A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 28: Cinderella You Ain’t

"Her Royal Highness, 3rd Princess Isabeau of Tourin!  Accompanied by Viscountess Ymanie of House Baramont!"

Announcer guy bellows the identity of the newest folks entering the grand hall.  Much of the crowd on the floor, and the balcony, crane their necks to get a look.  Those two didn't show up for dinner and the dance started an hour ago.

"Fashionably late?"

Ugh.  Not looking forward to this.  Heard princesses might show up.  Then Frosty confirmed it over breakfast this morning.  Why aren't they going to Crownfair?  Shouldn't they go to Crownfair?

"She was never early, master.  Never on time.  Isabeau always followed her own schedule."  Oh yeah, the princess is her sister.  Well half-sister, technically, I guess.

She hasn't seen her in, what, five or six years?

According to Ushi.  Mana-less, title-less, and female, are the 'you screwed' trifecta for nobles.  Its surprising they were even allowed to come to Stormgarde.

As part of their Houses 'senior' families?  They should have gone to Crownfair.  And Frosty says there are other schools down there too.

Even among nobles.  Magic, spells and stuff, is not common.  But most have at least a puddle's worth of mana.  The ones with talent are like, a pond or lake.  The heroes are like big lakes.  Really big lakes.  Me?  I got an ocean baby.

But a mana-less?  Drops.  Maybe not enough to even fill a cup.  That's rare.  Cultivating?  Decades, maybe centuries, to grow it to a puddle or pond.

Lili, the weakest magic-wise in my harem, at least has a puddle.  Blue used to just have drops but she's got a small lake now.

Noble mana-less girls should be going to some school near home.  Couple years of bride training.  Then married off to some minor lord for baby making.

The higher the rank of the mana-less girl?  The higher rank the minor lord will be.  That's it.  Same fate.  Get to making them babies.

Asking around.  No one can tell me a good reason for them to be here.  Unless?  They are bribes.  Tribute, offered to keep the Huns away.  The Huns, in this case, being me.

Should I be working on my Attila quotes?  'What is sweeter, for a brave man, than to seek revenge, with his own hand.'  Maybe I should make an undead Mongol Horde?

"Frankie.  Is it good to see her again?"  I pull her in and she rests her head on my chest.

"Y-yes."  Little kisses to stop her tears.

My harem is stunning again tonight.  Each sticking with their colors from the second and third nights but the dresses are different again.  The Grand Suite?  Looks like someone lost a battle with a fashion show.  And that someone?  Is me.

Hey.  They go to great lengths, above and beyond really, to keep me satisfied.  So me giving them the time and money to show off for a week?  In front of VIP's from half the continent?

I got no problem with that.

Even if the princesses are at the low end of their familial totem poles?  They've got an impressive entourage.  Haven't seen tin can's crew, White Rose knights, since Sanriel.  Not seeing captain tin can, Ushi says he's a duke now, but some of them do look familiar...

"Wha?!  That's knight chick!"  Don't point.  Be cool.  Don't point.  Really want to point.

"Who master?"

"Remember?  That's who your captain tin can was having kinky princess play sex with while saying how much he loves y-...  Oh."

I just might never have ever gotten around to sort of telling Frankie about that.

"...What?"  Blinking.  Okay.  She's taking it well.


Oh! That's a good grip! Yeah. Ow. Ouch. Babe. Take my baby peach fuzz chest hair if you must but please... leave the nipple!

"What did you say?  Master?!"

"Goats.  He loves goats.  Tin can couldn't stop talking about, damn girl those claws, how much he loves goats."

The death grip on my chest is released.  Thank god.  My nipple is still attached.  But Frankie is looking me in the eye.

"Master.  We will discuss this, later.  Understand?"

And I do what any demon dragon killing beast from another would do when facing a furious oppai dak erufu. 

Nod.  Quickly even.


Oh.  Those two are immediately making the rounds.  Working the crowd.  And they are cute.  Well I wish them luck.  Uh?  Why am I not interested?  Dude, even if I am technically fifteen?  I'm not attracted to younglings.

I'm with Ben F on this.  Older women are so much better than younger women.  Now I'm not talking Gilfland.  No thank you.  But I'll sing the Milfland national anthem twenty-four seven.

Well, on this world, sixteen eight.

Hmm...  The youngest?  I think?  Seylia and she was sixteen.  Also she wasn't giving me any choice.  Now?  My youngest wife is Frankie and she's eighteen.

Nor were any of mine virgins by any stretch of the imagination.

As Ben F said.  Thru my wives, I have discernment, sensibility, and softness.  And thru me, they have body, reason, and strength.  My bases are covered.

Yes, I still get 'visitors.'  Hi, Juli's friend from work.  Whether I want them or not, thank you dears.  But as long as they understand they are just 'visiting?'  I'm tolerating it.  Even if some of those visitors are more like 'regular customers.'

