A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 10: Conspiracy

---D-Day+141, Khabien 2nd, Tuesday Morning---



'Oooh… fuuuck…'

*pant* *pant*

'…Is it over?'

*drip* *drip*

'…Is it done?'


I collapse backwards onto the massive mattress of this ten poster redwood canopy bed.  While Frankie falls forward.  Face first.  Her dark bouncy battered butt left sticking up in the air.  Both of us splat into the drenched sheets.

With the side panels removed, morning light reveals the big bunk's bare plundered feminine terrain.  Mountains, hills, and valleys formed by unconscious wives, concubines, and mistresses.

Christ, I feel… like a misused dirty washcloth.  The spirit is not willing and the flesh is very spongy and bruised.

"So that was death by snoo snoo."  I mutter.

My entire body has a major case of cottonmouth.


Roll my bloodshot eyes up to see a naked war weary goddess creating a ridge behind me.  Edelys Barton.  First wife, knight, general and mother-to-be of my firstborn, in this world.

My mana enhanced sight immediately zooms into and through her.  Until reaching the fetus.  Red’s in her second trimester now and our bun is taking shape.  As is her baby belly.

“[Eyes of Ouroboros]”

Chantless cast to examine the future mini-me.  Then sweep my eyes across to find Lula.  Passed out in a heap with Mel.  Still in her first trimester.

‘Whew, thank god, both are healthy.’

No, don’t believe I would ever do anything to harm them.  But if anything had happened?  Because of me?


"Are you yourself again?"  Knight-wife runs fingers through my hair.

Guiltily nod.  "Red, I'm sorr-"

"Shh."  A red nailed finger on my lips silences me.  "We know what happened, husband.  No one blames you.  Here."  Hands lift my head and Edel scooches forward until my head rests on a well toned thigh as she sits sidesaddle.

*sip* *sip*

Thirstily drink water from a cup she holds up to my mouth.

Behind wife number one, is Blue.  Looking almost as tired as I feel.  Alote Barton.  My third wife, leprosy survivor, mage and Red’s girlfriend.

She also sits up.  Leaning against S.O.’s back.  Arms gently hugging her lover from behind.  Tenderly rubbing Edel's growing stomach.

Both stare at me with eyes full of judgement.  Oh, they'll swear up and down that they're not judging me.  But they're totally judging me.  And if there's anyone inclined to look poorly on a man losing control of his loins?  It's lesbians.


At least my thoughts are mostly making sense again.  Temp is finally dropping.  The nuclear meltdown that pill started.  Cooling off.


‘Don’t wanna know but I better.  Stalling is only going to make it worse.  Come on.  Don’t wuss out.  Fine.  Okay.  Let’s do this thing!’

Turn the peepers south.

‘Praise Jesus!  Can I get a motherfuckin amen?!  Hallelujah!  My dick is still here!’

Kind of amazed it didn't become detachable1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iJU-S8T0-k or get ground down into a chicken nugget.

"That'll do, penis.  That'll do."

So proud of my weiner right now.  We took on xianxia lsd and isekai viagra.  Had a reverse gangbang with dozens of women lasting for days.  Convinced Zhuji, Foundation Establishment, to finally put out.  Even got some freaky third eye thing.

And Mr. Willy?  Is still here.  Not sure if it'll ever get hard again but, at least it didn't get ripped off.

That's a win in my book.

Oh, and that third eye?  While it's not visible yet?  Can feel it under the skin.  Twitching.  Still see's fine though.  And right now?  It's showing me how fucked up my harem is.


"[Hygieia's Decree], [Menerva's Call], [House of Grannus]"

Chant, sign, and chantless to triple cast AOE's.  Cleaning, healing, and soothing the damage.  Physical and mental.  Barely feel the brain spike of ice that follows.

Two dozen women with tissue trauma, bruising, pulled muscles, and bite marks?  Geesh.  Not much tearing, thank heavens, but there is some.



