A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 27: The Mancy in Necro

---D-Day+175, Goridine 18th, Tuesday Afternoon---

---Chenghai, Lian Clan Estate---

“How are you still alive when you do everything wrong?”

Mickey mouse is in the house. A black and blue robed too tall skinny bitchy dickless mickey mouse, but the voice is eerily similar.

“I’m kind of busy here, Lurch.”

And I am. Working hard in a corner of the Lian clan’s super siheyuan. Their “crafting” courtyard. Which is sort of hidden to help keep the noise, smoke, and smell of these shops from the rest of the estate.

Only the lowest of the branch families live in the courtyard houses around it. Which just so happen to be the only clanners living here right now besides the servants. Including that Lian Pi head guard guy. Who? You know, the one who wouldn’t admit he couldn’t protect Little Li even inside his own clan’s estate.

According to my wuxia princess, many “great” clans move between two or three estates throughout the year. Using huge caravans several “li,” yanese miles, long.

Only the weakest of their branch families stay in particular manors year round. Responsible for maintenance and staffing while the “important” people are away. Poor Pi is one of those.

These “local” Lian have been downright skittish. Respectful and polite, but definitely prefer to stay out of sight, out of mind. Big Ji says the lowest ranking families learn to avoid the limelight. Better that than risk the wrath of higher ranking kin.

Which is why Pi hasn't dared throwing any daughters, cousins or nieces my way. His seniors might see it as a threat to their positions and retaliate. Harshly.

Damn, fuck the clans man.

Well, okay, back to the here and now. We've moved from the other courtyard to this one where I practice alchemy. With no storage magic, it’s not reasonable to haul cauldrons around everywhere. So we’re using the Lian's facilities.

Of course each clan owns, or contracts with, lots of shops in the cities. They just always do some of their own work too. Lining this crowded courtyard is a smithy, tannery, jeweler, weaver, etc, etc…

A cauldron, several tables and harem crowd the, uh, pillery? Potioneery? Whatever. I’ve changed into a silk black pien fu, knee length tunic over trousers, after getting blood all over my blue disciple robes.

Hey, it's okay. It's not like it was my blood.

My four wives and three concubines appear to be idling against the walls and furniture. But their eyes are sharp. Fingers on hilts and handles. Odaline and Simone are even in winged half-dead mode with Margo and Ferra. Shadows cast by the fire under the oversized bronze pot boil with my minions.

With so little room my mistresses have to wait outside. Would tell them to go back to training but we’ve just killed some people again so everyone is, understandably, a little on edge.

This alchemery(?) hardly has the best equipment, according to mister grandmaster alchemist Qinxin, but it's good enough for government work.

"No, no, that is all wrong."

And who is being a judgmental little shit right now.

"Are you a necromancer? No? Then, fuck off!"

Yes, we are in the clan’s fantasy chemistry sweatshop. But we are not cooking xianxia crack. Nope, we are raising the dead instead.


Well, finding ourselves with a sudden abundance of the recently deceased. Completely coincidentally of course. Lurch begged and pleaded to see me do the undead thing again. He saw me raising zombies during the pirate attack on the treasure fleet. But that was a sloppy rush job.

Yeah, these are the rapey douchebag and friends’ corpses. Their bodies are in pretty good shape too. Since they were quickly overwhelmed by the sect members, haremites, and living shadows. So, really there are just stab wounds. Lots and lots of stab wounds.

Hmm… how would I explain this to the isekai police?

Yes, officer, they all fell. At the same time. And totally accidentally murdered themselves to death. Multiple times even. Eh? What about mister rapist wannabe? Well he was running with scissors. And we all know nobody can live through that.

Yeah, sure, that’ll fly.

*crackle* *pop*


Not being a fan of oozing rotting stinking zombies. Means some prep work needs to be done. Unless all I plan to raise are shadows. Now some material says to “de-tissue” the skeletons, by hand, first. Uh, ew… Fuck that. I use fire instead.

And to keep from being left with only ashes and bits of bone? Use [Mana Manipulation] to fill the skeletal parts with mana. Making them more resistant to the flames.

