A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 7: Twenty-two

---D-Day+116, Dherus 23rd, Saturday Morning---

---Jinshibo, Haremroom---

*fwap* *fwop* *fwap*

“Ha♡  Haa♡  Hao♡  Chang hao♡”

*shiver* *tremble* *shiver*

We’re on our knees.  A sweaty back pulled up to my chest.  Drenched long black hair braided in a tail swings down her side.  Every thrust, rewarded with another moan.  Every scoop, another pant.

A mercilessly squeezed C-cup in each hand.  Hard nipples pinched and twisted.

Can feel her body climbing to the peak again.  A hanging head with a lolling tongue shakily lifting itself and turns to me.  Green eyes begging.  And I know what she's pleading for.

*slurp* *schlurp*

“Mmph♡  Mgh♡”

Core Elder Jingi Baiyu’s green lips immediately surrender to mine.  Tongue wanting nothing more than to be conquered again.  Dazed jade eyes half close.  Can just about see hearts in them.


‘Oh yeah.  She’s ready for my finisher.’

*pelvic thrust*

[Celestial Peach Blossom Harvest]

*ka-splurt* *spasm*


*fwiiish* *squirt*

Kung fu queen fills her climax with qi.  Both inside and out.  Probably doesn’t even realize it.  I've found the Yuetaoban, Moon Peach Petal, dual-cultivation art is actually pretty insidious.  Once I examined its techniques with a critical eye.

Her body's aftershocks go on for several minutes until…

*pant* *shudder* *pant*

Jingi Baiyu leans back against me.  Ecstasy written across her face.  But she’s a formidable daoist.  So doesn’t lose herself to pleasure completely.  Can’t get rid of that smile though.  Or the exhaustion from having so much qi wrung out of her.

“How… *pant* How are you… *pant* So…”


‘And she’s out for the count!’


Lay kung fu queen down and sit back on my butt.  Looking across the battered bed.  Twenty-two women are strewn across this lewd battlefield.  Covered in, uh, fluids.  Both mine and theirs.

‘So much for nineteen and that’s it.  Goddammit.  At least this bunk is finally filling up.’

Hehe.  How am I so good?  Survey says!

Ding!  [Magic Penis].  Ladies say it feels, and tastes, great.  Downright addictive even.  Second?  Ding!  [Mana Manipulation].  Once I got the hang of it?  Let’s me fuck women physically and spiritually.  Orgasms?  Shit, more like soulgasms.  Number three.  Ding!  [Sex Magic].  Elemental Magic spells for size, stamina, and sensitivity.  And finally fourth.  Ding!  [Dual-Cultivation].  Specifically the Moon Peach Petal art.  Full of Dragon Magic techniques to maximise the frequency and depth of orgasms.  Plus stuff them full of qi.  Yin from them.  Yang from me.

So…  Not a surprise that I can blow even a Nascent Soul cultivator’s back out.

Unfortunately, it's not all naughty threesomes, foursomes, and even moresomes.  I’ve noticed a couple, well, issues.

First issue is my, uh, “appetite.”  I’m getting hungrier.  The sun is about up and spent all night humping.


Not even a bit tired.  Pounded twenty-two women into unconsciousness.  Multiple times.  Feel like I could keep going for days.  Might kill them, but I could do it.  Kind of want to do it too.

‘That just ain’t right.’

Did letting Val suck my blood so many times finally turn me into a vampire?  Except I feed on yin qi?  Blah bla blah.  I want to suck your orgasm.

‘Okay…  That’s kind of gross.’

Or did all that dragon meat and blood Frosty convinced me to eat and drink?  To improve my night time, ahem, “stamina.”  Turn me into a quasi-dragon?

Draconians have a legendary sexual reputation in this world.  And while the undead Frazur no longer has the urge?  He still loves bragging about his younger days.  Spending months banging whatever latest female he tamed, and could fit in.

What.  You thought they spent all that time in those caves sleeping?  Lets just say that is not a channel you want to stumble across on pornhub.

‘Shit, if I’m part dragon now?  I’ll make more babies than Genghis Khan.’

Perhaps it's a side effect.  Some interaction between the four sex cheats.  Like Elemental Magic mixing with Dragon Magic.

‘Contact a doctor if your erection lasts longer than one thousand hours.’


Issue two would be my “mark.”  Like kitsu bit me?  Marking me as her mate?  You could say I’ve been biting my women too.  And not just during sex.

The longer they are with me?  The more often they are with me?  The more they “smell” of me.  Like dog marked territory.  And the more they change.  Their bodies molding to my desires.  My… needs.  Even their spirits are becoming more and more stained with my mana.

