A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 26b: Taking Stock

Time for an inventory. There are fifty-seven presences attached to my soul. All of them anchored to my spirit instead of an item. I feel that I can hold more but not much more. The number grows the more I interact with them. The more used to those extensions I get.

The first two are the swords Sanctity and Tormentor. Had nothing to scale them with but now compared to the others? They are giants. Truly powerful beings of might and magic. But they don't have thoughts. They don't ponder or consider. Pure willpower. Whose only purpose is, annihilation.

Find it funny how a divine blade and an infernal sword are so similar to each other.

Next up? Rowl. The great knight, dead for a century or two. Impressive great sword, long sword, and two short swords. He was Ushalen's champion. It seems only fitting that he now be my champion too. His hounds Alfek and Orsa are, as always, by his side.

Their senses and tracking unmatched among my servants. Linking to me has made them even more menacing than when I helped their mistress restore them.

Then there is the church's commander, the Inquisitor Alexo. Weird name. I'll call him Alex. Classic witch hunter type. No one expects the Metian Inquisition! Uses a long sword and short sword in a two handed fighting style with a crossbow for ranged.

My Shadow Inquisitor is sharp. Very sharp. Very skilled in investigation, interrogation, and torture. Sees Avi, Red, and Rowl, as touched by me so respects them. Also pities Red and Avi. Sees not being linked to me as an inferior state of existence?


Two Oracles, Ferra and Margo. Similar to Avi but only have two schools each. Focused in light, now dark, and fire for Ferra, earth for Margo. Both manifest ornate staffs which help with their casting. Retain enough of identity to see themselves as female.

Jealous of Avi and Red since they have a physical relationship with me? Okay... That was fast. Let's put a pin in that and come back to it later. Much later.

Now the five Paladins. Byern, Evard, Gyberg, Lanot, and Emelina. They also retain gender identity with Emelina being the only female. This has inspired a rivalry with Red? Like each wants to prove themselves.

Paladins are trained in magic too. Byern, mace and fire. Evard, great axe and water. Gyberg, spear and earth. Lanot, sword and air. Emelina, great sword and was light but is now dark.

Turned thirteen priests into living shadows but none retain enough identity to speak or identify a gender. You can tell which were which, sort of. But they all only think of themselves as my faithful flock. Yeah, its creepy.

Priests are trained and equipped for magic. Specifically, the light school. This was transformed into the dark school too and they manifest staffs or wands.

Last but not least? Thirty-one knights. Like the priests they did not retain enough sense of self. No magic training but very skilled with their arsenals. They use an assortment of swords, spears, and maces. Unlike the paladins, they also each have a crossbow.


Quite the little army I have here. But a much larger one might be even handier. Going deeper into the vault is a great temptation. Lots of undead down there. Maybe turn this trap for me, into a trap for the church. No. Its too early.

Lost my necromancer, so in the dark school I'm stuck. Need teachers or at least grimoires to go further. Can feel the headache coming on. Been in here too long. Don't want to push it so I'll surface again.

"Hi, Jon."

I open my eyes to see Red's smiling face above mine. Not in the middle of getting raped like the first time I met Avi. Nice change of pace. Just there, with the gentlest smile on her face and completely focused on me.

I'm not sitting anymore? Why am I on my back? Red's giving me a lap pillow? Isekai alert! Yep, we have blush, that's the maiden in love look?

"Sorry. How long was I out?"

"An hour or so." Shit, more to feel guilty about. "You started falling over so I made you more comfortable."

No no no. Don't play with your hair like that. Don't tuck it over your ear. Augh! Cuteness alert!

"I'm sor-"

Red's lips interrupt me. She's tall, and flexible. Taller than me now. Never been with a woman taller than me before. Its, different. New. Crap. I'm in trouble. Big trouble. Finally, she lets my tongue go.

"Don't be, I liked it."