Granted, I am still an amatuer necromancer at best. So a lot of stuff is off the cuff. But it mostly works for me. Still thinking golemancy will be the better long term solution though. Go big or go home. Castle stomping gundams might be fun.

Could just turn them all into living shadows and skellies. Done it before. But I suspect overusing the deceased is part of my “fueling” problem. Plus I’m actually kind of happy with the population in my mindscape right now. Feel no real urge to grow it anymore.

My astral bowling alley is at maximum occupancy on league nights.

This dude abides.


So, time to experiment some more.

“Oh impatient apprentice.” Eunuch elf ignores my scowl. “I have observed many silingfashi and this is just… wasteful.”


“Ah, apologies, those are daoists who practice the necromantic arts. Who taught you,” disdainful glance, “this?”

Well the jokes on you, buddy.

“I’m mostly self taught.”

Not by choice thanks to you, Metia. Bitch. Yeah, you heard me. Don’t worry, your turn will come.

“Tch. Did you not attend Stormgarde?” Minnie Mouse and Emperor Palpatine's love child is confused. “I hear they are one of the finest elemental magic schools in Iagreth.”

Couldn't help but snort.

“Yeah, not for the dark school. The professors and lecturers didn't know necromancy or tried to control me.” Sneer. “With fatal consequences.” Massage my schnoz. “And the books I found were in code or altered by church assholes.”

Memories of Ushalen play behind my eyes. Almost killing her. Healing her. Learning from her. And then losing her. She deserved a second chance. A new life. But it didn’t happen. Fuck you, world. Your turn will come too.

Grandmaster alchemist has seen the light.

“Ah. Yes. Forgive me. One forgets how afraid of death magic the easterners are.” Giggles. “The yanese have had to be more, uh, pragmatic.”

*foosh* *sizzle*

The flame inches along.

“Mmhm. Heard about the whole city of death thing.” The sect elder is giving me an odd look. Which is made even odder by his angular features. “What’s with the face?”

Mister elf is pointing at my hand.

“Why are you using Wuhuo on that corpse?”

He’s looking at the fire I’m using to de-tissue the corpse. It's called Wuhou, Five Flames, an alchemy art. And is the first xianxia thing Lurch taught me.

Five Flames is named after the five draconic base elements. Earth, fire, metal, water and wood. Using strange techniques to gather and burn particular types of qi. Lurch says it helps a ton with many pill and potion recipes. So I pondered that it might help with cleaning corpses too.

Ugh, but it still stinks to high heaven. Thank god this shop has lots of ventilation.

“Using fire makes it easier to clean the bones.” Shrug. “So I decided to try qi flames instead. See if that’s better.”

The North Jade Dragon Palace elder clicks his tongue at me again.

“Tch. You are just polluting the bones this way.”


What you talkin’ ‘bout Willis?

“Undeath exists outside the five actions.” Lurch enters wiseman mode. “Even demon qi is a part of life. A corruption of it but still, life. Unlife is, as it sounds, not life.” He glares at the cooking corpse below. Growling. “The fallen twist life. Changing it. Fouling it. The undead are much worse. An abomination. A violation!”

The pointy eared freak shudders then rolls his neck and shoulders. Creepily calming himself before continuing with an angular grin.

“Xixi.” Deep breath. “Oh, my, I apologize. We daoists like to pretend we are rebels. Heroes. Fighting the oppressive will of heaven.” Touches the sunken cold face on the table below. “But we are nothing compared to undeath. Cultivators struggle against the divine order.” A wistful look. “Necromancers spit in the face of life itself.”

I let the alchemical flames gutter out and turn to Lurch.

“Wait, so then how did liches, vampires and shit even come about?”

Tilts his head at me confused before he realizes the problem.

“Oh! This old fool apologizes. I keep forgetting that your introduction to this world was… abnormal.” Waves a hand. “Badun Yuehan, there have always been undead. But it was more the exception that proves the rule. Rare and random. Only occurring where death qi was too thick. So heavy that no other qi could be found.”