Yes, I'm looking at you Frosty, ya breastless twig.

My libido isn't that strong, nor desperate.  I'm just surrounded by clever aggressive women.  And I have a magic penis.

Tonight's the fourth ball and they are getting old.  Thank god I skipped the first one.  By the eighth?  I may snap.  Start demanding polka and that everyone wear lederhosen.

At least each night has a different theme.  Or, at least, that's what I call them.  Apparently its nothing official.  Last night was merchant's night.  Never seen so many old fat guys and young trophy wives and concubines in one place before. 

This evening its returning students night, I guess.

A couple hundred teenagers in school uniforms browsing the buffet and spinning around the dance floor.  Of course everyone isn't in uniform, but most are.  At least I'm not getting pestered to dance constantly.

Turns out the first two nights are unofficially for nobles.  When the big wigs hobnob.  So that's why I was getting barraged so much.  Last night and tonight?  Not so much.  I get a few of the brave enough or desperate enough but that's it.

My wives get a lot fewer offers too.

So I'm able to dance with my harem a lot more.

Took some written exams today.  Though I chose to keep them private.  A few were pretty challenging, but I think I did okay on them.  I'll be doing the physical stuff tomorrow.

Even get to play Cheri for the instrument one.  Still pondering if I should participate in the combat stuff on six day.  I really doubt I could lose so...  What's the point?  Maybe we'll have some anime trope appear.

Fingers crossed.

"Master, don't they look cute?"  Frankie really has the proud older sister look going.

"Downright delicious."  Careful Blue, I just have a little chest hair and nipples to lose.  Ushi might rip a whole boob off you.

The wives and I already had a strategy session after Frosty's reveal.  Look but don't touch was our decision.

I'm the 'host,' so they'll definitely be coming my way sooner or later.  Unfortunately?  Its sooner.

We are on the south side of the fourth floor by the band.  A Rottbow sponsored group tonight.  Not bad.  Bit too heavy on the horns though.  In my opinion.

Tonight I'm chatting with some Rottbows too.  The Battle of Erienberg was on their turf and so was another torched village.  So I gave them a cut of the revenue Stormgarde is getting from the dragon corpses.

Making them super happy and making me their number one buddy whenever we meet.  Including returning students from House Rottbow.  Very different from the cold shoulder the Chastels keep giving me.

We are definitely out of the main lines of traffic here, intentionally, so it took a while for the princesses to get too me.

And again.  Props to their entourage.  Two tough looking old birds as attendants.  Three servants behind them.  Then eight of tin can's crew guarding the flanks and rear.

White and Golds.  White Rose knights.  Pretty boys and girls suited up in some very nice looking white and gold outfits.  Look a lot like the edgelord outfits they had waiting for me in Sanriel.

Each wears a sword at their hip.  Which isn't a big deal.  Almost half the male and female students are armed.  Most with daggers but some with swords.  Can't complain, I'm wearing two.

Knight chick steps forward and bows instead of curtsies.

"Viscount Jon Barton.  I am Vice Captain Matylda Jouveral of the White Rose order.  I present 3rd Princess Isabeau Angelles and Viscountess Ymanie Baramont."

My turn to bow.  "Of course.  Welcome to Lions Keep."

My women pull off beautiful curtsies. They should. Certainly had enough practice lately.

"Are the quarters provided suitable?"  Those apartment things I had wondered about in the inner courtyard are actually VIP housing.  Pretty damn nice too.

"They are excellent, my lord.  Thank you for preparing them."  Uh oh.  Knight chick is giving me 'the look.'

Sorry toots.  I keep remembering your princess play with tin can.  And maybe it wouldn't have been so bad?  If your part had been the princess?  But it wasn't.  Shudder.  Still weirded out by that.

Hope my wives get the message that knight chick?  Is a hard no.

Wow, the energy coming off these princesses.  Like two rotors turned up a tad too high.  You are now the 'dynamic duo.'

Viscountess Ymanie is blushing something fierce and keeps stealing glances.  Princess Isabeau?  Has her eyes locked on Frankie.

"Th-they told m-me you w-were d-dead."  Isabeau stutters with tears in her eyes.


Frankie answers smooth as fuck.

"She is."  Curtsies again.  "I am the Lady Ushinua Barton.  Second wife of Lord Jon Barton."  Frankie locks eyes with Isabeau.  "Nothing more.  Nothing less."

The princess isn't looking steady on her feet. 

"But Ava-" 

"Nothing more.  Nothing less."  Frankie interrupts.  

Ymanie moves in as her friend starts hyperventilating.  Helping her stay standing.  Looks like the princess was really not expecting this.  Better put a lid on it quick.


Somehow butler is instantly beside me.

"Lord Barton?"  !...  Fucking [Butler Magic].  Never going to get used to him doing that.