I pull her down for a little more. Wow. Been a long time since I had, this. Get a pouty look when I let her go and sit up.

"Sorry but we need to disc-"



Suddenly I'm back on my, well, back. Ow. Meanwhile? My face is buried in big tits. Big deep grey tits. Recognizable big deep grey tits. Oh. Avi woke up.

"Master master master master!"

I've survived a demon ambush, an undead ambush, and a church ambush, only to now be smothered to death by the breasts of an ex-oracle ex-princess. You know? I get ambushed a lot. Should probably do something about that.

"Ushi! Be careful. He's still fragile." Ushi? Fragile?

"I'm shoorrry" What is with that cute drawl? "I'm not used to this body yet."

The tits retreat and I can gasp for breath again. Red is instantly checking me for injuries. Okay, is this a Florence Nightingale thing?

"Uh... Avi?"

"Beloved master." Yep, same crazy sparkle in her eyes. "You have given me a new life. So please allow me a new name."

Crap, she's clasping hands again. Stop praying to me!

"And your new name?"

Granted only the way she speaks and holds herself still looks like Avi. Still stunning, but that childish innocence is gone. Much more adult and seductive looking now. Even her voice is deeper. And why would I care what she calls herself?

"Ushinua." Okay, not seeing a prob- "Ushinua Barton." Eh?

"Ushi!" Red's instantly on her feet. "You agreed to wait!"

Is she stamping her feet?


Avi, uh, Ushi places a hand over her mouth and completely fails to look convincing. I better nip this in the bud.

"Red?" Red ignores me, still yelling at Ushi.

"Edelys Barton!" That gets Red's attention.

"Master!" Ushi is now on her feet. "Please do not-"

"Ushinua Barton!" And that gets her attention.

Whew, how troublesome.

With just a thought, my shadows dive into the sizeable pile of loot they've collected. Recall from reviewing their memories. Some soft mana metal utensils. Yeah, they were also the church commander's. Dude was loaded.

The blast turned these former silver pieces black. Shadows bring me one and I tear it into three pieces. Then start working each three with mana infused fingers. Crushing. Bending. Crushing. Smoothing. Bending.

All the while the two still speechless and frozen girls stare at me.

"Ushinua Barton. Hold out your left hand." She jumps a little but obeys.

"Edelys Barton. Hold out your left hand too. Please." Red is shaking a bit but does the same.

I lift my left hand and show me sliding the smooth black coil band I made on my ring finger. Then use my strengthened fingers to make adjustments so its a decent fit.

I've poured a lot of mana into these rings and they sparkle now. Like a little window into a cloudless night sky of stars. There is a bit of a weird feeling once I'm done. Probably just the mana.

Take hold of Ushinua's left hand and slide the second black coil band on her ring finger. She's crying.

Take hold of Edelys's left hand and slide the third black coil band on her ring finger. Her face has turned red from the bottom of her neck to the top of her ears.

"Edelys and Ushinua. Edel and Ushi. I've been reminded that I don't know how long any of us have in this world. And I treasure both of you." More tears and blushing. "On my world, the custom is to share rings between husband and wife. So, if you'll have me. With these rings, I wed thee." I managed to say that calmly? Not bad. Go me.

Uh oh, the tears and blushing have stopped. They are just staring at their rings. Shit. Did I fuck up? Are rings an insult in this world? Maybe if explai-


Ouch, I'm on my back, again. If this keeps up I'm going to break something. Oh? Kissing is a good sign. Goodbye pants. Another good sign. Two faces, one crying, one blushing, are kissing me. A lot.

"So, is this a yes?"

Barton, Ushinua (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • 5', 18 years
    • hourglass body, heart face, large round breasts, large round butt
    • purple eyes, straight long white hair, dark grey skin, long swept out ears
  • Formerly Avalina Faphyri Angelles
  • "Ushi"

Barton, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • Formerly Edelys Gilend
  • "Red," "Edel"

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