A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 13: Diary

"This?  Is a tampon."

Do you really need to raise your hand adventurer girl?

"Yes, Juli?"

"What's a tampon?"


Say hello to my last couple of hours.  What is this?  This is that.  What is that?  Every answer leading to more and more questions.


This may be my first non-magic caused headache since I got here.

Unbelievable how preserved everything is.  From her notes, several volumes worth,  Sayo believed that she was exposed to a ton of mana during the summoning.  Everything on her was exposed too.  Turning them all into magic items which are 'naturally' more resistant to wear and tear.

Like centuries resistant apparently

Her electronics even still work.  Pen light, little pet game thing, and her phone.  Yep, her phone works and its even unlocked.  Of course there is 'no service.'  Not even roaming.

What's in it?

Videos.  Hours and hours and hours of videos.  Magic memory upgrade?  There are even some from Earth.  Including the one where she happened to record being summoned.  My god, a McDonalds.  Would kill for one of their pink slime cheeseburgers.

Feels weird creeping thru a high school girl's phone.  But feels great seeing a world I recognize.  Even if its a different country.  Also really sad.  Lonely.  Is this homesickness?

Oh, and no white room for her.  Just got plopped down right in the middle of a siege.  Pretty elves trying to kill a student.

I don't speak japanese and auto-translate isn't working on it.  But Frosty does.  Learned it from Sayo.  She translates and is soon picking her favorites.  She's watched them all.  A few are too much and during those she's curled up, sobbing in my lap.

How do you possibly get over losing someone when their face and voice is only a screen tap away?

Oh and, uh, Sayo?  Huge lesbian.  Queen of dikes.  No, empress even.  She had a harem.  At some points over a dozen strong.

Yeah, I may have a magic penis.  But she had a magic vagina.  One lick and you're hooked, she brags in several videos.  Side-eye loli and she's nodding, every, time.


Reason for female harem?  Saving herself for her boyfriend.  Yeah, sorry Sayo, gotta call bullshit.  Even if I didn't get reverse raped and decide, fuck it?  Literally?  I wouldn't go gay to save myself for the girl back home.  And don't give me that no penetration crap.

Knew a few ladies-only and they had plenty of toys.  So it was not getting dusty up in there.  Still getting the complete workout.  Even if what was going in there, didn't have a pulse.

We end with Red leaning against a wall.  Me leaning against Red.  Frankie and Frosty splitting my lap between them.  Silvie leaning on Red's side.  Blue and Juli leaning on my sides.  And all of us watching a little iphone screen while Frosty translates.

Watching Sayo laugh, cry, smile, beg, rant, lecture, kiss, hug...  And get older...  And older.

There's plenty of tips dropped for the 'next hero,' if they are watching.

One, there's no way home.  She goes on at length about getting the 'who' and 'where' down but not being able to figure out what the last part is.  Apparently never realized it was 'when.'  Well she didn't get a big clue shoved in her face like I did.

Two, never trust the nobles.  They'll betray you because they have too.  Its how they've learned to survive.  Like an instinct for them.

Three, never join the nobles.  No matter how much you think you are one of them?  You never will be.

Four, never trust the church.  They're scum who exist only to trick or force people into accepting a shitty world.

Five, never trust the gods.  They got you here to do a job and they don't care what happens to you during or after.

There are quite a few more but I think they are all kind of redundant for me.  Really didn't need to hear about substitutes for tampons. Though the substitutes for birth control was quite informative.

She may have stayed on one side of the street?  But the girl didn't assume others would.  Very sensible.

Found her aphrodisiac recommendations interesting, and disturbing.  Hoping her harem's entry process didn't require being drugged first.

Favorite sex spells too?  ...  I'll just write these down for, uh, educational purposes.  Yeah, that's it.

As the hours go on, the timestamps on the videos get further and further apart.  Watch the weight of this world slowly wearing her down.  Even the 'happy' videos are less and less happy.

She would always record a video on her birthday though.  It was like her last stand against being trapped.  Give greetings to her mother, father, older brother, and younger sister.  Then a separate greeting for her boyfriend.

She would give highlights of the year.  Pray to see them again, in this life or the next.  And sign off.

Watching a woman growing older and older, say she hopes everyone is still alive and well with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, over and over?  Jesus.  Fucking heartbreaking man.  