"Escort Princess Isabeau and Lady Ushinua to my lounge and give them some privacy."

The most dignified dude I've ever known, graciously takes over for Ymanie and helps the princess to the small room behind us.  A look is all I need to put my entourage into security mode.

The black and greens, silver halberds, and combat maids take positions to secure the room.  Though only the maids militant enter the room with not-sebastian, Ushi, and Isabeau.

One of the attendants is visibly upset and knight chick is about to start shit.  Butler shuts both of them down with just a look.

Suddenly left princess-less and Frankie-less, both entourages seem a bit confused on what to do next.  God I hope things don't go to shit.  Would really rather not kill them.  But, of course, I will if they endanger me or mine.

The second littlest princess, Ymanie, recovers first.

"L-lord Barton. M-may I p-please have this dance?" 


Well, nothing to do until those two sort it out.  Frankie feels emotional but at least its in a kind and supportive way.  The shadows show the two hugging it out on a couch.  Princess is bawling.  While Ushi tells our story.

Margo, Ferra, Mitsu, and Yodo, have manifested in the room to provide extra security.

"Of course."  And I hold out my arm.

Guiding the princess to the dance floor the crowds part before us.  As soon as we reach the floor I spin her into my grasp and begin turning into the dancers.  I've had far too much exercise over the last three nights so I am, perhaps, less forgiving then I should be.

My steps are light, but as solid as steel.  As expected of a lady tutored from an even younger age than Frankie, Ymanie keeps up admirably.  I flow thru more and more complex moves.  The girl answers each challenge gracefully, and successfully.

After several minutes, my partner is breathing hard and sweating.  So why is she looking at me with a large smile and sparkling eyes?

"Oh my oh my."  Ara ara?  "Quite the dancer.  Never had a partner so, determined.  Did I offend you somehow Lord Barton?"

Crap.  I ease off the gas.

"My apologies princess.  Its been a long week and its only half over."

Giggles as we come around a turn and Ymanie says.

"All my friend and I have done is add to your troubles, haven't we."

"Well, whether you wanted this or not you should have noticed the trap."


"Of course, Isa and I would not have lived this long if we could not see them."  Nods to an onlooker.  "The question is who the trap is for?  Us or you?"

A small frown.  Two-step into a twist.

"Me of course.  Two mana-less girls are no threat to them.  You are expensive but still disposable pawns."

A faked hurt expression. With a kernel of genuine pain in it.

"Would like to disagree but we will not lie to ourselves.  This way our siblings kill two sparrows with one arrow."  Small sigh. "The embarrassments of the families get sent far away.  And the monster gets untouched ladies of the finest upbringing to take out his 'frustrations' on."

Half-turn and pivot.


Many student uniforms surround, and are on, the dance floor.  Contrasting sharply with my formal dark attire and her bright billowing dress.

"Pushed down.  Turned into a toy to be thrown about and chewed on.  Every inch of my body covered in-"

"That's enough."

More giggles as white and gold marble columns slide by.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop me.  If you were going to stop me."  Danger.  Danger Will Robinson.

"Sorry princess.  I'm up to six wives already and I favor older women."

She actually scoffs at me.  Almost missing a step as we navigate another corner.

"If you find me ugly then say so.  I'm not that innocent."

The light from the many chandeliers cast bare pinwheel shadows beneath the dancers.

"Like I have any need to lie.  If you disbelieve then I can provide the reasons."

"Reasons?" She asks in disbelief.

The tinkling of a dropped glass somewhere shattering on a floor.

"One, more experience means more interesting to talk too.  Two, try harder to be tender, and useful.  Three, less worry about pregnancies.  Four, more prudent and discreet.  Five, sex is just as good, if not better.  Six, no virginity to ruin.  Seven, complains less.  Not as needy.  And lastly eight.  More grateful."

This time she does miss a step.  I adjust my moves so she can recover.

"I...  You...  Really have reasons.  Eight.  I just cannot-"  She notices my grin.  "You are teasing me.  Are you not?"

Its finally my turn to laugh.

"You made that far to easy your heinie-ness."

Princess is still confused.

"How?  You were so detailed?"

My smile grows.

"A famous scholar from my world gave those reasons when a friend asked him whether he should look for a younger or older mistress."  Ymanie's eyes get large.  "The friend favored virgins.  So the scholar gave him eight reasons why he disagreed."

Narrowly catching a turn, while avoiding a fallen student, took a bit of concentration.

"So you are from another world."

My turn to scoff.

"Are you telling me you didn't figure that out before getting here?"


Seeing Frankie and Isabeau come out.  I guide the viscountess back to our entourages.

You can tell they've both been crying, but at least they are also smiling.

Crisis averted.

I hope.

Jouveral, Matylda (female, human, tourinese)
  • Royal Knight Vice Captain
    • Order of the White Rose
  • "Knight chick"

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