A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 32: Night Court

---Lions Keep---

--Grand Suite--

*splish* *splash* *scrub* 

*mwah* *schlurp* *chu*

*schlick* *fwop* *splurt*


*curl* *shudder*

*pant* *pant*


A dark chocolate and french vanilla heaven.

Used to love drinking mochas in the morning.  This morning I have a mocha drinking me.




Hear a drowsy, “thank you… my prince…” as a stiff brown nipple slips out of my mouth and a mocha skinned goddess snuggles into my side.

Hope I was “good to the last drop.”


You know, I can hear your eyes rolling from here guys.  And it hurts.


I’m in the steamy outdoor bath of the Grand Suite atop Lions Keep and the sun is almost up.  Didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.  To wound up too.

So here I lay, alone, on a stone massage table trying to calm down and think.  Well, not alone alone.  I have two helpers.  One of them is my chocolate angel, Lula.

Luliene Chastel, the slave-wife of Hamond Chastel.  Heir to Trosseria Duchy.

Was begged into giving the unlucky couple a baby.  Which with a little [Recovery Magic] help is coming along fine.  [Kiss of Ashtart] jumpstarts the ovulation process.  Changes the woman’s menstrual cycle though so it can be hard on their bodies.

Now while she could probably go back home?  Not really a bad idea to monitor her progress for a week or two.  Of course plowing her garden like this isn’t exactly helping.  But the girl’s rump is just too damn humpable.  Besides, I kept my hands off her all week.  Giving the egg plenty of time to do its thing.

See?  I do have some self control.

And now?  With the rest of my exhausted harem healed up and passed the fuck out in my godemperor sized bed?  But me still too wound up to sleep?  I cashed that rain sex check.

Which is great and all but, the hearts in Lula’s eyes are bigger than ever.


This mocha momma to be is Blue’s sister-in-law.  And the very last thing I want to do is steal her favorite brother’s wife.  So this fuckathon has a built in end date.  Whether Lula wants it to or not.

Suspect Lula knows this too and has been working on other ways to stay by me.  Like becoming a priestess of my cult or staff member of my “harem council,” that’s semi-officially running Raneya county.

Whose authority got a big boost after Mel, Blue’s mom, kept up her side of the baby making deal and sent out a shitload of proclamations.

All of my marriages and concubinages, yes that’s a real word, have been recognized and registered by House Chastel.  My rank and all those stupid titles have been recognized too.

According to Red, this unofficially elevates me from a local power, to a regional one.  Which is a good thing, I think.  Also tells everyone that the Chastels are my buddies.  Another good thing, I think.

Working with my cult and staff means Lula’s been mostly sight unseen, by me, this week.  Spending her time with Frankie’s minions, Lili’s subordinates, or reading about my world in Sayo’s memorial on top of Kashiwa Hall.


The aftershocks from the earthquake I set off in helper number two finally settle and she slowly becomes coherent again.  Eyes able to focus.  Yeah, my sex machine mode is a cheat, but I really do like melting women into puddles of pleasure.

Boosts my ego.  Which has been getting regular beatings ever since I got isekaied.  At least this cheat gives me something to patch it up with.

“Oh… (ho) Amadee’s kiss.  That my daughter (pant) has this knight’s lance (hii) every day!  Never (ah) have I envied (ng) another more.”



Milf hips struggle weakly but finally push me out.  Then she collapses and her body sprawls on top of me.  Poor girl is all tuckered out.  Large fair skinned breasts squish against my chest.  A blonde curly haired mess is under my chin.  Hot breath across my nipple as her head faces the sleeping Lula.

A sad sounding voice.  “Luliene never shows that face to my son.”

“Mel…”  I say warningly.

Can tell Lula is out like a light after our humpapalooza but this is a sensitive subject for me.  Mommy duke giggles and runs fingers along my pecks.

“Mel? (hehe) Never has a man treated me so lightly.”  A hand grips my thigh.  “Or so (growl) roughly.”  Her head tilts up and looks at me.  “With you though?  This feels… right.  So strange.”

For those in the gallery who have not guessed who number two is yet or don’t remember?  Meet Melicent Chastel, the reigning duchess of Trosseria.  Lula’s mother-in-law and third wife Blue’s mother.  Widow of Richart Chastel.  The duke I killed, tortured, then killed again, after the Game Day attack.

Normally wives bow out of the public eye after hubby dies.  Medieval land is pretty sexist after all.  However, the exceptions tend to be pretty exceptional.  While seen most among adventurers, it happens sometimes in the other professions too.

Mommy duke showed up, unannounced, yesterday.  Officially she came to check up on Lula.  Unofficially Mel was here to thank me for setting up the biggest harvest the Labyrinth has ever seen.  Brought all sorts of rare metals and materials from there as gifts.

High ranking duchy bureaucrats also came along and we had some heavy discussions on how to handle refugees, uprisings, famine, and the troubled economy.  Yeah, I pretty much just sat back and “supervised” while Mel annoyed her daughter by hand feeding me grapes.

Mommy duke has been acting like she’s one of my women.  Basically borrowing my strength to help keep her opposition, internal and external, off balance.

Well after we got back from rescuing Val and I put the recovering harem to bed?  Mel decided to get rid of the “acting” part.  Not too proud to admit I was, at the time, sitting in front of the fireplace, crying as softly as possible.  Didn’t want to wake up and upset the girls.

They’d suffered enough already.

Losing Val’s daughters was bad enough.  Watching my women get hurt was even worse.  Having flashbacks of the other girls who died because of me?  Fucking rough.