At first I thought my mana rich semen was just making them stronger.  Faster.  But it's more.  Frankie, who's been with me since d-day, has changed the most.  Her original E-cups became F-cups after her semi-resurrection and now?  They’re G-cups.  May grow into H-cups soon.

It's subtle though.  Slow.  Wouldn’t have noticed without a [Vision of Isis] checkup showing her breasts and butt used to be smaller.  Suspect it’s affecting their minds too.

And for someone who hates [Charm Magic]?  Only seeing it used for NTR, mind control, and mind break hentai bullshit?  The thought of me doing the same?  Just doesn’t sit right.

But I'm not some kid with rose tinted glasses.  Without my harem?  Probably be dead or gone full murderhobo by now.  In fact, I feel connected to every woman who’s devoted herself to me.

Including the ones who are gone.

Could I "cure" it?  Remove my mana scent?  Hmm…  Probably?  Sure as shit not going to stop now though.  Not too proud to admit I need them every bit as much as they need me.  This is their world.  They know it far better than I ever will.

Strange but, it seems almost intentional.  Doesn’t it?  Wherever I go.  Bam!  There’s a woman for me to take.  To use.  Serve me as a tutor and or liaison.  Sort of creepy, if you think about it.

And what if cleansing them of me affects the babies?  Red and Lula would be devastated.  Can't risk it.  Won’t risk it.  So fuck off!

'Ugh.  This is too heavy.  Too deep.  Need a break.  Where's Cheri?'

See her leaning against a table.  So I parkour out of bed and sweep up the magic guitar on my way out to the balcony.



‘Damn, it’s chillier the further north we go.’  Roll my eyes.  ‘Well, duh, that’s probably why they call it North, instead of Cabo.’

Can see a rocky, snowy, coastline to the east.  With mountains behind.  And a busy port along it.  There’s no wake trailing behind us because the Jinshibo isn’t moving.

This treasure ship is way too big to use the harbor so just like in Raelera.  We’ve anchored out a ways and use smaller ships in the fleet to shuttle goods and passengers back and forth.

According to Baiyu, we've stopped for trade.  Normally they spend a week or two here.  Looking for trade deals and potential recruits.  But with the emperor’s orders?  We’re only anchoring for a day or two.

Got one more stop further north before we turn west.

Really should be freezing my naked ass off.  But I'm not.  Blessings of cultivation I guess.  Oh, can feel the cold.  It just doesn't sink in.  And speaking of cultivation?

Adding three high ranked daoists to my reverse gangbang?  Much denser yin qi.  Lots and lots of it.  So much, that I blew through the remaining auxiliary meridians and blasted open hundreds of acupoints.

Can try breaking through to Foundation Establishment whenever I want.

Later.  Right now I really need some tunes.

'Hmm…  Yeah, this is a Cash mood.'

♫ I hurt myself today.  To see if I still feel.  I focus on the pain.  The only thing that’s real…1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHCfZTRGiI

♫ …Go tell that long tongue liar.  Go and tell that midnight rider.  Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter…2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc

'What next…  Huh?'


Turn to see, standing at the balcony door, Core Elder Jingi Baiyu.  With a shirt on this time.  Instead of just being naked and sweaty.  But, uh, that's my shirt.  One of my white button ups from Stormgarde.  It's pretty big on her.  And damn sexy.

Her breath is steaming.  In fact, her whole body is.  Remember how good those ivory smooth dancer’s legs look wrapped around me.

Frankly, I'm a bit shocked she's mobile.  [Super Senses] shows everyone else is still out cold.  Then I notice the trembling in both legs.  Her heavily leaning on the door frame.

Give Jingi my brightest smartass smile.


Green eyes bore into me.

“Those songs.  They seem sad.  Why?”


“Why?  I don’t know where I am.  I don’t know when I am.  And some I love are gone.”  Pick at a G chord.  “And I don’t know where or when I’ll see them again.”  The daoist looks surprised.  “You know you folks go on and on about immortality.  But, immortality isn’t living forever.  That’s not what it feels like."  Lock eyes with her.  "Immortality is watching everyone else die.”

“Who… who are you?”  Jingi uses the window ledges to help keep herself upright as shaky legs walk towards me.  “What did you do to me?”


“Don’t like it?  You certainly seemed to, at the time.”


Falling over her own feet.  The oriental beauty ignores my outstretched hand and lands on top of me.


Fortunately the bamboo lounger I’m laying on handles the impact well enough.  With her body against mine I can feel how cold she is.  So I wrap my arms around Jingi's back and start burning mana to warm the air around us.

She snuggles into me more.

“Mmhm.  Thank you…  Jon.”

Can’t help but laugh.

“Haha.  Aren’t you laying it on a bit thick?”

The snuggling stops but she keeps her face buried.  Muffled words come out.

“Hmph.  Don’t all men love conquering maidens?”


