A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 14: Proposition

"What happened here?!"

Hear the tent flaps open with a surprised shout from that woman. A very husky voice. Then the sound of a good dozen knights storming in.

Oh yeah, there is still blood all over in there.

"We're in here!" I answer.

After a minute or two, all but three leave.

Sword first, a tall woman in the black and green's uniform with short curly red hair stalks into the room. Now that girl's got height and muscle. Right behind 'Red,' is monocle and grizzly. Red looks surprised but monocle just looks at the girls and says, 'I see.'

Grizzly? He's staring at my glowing hands. An interesting trio to show up for dinner, but I'm a bit busy.

"I would roll out the carpet but its covered in blood right now. I've got more to do so you are going to have to wait for a bit."

"We apologize for intruding." Of course monocle recovers first. "Is it all right if we wait here for you to finish?"

No skin off my back. Yikes. Phrasing.

"Be my guest."

I point to some stools. They move the stools to the end of the cots and sit.

"[Hepius Weaving] [Chiron's Fingers]"

The brain pain from dual casting isn't as bad as the triple, but it still hurts. Reach 'into' their backs and stitch their muscles and other tissue back together. The three musketeers watching the show as I, again, put the girls back together.

I remember when the sight of this would make me puke. Been here, what, three days and I'm already used to it? Scary. Should re-enlist and join a MASH unit.

"[Breath of Airmed]"

Is my massaging follow up after the sewing. Get the swelling down, confirm I didn't miss anything, and the stitches are holding. Because I'm not rubbing their privates this time? The biggest reaction I get is just some moaning.

Saved half-breed for last and end up burning the most mana on her. Looks like the other girls beat the crap out of her even before stringing her up. Several fractures and numerous contusions.

By the time she's done? I'm wiped. The training montage, killing mustache, and now healing troublesome women part duex? My mana is way low. Don't even bother finding a stool. Just sit on the dirt and lean against a support pole. Look at the trio at the other end of the room.

They seem to be waiting on me to start. Fine.

"I'm new here. So I expect things to be, different." Point at Avi. "Still, girls whipping the shit out of each other? That's a bit much." Squint at monocle. "Please tell me this isn't normal."

"I sincerely apologize again Lord Barton." At least he sounds sincere. "If I had known this was happening? I would have intervened."

I chuckle. "Well, that's a relief. I think." Have to shake my head. "This is my fault. When I went to blow off some steam they thought I abandoned them." Stretching my neck. "I should have realized how emotionally fragile they still were."

For now, at least, I need their skills. Their knowledge. Need to keep them functioning.

Monocle looks at half-breed. "Their fear is understandable. In this world, a slave's behavior affects their master's reputation." Shaking his head now. "As your slave. Her confession severely damaged your standing. As did the other by not taking any action to stop her."

Monocle shrugs. "You would be well within your rights to kill, sell, or abandon them. Her confession could also be considered marking the other four as fellow plotters. Removing their protections too." Slavery certainly sucks if you're the slave.

"That magic, I've never seen its like." Guess grizzly can't hold it in any longer. "What is it?"

"Its one of my cheat powers."

I thought about lying or refusing to answer but I don't really care. They had a front row seat to it after all.

"Cheat power?" Oh, Red decides to join the conversation.

"An item, ability, or power, that's above and beyond what everyone is capable of in the world you're sent to." Palms up. "In my world there are summoning stories and the 'hero' gets a 'cheat' to help them survive." Rubbing my neck. "However, the cheat often has a specific focus. Making the hero very strong in one way but very weak in another. Those weaknesses are solved thru training and experience during their journey."

Back to grizzly. "And healing is your cheat power?"

"One of them. Its called [Recovery Magic]. A huge variety of spells that can handle any injury or illness I might get."

Monocle. "How many cheats do you have?"

"When you stole my soul, I met a goddess who offered one cheat power." Time for a beast's smile. "So I beat the shit out of her until she offered three."

Well, more like twisted her arm. A lot.

"And the other two?" Its like a team event and Red's up.

"No can do tootsie. Be happy I told you about one." I give her the evil eye. "Don't push it."

Did she just 'hmph' me? Oh no. Is knight chick? Tsundere?

"What do I need to do to get your, cheat?" You go grizzly.

Narrow my eyes. "You and monocle are about the only ones I haven't felt like killing yet. Well, not seriously." A shrug. "So I'd probably do it just for money, if it was enough. But it won't do you any good."

"Why?" Monocle is curious.

"Because they're shit." I snort. "Think miss goddess was panicking and in a hurry so she just threw together whatever fit the results I wanted." A deep sigh. "Meaning? These spells are a mess and use way to much mana. Useless for anyone who doesn't have a mana pool rivaling mine." I look at grizzly. "And no one I've met, even that demon lord, had a reservoir even in the same ballpark."

