A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 28: Substitute Teachers

---D-Day+79, Daroine 18th---

---Room 161, Kashiwa Hall---

---7:10 E---

“Good morning students!”


My poor tired almost comfortable skull jerks upward, leaving drool on the table, as a way to fucking cheery voice invades its resting state.  My nostrils fill with the smell of wood and chalk.  The late morning sun shines in through the windows.  Warming my skin.

As my blurry eyes blink and struggle to focus, I ponder the predicament I’ve found myself in.

Having two swedish babes and then two chinese hotties flirting with me?  Got the harem a wee bit worked up.  Which they took out on my body as soon as we got back to the Grand Suite in Lions Keep.

Over breakfast this morning, Hitomi admitted that even she was shocked over how frantic the ladies were to wring me dry last night.

Which said ladies found very amusing.

Orgy 2.0 was as awesome and appreciated as the after school special’s Orgy 1.0.  But I would really, really, rather have gotten some shuteye.

So, yeah, got zilch for sleep.  Meaning first period's training “elective,” today?  Turned into massage hubby’s back nap time.  While second period’s adventure class topic, “tactical implications of the rock.”  While not as profound as yesterday's “wide wonderful world of wood.”  Immediately became my personal snoozapalooza.

Yes, I could have [Recovery Magic]’d my exhaustion away.  But after how much of it and [Necromancy] I used last night?  Genuine sleep is what my body needs.

And since I’ve already, apparently, been branded a “delinquent” by many teachers and students?



Bringing me to this dreaded moment where I have encountered the nemesis of every decent sane god fearing human being.

The “morning person.”

Those bright soulless eyes.  Rosy bloody cheeks.  And enthusiastic sadist smile.  Like she’s never touched a cup, or gallon jug, of coffee in her entire life.

No way that girl is human.

“I apologize for my sister.”  Oh Christ, there’s two of them.  “She is a little nervous.”

The speaker has glasses.  And the other doesn’t.  Look identical otherwise.  Must be clone troops.  Better warn the council.

I might not be thinking clearly right now.

“Clari…  Don’t tease.”  What a cute pouty face.

I hate it.

Hiss.  That bright attitude is like sunlight to a vampire.  This is Umbra I.  Intro and Basic Dark Magic.  You should be emo.  All “life sucks” and “no one understands me.”

Stop being so cheerful!

From my perch in the back of the class I’m seeing, twins.  Both are in student, not teacher, uniforms and their skirt tassels mark them as seniors.  Okay looks-wise, but I don’t recall seeing them before.

The serious one is wearing glasses while the bubbly wicked bad naughty one, isn’t.

Bet glass-less girl lights grail shaped beacons.

“My apologies, sister.”  Glasses turns back to the class and points at herself.  “I am Lady Clarina Filydor.”  Points at glass-less girl.  “She is Lady Elisette Filydor.  And yes, we are twins.”

Glassless, who I hereby name Zoot, hops up and down while teasing.  “I’m much younger than her too.”

“By minutes.”  Comes glasses’s, I christen thee Dingo, exasperated reply.

Glassless bends over and exaggerates a whisper to the audience.  “Younger is still younger.”  


Getting a laugh from most of the classroom.

Both have short curly brown hairstyles with beige skin and hazel eyes.  Look french-ish?  Neither are very tall, with forgettable figures.  “Average” comes to mind.

Dingo sits behind the teacher's desk while Zoot leans on the podium next to it.

“Rector Habriel and Dean Frost are looking for a replacement lecturer after Professor Parbiepus’ tragic accident.”

Eh?  Oh…  Guess there's a cover up.  Probably better than admitting they hired an evil bitch.

“Until a new teacher is appointed, Umbra seniors will be filling in.”

A waved hand from a brown noser in the front row.

“What about her assistant?”

Glasses replies.

“Sadly, due to the late hiring, Professor Parbiepus had not selected an assistant yet.  Though all the seniors filling in for this semester are qualified for the position.”

Question from the cheap seats.

“How will this affect our scores?”

Glassless answers.

“Dean Frost will check our grading.  With her sign off?  Your scores will go into the rolls.”  Pause and sweep the seating.  “No other questions for me?  Ah…”

Glasses stands up and walks around to the front of the desk.

“Excellent.  Now, due to the achievements of a particular lordling.”  Many glances my way, some subtle, some not.  “Interest in the [Dark School] is quite high this year.  While this is good for the course, it is bad for the students.  Can anyone tell me why?”

Elisette giggles.  “Keke…  Sooorry.  Getting too excited again.  The answer is, education.”

Clarina nods.

“Despite Stormgarde’s stringent entrance exam, a talent with magic is not required.”  Is Dingo, magicist?  “Every new class has some students with minimal mana.  As well as students who have had insufficient tutoring.”

“Every year, these students who want to learn or know about magic fill up Furiam I.  So it has long been a practice there to include an actual introduction to magic.  Until this year.”

Glassless chimes in.

