A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 13: Four In the Morning

Should mention at the start that the next few chapters all occur in one day and the scale is the 16 hour days of Ipra.  Not the 24 hour days of Earth.

---D-Day+78, Daroine 17th---

---4:00 E---

“My prince… Seed… Please…”

There is satisfied mumbling coming from my harem-sized bed.  Through the huge eastern window of Lions Keep’s Grand Suite, I can see the sun will soon be peeking over the horizon.  Through the just as large western window the second moon is barely visible in the predawn sky.

Sprawled on the bed, and on her stomach, is a mocha skinned goddess.  Her oh so squeezable and humpable rump calls to me like a mythical siren.  Suckable and pinchable boobs so big, they bulge out to each side of her chest.  The smooth soft cocoa skin glows like a beacon to sexland.

Once tightly weaved long black curly hair is a disheveled mess.  And matted with my drying, uh, fluids.  Even after being wiped down and tidied up a bit by my girls and the maidettes.  Sadly that lustful expressive face is hidden.  Buried deep in the pillows I pounded her into like a pile driver.

Let out a sigh, remembering how good she felt wrapped around me.  Truly, grade S pussy.  The first girl I’ve met who could really give Frankie a run for her money.  Even more than Lili.  If only she wasn't my brother-in-law’s wife.

Shouldn’t have ridden her so hard this morning.  But its not all my fault.  Lula is the one who insisted on being my isekai alarm clock.  Waking up to those strikingly green eyes staring up at me?  My morning wood turned into a stone pillar so fast I’m surprised I didn’t dislocate her jaw.

Maybe some women are just born erotic?  Maybe a pheromone thing?  Maybe its maybelline?

Kind of relieved I’m not still in bed with her.  Fucked until she passed out but even then it took some serious willpower to pull myself off her.  Something about this woman just gets my balls burning hot.  Too hot.

Last night?  After we finished getting ready for today?  Frankie and Lula teamed up to take me down.  My saintess of sex and this chocolate angel brought all their skills to bear and…

Sweet jesus!

A month.  Mommy duke and Lula’s hubby want her to be here for a month.  Christ.

“Thank you… My love…”

Breath catches as I hear more mumbling from my bed’s only occupant.

What if I keep her?  No, can’t do that to Blue.

A dusky toned hand caresses my cheek.

“Be at ease, Master.”  Turn to see Frankie’s eyes full of caring.  “She is still devoted to her husband.  Now, Lady Luliene has a god too.  One who makes dreams come true.”

Eh?  Oh, yeah, our rings.  Shit, I am really not awake yet.  Though even the ladies without wedding bands seem to have picked up on my worries.  Blue is giving me a sympathetic look.

“Darling.  I trust you.”

Thanks Blue, that does help.

The carriage ride back took longer than expected, so last night was Lula’s first “treatment.”  Paging doctor dick.  Yeah, moving five plus thousand undead is harder then moving a thousand undead.  No shit, Sherlock.

Well it gave time for the harem and Lula to feel each other out.  Not that way, you perverts.  And Lula and Frankie became two peas in a pod.  Which I really did not expect.  Shouldn’t be surprised though considering their shared interests.

Namely, me and everything about me.

While I sometimes call Ushi my high priestess?  She’s more like my only priestess.  Not like this cult thing is very organized.  From what I heard of their chat?  Sounds like my mocha momma to be is very interested in becoming the second one.

Lula was at the end of her rope when tales of “the Beast” reached her ears.  Especially his healing powers and, uh, “virility.”  Supposedly even barren women start popping out babies after being schlapped with my schlong.


What the fuck.

Haven’t even been here three months yet and I’m already the cure for sterility?  With me not being able to fix Frankie’s fertility yet?  That kind of pisses me off.

Call me whatever you want to call me.  If I don’t like it I’ll just kill you.  But at least get your facts straight.

Lula took me popping the schlong schlapping bubble pretty well.  All things considered.  Though she’s already committed because…

She’s a slave.

Yep, the wife of the heir to House Chastel.  Is a slave.  Luliene’s also not his first wife.  Like most nobles, her hubby attended a school and did the marriage thing.  Had a lot of issues with getting wife one knocked up but, after a few years.  Mister stork finally scheduled a delivery.

Unfortunately, both mother and son died during that delivery.

While consoling himself, with lots of alcohol and hookers, Hamond comes across Lula.  A fresh off the boat slave from a land south of Aquecia.  A princess down there who ended up on the losing side of a war.  Says she was lucky to only be sold into slavery and kicked out of the country.

Could have been raped to death.  Had her flesh eaten.  Plus skin sewn into clothing.  And if she was very, very, lucky?  It would've happened in that order.