As my [Recovery Magic] ripples across the room.  Dozens of yanese servants, cleaning, spin to face me.  Each dressed in simple hanfu style robes of muted pink, green, or blue colors.

All wearing veils.  [Super Senses] picks up some sort of strong smelling oil soaked into them.  Hmm…  Maybe to block that pill's passion perfume?  Stop the coitus causing cologne?

Isekai Febreze?

By the by.  My "odor" now completely reeks.  Sweat and other fluids cover the bedding and everyone on them.

Black sludge is also sprinkled about.  Has that acrid smell I know as purged impurities.  Adding to the putrid potpourri.

‘Huh.  Didn’t realize I was dual-cultivating too.  Was already sort of becoming automatic when I sexed.  Guess now it is.’

Damn, gonna owe the cleanup crew.  Big time.  During semi-lucid moments, witnessed them rescuing and patching up my ladies.  Applying lube and playing watergirl.  Keeping the orgy hydrated and fed.

Sometimes even taking off their veils and joining in.  In fact, they seemed downright knowledgeable about my condition.

Guess this isn't the first time they've dealt with wuxia cialis.  Jin called it a Peach Petal Pill.

Can’t complain.  Things could have gotten really ugly without their help.

Welp, Lurch is dead.  Gotta make his death really painful though.  Hmm…  He’s a eunuch so an aphrodisiac would be pointless.  Oh, how about a super ex-lax pill?  Shit himself to death.

Every bruise and bite I see on my girls’ skin, another mark demanding vengeance.

Yeah, there is a lot still to learn about alchemy.  But his corpse will probably have some of those skills.  Wonder what kind of undead he’ll make.  Maybe a lich?

‘Hehe, you want immortality?  Fine.  I’ll give you immortality.  In undeath.’


Ugh.  Too fucking tired.  Been awake for days.  Sleep first.  Revenge second.



Dusky skinned fingers interrupt sleepytime.  Caressing a cheek.  The half elf they belong to crawls onto my chest.

Frankie, Ushinua Barton.  Second wife, ex princess, ex oracle, and high priestess of the cult she created to worship me.  Also the summoner who targeted my son.

Bottomless violet eyes catch and hold mine.  Within them is both forgiveness and devotion.  Long ivory hair frames a heart shaped face.

The thought that I can no longer tell who is the jailer and who is the prisoner.  Passes through my mind.

What the hell do I say?  What can I say?  When I first arrived she was being raped by demons.  Her mind addled by [Charm Magic].  To become a victim again…

"Frankie I… I'm so sorr-"

Dark grey fingers close my lips.  An exhausted face that shouldn't be smiling but is.  The slightly angular facial features of mixed elfen ancestry that, months later, still look so exotic to me.

"Now is not then."  Looks across me.  "Master is being silly, is he not, sister?"

Another set of grey fingers touch my face.  Amused gentle amber eyes look at me from under black hair.  A face that again shocks me with how good japanese and elfen traits look together.

Hitomi Barton.  My fourth wife.  Isekaied japanese highschool girl.  Heroine, assassin, ninja otaku, and the Aquecian hero's ex-girlfriend.

I'm sprawled on my back, making it easy for Hitomi to bury one of my arms in her new d-cup cleavage before answering.

"Of course shujin is."  Shujin?  "Love makes men silly- ow."  A flash of pain crosses JK girl's face and one hand covers her tenderized crotch.  Then she notices my worried eyes.  Which gets her smiling again.  "And so kawaii♡"

Shake my head.  I may be a selfish asshole but there are lines you don't cross.

"How can you be okay with this?"  Each bruise and bite mark I see feels like a condemnation.  "I attacked you.  I-"

A nibble on my ear stops me.


She captures my vision again.

"Does master not remember who I am?"  Her eyebrows rise.  "What this slave has done?"

Oh… yeah.

Frankie was a holy whore for the church.  And Hitomi turned into an S&M queen.  A couple day rough play reverse gangbang?  Probably light fare for them.

"Then what about Clari?  Milti?  The others?  Doubt they wanted this."

