A Fathers Wrath

Branch 6: Shen Ling

---D-Day+175, Goridine 18th, Tuesday---

---Mount Yuxue---

Weeks west of Chenghai.  Beyond Yangxu’s grand capital, Beiguang.  The mighty Pubushan mountains rise from the plains.  Decorated with green pines below, white snow above, and numerous waterfalls fed by glacial runoff.

Along the range’s eastern edge stands Mount Yuxue.  Whose peak is permanently capped with enchanting light green snow.  Every day the sun rises and shines on two communities nestled into the mountain’s flank.  One below and the other above.

Near the base spreads a town, Yuxueshi, with tens of thousands living inside its walls.  Seemingly endless farmland covers the village dotted prairies below it.

This city resounds with crafters crafting and traders trading.  A kaleidoscope of people, rich and poor, young and old, live and work here.  Many of these citizens regularly look up to the west with respect, gratitude, even admiration.

From Jade Snow City, a busy stone paved road slithers up the tree covered slopes until it reaches the second community on Mount Yuxue

This one is also walled but has a very different aura.  And while as large as Yuxueshi.  It stretches up the mountainside, passing the treeline, in a rectangular strip.  Instead of forming a circular blob at the bottom of Jade Snow Mountain.

Despite the similar size, only thousands live within its perimeter.  Unlike the rainbow of fabrics below, the majority here wear blue.  And young children are nowhere to be found on its streets.

Unlike the hustle and bustle below.  Here there is calm.  Contemplation.  Reverence.

This, is the Beyulongong.

The largest sect in Yangxu’s stepped streets are orderly.  Its pedestrians diligently go about their tasks.  There are few shops and no markets within the North Jade Dragon Palace’s walls.  One finds only quarters, courtyards, halls, gardens and temples.

Pagodas dot the community's upwards climb.  Monuments to profound concepts and past masters sprinkle the complex.  As do several waterfalls.  Creating a mystical atmosphere.

In halls and on courtyards hundreds of disciples can be seen training, sparring, learning, studying, and meditating.

Two walls cut across this stepped community horizontally.  Dividing it into three equal portions.

The lowest is by far the most populated.  Filled with thousands of waiwei dizi, outer disciples, practicing dozens of different disciplines.  Here is where the sect’s few shops can be found.

The middle section is significantly less colonized.  While at the same time its housing is grander.  Each neimen dizi, inner disciple, having their own, though small, siheyuan.  Maintained by a servant or two.  Not having to perform their own upkeep nor share quarters like the outer disciples.

Lastly the highest district, beyond the treeline, has the fewest people.  Its upper reaches, like the peak above, covered in light green snow.  This is the domain of hexin dizi, core disciples, and ranking elders.  Their courtyard homes significantly larger than those in the lower two sections.  And each requires a handful of servants to maintain.

Due to the northern latitude and elevation.  There is a chill to the air even in the midst of summer.  A layer of frost not being an uncommon sight to wake up too.  During winter the entire sect is blanketed by snow for weeks at a time.

Across all three districts can be found the halls responsible for the sect's governance.  The same with buildings belonging to its various clubs and groups.

The most open factions are found in the lowest ward.  The more exclusive ones are located within the middle ward.  And those restricted to only core disciples or elders are based in the upper ward.

Within the middle district towers an eight story tall pagoda embellished with depictions of the dead.  Statues and carvings of skulls and skeletons compete with mosaics of the dead and damned.  This is the headquarters of one of the Beyulongong’s oldest groups.

The Siwangdao.

Only welcoming those who practice necromancy.  This faction was created in the wake of the fall of the old empire.  And tasked by the first North Jade Dragon Palace sect master with learning the once taboo arcane art.

An order the group has faithfully obeyed for two thousand years.

*tach* *tach* *tach*

Within the tower, a middle aged student finishes her long descent.  Finally reaching the eighth floor down.  The deepest below the ground.  Here death qi hangs thick in the air.  So heavy it rivals the most ancient of mausoleums.  So dense its currents are visible to the naked eye.

Only one double door is found at the bottom of this roughly hewn stone stairwell and heavily armored warriors stand motionless before it.  Each oozing with the chill of the grave since they are higher level undead.