"There are other options." Looks like monocle isn't willing to give up.

"Besides torture and mind control?" I smile but he doesn't. "You'll find me resistant to both. And there may not be anyone left alive afterwards."

Grizzly nods. "I will not lie and say we have not considered it." Holding up his hand, palm out. "However, I agree. Even if we succeed, the cost may be more than the kingdom can bear."

"The best option?" I shrug again. "Is too fix the spells. Rewrite them to lower the mana burn and lighten the control needed." I look at half-breed. "I'm even going to give you some leverage on me." Pointing at the girls. "Breaking the demons curse sterilized them. I promised myself they could have babies again. But I don't have a spell for that, yet."

"Why?" Red, didn't monocle already asked that.

Sigh. I point at Avi.

"Besides that one? They are bystanders. Hired or drafted into this fiasco. Had no clue about the ritual or my son." Feeling nostalgic. "One mistake and their lives sent to shit. Most never get a second chance."

Monocle is as quick as always. "So you turn [Recovery Magic] into something we can use. And we help you create a spell to restore their fertility?"

I raise a finger.

"For starters. I'm also a 15 year old missing basic life skills needed to survive in this world. Including martial arts. I can't rely on just overpowering everything." Pointing at the cots again. "And now I've got six mouths to feed. So I'm going to need money too."

"We can take care of that." Monocle nods again. "The demon lord's death will give the kingdom months, maybe years, to rebuild. Their next invasion will not be so easy." He adjusts his monocle. "We have places of learning, schools. One will fit your specific needs."

Red speaks proudly.

"The Stormgarde Academy of Raelera. Stormgarde is the largest university in Tourin and second only to the royal academy in prestige. Far from the king in Crownfair and the pope in Viermart." She holds her head high. "A good place for the Beast to-"


Monocle interrupts Red.

"The Lord General is a graduate of Stormgarde and maintains a residence near it." Lifestyles of the rich and shaggy. "It is not unusual for illegitimate or adopted but capable children of nobles to attend schools. You will be adopted by the Marquis so you qualify." Adjusts his monocle. "We will reach out to the faculty and they will assist with your research." John Lianlaf? Yuck.

"I will provide tutors for the skills you are expected to already know." Grizzly is blunt. "And you will have a month or two to catch up before the new class starts."

I point at Red.

"So what's her role in this?" She stiffens and is about to retort angrily when Grizzly cuts her off.

"Dame Edelys Gilend will be your escort and guide. She graduated from Stormgarde six years ago and has family in the area. She is a superb warrior, understands my objective," Red's face turns red, "and is of marrying age." Red's eyes get really big and she freezes solid. "Dame Edelys is attracted to strength and aiming for me. However, I am to old for a young wife and you are very strong."

Red is at a loss for words.

"My-my lord... Uh... I... I never..."

"Dame Edelys." How many times has Monocle done this for Grizzly? "No one doubts your worth. No one doubts your skill. No one doubts your beauty." And Red gets red again. "The Lord General does need you. Does value you." Is she that easy? "Do you doubt your senses? You've seen his strength." When? "You've seen his magic. If it can be taught?"

Grizzly adds the sinker to the hook and line.

"Can you do this for Tourin? Can you do this for me?" Smooth operator.

Red stands and salutes.

"Yes, my Lord General!"

What a naive girl.

"What about them?" I point at the girls.

Monocle shrugs. "That is up to you. Because of her actions, you no longer have any obligation to them." A sad sigh. "However, their skills could be very useful."

He's right. I'm alone. I need followers. Whose loyalty is unquestionable and unshakeable. Where can I find such in this world?

"They are slaves." Continues monocle. "Cursed slaves. So no one will buy them. Even slums will drive them out. Condemning them to a church convent, or living in the wild."

Grizzly speaks up. "Being raped by demons fouls a woman's womb. So no matter who the father is? A monster will be born." Jesus. "It also taints her mana. So spells can no longer be cast nor magic items used."

"You lifted their curse though." Red jumping in again. "Their mana is clean enough so they can cast. They might live normal lives beyond Tourin." Her expression turns sad. "The church is already spreading word on who was cursed. So they will find no peace anywhere within their reach."

Well this is probably the best offer I'm going to get.

"So if I agree what happens now?"

Monocle answers. "You will leave tomorrow, with an escort. It will take a month to reach Raelera by wagon." He points at Red. "You can start filling in those missing skills during the journey. Especially language since your accent is peculiar."

Why not. "Okay, Lord General, its a deal. And I'll bring the girls too."

Grizzly says his farewells as the trio stands up and leaves.

"You should get some rest then. Dame Edelys will post watchmen and begin preparing."

"Safe travels, Lord Barton."

Gilend, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • Knight Vice Captain
    • Black Hart
  • "Red"

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