushed the docks to pick up a Huang young master, after hearing they had returned early.

But instead of a Yangxu treasure fleet?  What he found was an Elluine airship.  And instead of a young master?  There was a damning report of betrayal and demonic arts.

Scroll from the fleet’s admiral in hand.  The loyal servant knew he had to get it to the Huang elders immediately.  The clan was in enough trouble as it is.  A family member trying to sell a Tiang princess to demons?

That could bring down the entire clan.

So he flew the emergency flag that would have the guardsmen clear traffic for him.  And If someone got in the way?  Well, it wouldn't be the first time and the elders always made sure nothing came of it.

Of course he had to run afoul of some rural daoist hick with more brawn than brain.  At least his spear looks valuable.  Maybe he can profit from this after all.  This boy is stupidly righteous.  Just need to egg him on.  

But the more time he wastes here?  The less time the Huang will have to prepare for the Tiang’s demands.  Or the Tiang’s retaliation.

"You were going to kill them!"  The village youth is outraged.

Subordinate laughs and begins circling him.

"So?  A hundred of them are not even worth my buckle!"

The young man can take no more.

"Villain!  I shall bring you to justice!"

Loyal servant laughs again.

"Boy.  Not even with three heads and six arms, could you survive this."

*whapish* *chang*

Another strike of the whip is intercepted by the bronze spear.


Stars explode in little brother's vision as he feels a blow to the back of his head.  Falling sideways, a man holding a club appears next to him.  'Where did you come from?'

Subordinate laughs even louder.

“As easy as turning over a hand.”

Struggling to stay conscious.  Little brother shakes his head.  He cannot see but he can still hear.  Holding his spear in front of him he proclaims to the crying girl.

"Do not be afraid.  I will protect you."

Searching within, he finds the will of the spear.  This is the rarest kind of weapon.  One with its own qi.  And with its superb senses?  All the temporarily blinded boy needs to do is let the polearm guide his hands.

Another villain speaks.

“Oh, there is some fight left in you?  Good.  I like throwing stones down a well.”

Little brother feels the building qi and adds his own.  Knows it's about time to strike- huh?  ‘It is gone?’  The spear’s will suddenly goes silent.  Quiet.

As the farmer tries to understand what’s happened.  He hears another carriage approaching over the surrounding moans and screams of injured people and animals.

Subordinate clicks his tongue.

"Tch.  That's Tiang livery.  Damn.  May their ancestors be cursed to the eighth generation."

Another voice rebukes the loyal servant.

"Bite your tongue!  You have caused enough trouble.  Be polite.  We have the right here.  This sectless fool attacked us.  They will leave soon enough."

The youth hears a coach door open and the subordinate’s whisper.

“Thrice damned, it's a foreigner.  Probably a guest of their clan.”  Snickers.  “Bet he can't even speak yanese.”

Suddenly, for the first time since finding it in that dark dank cell.  The youth feels rage, from the polearm.  Directed at the approaching stranger?  No, directed at what he's carrying.  His two… swords?

‘Why does my spear hate those swords?’

Still unable to see.  The village boy hears the newcomer walk over and speak.

"What's all this then?"

Little brother wonders if his head was hit harder than he thought.  The stranger's yanese is passable.  But the accent is strange and the pronunciation off.

The villains seem even more surprised.

"Umm…  Esteemed senior.  This is merely justice being served.  No need to concern your honorable self."

The young man can hear the doubt in the newcomer’s voice.  He considers asking him for aid.  But does not want to burden others with his quest.

"Uh-huh.  Let's see…  Immobilized damsel?  Check.  Speeding wagon?  Check.  Hero steps in to save the day?  Check.  Douchebag driver?  Check."

"What did you say?"  The subordinate is pretty sure he was just insulted.

Little brother now hears satisfaction in the stanger’s words and he appears to be talking to himself.

"The test results are conclusive.  Houston?  We have trope."

One of the other villains speaks.  "Uh, this is a Huang matter.  You should leave."

The young farmer can almost feel the killing intent spread.  Newcomer’s tone gains a deadly edge.

"Oh, I would.  Wasn't even going to stop.  There's a problem though."

"Ye-yes?"  Loyal servant feels in danger.  Not just from the Tiang guest.  But all around him.  As if any step.  Any movement.  Will threaten his very soul.  Cold sweat drips down.  ‘Did that shadow just move?’

The Huang clan subordinate sees the stranger grin as the world seems to darken.  As a chill fills the air.  The dark one continues.

“See that crying girl?  How old would you say she is?  Eight?  Ten?”  A chuckle.  “Unfortunately, for you, kids are kind of my reverse scale.  And, hehe, you touched it.”  The air temp suddenly plummets.  “Tell me something.  You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”



*gahk* *gahk*

Cold seeps into little brother's bones.  But it is an unnatural chill.  While his spear seems to be struggling against a great weight.  And warning him of death being all around.  The noises have stopped too.  All that is left is a choking sound.  The crying?  The moaning?  The screams?  All gone.

At last his vision starts returning.  Letting him see again.  But what he sees…


In front of the village boy is the carriage driver.  Hanging a foot off the ground and grasping at the gauntlet holding him up by his throat.  That piece of armor.  And the rest of it worn by the newcomer.  Reminding the young man of battle trophies displayed by sects.

From their wars against the demon clans.

Black.  Menacing.  Covering from head to toe.  It wouldn't look out of place worn by a demon champion.

The stranger answers.  "No.  But some say I'm worse."


Suffocating loyal servant struggles to speak.

"Spare… me…"



The sound of the Huang subordinate's breaking neck carries quite clearly across the space.

"You… you killed him."  The youth had planned to only beat him.  And then deliver the villain to the local magistrate for sentencing.  Now, how would justice be shown?

While the helm hides the stranger's face.  Little brother would swear the newcomer is smirking.  He drops the corpse and turns to face the village boy.

“Well hello… Protag.  You know, if I were a gambling man?  Would say you’re here for a certain young master stepping stone.  Sadly, for your story arc, I already killed him.  So, guess that makes me his replacement.”


A short dark-elf with the largest breasts little brother has ever seen, exits the carriage.  She stops approaching when the stranger lifts his hand.

“No, it's okay Frankie.  Should have expected shit like this.”  Sighs.  “Probably that bitch, Metia.  Oh well, fuck it.”


A tall pregnant redheaded foreigner with not quite as large breasts, and holding a sword, stops beside the dark-elf.

“Stand down Red.  Superswords got some beef with that kid’s spear.  Meaning this is some fate bullshit.”  A sigh.  “Hey, kid, before we start.  How about I get your name.  Mine’s Barton, Jon Barton.  Though around here they pronounce it Badun.  What’s yours?”

“Uh, thank you for your help, big brother.”  He stands up, bows and cups hands.  “But this little brother has never heard of the, uh, Protag clan.  My humble clan is Ding and honorable father named me Dong.  I am Ding Dong.”

“What the fuck?”

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