A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 23: Dinner Theater

Wow, this set is a mess.

♫ ...Look at me, I just can’t believe. What they’ve done to me, we can never get free… 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytIfSuy_mOA

Death Punch to Manu Chau and IZ to Major Lazer?  I’m all over the place but, fuck it.  Friends always said I was a ham and right now?  This is my stage, bitch.


As soon as not-sebastian gave me an excuse to play Cheri?  The girls knew they had lost.  Don’t matter how many horny drugged aristobrats get in my way.  Can just kill them.

Wonder how the murder rate in Stormgarde will compare to previous years?

Now that I am motivated.  Doesn’t take long to fill up the latecomers, hehe, wash up, and get out the door.  Told the girls they could stay but everyone insisted on going.

Guess the thought of me going to a party full of young ladies looking for secret sex?  Motivated them too.

By the time we left Lions Keep.  The sun was down, moons were rising, and the sky was full of stars.  Today’s breeze had calmed but left a chill in the night air.

As we crossed the footbridge between Lions Keep and Stormgarde, the atmosphere changed.

From organized vigilant troops to unorganized clusters of students, spread across manicured campus lawns.  Chatting, playing, reading, etc…  Lamp lit walkways give it a busy city park at night feel.  Flanked by noisy student dorms, kitchens, and baths.

About lost it when some “disciplinary committee” looking students went by on patrol.  Just way too fucking anime.  Hitomi looked pretty mind blown too.

Trope wise this is when I should be walking with my romantic interest.  A special moment that’s spoiled by a random villain encounter or lurking antagonist.

Reality of medieval land is different.  Instead of me and a girl, or two?  I’ve got over a dozen ladies following me, arranged in positions they negotiated amongst themselves.  Val is here too.  Her daughter-sisters though are out patrolling and eating.

Yeah I told these bloodsuckers to not kill, unless needed, but they can still feed.  So the region has been carved up into six territories.  And while Val is their mother-queen?  She’s, so far, refused to feed on anyone but me.

Besides my harem?  Are also the servants and guards.  Usual entourage I’ve been stuck with since becoming the lord of Lions Keep.

Sigh.  Miss when it was just Frankie, Red, and I.  Isn’t that weird?

So instead of a nice intimate stroll through a picturesque campus?  I’m leading a platoon.

Again causing me to get looks of curiosity, fear, envy, disgust, lust, etc, etc…  Course I’m not the only one with minions here.  Just have more.  Annoying, but at least no one dares get in the way of this freight train.

After passing the dorms and Kashiwa Hall, the sidewalks turn into roads.  White noise of students replaced with the buzz of traffic.  Impressive how busy this place is.

Stormgarde’s north gate is wide open and dozens of wagons are passing through.  Plenty of pedestrians too.  Though in the western half of Stormgarde?  It's more of the servant, than student, variety.

Crossing the street we enter the “civie” section of this school.  The northwest quadrant.  Full of teacher housing and exclusive shops.

Expensive stores and cafes line the two main streets while bungalows and cottages for faculty fill in the district behind them.  A few larger homes are here too.  Including the one I took over for brat house.  Delta Tau Chi.

From the outside, Masks looks pretty typical and boring.  Mix of brick with wattle and daub three stories tall.  Fifty-ish feet of storefront squeezed between a jeweler and clothier.

Large windows lining the first floor are the only hint that the owner has money.  Glass ain’t cheap you know.  All the windows let you see that it is very busy inside but, oddly, calm.

The bars I’ve been to in medieval land?  Usually a lot rowdier this time of night.

Some tables are even out front.  Also filled with patrons drinking, eating, and gabbing.

Can’t see any way we can fit three dozen more into the already packed cafe but I follow the invite’s instructions, walk right in, and show the card to a hostess.

She looks behind me and pales a little, before composing herself and guiding my column to the backdoor.

The tables and bar here are full of well off looking customers.  Think I even recognize some from school, either teachers or students.  They all give me funny looks in return.  Like just me being here has soured their meal.

Seriously, is my rep really that bad?

The waitress seems to also know I’m not welcome so ushers us through quickly.  In the rear of the building we find another door.

“Please this way, Master Barton.”

Opening it reveals a long well lit stair leading down with another hostess waiting at the bottom.

The view below surprises me.  This basement clearly stretches under the shops beside the pub above and maybe further.