So, it's love at first sight for Hamond.  Though I bet it was more like at first lay.  Lula’s quickly got a new owner and is swept off her feet to the Duchy of Trosseria.  House Chastel’s home turf.

Happily ever after as a rich and powerful noble’s personal sex toy, right?


Hamond has an even harder time knocking up Lula.  And, as a slave bought for knocking up?  If she can’t make them babies?  Sooner or later she’s going to be sold to someone else or, more likely, have an “accident.”  The fatal kind.  Better that than risking his lordship’s reputation be smirched by exposed peepee problems.

Again showing off how lucky she is, hubby is still head over heels for her.  And after having my own turn with her, I can see why.  So they’ve been searching high and low for a “cure.”  Tried everything.  Even let a few “affairs” with other men happen.

No dice.

After years of this, it was still not a life and death issue for Luliene.  Thanks to her devoted hubby.  Until a demon invasion and succession crisis puts a spotlight on the heir, not having an heir.  Plus with the other potential heirs already in the pockets of rival houses?

The heat is on.


“Master, this is what she wants.”  Frankie really does have the prettiest violet eyes.

Yeah, she’s already knocked up.  Actually took care of it last night.  You see?  Lula isn’t sterile or barren or infertile or whatever the fuck you call it.  Her eggs just aren’t “sticky.”  Or maybe its her womb?  At least that’s the feel I get from [Eyes of Ouroboros].

One [Kiss of Ashtart] later, and Lula’s already got an egg fed.  By doctor dick.  Just need to wait a couple of days and make sure it gets all nice and cozy in her womb.

Why don’t I use the same spell on Frankie?

Cause Frankie’s got no eggs to use it on.  While I was able to repair what demon dick pounded into mush?  I couldn’t get the ovaries making eggs again.

That’s the spell I’ve got to come up with.

But making my sailors stronger and faster?  Making an egg, uh, eggier?  Yeah, I got this.  Well, that.  Same spell does both.  Even got one for fixing my balls.  Get them making a navy again.  Ovaries though?  Nope.

Now that I think about it, isn’t that an odd gap t-

“M-my lord m-master?”  From one of the maidettes dressing me.  “Your attire is c-complete.”  Cat-girl’s on her knees looking up at me like I’m the barbarian in a Vallejo or Frazetta painting.  “Is?  Is th-there?”

Why are some of the maids still so nervous around me?  We’ve fucked how many times now?  Honey, you’ve seen everything I’ve got and I’ve seen everything you’ve got.

“That will be all, Eri.”  Frankie makes some final adjustments.  “Our master feels pleased.  You have done well.”  The maidette about skips away to her other chores with the happiest grin on her face.

And Frankie isn’t lying.  Hated school but these uniforms are cool.  Never went to a school with uniforms.  Maybe I missed out.

The rest of the girls have finished dressing.  Odaline and Simone in the teacher’s version of the Stormgarde uniform.  Hitomi, Blue, and I, in the student’s version.  Frankie, Red, and Lili are dressed in casual, but still noble level fancy, skirts and shirts.

Mila, on the other hand, is a handful.  She’s been deep in a dungeon, hot and humid, since the day she was born.  The surface world around here is pretty chilly and dry in comparison.  Would wear furs on top of her fur if I let her.  Its also late spring.  Meaning the temp is still in the fifties?  Sixties maybe?

Oh she eventually settled for the same style shirt and skirt as the other three.  Though convincing her to wear panties was a struggle.  The real problem is her tail.  As in, keeping control of it.

It keeps trying to wiggle its way into my pants!  And since she is going to be one of my escorts?


Kinda doubt its MC, medievally correct, to walk around campus, and sit in classes, all day getting a tailjob!

Oh, and the escort thing?  Became another incident.  Miyula about threw down with Edelys when she ordered Mila to stay in Lions Keep and train.  Though I can see where Red is coming from.  Emelina will not join with Mila while on campus unless there’s an emergency.

So I’ve got a one armed escort with a two-handed sword strapped across her back.  Yeah she can use it one handed.  Girl is almost freakishly strong.  But she’s only got a left hand now and she was right handed.  So her skill level with that sword?

Not impressive.

Red finally caves when the need for Mila to know the campus is brought up.  But its now another sore spot between the harem and Mila.  Maybe this will settle her down.  After all, I could tell how thrilled Emelina was to get Hitomi-free time with me every day.

The only class Hitomi shares with me is 3rd period, Umbra I.

Let’s see...

Silvie is still in Granya.  Frosty left for Stormgarde early.  She is a Dean there after all.  Foxy is back at the guild.  Probably reporting everything, and I do mean everything, we did.  Well, probably leaving out the butt stuff.  She really got her freak on.