"Is shujin sure?"  Ninja-wife’s question puts the breaks on my guilt train.


Ushi's finger traces my chin.  "Look at them, master.  Do you see any fear?"


Wife number two glances at wife number four before continuing.

"You were inflamed by a powerful aphrodisiac.  In a sexual rage."  True but-  "Yet does master see any broken bones?"  Huh?  No but-  "Any bleeding bites?"  Well, no, just-  "Any corpses?"  Christ Frankie.

Toilet tennis between priest-wife and ninja-wife.  The former confidently meets my gaze.  The latter?  Cannot now.  Sense her regret.  Remorse.  Move my arms under both and pull these dark pointy eared beauties in tight.

Bare g-cups and d-cups squish against me.

*sniff* *sniff*

Hear wife number two sniffing me.  Feel wife number four's tears.  Frankie's fingernails explore down my chest.  Her honey-like words, and tongue, reach into my ear.

"Every woman desires a strong man.  A confident man.  Powerful man."  Purple fingernails run back up my chest.  "The gods are not kind.  The gods are not fair."  Hitomi’s tongue finds my other ear.  "Master, how many women will do anything for one who is."

*lick* *rub*

Okay…  Answered the hardon question already.

Whispers drift into my other ear.  "Jon-kun.  Your scent aroused us too.  Being so completely dominated by you?"  *squirm*  "Dream come true."

Okay, these two perverts may not be the right two to ask.

"Gongzi Badun."  A voice, using the yanese pronunciation of my last name, comes from the side of the ten poster bed.  "This worthless servant begs your forgiveness."

Turn my head to the side.

See a yanese woman standing there.  Her outfit, similar to the other servants but finer.  A scene of bamboo and reeds embroidered into light blue fabric.  Some jewelry.  Fancier hair style.

She also looks older than the other maids.  Forties?  Fifties?  Can't be sure though in this world of mana.  Sadly, those cute freckles on her breasts are covered up.

"Forgiveness for what, Shu'er?"

The cryer turns redder than a stoplight and drops to her knees.  Trembling and kowtowing.  What?  Did she think I forgot?

Yeah, I may have been trippin balls with a raging hardon.  That doesn’t mean my memory stopped working.  At least not completely.

Lai Shufen, senior maid on the Jinshibo.  And someone who gets way over emotional during orgasms.

"Honorable lord, esteemed Elder Qinxin notified this inadequate servant that you had taken a Peach Petal Pill.  Yet I did not prepare your staff in time."  Kowtows and shivers again.  "Please let your wrath be satisfied with this lowly one."

Uh… eh?

"What wrath?"  I reply.

On her knees, she gives me a confused look.  "Um… When an honored lord consumes that type of medicine.  Servants are expected to be prepared, so the mighty one may enjoy himself freely."  Kowtows again.  "To my great shame I failed and preparations were delay-"


Formal speech is such a pain.

"Shu'er," more blushing and some snickers from the maids behind her.  "How many female servants are on this ship?"

"Seventy-three, gongzi."  Oh, that last word usually means young master.

"And how many did I have sex with?"

"Seventy-three, gongzi."  A lot more blushing behind the kowtowing maid.  But no snickering now.  Yeah, I filled every one of you.  No point trying to tease each other over it.

Sigh.  Need to treat this more seriously.

Frankie and Hitomi help my dragging ass up into a sitting position.  We're near the edge, so my feet reach the golden wood floor.  Get a good view down Shufen's backside to that healthy juicy ass.  Almost a crime that she only has b-cups.

"And why did you send all these women to my bed?"  The maid freezes.  "The truth, please."  I add.  No way I needed that much pussy.  No matter how long my erection was lasting.  Was this another super baby scheme?

Thank [Sex Magic] I was aware enough to only shoot blanks.

The other servants turn pale, drop, and start kowtowing too.  Uh-huh.  Yep, they know they busted.  But what was their scam?