“Then how-”

Elder Qinxin interrupts me.

“Long ago, one from your world harnessed it.” Points at me. “Weaponized it. Spread it. Even transformed himself into the first Lich.” Ha! Bet he was an Overlord fan. “Did you know there is an entire kingdom of undead?”


“Really? Where?”

Waves dismissively.

“On one of the southern continents. Far, far, from Luyan. And I suggest you avoid the place. They mostly keep to themselves. Content with eternity. But have little patience for the living.” Rubs his chin before jumping a little. “Oh! What an old fool this one is. Qi, yes, the qi you are using. The silingfashi use only death qi when enslaving the dead.”

Hmm… okay…

With [Super Senses] I open up myself, searching, looking at my mana. See the ocean inside my lower dantian. The rivers winding through my open meridians. And the trickles passing those that are still closed. Ambient mana seeps into my body. By way of what I now know is the spirit root.

Ah ha! There you are.

My hunt succeeds. Homing in on the threads of death qi.

Hmm… Doesn't look like a lot. Which is odd considering how often I use necromancy. There is a town of undead in my head. Wait, can I use [Mana Manipulation] to make more?

Remember the smell and taste of death qi as I pull more mana from the reservoir. Flavoring the qi as it pours into my meridians. Then writing the [Torch Hand], Huoju Shou, first realm technique with it.


Purple flames shroud my fingers and as soon as the fire touches the partially exposed foot bone of the ex-imperial guardsmen in front of me, it spreads. Tissue burns and fat pops. An even stronger sickly sweet bacon-ish smell fills the air. Even with all the venting this chamber has.

*sizzle* *crackle*

Can feel the change. Much more, um, deathy? Undeady? Takes way less juice using just death qi too. Damn, this scorch is hot.

~Hmph! Barely a candle compared to my inferno.~

Quiet, lizard lips.

Ignoring a certain shadow dragon’s giant ego, a few minutes pass and the bones are fleshless. Letting me move on to the actual incantation.


The words of my arcane chant linger in the air. Each syllable filled with so much mystic power that you can nearly see them. All slowly sinking downward, into the exposed and blackened bones on the table as a glowing sickly green magic circle appears and spins beneath it. With a twitch here and a shiver there, the skeleton slowly realigns itself. Some pieces even seem to float. As qi replaces the lost muscle, sinew, and cartilage.


Feel a little dizzy so lean against the table. While using death mana is cheaper than what I have been doing. It requires a lot more focus. Mentally tiring. Which is probably a sign that I’m finally doing it right.

*crik* *clak*

My newest minion turns its skull to look at me. A dim violet flame burning in each eye socket. The faint connection between us strengthens.

Next to me, the eunuch elf is clapping his hands together. About vibrating with excitement.

“Amazing! Fantastic! Ah, my ornery apprentice.” Hops a little while clapping. “I knew it was right to pick you!”

Willing the skellie to get up and gear up, I face Lurch.

“I never agreed to be your apprentice.” Thumb at the reanimated. “So is this what the sect necrophiliacs do?”

He quickly shakes his head.

“Hardly, sect necromancers are much more, uh, refined.” Taps on the table. “They draw formations and use talismans to raise the dead.” Points at the dressing skeleton. “Even elementalist necromancers use magic circles and components.” Side-eyes me. “So what does that make you?”

I chuckle.

“Hehe, a lich king?” Ignore his overly dramatic surprise. “Yeah, heard that before.” My turn to shake my head. “I’m just an isekaied guy with too much mana and not enough sense.”

The newest addition to my army stands beside the pile of gear at attention. The armor hangs a little loose but not as much as you’d expect when all that’s underneath is bones. Another invisible mana replacing tissue thing.

Lurch can barely contain his curiosity.

“Appren-er,” He notices my scowl this time. “Junfei Badun. Might I examine this creation? Your undead are quite… unusual.”

Cross my arms.

“Fine. Enjoy yourself.” Turn towards the shop entrance. “I’ll raise the rest later. Need to take care of something first.”