The only light in the suite this late at night is from the large fireplace.  I’m sitting on the couch in front of it since I plan to sleep here.  Let the ladies sleep on our bed without any, uh, distractions.  Night shift maids are quietly cleaning.

Lula brings over a glass of whiskey and rests next to me.  Leaning supportively on my shoulder while embracing an arm.

“My lord?  Why are you crying?”

Looking confused, Mel settles on my other side as her voice brings me back from the happy yet sad memories I was lost in.  Feeding lazy Olete lunch in the carriage.  Spilling it on her.  Bouncy Seylia licking her, and me, clean.

Was so numb that I didn’t even realize Mel had waited for me.  I answer her back in a daze.

“Some call me god.  Tell me, duchess, what kind of god can’t save the women who love him?  Can’t protect the women he loves?  I don’t think such a god is much of a god at all.”

“I…  I…”  Sounds Mel’s hushed voice beside me.

“I am not a great man.  I am not even a brave man.  But, I try to be a good man.”  Remember Dara’s snoring.  “But?  I don’t think such a man is much of a good man.  At all.”

Shake my head to clear the mental haze and start waving my free hand.

“Sorry.  I’m sure you don’t want to see this.  All your men probably ate coal and shat diamonds.”  Sigh.  “I’m not a god.  Maybe not even a man.  I just want to save my son- hmph?”

Mel lunges and covers my mouth with hers.  Kissing me deeply and desperately.  Needy and hungry, her lips and tongue wantonly seek mine over and over.

Surprised, I toppled over.  Landing against Lula’s chest.  Mocha skinned arms wrap around me.  Then pull me further into her chocolate cleavage as I hear her rough panting breaths.

Mel lifts her head up, breaking our liplock, and those ebony eyes stare deeply into mine.

“You…  D-damn you.”  Her hands grab at my pants as if she’s trying to rip them off me.  “Y-you are a g-good man.  You a-are a great m-man.  You are m-my man!”



Mel’s whole body tenses up and quivers.  Her eyes rolling up into her head for a second.  Then she visibly struggles to bring herself back under control, looks at me with a flushed face, and huskily stutters.

“Tell me, J-Jon, w-what kind of woman (pant) w-would I be i-if I let my m-man suffer?”

Her face zooms back in and my lips are sealed again.  Keeping any answer unheard.  Hands undoing my pants more determinedly now, but still urgently.

Lula’s fingers, on the other hand, are unbuttoning my shirt slowly and sensuously.  With every button freed she seems to take rapturous pleasure in intensely caressing each piece of newly exposed flesh.  Before moving on to the next obstruction.

Whether my chocolate angel slid down or I pushed up, I cannot say.  My senses overwhelmed by the lewd goddesses sandwiching me.  Just know that my head emerged from the mocha mountains only to have an ear bathed by her tongue.  Every bit lovingly explored and passionately washed.

The tongue eventually withdraws and a moist breath enters my ear as Lula starts… singing?

♫Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to, problems that upset you.  Don’t you know everything’s alright, yes, everything’s fine.  And it's cool and the ointment’s sweet.  For the fire in your head and feet…1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCDv08l-b9M


“What?  Wait.  JCS?  How could you- ooohh…”

Confused by recognizing those words, I try to pull myself out of the stupor I’m in.  Not realizing that the only reason I can speak?  Is because Mel has pulled back after setting my pants free.  A look of blissful delight rests upon her face, before her head descends on my crotch like a diving raptor.

My magic sword, yes that magic sword, is swallowed into a warm wet world.  Every possible bit of rust on its blade, vigorously rubbed and sucked clean.

Lula’s tongue discovers and claims my other ear as her fingers seduce my skin.

“Holy shit.”

Mel and Lula took care of me and I took care of them.  Over and over again.  For hours.  Things got so intense at times that my memory even got a little fuzzy.

Lula singing?  Wow, I was really out of it.

“Jon?”  It is the duchess's turn to speak drowsily.

“Yes Mel?”

“I… (sigh) I do not know what the morrow will bring.  Be it the peak or the pit. (yawn) Yet I do know what this day has brought.”  Tiny kisses on my chest.  “Please, my l-love.  Give us this d-day. (nibble) Live this day.  Leave the past in its graves.”

Her dark eyes find mine again.  Feel the hope in them.  The vulnerability.

So I answer that hope with a gentle smile and nod.


Mel replies with a smile full of innocence and joy.  Finally satisfied, her fair head lays on my chest again and soon I feel the steady rhythmic breathing of sleep.

Watching these two wonderful women napping on me, my mind wanders again.  Poor girl.  Did not have the heart to tell her that, as a necromancer?

We never leave anything in its grave.

Chastel, Luliene (female, human, ukuxhan)

  • Wife of Hamond Chastel
    • Slave
    • Former Princess of Imkoni
  • 5'2", 27 years
    • hourglass body, oval face, bell g-cup breasts, large heart butt
    • green eyes, weaved curly black hair, brown skin
  • “Lula,” “Mocha momma,” “Chocolate angel”

Chastel, Melicent (female, human, tourinese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5’4”, 48 years
    • triangle body, inverted triangle face, relaxed e-cup breasts, large round butt
    • black eyes, long curly blonde hair, fair skin
  • Duchess Chastel
    • Duchy of Trosseria
    • House Chastel
  • Widow of Richart Chastel
  • Mother of Alote Barton
  • “Mel,” “Mommy duke”

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