"G-go-gongzi?"  Shufen's face also turns ashen as she starts stuttering.  "W-wh-why does most est-esteemed honor-"

"Stop."  Hold up my hand.  Getting too old for this shit.  "Don't think I'm angry.  Loved fucking you."  Some faces go full tomato.  "Really did.  But some were virgins and I heard whispers of fiances and husbands."

You can practically see a wave of relief wash over them.  Of course with [House of Grannus] still active.  It's a much lower bar to reach right now anyway.

"Jon," a few quiver when Shufen uses my first name.  "We know you are from beyond the heavens.  So your concern for us means more than you can know."  She looks over her shoulder.  "Peng Ya, come."

Beyond the heavens?  Do these girls think I'm an immortal?

"Yes, senior!"  A small girl in pink and blue robes stands, runs over, and kowtows next to Shufen.  "This humble servant greets gongzi!"

Not surprised by the yelling.  She's a screamer.  And she was a virgin.

Maid senior glances at her young subordinate.  "Peng Ya.  Why did you beg to give your purity to Badunzi?"


"Badunzi is kind, and strong, and honorable."  Looks at me with way to sparkly eyes.  "This servant knew he would appreciate her gift.  My purest yin was meant for him."  The last sentence is said with quite a bit of pride.

In Tourin, the custom for noblemen is to pay one gold if you take a peasant girl's virginity.  And a silver if you take her but she's not a virgin.  The money is to help support the child if she gets pregnant. 

That's a lot of money for a young woman.  Though the rule does not apply to prostitutes and adulterers.  Yeah, doesn't make any sense to me either.  Good old loopholes.

Considering this Peng Ya was one of the girls I heard about?  Feel the need to ask.

“Ya’er,” oh she liked that.  “Don’t you have a betrothed waiting for you?”

She nods guiltlessly.  “Yes gongzi.  But he is just a boy.”


Think I managed not to show how much that sucker punch hurt.  Just a boy?  I’m a boy too.  Shouldn't you care?  Even a little?  Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus. 

“A boy, Ya’er?”

Oh, the ’er shows a close relationship.  You throw it on the end of their first names if they’re like your girlfriend or daughter.  Something like that.  Me putting it behind their first names means I’m treating them like close family.  Or lovers.

And considering how many times I fucked them over the last couple days?  Figure they’ve earned it.

Me letting Shufen use my first name?  And none of my women raising a stink?  Acknowledges that relationship.  Yanese get super picky over names and titles.  Much pickier than the tourinese. 

The little maid that could, scream a lot, nods again.  “Yes, gongzi.  I met him once and he made fun of me!”  Ah.  Probably an arranged marriage.  “How could I ever marry such a bully?”

'Okay, think I get it.'

Time to put the dad hat on.

“Ya’er, sometimes a boy will bully a girl he likes.”  Need a pipe and a blazer.  “They don't mean to be mean.”  Channel my inner Mr. Cleaver.  “Might really like you.  He just needs a stern talking too.”

Wait.  I'm telling a girl I’ve laid to give the boy who likes her another chance.  Wow, uh, that’s kind of fucked up.  Isn't it?  Man, think I’m getting warped.  Well, in for a penny.

“And how old is this boy who likes you?”

“Twenty.  Eh, no, gongzi, he would be twenty-one now.”


Hear that?  That, my friend, is the sound of Mr. Cleaver's pipe shattering on the floor.  Like hearing Wally say his new girlfriend has an onlyfans site.

Noticing my frozen smile, and face starting to twitch like Inspector Clouseau's boss, Frankie butts in.

“Master, yanese tradition says a boy should not marry until he is twenty.  While a girl should wed at fifteen.”

What the fuck?  What kind of bullshit is that?

Frankie continues.

“Peng Ya’s marriage was delayed when a relative arranged employment here.”  Naturally my clever priest-wife already knows everything.  “Her betrothed is in debt and wants money from her parents.”


“Do you want to join my harem, Ya’er?”

Look at those ears glow but… she shakes her head no?