Elder Qinxin nods as I walk out, preceded and followed by my wives and concubines. Outside the shop, on the dirt floored courtyard, kotows one Tiang Li Zexi. Daughter of the Yangxu emperor and the reason I left Iagreth. Instead of heading for another country on that continent.

Promises were made and I can’t say I haven’t come out ahead. Learning draconic magic. Cultivating. Dual-cultivating. Kung fu. Shit, I’m even more op than before.

But she’s brought me a lot of trouble too. Trying to flood my harem with new members. Young masters willing to sell their souls to get her. And a mother influential enough to convince those same new haremites to betray me.

It’s clear I’m still not the toughest kid on the block and if Lurch hadn’t upset the apple cart by declaring me his apprentice? Would be in a hell of a lot more danger right now. Probably be at war with this city and half the “great” clans.

Not sure what his angle really is but it's likely entertainment as much as anything else. Sausageless bastard loves fucking with people. Major prankster.

So what is Little Li’s “real” angle? Guess we’re about to find out.

Yes, we. My seven wives and concubines crowd around the alchemy shop’s entrance. Seventeen mistresses are clustered along the square’s edges by faction. Interesting to see Kitsu standing with Milti and Lizzy instead of Big Ji and the yanese newbies.

Changing sides?

And that’s not counting the dozens of living shadows covering, well, everything. Even Emelina is out. Cool, maybe she’s finally over pouting about Mila leaving. And me not letting her kill the panther girl.

My secretary milf, Lili, places a stool in front of me. So I cop a squat. Everyone else, except Li, stays standing.

Besides Lurch and my ladies this and the surrounding courtyards are empty. Clanners and servants getting the hint that I wanted “some space.” The inky smoky undead and blue robed Beyulongong disciples tossing out the few that tried acting stubborn.

Quietly I stare at the kowtowing yanese princess. In no mood to coax the truth out of her. She stays quiet too. Face down. Her light green embroidered silk robes have become dirty from kneeling on the dusty ground.

Tired of waiting, I reach to my side and Hitomi hands me Cheri. Which I begin tuning a bit. Thinking about what I would like to play.

“Please do not abandon us, xingan!”

Little Li’s plea is shouted but her forehead remains touching the ground. And triggers memories of the pleas I’ve heard from other women since getting stuck on this fucked up medieval planet.

“Why am I here, Li’er?”

The yanese princess doesn’t skip a beat.

“To protect your heir, xingan!”

Sigh, that’s true but…

“What do you want, Li’er? Not your father. Not your kingdom. You.”

Li’s body shivers as she lifts her head to meet my eyes. There are tears and dirt on her face but no embarrassment. No humiliation. That’s unusual, shouldn’t kowtowing and begging me in front of the entire harem be mortifying? But there is a lot of heat in her reply.



“Against whom?” Red questions.

Little Li keeps her eyes locked to mine. “The Shaoyeshe!”

Sweet, that’s actually a name I recognize.

“The young masters club? Why?” Frankie asks.

My yanese princess may not look mortified but her sister does. From the sidelines Big Ji whimpers.

“Xiao Li, no, please…”

But we all heard, including her sister who continues.

“If we do not, Jiji, who will?!” Oh yeah, she’s pissed. “Princess Ji was talented. A once in a thousand years genius!” Trembling. “She bowed to no man. Not even her betrothed.” Have I ever seen her this pissed? “Refused to play their games. So they destroyed her!”

Shaking and shivering with rage, she is pulled out of the kowtow by her older sister. Who has run over and wrapped her arms around the young woman. Both huddle together and cry into each other’s shoulders on the gritty ground.



