A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 17: Seven in the Morning Part 2

“He… hurt Umeka.”

Through windows the sun shines down brightly on the confrontation.  Calm clear skies outside contrasting sharply with the brewing storm inside.

The shit has hit the fan.  Was worried that Hitomi dropping the disguise would come back to bite her.  Looks like that dog is already here.

“Oh?  And this was proven at which trial?  Do tell us which magistrate reached that conclusion.”

Umbra I’s teacher, Lecturer Heccia Lieben Parbiepus, is interrogating my japanese high school girlfriend.  About chomping at the bit to tear into Hitomi.  Who looks subdued, conflicted, in comparison.  Avoiding eye contact with, well, everybody.

“I…  We…”

This shinobi otaku is still in my arms, seated in the top back row of Room 161.  But she’s not snuggling into me anymore.  Poor thing is deathly still instead.  Even shivering a little.

“I?  We?  We what Miss Chigusa.”

Heccia’s got the body of a slutty teacher and the outfit of a seductive sorceress.  But she’s acting like a total bitch.  Knows she’s got the advantage and is doing her damndest to corner Hitomi.

Maybe its guilt over her past actions.  Fear of rocking the boat in her new school.  An ingrained sense of obedience and respect to the class sensei.  Or all of the above.

Whatever it is, my JK girl isn’t even trying to put up a fight.

“We…  D-Didn’t kn-know…”

Hitomi and friends were summoned months before I was.  Dropped into the middle of an empire on the verge of collapse.  From what I’ve heard, that place is similar to my world’s Roman Empire.  But with even more slavery, hedonism, and corruption.  Like Nero’s wet dream.

Not something four high school kids from modern japan were in any way equipped to deal with.

And like a naive housewife in an NTR hentai.  They became tainted.  Stained.  Finally choosing to save what was left of their morality, and sanity, by deciding...

This world isn’t real.  The people in this world aren’t real.  This is all just a twisted XXX sandbox playground.  And we’re the OP protagonists.

Which worked fine until some of those “NPCs” kidnapped, drugged, and raped one of the girls until her mind broke.  Yeah, the other heroes found and rescued her.  Helped her recover, somewhat.  But she was never the same afterwards.

None of them were.

They retaliated against “the game.”  Hunting and slaughtering anyone even thought to be involved.  Which just happened to include the emperor and a lot of the ruling caste.

Some rolled over and did whatever they had to do to prove their innocence and loyalty to the new order.  Others ran for the hills.  Getting the hell out of dodge.

Heccia, did the latter.

And “its a small isekai world after all,” who happens to be a student at her new teaching gig?  The girl who killed her daddio.

“Didn’t know what?  That the nation you were murdering through had laws?  Courts?”  Scoffs.  “You know?  I heard that, by the end of her training?  The Whore of Antosius loved her new diet of dick.”

Hitomi’s shivering instantly turns to trembling, with rage.

Is slutty teacher trying to make Hitomi snap?

“Was overjoyed when father let her go to the forum to lick anuses clean for an entire day.”

Yep, that’s what she’s doing.

“And so loved the taste of father’s cock that she begged to flee with him when she heard the heroes who abandoned her were com-”


Hitomi springs out of my arms and jumps on top of our table.  Mana surging out of her.  Earning an evil grin from slutty teach as her mana also explodes.

Room 161 is transformed into a typhoon as waves of mana crash into each other.  Giving everyone’s hairdos and clothes that “just walked through a tornado” look.

This is gonna get bloody.  Fuck it, guess I’ll be killing a teacher toda-


A third wave of mana comes crashing into the room from the doorway like a tidal wave.  Not defeating, but disrupting the auras of both Hitomi and Heccia.

Standing there is none other than lamer saruman.  The senior senior citizen.  Rector Tharick Kana Habriel of Stormgarde Academy.  Also aquecian, like Heccia, but old as dirt.  Probably older.  Again, how is this dude still alive?

“Miss Parbiepus.  [Charm Magic]?  Inciting violence?”  Lamer saruman shakes his long white haired and white bearded head.  “Not making a very good impression on your first day.”

A small nod from a hostile slutty teach.

“Putting criminals down always leaves a good impression.”  A finger points at Hitomi.  “I simply discovered a murderer in my class and seek to bring her to justice.”

Now that’s a load of shit.

“Criminal?”  Rector Tharick seems unconvinced.  “I see no law breakers here.”

Lecturer Heccia’s eyes bulge a bit.

“Then I shall enlighten you.”  Now using her entire arm to point at my girlfriend.  “That thing is a murderer.  Responsible for the death of my father and numerous other members of the Imperial Senate.”

“Oh?  I see…”  Senior senior citizen runs his long gnarly fingers down his long white beard.  “Thank you for informing me.”  A smug smile from slutty teach.  “And which magistrate handed down this verdict?”