Wood and glass is now marble and carpet instead.  Wall sconces provide plenty of light to see with.  And well armed and armored guards positioned around the room provide plenty of muscle to deal with trouble.

Group of scantily clad hostesses stand in front of double doors along one wall.  One of them, steps forward.

“Welcome to Masks, Master Barton.”  Gestures to her colleagues.  “Please accept these disguises, prepared by the Mistress.”

Various hotties, with slave collars, step forward and begin to hand out the shrouds they are holding.  Being paranoid, I use [Super Senses] on all of them.  Cannot sense any mana, active or residual, so I accept them.

Each is actually just a half mask, everything below the nose is left exposed, usually with an animal motif.  Mine looks like the top half of a lion’s face and is black.

Haha.  Black Lion.  I get it.  Ugh.

Once everyone has masks on, why is Frankie’s a human skull, the double doors open and the slutty servant leads us in.


“Thank you.”

Give Cheri my gratitude and a gentle rub as I finally finish my rambling set.  Harem occupying the tables in front of the stage welcomes me like a returning hero.  Lots of clapping, hugging, kissing, and a smidge of fondling.

Yeah, the state of undress a large number of club goers are in.  Has my harem feeling a bit territorial.

Crowd here isn’t acting dignified like at the entrance exam balls.  This place is the jungle baby.  At least half the patrons are drunk, high, or both, and on the prowl.

The room slutty servant led us too reminds me of old vegas lounges.  Where crooners like Torme or Sinatra would be comfortable singing.  Semi private booths with drawable curtains, for privacy, line the walls.

And from the noises I’m hearing?  Not hard to tell what's going on in a lot of them.

Number of smaller rooms also open up onto this lounge.  One has a couple of oriental looking dudes in front of it.  Bet that’s where my date’s wait-

“Why won’t you see me?!”

An angry scream from the other end of the room draws our attention.


Is this an Otome game scene?  Peacock mask wearing Prince Conrad of Whateverland, is facing off against a fox masked girl.  With swan mask chick, gotta be Lady Helena Lehne, otome girl, hiding behind him.

Seriously, these masks are fucking useless.

Prince prick seems exasperated while the dating sim heroine is staring at me, hard, with a strange look.  Her eyes wide open like saucers and mouth hanging down.  Like she’s shocked or something.

Weird girl.

“Sonja, what do you think you are doing?”  The douche slowly shakes his head.  “We are not married yet.  Therefore, who I choose to spend my humble time with?  Where I take those gracious companions?  Is none of your dear ladyship’s business.”

Man, think this is the first time I’ve met him.  And already want to beat his ass.

“Sonja,” on the other hand looks downright distraught.  She’s got a posse of girls with her but they seem more here for the show than to show support.

“Please, your highness, how can you say that?”  Super upset.  “We will be wed as soon as we return.  Do you not care at all?”  Almost in tears now.  “Those days at the winter lodge.  D-did they mean-n noth-thing?”


Damn.  Got so worked up she gave herself hiccups.

Prince prick pulls off a horribly fake sympathy look.

“Of course I care, my sweet tender little Sonja.  Nevertheless, would you truly deny your beloved future husband?”  So needs a murdering to death.  “Can you honestly say you honor your lord and master to be by hounding him during his hunt?”

Douchebag delux rests his hand on Sonja’s shoulder with his best mansplaining pose.

While I?  Think I’m going to throw up.

Her posse is nodding their heads.  Looking at Sonja like she’s their new favorite reality TV show?  Jilted girl lowers her head and balls shaking fists.

I’m rooting for her to slug the man whore.

But nope.  Instead, she raises her face and despite the pain in her eyes?  Has a look of determination.

“So if my future lord and master is allowed to play…  Am I?”

Sonja’s posse gasps.  Their Queen B pulled an uno reverso card.  Prince prick though is completely unfazed.

“Haha!”  Shakes his head again like he’s dealing with a child.  “Am I not a benevolent lord?  If you so desire, this wise husband to be will permit you some… entertainment.”

Cuckette nods and begins sweeping the room.  While the crowd is light?  Almost a third of the tables and booths are occupied.

Clearly looking for support, she instead see’s a whole bunch of averted eyes and rejecting looks.  No surprise.  Kids come to Stormgarde to make connections.  Not to piss off the heir of the north’s biggest kingdom.