She worked on reversing the summoning ritual for decades.  Not stopping until the last few years of her life.  Not until an accident killed a couple of her oldest and dearest friends.  Yeah, loli bawled hard during that video.

Butler and the maidettes showed up in the middle of it with trays of food.  The man's a psychic.  Combat maids didn't join us but did switch out with, what I guess is, the night shift.  Juli ate with us again and Frosty joined this time.

Then we went back to the video diary on the little screen.

When the last one was finally done?  The one recorded before she went east to die stopping the demons?  We just, kind of, sat there for a while.  Without saying anything.  I just watched someone's life go by.

From a frightened teen to an exhausted senior.  Fighting a world she couldn't beat anymore.

Who died three hundred years ago.

How do you even process that?

Frosty got up.  Put the iphone back on its stand.  Then walked back over, standing in front of me.

Not entirely sure how but she was suddenly buck naked with her professor outfit on the floor behind her.

She only said 'please' once.  Then climbed on top of me and started kissing, everything.

So how do you process watching someone else's life go by?  Left feeling sad and empty at the end?

Well, apparently, by fucking.  Lots of fucking.

Not to proud to admit I was an emotional wreck at that point.  Think we all were.  I could so easily see myself in her shoes.  While the maids militant didn't join?  Frankie, Red, Blue, Silvie, and Juli, did.  And I?  Wasn't gentle.  And they didn't want me to be.

Complete grudge fuck.

So angry at this shitty world.  At the shitty gods.  The shitty church.  Shitty nobles.  Any and every shitty thing that took this poor kid's future away.  Sayo deserved better than this.

Never had kids.  Never had a man.  No one who could save her.  Only an endless line of people for her to save.  Parents are probably still alive and searching for her.  But she's been dead and gone for centuries.

God dammit.

Found the chairs and benches to have really good cushions.  Firm and even springy.  Guess the maids brought blankets and furs because they suddenly appeared.

We didn't speak much.  Just pant, moan, grunt, yell, and or scream.  I would just grab one or two or three.  And as one would collapse?  I would grab another.  By the time I worked thru the fifth or sixth?  First or second would be conscious again.

And whenever I fell behind?  They would work over each other until it was their turn again.

It was, ugly.  I felt like a beast.  A cornered wounded one.  Lashing out at the world.

And these poor girls were my prey.

Worse, they wanted to be.

---D-Day+25, Nizhen 29th---

By the time the last one couldn't move anymore?  Couldn't stay conscious and wasn't going to be anytime soon?  The eastern sky was starting to light.

I could still go on though.  For days even.  Its a fucking magic dick and I have an ocean of mana to feed it with.  And an arsenal's worth of spells to keep me, them, and it, going. 

But the anger is finally gone.  All the happy juice flooding my brain finally breaking thru.

Feel?  Very calm.  Very clear.

Could even hear music.  Like trailer music.  Horns.  Drums.  Strings?  Zod?  Some stirring shit.  I will protect my son.  I will avenge Sayo.  I will not forget.  I will not forgive.

I will build an army worthy of the word, 'apocalypse.'

Plan G?

Ugh.  That damn odor trifecta again.  Hope I didn't kill any of them.

"[Hygieia's Decree] [Menerva's Call] [House of Grannus]"

Waves of mana ripple back and forth through the room.  Barely feel the headache.  The spikes.  Maybe the happy juice is helping?  Should take care of any injuries I caused.  Unless I broke bones.

What a complete piece of shit I am.

Margo and Ferra rise next to me.  Haven't they been showing up a lot lately?  Rowl and the hounds form next.  Kneeling in front of me.  Finally Alex appearing at his side.  He, hesitates, then also kneels.

Gotta give credit to the battle maids.  Most people would be pissing themselves by now.  They are keeping their cool.  What kind of shadows would they make?  Or what secret organization do they actually serve?

My undead angels have brought fresh clothes?  How nice of them.

"Thank you."

~~The One~~

As my two oracles wipe me down and dress me, I look at my two generals.

"Rowl?  Alex?  Thoughts?"

Alex is first up.



~Power.  Turning them will create supplicants of immense strength.  Incredible intelligence.  The oldest are as old as the gods.  That knowledge at your command?~

"Approved.  Find some."

Alex stands, bows, and fades back into the darkness.

What's Rowl got.



~Numbers.  Lower levels will have enough numbers and strength to make reaping worth it.~

"Agreed.  Find a deep one."