“Gongzi, forgive me but I was told you can control divine seed?”  I nod, confused.  “Xixi, so am I pregnant?”  Double check to confirm, then shake my head.  “Thank Badunzi.”  Her hands are pressed together over her breasts.  Like she's praying.

Notice Frankie's satisfied nod.  Ugh.  Guess she's been spreading the faith.  Well, that or the missionary position really works here.

Turn to Shufen and raise an eyebrow.  She gets the message and begins explaining. 

“Gongzi, you blessed Peng Ya with so much divine yang qi that she became a daoist.”  Say what now?  Better scrunch the eyebrows too.  “Eh?  Uh, junior Peng has a triple spirit root but had very little qi.  Elder Baiyu examined her and found she now has much more."

Ya blurts out.  "This servant is not pregnant and already at the Bone stage of Body Refining!"  She's excited.  "Elder Baiyu has accepted me as a potential disciple and I can enter the sect trials!"  About vibrating but then stops and shyly looks at me.  "Uh, gongzi?"


"This humble servant will never be an immortal."  Fingers fidget.  "May never be an elder."  Both sad and happy.  "But even becoming an outer disciple will bring great prestige to my clan.  Someday, I will want a child."  Turbo finger fidgets.  "Will you make one, then?  With me?"

Damn, that was cute.  These girls are doing bad things to my ego.  Really bad things.  You know what?  Fuck it.

"Okay, Ya'er."

Her smile is almost blinding.  And she's not the only one.  Uhoh.  I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


"Yes gongzi?"

"How many daoists did Baiyu find?

"Seventeen, gongzi."  Shit.  So instead of a super baby scheme.  This was a yang qi racket.  I got Kung Fu Hustled!

"And none of you want to join my harem?"

A whole lot of shy and awkward head shaking.

Huh.  You know?  Kind of feel relieved, and insulted.  Got twenty-two ladies but I'm brooding over seventy-three women I sexually assaulted not wanting to sign up for more.

Yep, hope fantasy china has psychiatrists.  Really starting to think I need one, or two, or five.

New voices join the conversation. 

"Forgive us, dashi."

"Xingan, this is our fault."

Turn to see Big Ji and Little Li have crawled over on the mattress and are kowtowing too.  Good to see those AOE's are working their, well, magic.  The bruises and bites are already fading.

"And how is it your fault?"

The younger sister is too embarrassed so the older sister speaks first.

"Dashi, these women are all from smaller clans."  Motions with her hand.  "Xiao Li and I are heirs of the imperial clan.  Elder Baiyu, Disciples Ganyue and Xinyue, are among the strongest of Yangxu's largest sect."

Princess Li musters her courage and talks next.

"The rest of your harem are foreigners."  Squirms nervously.  "Lower ranking women and weaker clans will fear retaliation."  Finally looks up at me.  "Many will gladly share your bed.  But few will stay by your side."

Does that mean I'll be a cultivating gigolo?


What a weird feeling.  Ugh.  Can't process this right now.  Too tired.  Put a pin in this for later.

"Where is Jingi?"  Her and the twins must have snuck out early this morning.

"Trading pointers with Elder Qinxin, gongzi."  Shufen answers.

Isn't that xianxia code for dueling?


Red speaks up from behind me.

"Sister Baiyu does not want you to kill that creepy elf, Jon."  As her toes knead my back.

Look over my shoulder and squint.

"And you're okay with that?"

Frankie replies.

"Yes.  He took advantage of you, master.  But if you kill him?"

Hitomi continues.

"Jon-kun, it may begin a war with the very people you need to get stronger."

Blue finishes.

"Their turn will come, darling.  Just not yet."

Umm…  That sounds an awful lot like a plot.  But none of these servant girls is in my harem.  If they start tattling-

Shufen reads my mind.

"Every woman here is yours, gongzi… Jon."  Oh, yeah, almost forgot.  "We have all accepted Badunzi into our hearts."  Hands pressed together in prayer.  "We are blessed to serve you forever."

I have a cult.

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