A Fathers Wrath

Branch 6: Miltinnia

"Miltinnia?  Honey?  Time to wake up."

A father's knocking and voice comes clearly through the door on the second floor of the import export business.  The dawn air is crisp and clear.  Damp too from last night's rain. 

While the cold and wet didn't bother her at the time?  Now?  She's freezing her tooshie off and buried under every blanket she could find.

"I'm awake papa.  Think I'll sleep in a bit today if that's okay."

The girl's voice carries just as clearly.

"Alright, just working on inventory this morning.  Do you need help going to the bathroom or chamber pot emptied?"

It was hard work getting up and down the stairs in her wheelchair.  So the first thing her father would do almost every morning was help her to the public toilets or empty her chamber pot into the sewers.

"I took care of it already papa."

"Really?  You have certainly been energetic these last couple of days."


"Okay, okay.  I won't pry.  Still want to meet this Juri girl you keep talking about."

"You will soon papa.  She's just been very busy lately."

"Alright honey.  Love you.  Use the bell if you need anything."

"Love you too papa."

The legless girl listens to her father's footsteps go down the stairs.  Then him start to work on the inventory.  Can even tell when the apprentices come in from the toilets.  She's noticed how much sharper her senses have become.  Remembers Juri's harsh memories of training.  Again thankful for all they've shared.

Can even see the shadow assassin, watching from the shade cast by the table in the morning light.  The guard sent to help and protect her.  She again sinks into the comfort of vaguely feeling shadows across Pearlden being on her side.  Welcoming her to the Tenno's service.

Such a profound sense of, belonging.

What the avid book reader knew of the undead was their lifelessness.  Their coldness.  So why did they feel so alive to her?  So warm?  The embrace of Mitsu reminding her of mama.

The fragility of life had become the mother's enemy.  The daughter's weakness.  She did not feel weak anymore.  Did not feel life was an enemy.  Simply another step.

It was a shame to now know her mother had likely passed beyond this world already.  But when she was strong enough?  Had earned a place at the Tenno's side?  She would go home and make sure mother was at peace.

And help her find peace if she was not.

Her link to Juri was faint.  Her link to Tenno fainter.  But it was there.  She would make it stronger.

And when the Tenno chose to go beyond life himself?  She would join him and protect the new world he will build.  Knew nothing would make her happier.

Papa will understand.  Of course she'll show him Juri.  Show him the legs they share.  Just not yet.  So much to do first.

The once lonely girl remembers how scared she was of the giant in Juri's mind.  A vast and endless will.  Tenno, The One, King of Death, God of Shadow, The Beast.  So many names for one being.

So afraid of being rejected.  More afraid of rejection than even death.  Could not imagine life or death without Juri.

Yet like mist before the sun, the fear disappeared when she met his eyes.  Already accepted.  Already protected.  Already his.  Already free.

Giggling from the bed begins and lasts for some time.  The sounds of a happy content child.  Picking up the stuffed dog doll, her last gift from her mother, the girl hugs it and speaks.

"I have such an amazing god."

The slayer in the shadow happily agrees as his new sister drifts off to sleep and dreams of Juri on patrol with her new mother and father.

Alnus, Miltinnia (female, human, aquecian)

  • Faith
    • Beast

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