And while she’s scanning the room?  So is the prick.  His hard eyes communicating that everyone should back the fuck off.

Hope and expectation, which the fox mask does little to hide, begins to collapse.  Can tell she’s wondering if she is going to get humiliated again.

Then her eyes find mine.  And my delinquent grin.  Douchebag notices too and throws some mana into his gaze.  Making the glare more ominous.  My chuckling in reply just seems to infuriate him more.

“Lady Almgren?”  Husband to be suddenly seems to care once Sonja starts walking towards me.  “Where are you going?”

“My lady?” “Lady Sonja?”

Posse seems just as surprised as prince prick.

Mila moves to block cuckette’s approach.

“Let her through.”

When only a step away, fox mask girl drops to her knees and kowtows.  Drawing more gasps from her posse and royally, hehe, pissing off the peacock prince.

“Lord Lion.  Will you do me the honor of being my escort… please?”

I kneel down and pull her back up.  Plus dust off her skirt and knees.

“Of course, my Lady Fox.”

A relieved smile lights up her softening features.  Making her start to look awfully cute.

Specs?  Not bad.  Not bad at all.

Dressed up in the same fantasy modern as my ladies.  Shirts and skirts.  Though her outfit is sockless, god damn she’s got some lickable legs.

A smidge taller than Helena with curly shoulder length chestnut hair styled in ringlets.  Piercing grey eyes stare out from a red fox mask which seems to float over her white scandinavian face.

Smooth milky skin flows down into what’s got to be D or even double D tits.  Complimenting an hourglass figure that cups a perky heart shaped butt.


Frustrated and lost on what to do, prince prick grabs otome girl and stomps out of the room.  Sonja’s posse, disappointed at the show being over, soon follows him out.

Our entourage’s newest member is trembling.  Feel it through the hands still grasping mine.  Now that the crisis has passed she’s probably second guessing her choices.

I look for an open booth.

“You need a break.  Let’s sit down for a bit.”

Now these are not the tiny booths for four or six you may be used to.  These arrangements are much larger and less cramped.  Easily holding a dozen plus.

Guiding her to the closest open one, the harem also squeezes in.  Mila pulls the curtain closed while my servants and guards occupy the tables in front.

“D-dean Frost?”  Lady Fox starts to register who’s with us.  “P-professor Barton?”

Do these masks fool anybody?

Frosty and Odaline give Sonja supportive looks.  My knocked up loli elf tries to reassure the young lady.

“You are safe and among friends, Lady Almgren.”

Still holding my hands, prince prick’s fiance looks up at me and gulps.

“A-are they all y-yours?”

Yep, I’m awesome.  Some of the harem acts proud.  Others turn shy.  Hitomi?  Rolls her eyes.

“Yes, they are.”

“I…  I am sorry.  His highness will not let this humiliation pass.”

Give her hands a squeeze.

“Don’t worry about it.  I’ll just kill him.”

Jilted girl starts panicking.

“No!  Please!  The king will be outraged.”

“Do I look like someone who worries about kings?”


Sonja goes silent, lowers her head, and grips my hand tighter.  Some of the harem starts chatting and drinks begin getting delivered by hostesses.

Finally she looks up at me.

“H-how does it feel to be summoned?”


“Excuse me?”

Cuckette looks super nervous.

“Y-you are from another world, right m-my lord?”


“And, unlike ours, you have powers from the gods?”

“Well not sure if she was- wait, what?”

Unlike ours?

“The summoned of Lustonia are not like those of the south.”  Her fingers begin exploring me.  “We call ours the varlskif, world shifters.”

Give both Frankie and Hitmoi questioning looks.  Both shrug in reply.  So guess they won’t be any help.


“Oh, uh, yes.”  She’s acting shy but her fingers are getting awfully bold.  “But they are weak.  I have heard the southern varlskif are strong.”  Bashful?  Not with a hand down my pants.  “Oh!  Reeeally strong.”

Now I admit.  I’m a pig.  But there are limits.  Even for me.

Hey!  Stop laughing!  I’m being serious here.



Gently pull jilted girl’s hand out of my pants.

“Lady Fox.”  We are still wearing masks.  “Is there a ritual used to summon these varlskif?”  If there is, Frankie could compare it with the ones the tourinese and aquecians used.  Maybe find a way back or to block it.

“Oh?”  Sonja gets a confused look.  “Why would varlskif need a ritual?”