The approaching woman wears the attire of a core disciple.  Blue daoist robes embroidered with yellow “北玉龍” characters.  Plus amber collars, edging and sash.  The dangling part of the silk ribbon boldly emblazoned with the letters “死亡道”.  Some of the yellow embellishments have gold weaved in.  A metallic addition permitted in recognition for winning a major Luyan tournament.

Unlike most female sect members, these robes have a masculine cut.  Exposing no bare skin on the arms or legs.  Cleavage covered.  Breasts bound.  Likewise her hair is tightly bobbed with short plain pins.  Not allowing any of it to hang free.

But no amount of male clothing can hide the feminine masterpiece that is her face.  Jade skin.  Button nose.  Tender lips.  Small ears.  And most tempting of all.  Strikingly deep green irises.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the lady kowtows towards the door.  Becoming as still as the unliving guards.  Eventually a tremor passes through the death qi.  A communication not for the disciple.  But for the doormen.  Who step aside as the heavy double doors swing inward.

*creeeak* *boom*

A raspy aged voice beckons from the chamber beyond.

“Enter, Ling’er.”

*tach* *tach* *tach* 

Core Disciple Shen Ling Yi rises and walks through the entrance.  Revealing a small columned octagonal hall inside.  The chamber is poorly lit with only a few scattered lanterns and darkly colored in blacks, purples and blues.  Oriental style statues and artwork decorate its pillars and walls.

The only furniture in the room is a throne at its center.  Though the wide cushioned chair seems more a loveseat with the way its occupant is posing suggestively.  Laying sideways and stretching her long legs.

The two create a stark contrast.  While the student looks to be in her thirties.  The other appears to be in their nineties.  Where the core disciple’s clothes look masculine.  The ancient woman’s attire is far more feminine,  exposing more skin.

No matter how much an observer might sincerely wish it did not.

Wrinkly grey leathery skinned arms and legs are visible through slits and gaps in the black and blue silks.  A deep V reveals veiny breasts.  While long ornate bone white pins hold up a beehive of white hair.

*puff* *puff*

A lit long silver smoking pipe is held by one fragile hand.  Its smoke being inhaled through purple painted lips.  The other thin pale hand opens and closes a black metal folding fan embossed with gold.

Shen stops and kowtows before the seat.  The old woman eyes the visitor and begins giggling.

“Xixixi…  Thank you for coming so quickly, my young apprentice.”

The visitor rises to her knees and salutes through cupped hands before replying with a hint of disappointment.

“Shimu, there is no need to tease.  I would never delay your summons.”  Eyes the surroundings suspiciously.  "It is only us here?"

The disciple's master spreads the fan and covers her mouth with it as she giggles again.

"Xixi…  I sent the vultures away."  Waves dismissively with the pipe hand.  "Those bastards cannot wait to burn my corpse.  Respectfully, of course."

Ling sneers but only replies with, "of course."

The senior smiles sadly and continues. 

"There is news that affects your ascension, my child.  So our plans must be… adjusted."

Bitterness creeps into her apprentice's tone.  "What is it this time?  Has another of your sworn supporters secretly changed sides?”  Fists clench.  “Proud tigers again turning into lowly dogs?!"

Earning a sympathetic look from her teacher.

"You cannot blame them too much, Ling'er.  My heir knows more than anyone that strength trumps all."  A flap of the fan.  "It is not their fault your cultivation stalled."

The apprentice's head droops.

"Un, shimu."

A sigh.

"Raise your head, Ling'er, for there is hope."  A smile as Shen Ling's head shoots back up.  "Junior Baiyu is bringing us a gift."

The disciple looks skeptical. 

"Elder Baiyu?"  Scoffs.  "She and her kittens like to lick themselves, and each other, too much."

Which gets her teacher giggling again.

"Xixixi…  True, very true.  But this present does not meow."  Sneaky wink.  "It roars."

A suspicious gaze.

"Shimu, please stop teasing and speak plainly."

The grey lady clicks her black tongue.

"Tch…  Fine, you are no fun."  A fan sweeps.  "The emperor has invited a foreigner to our shores."  Sees her, so what, look.  "A healer of great power.  From Tourin."

Milf eyes narrow.

