A Fathers Wrath

Branch 5: Duridegit

---D-Day+32, Glenic 3rd---


"Was I supposed to feel that?"

Is what the elite dwarven adventurer taunted after receiving another hammer like blow.  The hammerman is a lordling wearing malevolent looking armor but wielding thick dull heavy iron training swords.

She would never admit how much that blow hurt.  Just as she would never admit how hard their first match had been.  Now free from the disease eating her, she was feeling stronger and stronger every day.

But somehow this bastard was keeping up with her.  Pacing her returning strength with his growing power.

Of course she immediately reported proof of the Beast's otherworldly power to the guild.  Messages have been flying among the guild's leadership ever since.

Its a regular occurrence for top, or on the way to the top, rankers to have too hang up their tags due to chronic illness or major injury.  A number of current guild masters ended up in their positions because they couldn't raid anymore.

And when you think of all the retired early adventurers?

Now there was someone who could restore their health.  Let these battle junkies return to the front lines.  Reclaim the glory they once had.  Get rich again harvesting the rarest materials from the bottom of the deepest dungeons.

Needless to say?  The guild leadership was in chaos.

Slowly a plan was coming together.  Assets moved.  Resources gathered.  Thieves guild surrounding the lordling.  Monitoring his every move.  Infiltrating the castle, town, and even school.

At least the guild seemed to be taking her warnings seriously so far.  That if they tried to force him it would be like grabbing a hellhound by the tail.

*zhang* *VHONG*

Her sword failed to get in his guard again and the counter left another dent in Bulwark.  He was getting better and better at reading the blade instead of just the motion.  She was tagging him less and less.

Impressive.  And Chezot cursed frightening.

Plus he's a Swordmage.  So weapons that should bend or shatter when hitting something too hard?  Leave dents in a legendary level magic shield instead.  Her tower shield seemed to be an excuse for him to put extra power into his attacks.

Like he enjoyed beating up a thousand year old hunk of mooniron.

And this wasn't the typical lordling who liked to be coddled, told, and shown, things over and over before trying it.  Nope.  This bastard liked to learn by doing.  No matter how many bruises or burns it left on him.

So every morning her party, Redbrand, would get up before dawn and head up to and thru the school.  Ending up at the bottom of the gorge between Lions Keep and Stormgarde.

They would also bring a couple of servants to help with their gear.  Of course these servants were actually members of the guild who wanted to see the Beast for themselves or were sent to study him.

There they would have an amazing breakfast served by Viscount Barton's butler, Mister Provion, and his maids.  Discuss the previous day's session.  Chat with the lordling and his wives.  Discuss possible strategies.  And then, attack the Lord of Lions Keep.

Until lunch the crevice would turn into a battleground.  Sometimes she would spar with the lord alone.  Sometimes the entire party would attack him.  Occasionally his wives and or knights would fight by his side.

During breaks the also necromancer would duel with his living shadows.  Particularly his two champions, a former knight Rowl and a former inquisitor Alex.  She could still not get over how 'alive' his undead seemed to be.

It was crazy.  It was chaotic.  It was also, the dwarf would never admit, damn fun.

Then a delicious meal in the keep.  Where the local rich and powerful would visit to suck up to the Viscount.  A fine bath.  And then the lordling and wives were off to Stormgarde.  Studying magic and digging thru books and scrolls.

When night fell they would return.  Sometimes Redbrand joined their intimate dinners at the top of the keep and sometimes took part in the 'adult play' afterwards.

She never realized Almede was a virgin until several of the lord's maids insisted on taking care of that for him.  In fact, both Almede and Mularur have been unusually pleased with themselves lately and often try to get another dinner invitation.

The young mage is even 'dating' one of the maids.  With the Viscount's approval no less.  She grins and again shakes her head over the insanity of it all.

And while the lordling refuses to share his wives with men?  He doesn't mind other women.  Even when he doesn't join in.  Only when his wives are willing of course.  Never forcing or ordering.  Very unusual behavior for a 'noble.'

Remembering last night's orgy brings a huge smile to the dwarf's face, and a bit of drool.


Her distraction brings quick retaliation as the Swordmage sneaks a knee into the warrior's side.  Launching her rolling across the gorge.  One of only a handful of times he's managed to get her feet out from under her.

"Stop daydreaming about my wives or you won't get another invitation!"

The dwarf leers behind her visor as Tebabia appears to almost materialize above the necromancer.  Driving her daggers downward.  Only to be disarmed in a blur of speed.  Pulled close.  Have another kiss stolen.  And tossed back into the trees.

"No fair!"  Could be heard from the flying, and now pouting, halfling.

Spitting out some blood and smiling, she launches herself back at the lord.  Whatever damage or injuries?  The master healer would take care of.  She spared a thought for Lady Edelys Barton.

While the Fire Lady's muscular body appealed, a lot, to the dwarf?  The only woman she has eyes for is the Blue Lady.  Just as the only man she yearns for is the lordling.  Oh she would play, sometimes, but never gets 'intense' like the dark elf.

While the Gold rank is still unsettled by how 'fanatical' the Dark Lady is for her dark lord?  Her silver tongue, in more ways than one, makes her difficult to resist.  The leader of Redbrand is pretty sure both her thief and mage are already praying to 'the Beast.'

The mage thru conversion by the maid who already worships her master.  The thief thru her conquest by the lordling.  While the warrior disliked sharing her favorite halfling?  She oddly finds she doesn't mind it.  With this particular lordling.

Memories of the one time, so far, they 'directly' shared her thief?  Again sends tingles up the mighty warrior's spine.


"Then I will certainly pay closer attention, lordling!"

Her blade ramming in was easily caught.  But also bashing him with her tower shield?  Slides the Swordmage back a few feet and will leave a large bruise on him.

While the dwarf could not see the lordling's face?  She could feel the smile on it as he cut down another of Nevisa's arrows and Tebabia's bolts.  Spinning into the Demolisher's blind spot again.

The joy of another morning spent pushing herself beyond her limits gets her giggling.  As she lets her shield guide her into another counter.

"So much, power."

Almede (male, dwarf-human, tourinese)

  • Relationship
    • Jenette
  • Faith
    • Beast

Barton, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • "Red," "Edel," "Fire Lady"

Barton, Ushinua (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • "Ushi," "Frankie," "Dark Lady"

Chastel, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • "Blue Lady"

Jenette (female, elf, tourinese)

  • Relationship
    • Almede

Steiatius, Tebabia (female, halfling, aquecian)

  • Faith
    • Beast

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