Oh and speaking of adventurers, the Redbrands are still on a commission.  So I can’t work out with the Demolisher in or out of the sack.

While Val left with her sisters after getting a drink, of me, last night.

Sent the, not just blood anymore, suckers squad out scouting for a place to store my army.  Right now, all the new employees of BUTT, Barton Undead Terrors Technologies, Incorporated are stuffed into the old sorcerer king’s crypt and there is clearly not enough room.

Frazur is bitching, a lot, about it.

Still need to sort and separate the undead wheat from the living impaired chaff too.

Wasn’t bad when most didn’t have, well, bodies.  But with all the skellies and other material type violations of the laws of nature I’ve added?  Really need to find them a base.  Would like to give Val a badass castle too.  Let her do the whole vamp queen thing.

So its time to find some new digs.  Or, in this case, more digs.

And its not like we don’t have plenty to choose from.  Lili has taken to the whole corporate secretary thing with gusto.  She’s only been married to me for four weeks but has already bought up a ton of land and traders.

Shit, I now own a significant chunk of Pearlden, Raelera, and everything around them.  Both properties and businesses.  The economy is a wreck so everything is pretty much at fire sale prices.  She has the stores keep their names so most don’t realize it but, I’m the owner.

Also only three weeks have passed since House Gilend fell but many village lords who used to bow to Raelera’s Count?  Are bowing to Lions Keep’s Viscount instead.  Hell, what’s left of the Gilends are still arguing over who the next count will be.

Meanwhile my girls have formed a county council.  All six of my wives, plus other harem members when present, discuss and debate before answering new queries and requests from local lords.

Which sometimes takes our post pump pillow parleys into strange territory.  The ladies, bless their hearts, still make sure I sign off on everything first before making any final decisions.  I’ll admit it, my ego really likes that.

The result?  I’m circulating a shitload of money through the region.  Which if I recall from those history documentaries?  Is a good thing.  I think.  Hopefully.

“More… My prince… More…”


Enjoying your siesta?  You lazy cocoa goddess.  The rest of us are up, sexed, bathed, and dressed, but you’re still passed the fuck out.  Granted I didn’t pound anyone else into the ground until they fainted this morning but still…

When the fuck did I become a morning person? 

Got the prego checkups for Frosty and Red done yesterday.  Both coming along fine.  In my completely untrained and winging it unprofessional opinion of course.


Its fine that I’m letting Lula stay for a month.  Right?  Told her she’s now got a bun in the oven, last night.  Lots of crying and hugging followed, of course.  No high fives though.  Well, they are chicks.  Could leave but Lula said she wants to stay.  Make sure sure there aren’t any problems.  That’s good, right?

But then, what was up with this morning?


“Lord Barton.”


Dammit not-sebastian, stop doing that!  Going to give me an isekai heart attack.

“Breakfast is served, in the grotto.”

“Oh, yes.”  *whew*  “Thank you butler.”

And, he’s gone.  Fucking [Butler Magic].

Harem + 1.  Roll out.

Everyone starts heading down from the loft and towards the many many stairs that will, eventually, get us back to the ground.  I’m in the back, watching the rears swing.  Unusually, she likes me undressing her ass with my eyes, Frankie stays back with me.

“Master, it really is what she wants.”

Shake my head.

“I killed her father.  I’m not going to NTR her brother.”

Frankie shakes her head too.

“You are too kind, master.  Sister Alote understands.”  Holds my hand as we start down the stairs.  “Lady Luliene likes Lord Hamond.  He saved her from a tragic fate in the brothels.  But, she’s still a slave.”  Hugs my arm.  “Now, for the first time in as long as she can remember?  She feels safe.  Feels loved.”


“Master, please let me finish.  I choose to remain your slave.  It is what I want to be.”  Double hugs my arm.  “Lady Luliene is grateful to Lord Hamond.  But she is a slave who does not want to be.”

“Can’t do that to Blue.  Won’t do that to-”

Frankie pulls me over a bit and gets on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek.

“Such a wonderful master.  Be at ease, my love.”  Pats my arm as we walk.  “We spoke before she woke you.  Lady Luliene is truly happy.  She can at last repay her debt to the man she married.”


“And have the child of the man she loves.”


Chastel, Luliene (female, human, ukuxhan)

  • Wife of Hamond Chastel
    • Slave
      • Princess of Imkoni
  • 5'2", 27 years
    • hourglass body, oval face, bell g-cup breasts, large heart butt
    • green eyes, weaved curly black hair, brown skin
  • Lady of Chastel
    • Title-less
  • Magic
    • Dark (bsc), Fire (bsc)
  • Melee
    • Dagger (bsc)
  • “Lula,” “Mocha momma,” “Chocolate angel”

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