Heccia’s face freezes.


Tharick’s eyes turn razor sharp.

“I asked at which trial was Lady Chigusa found guilty?”  Heccia acts like she cannot believe her ears.  “Perhaps the name of the magistrate who made that decision?  A writ demanding her arrest?”

But lamer saruman isn’t finished yet.  Not by a long shot.

“Miss Parbiepus, I understand your grudge but advise you take this chance for a fresh start.”  Slutty teach is the one trembling now.  “This world needs heroes more than slaves.  Your father and his co-conspirators chose to turn a hero into a slave.  The price they and your entire caste paid for it was quite reasonable.”

Slutty teach looks like she’s about to pop a blood vessel in her brain.

“How can you say that?!  Your clan was one of the greatest in the senate!  You should hate her for its fall even more than I!”  Is this what you call, a tantrum?

More fingers going through that long ass beard.

“It has been over a hundred years since I stepped foot in our homeland.  But I stayed informed.”  Suddenly Heccia can no longer look Tharick in the eye.  “I know how far the senate fell.  Long before that once glorious institution earned the wrath of heroes.”

Slutty teach becomes somber.  Her earlier confidence and arrogance, gone.

“Rector, despite his failings, he was still my father.  He... did good things too.”

Senior senior citizen’s eyes soften.

“Stormgarde chooses not to count your lineage against you, Miss Parbiepus.”  A subtle glance at Hitomi.  “You can choose a new life here, as I once did, or remain chained to your past.”

Slutty teach looks contemplative.

“I… will consider it.”

“The academy can ask for nothing more.”  Looking up and down her.  “Except to also wear the proper attire.  This is not a brothel.  During class hours and school functions you will wear the correct attire.  Understood?”

She clearly did not like the taste of this humble pie.

“Yes, Rector Habriel.”

“Excellent.”  Senior senior citizen turns to leave but then pauses.  “Oh, and one more piece of advice.”


A super thin and gnarly finger points my way.

“Viscount Barton is in a relationship with Lady Chigusa.”  Slutty teach raises an eyebrow.  “And he is indeed as dangerous as the rumors, you have no doubt heard, claim.”  She glances my way.  “His temper is unpredictable and nearly always fatal.”

Ah…  What a sweet thing to say.

The old guy looks over his shoulder at our teacher as he walks away.

“Be assured that, if you earn his wrath?  There is likely no one who can save you.”


The classroom door closes behind him.

Everyone is stunned over the magic brawl that almost happened and one of the strongest magicians, in the world, interrupting it.

All eyes are on slutty teach and her trembling clenched fists as she slowly calms herself down.

Big breath in… and out.

Turning back to the cheap seats she looks at Hitomi with a barely suppressed sneer.

“Miss Chigusa.  This is not a gymnasium.  Return to your seat.”

Ninja girl looks confused for a moment.

“Ah, yes.”

Before shyly climbing down off the table and sitting back in her chair.  Sadly not leaning against my chest this time.  Guess its finally time for me to throw in my two cents.

Kick my feet up onto the table.

“Lecturer Parbiepus?”

“Yes…”  She pauses before completing a snarky reply.  Perhaps remembering lamer saurman’s warning.  “Viscount Barton?”

“Go get changed.  Your boss won’t be happy if he sees you in that sleazy outfit again.”

Again an almost sneer, quickly suppressed.  She is not a happy camper right now.

“A good observation, my lord.  Class?  I apologize for the disruption.  Please proceed with self-study until I return.”

Exit, stage left.

Once again we are left in a stunned silence.  Well almost everyone.  I reach out and start rubbing Hitomi’s back.  She is so distracted that it causes her to flinch.


“Its okay.”  Shrug.  “Mondays.”

That gets a giggle out of her and a little smile.  Then a sigh.

“Jon-kun.  Is this really… okay?”

“Is what.”

“I knew this would happen.  I… hurt so many.  Karma.”  Her shoulders shudder.  “Didn’t think it would be so, soon.”

“Hurts less to take the bandaid off fast.”

“Fufu.  You are so old Jon-kun.”  Another smile, for a bit.


“Do I deserve to be, happy?  I’ve been so scared, for so long.”  Another shudder then she leans into me.  “The things I’ve done.  Kuso.  So much bad karma.”

“Deserve to be happy?”  Shrug again.  “I don’t know.  I do know that I want you to be.  That I hope you are.  With me.”

“Jon-kun…”  She about melts into me.

Wrap her in my arms.

“This is a shitty isekai world.  So many need me.  But you want me.”  Laugh at myself.  “Probably doesn’t make much sense but it feels different to me.”


Hitomi lifts her lips up to mine and light kisses fill our private pink world.

The shock finally wears off the rest of the class and gossipy chatter begins flying around the room.

I definitely need a vacation.

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