“For the first time, the rush of fresh students is split between Furiam I and Umbra I.  Four classes even.  Hooray, we’re a hit!”

Clarina sighs and continues.

“Of course we do not expect most of you to last.  Furiam I is number one for a reason.  At beginner levels the [Fire School] is simply more efficient than other magical arts."

Elisette jumps and spreads her arms dramatically. 

"It's got class and flash!"  Then an exaggerated whisper again.  "Easier to impress the ladies with.”

*wink* *wink*

More laughter from the entertained students while Glasses shakes her head.

“So this week will be spent on an introduction to magic.  No groaning.  Even you who think you know, may learn something new.”

Walks up to the chalkboard and starts drawing symbols.

“Magic, is the world’s gift.  Here long before the First Father discovered Ipra.  Some theologians believe it even predates the dragons' arrival.”

*chalk* *chalk*

“The first users of magic were the elementals.  The true first children.  Their languages had a natural link to the world's blood, mana.  Using words to shape it."


“Unlike the dragons.  Draconi are able to control mana through force of will.  What we call [Mana Manipulation].”

Uh… Isn't that a hero thing?  Guess this is another "assumed I know" thing since Hitomi, sitting next to me, is nodding.

“After the First Father came and the gods were born, we were created.”


“At first, we only had the gods' words to use the world's blood.  This was difficult because the divine tongue required a close connection with a god to speak properly.”

Glassless speaks up.

“Those sexy elves were the first to learn the elemental languages.  Easier to speak than the language of light and you did not have to pray all the time.”

She assumes a praying pose while wiggling her ass.  A lot.  More giggles and chuckles from their audience.

Dingo rolls her eyes before continuing.

“When the godwar began, a new language appeared.  Umbrari.  The Dark Tongue.  The godwords of the Fallen.”


“Umbrari was simpler than Luminese but its domain was opposed.  Instead of life?  Death.  Instead of blessings?  Curses.  Bringing the total number of magic schools up to six.”

Glassless bounces a little.

“And don't forget the seventh school.  [Body Magic]!”

More laughter.

"Hey!  Yes, it's peasant magic.”  Glassless squints.  “But an adventurer can still kick your ass with it."

That stopped the laughing.

Glasses pushes the frame back to the top of her nose.


“Yes.  Now, how many categories of incantations are there?”

A raised hand.


Glassless claps.

“Good!  And they are?”

Another hand raised.

“Chant, Written, Sign, and Chantless.”

Elisette claps again.

“Very good!  And components?”

From the back this time.

“Ingredients you can use to replace parts of the incantation.”

Glasses nods.

“Yes.  And components are most often used with written incantations since it is a static medium."  More nods.  "What about half-chants?”

Crickets, until a senior raises his hand.

“Half-chanting is when knowledge of a spell is so complete that you can shorten the chant.”

An appreciative nod from the older twin.

"Excellent.”  Clarina nods again.  “See?  Told you there would be something to learn."

Agreements from the class.

"Now the base form of the incantation is?"

Left side of the peanut gallery this time.

"Magic circle."

"And what is a ring?"

A girl in front of me raises her hand.

"A section of the incantation."

"Thank you, and how many rings can a magic circle have?"


Elisette gives a sad face.

"Oh…  I'm sooorry."

Glasses sighs.

"Lady Elisette means there is no upper limit to how rings a magic circle can handle."

Confused looks from many.

"During the Wizard Kings Era, mages could not be considered a grandmaster unless they could cast nine ring spells."

Many of my classmates look stunned.  Several stuttering attemps to reply are stopped by Glasses holding up her hand.

"Yes, and that is just the beginning.  Multiple magic circles could be linked together in what are called arrays. And multiple arrays could be linked together.  Creating massive wards that could even keep dragons at bay."

"Boom!"  Glassless yells while jumping out from behind the podium.  Startling many in the audience.

“Eli…”  Her older sister mumbles menacingly.  Causing Elisette to adopt an oops pose and hop back behind the pedestal.


Clari continues.

“The Wizard Kings used arrays for all their greatest achievements, like creating the first Beastkin.”  Growls from several beastkin students.  “I do not intend to offend.  There are several beastkin nations who do not believe human mages created their ancestors but the evidence is plentiful.”

Grumbles from a number of students now.  Mostly along racial lines for or against.  Seeing the mood shift, the younger twin starts hopping again.

“Hiyo!  What about where peasant magic is stronger than the six schools?”

Shock ends the brewing arguments.

“Yes sister, while the details are obscured behind myths amd legends.  The yan managed to ally with a dragon during our first era.  And learned their magic from them instead of the elementals.”

You could hear a pin drop in the room.

“Keke…  We told you…”  Glassless has the biggest grin on her face.

“Yanese magic traditions focus on [Mana Manipulation] instead of [Magic Circles].  Causing their [Body Magic] to be more advanced."

Glassless speaks over her sister.

"They call it Cultivation and say it can extend your life!  Even make you immortal!"