Rowl doesn't bow.  He just nods and slips back into the shade.  Followed faithfully by his two hounds.

The cold touch of my two princesses of death.  Sharpens my calm clear mind.

Whatever trope or plot twist this world chooses to throw at me?

I will crush.

♫ Hm hmm hm hm hmm hmmm hm. ♫


Seriously, where the fuck is that music coming from?

Whoa, is that?  Coming from?

I look at the item that first caught my eye yesterday.  The one I really wanted to try but was too afraid of embarrassing myself.

Yep, you guessed it.

The guitar.

Its a cherry red electric Yamaha six string.  Not covered in stickers or other decorations.  Worn from many years of use but still in good condition.  Well maintained.  Probably a loaner from her school.

Its got a 1000 watt mana light bulb and it is where the music is coming from.  How is it making all the other sounds?

You want real isekai wish fulfillment?  Screw harem sex.  Or in this case, don't screw.  Real dream come true level shit is playing rock and roll on a magic guitar.

Gently lift it off its pedestal.  Almost drop it when a presence almost as strong as the super swords leaps into my mind.  Cheri?  Ha!  Perfect.  Adjust the strap and...

Look over at the girls?  Still passed out.  Look over at the maids?  Still don't care.  Okay, was never very good so if I suck at least I won't get laughed at.  Hopefully.

Channel LK.

*riff* d's and g's

♫ I want to get away. I wanna fly away... 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvuL5jyCHOw



Its like Sanctity and Tormentor.  Can feel it on the edges of my mind.  Like with the swords but guiding my fingers.  God what a cheat.  Its even filling in the drums and bass.  Where is it getting the notes from?  My memory?

Wait, where's the speaker?  Amp?  Plug?  Fuck it.  Lets rock!

♫ Are you gonna go my way... 2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LhCd1W2V0Q

Damn, that went straight up my spine.  Let's step this back a bit.

♫ Hello darkness my old friend. I've come to talk with you again... 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fWyzwo1xg0

I'm back on that water bed in the eighties.  Listening to the only record I had of S&G.

♫ Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme... 4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jj4s9I-53g

Why am I in an S&G mood?

♫ Celia, you're breaking my heart. You're shaking my confidence daily. Oh Cecilia, I'm down on my knees... 5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5uei2AFEaQ


♫ ...Hard to move mountains when you're paralyzed. But you gotta try. I'm calling out... 6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcohgARJTWQ

Let's pump this up a bit.

♫ ...I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain. Somehow I'm still here, to explain... 7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGt-8adyabk

Can I convert the piano to string though.

♫ ...I'll follow you down, through the eye of the storm. Don't worry I'll keep you warm... 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IF5TfnmV0k

Wind it down.

♫ ...And be a simple, kind of man. Be something, you love and understand... 9https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgFQ6WmxdMs

Then wind it up.

♫ ...I'm on the front line. Don't worry I'll be fine. The story is just beginning... 10https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hez6tDpiWDA

Slip in some Hozier blues.

♫ ...All you have is your fire. And the place you need to reach. Don't you ever tame your demons. But always keep them on a leash... 11https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoQvbDROucQ

And some Lukr.

♫ ...I've got a lot of demons in my dreams. And they're all haunting me but it's not even close. You are the one I miss the most... 12https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-usYojAz5E


♫ What's your plan, for tomorrow. Are you a leader, or will you follow. Are you a fighter, or will you cower. It's our time, to take back the power... 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7Ol-YDS4Jc

I'm covered in sweat and breathing hard.  Oh damn.  How long have I been playing?  In front of the easternmost window.  Playing to the rising sun.  Peaking over the keep now so its been, couple of hours?

Ferra and Margo are both sitting on the bench in front of the window.  Looking up at me with the biggest smiles.

Really want to keep this guitar but I shouldn't.  Already have Sayo's sword.

Hey now, don't get upset Cheri.  Will absolutely be coming back.  And I'll be here for four years.

Should get back.  Before not-sebastian uses [Butler Magic] to appear with carts of food again.  Put them thru enough trouble making me ham and eggs for breakfast.

This was good.  I needed this.  Good morning window.  Good morning campus.  Morning unholy undead violations of nature.  I'm ready to start the day.  Step 1: Breath.  How did that song go again?

"Everything is awesome..."  Lets put Cheri back.  "Everythi-14https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StTqXEQ2l-Y"


There's dozens of people behind me.

Staring at me.


Oh boy.

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