Alnus, Miltinnia (female, human, aquecian)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Hitomi’s faction
  • 5’1”, 16* years
    • Grey eyes, short curly grey hair, rectangular face, light brown skin
    • Conical D-cup breasts, spoon body, large v-shaped butt
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Juri
  • Faith
    • Godbeast
  • Former Apprentice, Moderca Trade Company
  • Daughter of Kamern Almus (deceased)
  • “Milti, Wheelchair girl, Ex-wheelchair”

Angelles, Isabeau Manel (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Frankie’s faction
  • 5’1”, 16* years
    • Blue eyes, short curly blonde hair, round face, pale skin
    • C-cup breasts, triangular body, v-shaped butt
  • Third Princess
    • Kingdom of Tourin
  • Daughter of King Arter III Angelles
  • "Isa, Princess, Heinieness, Dynamic duo"

Baramont, Ymanie (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Frankie’s faction
  • 5’2”, 16* years
    • Brown eyes, short curly auburn hair, oblong face, beige skin
    • B-cup breasts, spoon body, square butt
  • Viscountess of Baramont
    • Duchy of Lathouc
  • Daughter of Duke Gautier Baramont
  • "Ymi, Princess, Heinieness, Dynamic duo"

Barton, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 3rd Wife
    • Red’s faction
  • 5'5", 22 years
    • rectangle body, oval face, close set b-cup breasts, small square butt
    • blue eyes, long curly blond hair, ringlets, fair skin
  • Lover
    • Edelys Barton
  • Formerly Chastel, Alote
  • Daughter of Melicent Chastel
  • "Blue, Mage-wife"

Barton, Clari (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Red’s faction
  • 5'2", 16 years
    • Blue eyes, short straight black hair, triangular face, fair skin
    • Bell shaped D-cup breasts, bottom hourglass body, large heart butt
  • Formerly Sothea, Clari
  • Daughter of Lilias Barton
  • "Sis"

Barton, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 1st Wife
  • Pregnant
    • by Jon Barton
    • 5 months
  • 6'2", 22 years
    • rectangular body, rectangle face, athletic dd-cup breasts, small square butt
    • hazel eyes, short curly red hair, fair skin
  • Lover
    • Alote Barton
  • Formerly
    • Gilend, Edelys
    • Knight Vice Captain, Black Hart Order
  • "Red, Knight-wife, Edel”

Barton, Hitomi (female, elf-human, japanese)

  • the Shadow
  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 4th Wife
  • 5'2", 16 years
    • inverted triangle body, inverted triangle face, archetype d-cup breasts, small v-shaped butt
    • amber eyes, short spiky black hair, dark grey skin, long pointed swept back ears
  • Formerly Chigusa, Hitomi
  • Isekaied
    • Transmigration (body and spirit)
    • Ritual summoning
  • Aquecian hero
    • Shadow Mistress
  • "Ninja-wife, JK girl, Japanese high schooler, Ninja girl, Shinobi girl"

Barton, Lilias (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 1st Concubine
    • Red’s faction
  • 5'8", 31 years
    • bottom hourglass body, triangle face, bell shape e-cup breasts, large square butt
    • hazel eyes, long straight brown hair, fair skin
  • Formerly
    • Sothea, Lilias
    • Formerly Gilend, Lilias
  • Mother of Clari Barton
  • "Lili, Secretary milf, Secretary-wife"

Barton, Odaline (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 2nd Concubine
    • Red’s faction
  • 5'9", 29 years
    • top hourglass body, heart face, side set e-cup breasts, large round butt
    • brown eyes, long straight blonde hair, fair skin
  • Formerly
    • Lilevo, Odaline
    • Professor, Tellus Magic, Stormgarde Academy
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Margo
  • "Oda, Oda-Mar"

Barton, Simone (female, human, tourinese)

  • Concubine of Jon Barton
    • 3rd Concubine
    • Red’s faction
  • 5'5", 24 years
    • hourglass body, diamond face, tear drop c-cup breasts, medium heart butt
    • blue eyes, long straight black hair, beige skin
  • Formerly
    • Regniar, Simone
    • Lecturer, Lumen Magic, Stormgarde Academy
  • Divorced
    • Kaoln Regniar
    • 1 Son
    • 1 Daughter
  • Half Dead
    • Living Shadow
    • Ferra
  • "Sim, Sim-Fer"