Many students laugh.  Glasses shakes her head.

"No matter how ridiculous their claims may be.  The truth is they have elevated peasant magic.  With techniques and…"

While Dingo continues to chatter away.  Hitomi leans on to my shoulder and whispers.

"So?  Will you go?"

Try to split my attention and whisper back.


My jk girl gives me the, "you know what I'm talking about," look.

"With the princesses?  To isekai china?"

Wave it off.

"Uh.  I don't know.  Haven't really thought about it."

The cute super spy nudges me.

"You should go.  Become a cultivator.  Find the dragon balls."


"Think you're mixing ip's there."

"Fufu…  You should sti-"

Actually want to listen to the twins, so I interrupt.

"And we can't go anywhere until we know your ex is safe."

That brings her to a halt.

"Eh?  Y-y-you…  W-we?"

I'm not just a horny asshole.  I have feelings too, you know.  Somewhere.  Probably. 

"Hey.  He's your ex.  Even if you aren't in love with him anymore?  Doesn't mean you don't still love him."

Total chick line but it's completely thrown her for a loop.

"J-j-jon-k-kun?  H-how?  W-why?"

Time to drop the L word.

"No way I'm leaving a woman I love behind."

Hitomi’s expression about melts as she rests her head on my shoulder.

That's my girl.

"Oh J-jon…  Baka…"

Finally, I can focus on the twins again.

"...great limiter to magic potential is the mana reservoir.  And the reason many of you have the parents you have."

Glasses lets that sink in a bit.

"How much mana your body can store is influenced by your ancestry.  Every noble family searches for marriage candidates with the largest reservoirs."

Glassless taps her nose.

"Trust us, girls.  A big pool in your bed will take you a lot farther than a big prick.  Keep a slave or three and learn some [Sex Magic] for when you need some sausage."

Frankie’s hot breath is suddenly next to my ear.

"Or find a master with both."



Ooh hu hoo.  That lit up my spine.

Back at the front, Glasses nods.

"Your mana reservoir will be measured several times in your life.  Usually with a crystal mana ball.  Then graded.  A through F."

Murmuring across the class.

"Let me remind you.  Revealing another student's reservoir grade is considered a serious breach of etiquette and violation of school rules.  It is considered a very private matter and not to be shared openly."

A junior up front shyly raises her hand.


"Wha…  What a-about gra-grade S?"

"Ah.  Yes.  Grade S reservoirs are rarer than True-Silver ranked adventurers.  Even grade A's are almost never seen except, occasionally, in ducal and royal families."

Shy girl asks another question.

"D-do you kn-know any S's?"

Glasses gives shy girl a hard look, before sighing.

"As many of you are aware there are rumored S grades."  Several glances my way.  "However there is only one publicly known and acknowledged person with that grade-"

Glassless can't contain her bubbling excitement and bursts.

"It's Rector Habriel!  Isn't that the coolest?!"

Huh?  Coolest?

Glasses facepalms.

"The humility and restraint our Rector, Archmagus Tharick Kana Habriel, displays when using his great power."  More glances my way.  "Are virtue examples we should all live up too."

What's with the emphasis on "all?"  Even more peaking and whispering?  Wait, what are they mumbling?  Chastel?  Seriously?  Well fuck you too then.  Like I was going to let duke douchebag get away with touching my japanese high schooler.

Dare any of you bitches to try something too.  This year?  Stormgarde might get very "tragic accident" prone.

Can tell Hitomi, Frankie, Red, and Mila, are getting pissed too.  The brat pack, my wards and wannabe minions, takes the wise "swiss" approach and keeps their heads down.

The pressure of mana and auras in the room begins to build.  Me and mine on one side versus several aquecian looking seniors and juniors on the other.

*clap* *clap*

The sound draws everyone's attention back to the front of the classroom.  Where Elisette looks nervous and Clarina seems disappointed.

"This is a room to learn in.  Not fight in.  Any drawn weapon or hostile spell will be punished."  Glasses glares at me.  "No matter your rank."

Bring it, bitch.


"Oh, looks like this period is over.  Please review your basics as they will be on the test.  You are dismissed."

Glassless waves, somehow cheerful again.

"Have a happy lunch!"

Filydor, Clarina (female, human, tourinese)

  • 5'7"
    • slender
    • hazel eyes, short curly brown hair, beige skin
    • serious
    • prescription glasses
  • Lady of Filydor
    • Title-less
    • Engaged
  • Twin Sister of Elisette Filydor
  • Magic
    • Dark (adv)
  • Student
    • Senior
    • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Clari," "Glasses," "Dingo”

Filydor, Elisette (female, human, tourinese)

  • 5'7"
    • slender
    • hazel eyes, short curly brown hair, beige skin
    • bubbly
    • morning person
  • Lady of Filydor
    • Title-less
    • Engaged
  • Twin Sister of Clarina Filydor
  • Magic
    • Dark (int)
  • Student
    • Senior
    • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Eli," "Glassless," "Zoot”

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