"Tourin, master?  But their primitive elemental magic is inferior to our draconic arts.  So why…"  Realization strikes.  "An outworlder?"

More giggling and nods.

"Xixi…  Supposedly a very powerful one too.  Who is also a necromancer."

Shen Ling looks incredulous. 

"A silingfashi and zhiyuzhe?  How?  They are opposing interactions."  Sighs.  "Though an outworlder doing the impossible is to be expected."

A fan clacks.

"Man proposes.  Heaven disposes.  Was the first emperor not one as well?"

The visitor nods.

"Un, Elder Qiu.  And while a strong necromancer would help our ranks.  I doubt he is that strong."  She sees the grey lady snicker.  "But it does not seem like much of a gift to this ignorant student."

Her teacher nods.

"True, true.  Though his talent is reportedly renowned."  A glance.  "Must be for that pill making elf to declare him his tudi.”

The core disciple does a double take.

“A-ap-apprentice?!”  Flabbergasted.  “B-but th-that eunuch-er, uh, E-elder Qinxin has never taken an apprentice.  Ever!”  Wheels quickly start turning.  “We will need to prepare gifts.  While it would be like climbing heaven to pull him away from the grandmaster alchemist.”  Mumbling to herself.  “A subsidiary club membership is possible.  Must also gather ingredients, plan pill requests…”

The core disciple’s master looks at how fast her favored student adapts with pride.  Immediately considering how to get the best benefits for the Way of Death group from this news.

However, the elder chooses to pause her disciple’s scheming.  Since there is still more to reveal.

“Tudi Shen Ling Yi.”  Using her full name surprises the disciple again.  “That is not the gift.”

Martial milf artist tilts her head in confusion.


Core Elder Qui Chin, centuries old head of her sect’s necromancy faction, readies herself for the storm to follow.

“The outworlder, Badun Yuehan, is a dual-cultivator.”

Ice qi invades the room.  Pushing the once dominant death qi back as frost visibly begins spreading across the floor from under the kneeling Shen Ling.  Killing intent also seeps out.  A new icy edge to her voice is heard.

“Then I will kill him.  Please thank Elder Baiyu for identifying-”

The scantily clad grey lady shakes her head.

“No, you will not.”

A glacial glare from her pupil.


Another sigh from the throne.

“We daoists have long memories to go along with our long lives.  Helps keep us focused.  Stay wary of bandits along the trail.”  Finger taps a wrinkled chin.  “But it can also trap us.  Stop us from-”

For one of the few times in Chin’s memory.  Her disciple interrupts her.

“They took everything from me, master.  My mind.  My cultivation!  My husband!  My child!!!”  She’s screaming now.  “I swore to kill every one-”

Death qi suddenly overwhelms the bubble of ice qi Shen Ling created.  Popping it like a balloon.  Necromantic energy surges into the disciple’s meridians.  Rapidly suppressing them.  Cutoff from her dantian, the sudden disorientation silences the woman.  Dizziness assaults her.  Despite the dazed state, she can still hear her master’s sorrowful voice perfectly.

“And I lost my son.  Lost my granddaughter.”  A fan flaps again.  “I… freed you, Ling’er.  Trained you.  Turned you into my weapon.  Where I could not act, you did.”  Another flap.  “Our war against them has been bloody, and satisfying.”

Shen manages to find her words again amidst bloody tears.

“Th-then…  w-why…”

In what seems only a moment.  Shen’s mother-in-law is in front of her.  Gazing down.  Ignoring the daughter-in-law’s snot and tear covered face.  Qiu wraps elderly arms around Ling and pulls her into a motherly hug.  The remorseful daughter begins sobbing inconsolably.  A grandmotherly whisper drifts into her ear.

“Why, Ling’er?  Because it has been over a hundred years since my daughter-in-law killed my son.  Because I am going to die soon.  Because I have had my revenge.  Against that man.  Against his sect.”  A pause.  “And against you.”

Through sobs Ling blubbers into Chin’s chest, “I-I am s-sorry.”

A thin frail hand pats her head.