Barton, Ushinua (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • Wife of Jon Barton
    • 2nd Wife
  • 5'0", 18 years
    • hourglass body, heart face, round g-cup breasts, large round butt
    • purple eyes, straight long white hair, dark grey skin, long pointed swept out ears
  • Formerly
    • Angelles, Avalina Faphyri
    • Oracle of Metia
    • Princess of Tourin
  • Daughter of King Arter III Angelles
    • Kingdom of Tourin
  • "Frankie, Priest-wife, Ushi"

Carter, Elizabeth (female, human, british)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Hitomi’s faction
  • 5'4", 16* years
    • spoon body, round face, archetype c-cup breasts, small heart butt
    • green eyes, short curly blue hair, white skin
  • Isekaied
    • Transmigration (spirit)
    • Coincidental summoning
    • Helena Lehne (lustonian)
  • Daughter of Farard Lehne
    • Herre (Baron) of Vehberg
  • "Lizzy, Otome girl"

Chastel, Luliene (female, human, ukuxhan)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Frankie’s faction
  • Pregnant
    • by Jon Barton
    • 3 months
  • 5'2", 27 years
    • hourglass body, oval face, bell g-cup breasts, large heart butt
    • green eyes, weaved curly black hair, brown skin
  • Formerly
    • Wife, Hamond Chastel (deceased)
    • Slave
    • Princess of Imkoni
  • "Lula, Mocha momma, Chocolate angel"

Chastel, Melicent (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Red’s faction
  • 5’4”, 48 years
    • triangle body, inverted triangle face, relaxed e-cup breasts, large round butt
    • black eyes, long curly blonde hair, fair skin
  • Sons
    • Hammond (1st, deceased)
    • Geffroi (2nd)
    • Heimer (4th)
  • Daughters
    • Roisela (3rd)
    • Alote (5th)
  • Formerly
    • Duchess, Duchy of Trosseria
    • Wife, Duke Richart Chastel (deceased)
  • Mother of Alote Barton
  • "Mel, Mommy duke"

Feng, Dei (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • 5'2", 16 years
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Feng clan
  • "Dei'er"

Gui, Yun (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Gui clan
  • "Yun’er"

Lianlaf, Aurai (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Frankie’s faction
  • 5’5”, 16* years
    • rectangular body, diamond face, athletic b-cups breasts, small v-shaped butt
    • black eyes, long curly brown hair, olive skin
  • Daughter of Baron of Lions Keep
  • "Auri, Glasses"

Liu, Pai (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Liu clan
  • "Pai’er"

Jouveral, Matylda (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Frankie’s faction
  • 6’0”, 28 years
    • Hazel eyes, long straight auburn hair, triangle face, beige skin
    • D-cup breasts, triangular body, round butt
  • Formely
    • Royal Knight Vice Captain, Order of the White Rose
    • Mistress, Duke Theovald Airnett
  • "Maty, Knight chick"

Si, Shuren (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Si clan
  • "Shu’er"

Tiang, Li Zexi (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5’3”, 16 years
  • Royal Princess
    • Empire of Yangxu
  • Younger sister of Ji Ping Tiang
  • "Little Li, Young Li, Younger sister, China girl, Chinese princess, Xiao Li"

Tiang, Ji Ping (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • 5’6”, 19 years
  • Royal Princess
    • Empire of Yangxu
    • Renounced her title
  • Older sister of Li Zexi Tiang
  • "Big Ji, Old Ji, Older sister, Chan Ji"

Yamabe, Sayuri (female, beastkin(fox(huyao)), nandao)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Hitomi’s faction?
  • 5’3”, 16* years
    • orange irises with slit pupils, short straight rusty-red hair, red-white fur, diamond face, raised fuzzy ears, fair skin
    • C-cup breasts, slender top hourglass body, small heart butt, bushy tail
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Qianzai Dizi (Potential Disciple)
  • “Kitsu, Fox girl, Fox, Foxy”

Yao, Qiu (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Yao clan
  • "Qiu’er"

Yu, Zhi (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
    • Little Li’s faction
  • 5'2", 16* years
  • Qingnu (Young Lady)
    • Yu clan
  • Canceled betrothal
    • Wu Chen
  • “Zhi’er, Oops girl”

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