“So how do varlskif get here?”

Cuckette actually tilts her head like I’m asking the strangest question.

“They wake up of course.  Oh!  Is it not that way in the south?”  Shake my head.  “Strange.  Well, my lord lion.  In Lustonia when someone is very sick or heavily injured, and death seems certain?”  Leans towards me.  “If they survive and begin acting strangely?  They may be varlskif.”

“May be?”

“Yes, some deny it.  Claim they have not changed.”  Nods to herself.  “The key is if they remember another world.  Remember another life.”

Okay, not sure what to say here.  Wait, aren’t there isekais where their soul takes over the body of a dying kid but doesn’t get cheat powers?  But then why haven’t I heard of-

“Master.”  As if she’s reading my mind, Frankie answers.  “Lustonia is not friendly to outsiders.  The country has always kept to itself.  Made easier as its surrounded by mountains and dense forests.”

Blue nods.  “That’s right.  Stormgarde rarely had lustonian students before.”  Shrugs.  “Surprised everyone to see so many test this year.”

“We asked why.”  Frosty shrugs and replies.  “But only got evasive answers.”

Look at Sonja who suddenly becomes hesitant.

“Lady Fox?”  Lean to her ear and breathily whisper.  “What happened?”

“Ooohh…”  She moans and shivers as her face flushes.  “I…  W-we are not sup-posed to s-say…”

Cup her chin and lift it to me so I can capture her eyes.


Yes, I know I’m a bastard.

“O-okay…  L-lovaria?  T-the royal co-college?  Is g-gone…  D-destroyed.”

“How?”  Lili, like all my girls now, is glued to Sonja’s words.

Not sure how it's possible but cuckette gets even more shy.  Her eyes can no longer look at me.

“W-well…  We re-really should-d n-not s-say…  B-but…  May… may I… a-ask lord l-lion f-for a bo-boon?”

My isekai spidey senses start tingling?

“Of course.”  Red sympathetically chimes in.

“Th-then p-please-”  The shy demeanor vanishes like it never existed.  Blush instantly gone from her milky skin.  An icy sharp aura so intense you can feel it, flares up from Sonja.  At nearly the same moment, half the harem responds with their own auras and Rowl rises out of my shadow.  Unfazed by the violent death now facing her, she continues.  “-take my oskuld.”

Ha!  Damn!  This bitch completely faked me out.  Glad she didn’t want to stab me but… 

“Your oskuld?  What’s that, miss sneaky fox?”

Wow, you can actually see some ice in those grey eyes now.  A bluish tint that’s now also in her skin.  Cuckette tilts her head again at my question.  Though this time jilted girl looks more like a wolf, amused by an uppity rabbit.

“Oh?  Ah!  Ursak, sorry.  Uh…”  She’s got her thinking cap on.  “Yes.  My oskuld is my purity.  My virginity.”  Nods to herself again.  “You must take it.”


Almgren, Sonja(female, human, lustonian)

  • 5'6" 17 years
    • hourglass body, oblong face, d-cups, heart butt
    • grey eyes, curly ringlets auburn hair, white skin
  • Magic
    • Earth (bsc)
    • Water (int)
  • Student
    • Stormgarde Academy
    • 1st year
  • Daughter of Ernst Almgren
    • Hertig(Duke) of Flirin
  • "Jilted Girl,” “Cuckette”
  • Wearing a fox mask

Lehne, Helena(female, human, lustonian)

  • 5'4" 15 years
    • spoon body, round face, c-cups, heart butt
    • green eyes, short curly blue hair, white skin
  • Magic
    • Light (bsc)
  • Student
    • Stormgarde Academy
    • 1st year
  • Daughter of Farard Lehne
    • Herre(Baron) of Vehberg
  • "Otome Girl,” “Dating Sim Heroine”
  • Wearing a swan mask

Vahlberg, Conrad(male, human, lustonian)

  • 6’0” 18 years
  • 1st Prince
    • Kingdom of Lustonia
  • Melee
    • Long Sword (adv)
  • Magic
    • Fire? (int?)
  • Student
    • Stormgarde Academy
    • 1st year
  • Son of Arne Vahlberg
    • Kung(King) of Lustonia
  • Brother of Ludvig Vahlberg
    • Former 1st Prince
    • Deceased
  • "Prince Prick”
  • Wearing a peacock mask

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