“Hush child.  Shh…”  Rocking back and forth a little and tuts.  “How many times must we go through this?  Ling'er, you failed.  Lost everything.  Including yourself.  But even the deepest wound must stop bleeding eventually.  Unless your heart demons are overcome, you will never fulfill your promise.”  Stands and pulls Shen up to her feet with her.  “Perhaps what you truly need is forgiveness.  But that is not something I can provide.”

The apprentice struggles to collect herself as her master turns and slowly walks back to the throne.

After Elder Qiu is seated, Disciple Shen bows and cups hands.  “If shimu wills it this dizi shall... obey.  But may this failure of a woman ask a question?”

Another sigh from her teacher.

“What is it, Ling’er?”

“Master,” shudder, “is there really no other way?”  Qiu Chin remains silent.  “Must I really… fall, again?”

Senior’s eyes become kind.

“You misunderstand, apprentice.  Little Baiyu has faced yin pluckers before.  She states this, uh, Badun is not one.”

The visitor shakes her head in denial.

“No…  That’s not true…  That’s impossible.”

A shrug in response.

“Junior swears it is the case.  She examined his women.  Infiltrated his harem.  No hint of yin plucking or yang stealing.  Quite the opposite, in fact.”

Shen is confused.

“What dual-cultivation art is he using?”

“Moon Peach Petal.”

She snorts.

“Ha!  Moon Peach Petal?  That broken art?  Where did he find the missing techniques and exercises?”

An impassive gaze from the grey lady.

“He did not find them.”

Fingers rub the headache Shen Ling feels coming on.

“Mother-in-law, please, enough teasing.  If he did not find the missing texts then who taught him the art?”

Her senior smirks.

“Princess Tiang Li shared her copy.”

Headache turns into migraine.

“...Xiao Li?  How is the sect master’s daughter involved?”

The smirk becomes a grin.

“Little Li is part of the foreigner's harem.”  Snickers when her student’s jaw drops.  “She is so taken with her lover that others are calling him Junfei Badun.”

The disciple struggles to reply.

“L-lord consort?  Uh…  Was not the princess seeking her sister?”


“And she found her.  Poor Tiang Ji was lost inside herself.”

“Th-then what happ-”

“Junfei Badun healed her heart demons and welcomed Li’er’s sister into his harem.”

Shen finds herself becoming more and more confused.

“B-but ho-how-”

An iron fan clacks.

"A necromancer that can control thousands of undead."  Another double-take from Shen.  "A dual-cultivating genius that practices true dual-cultivation.”  The elder doesn’t even try to hide her sneer.  “And a healer that can even cure heart demons."  Thin grey arms spread wide.  "He is perfect for you!"

Wiping her face with her sleeve, Shen strains to compose herself.

"W-wait, master, please.  Did you say thousands of undead?"

A nod.

"Mmhm.  And he can raise them without talisman or formation."

"But th-that is not possible."

Another shrug.

"Well, he may also be the reincarnation of a Lich King but Little Jingi was not sure.”  An evil smile with a little bounce.  “Exciting, is it not?"

This time the disciple furiously shakes her head.

"No, it is not.  A necromancer that strong?  And with the next expedition to Zusichu-"  Another shock.  "Does the emperor mean too…"

A fan opens and swirls.

"Who knows?"  Shrug.  "That devil dragon's schemes are always deep and dark. Unfathomable. Not to mention whatever his mischievous elf is plotting."  Locks eyes with her disciple and grins.  "Good luck!"

Suspicious squint.

"What do you mean good luck, elder?"

Hand waves.

"My young apprentice.  Do you wish me to curse your task instead?"

The disciple shudders.

“B-but mother.”  Distaste.  “Those barbarians all look the same.”  Shen Ling waves her hand in front of her face.  “And their stink…”

More granny giggles.  The folding fan closes with a clack.

“Come now, Ling’er.  You cannot afford to miss this opportunity.”  Takes another puff from her pipe.  “Use this gift for all its worth.”  Her daughter-in-law tilts her head.  “His power to heal your xinmo.  His art to elevate your necromancy.  His yang to spur your cultivation.”

The spiteful milf smiles and her emerald eyes twinkle.

“And then kill him?”

The density of the room’s death qi spikes as the ancient bitch on the throne grins unnaturally wide before nodding and answering.  Flames lighting behind purple irises.

“And then kill him.”

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