“I’m not all men.  And you are no maiden.” *pinch* “Ouch.”

She looks up at me with those stunning jade eyes.

“Mind your words, junfei.”  Someone’s pouty.  “We are not so close for you to speak so casually.”

Roll my eyes.

“We fucked last night.  Several times.  And you came your brains out.”  Her face blushes.  Just a little.  “Now you’re in my arms and the only stitch of clothing between us is my shirt.”  Tweak an exposed nipple.  “That you’re wearing.”  Shake my head.  “Jingi, we can’t get any more casual than this.”

She bristles a bit but then sighs.

“Very well… Jon.  But only when it is just us.  We, uh, yanese do not flaunt our relations in public.”

Boop a cute nose with my finger.  Then grip that ass.  Pulling her up for a kiss.  Which she eagerly returns.  By the time I release those green lips?  The cougar’s breathing is rough and steaming again.

Gaze deeply into those emerald lenses.

“Then how about telling your man the truth.”  Elder squints at me.  “Why did you and your disciples join us last night?”

She’d been flirting with me for days.  Subtly.  A comment here.  A look there.  But, again, I’m spoiled for choice.  So didn't bother flirting back.  Finally, last night, as the girls and I started our foreplay.  There was a knock on the door.  Opening to reveal Jingi Baiyu, Ganyue Luo, and Xinyue Luo.  In very non-daoist looking elegant robes.

As soon as the doors closed behind them.  Their outer robes fell to the floor and hair pins were pulled out.  Revealing long luscious black hair that almost touched the floor.  And thin see through nighties with nothing hiding their naughty bits and tits.

Without a word, the three walked up, bowed to Red and handed her an exquisite looking sword.  A gift?  A bribe?  Not sure but, as soon as she nodded?  They turned to me and began kissing all over.  Ending up in a three way blowjob.

And three more women joined my harem.

My flashback done, I notice Jingi has laid her head back down on my chest.  Avoiding my eyes again.

“A long time ago.  Centuries.  I was the new outer disciple.”  Fingers roam across my chest.  “Dreaming of being an inner disciple.”  Rubs a nipple.  “Then I met him.  A young master.  Like nothing I had ever seen.  He was amazing.”  The voice turns small.  “And I was just a village girl.  With a naive maiden’s heart.”

Hug her close and breathe deep.

“Words I wanted to hear.  Gifts I liked to show.  Medicines I needed to progress.”  Fingernail scratches across my ribs.  “What was my purity compared to them?”  A kiss on the wound.  “So I gave myself to him.  Joined his harem.”  Then a bite.  “And spent a decade competing for his attention.  For his favor.”  And a clingy hug.  “For his love.”

Palm her chin and lift that face until I can see green eyes again.

“I’m sorry.”

For just a moment, it looked like I got through.  Then the moment’s gone, those eyes harden, and she snickers.

“Xixi.  There is nothing to be sorry for.  It was my… mistake.”

Start massaging her back.  Infusing qi into my fingers for extra chiropractic oomph.  Which earns a gasp, and then moans, from the sect elder.

“And where is he now?”

Don’t mind getting revenge for my women.  But she just replies with a gentle smile and shake of her head.

“Dead.  His entire clan is.”  A soft snort.  “I was his woman.  Never his property.  Deciding to treat me as such?  Decided their fate.”  The gentle smile turns wicked.  “Oh it took a hundred years but, by the end?  They were dead and I was an elder.  Officially joining the Xinulong group soon after.”

Yikes, okay…  Wait, then why…

“But, Ganyue and Xinyue were virgins.”  That was absolutely the twin’s primal yin I got with their first orgasms last night.  “Why the hell would you give them to me?”

Gives me a deadpan look.

“Men.  Ha!  Did you ever think they actually wanted to?”  Uh, no, I didn’t.  “They’ve been listening to Xiao Li, Sayuri, and the rest of your harem, brag about you for days.”  Turns a bit bashful.  “And watching how well you treat them.”

“But…  Why now?”

The Nascent Soul daoist rolls her eyes.

“Everyone looks like sheep, to a lion.”  Rests her chin on my chest.  “Maybe they’ve been stuck for years and since you're a dual-cultivator?  Think you'll have rich yang qi to fuel a breakthrough.”

I nod.

"Okay, that makes sense."

“Maybe after the greatest alchemist in Yangxu declared you his apprentice."  Traces a finger along my jaw.  "They realize any woman earning your favor?  Could have a far brighter future.”

Another nod.

"I could see that."

My sexy sect senior scowls at me.

“Or just maybe, beast from another world, you are the most incredible and exotic man they’ve ever met."  Pinches my chin.  "So they don't dare let this opportunity slip away.  Even begging me to help.”

'Yeah, right.'

“Ha!  That’s funny.”

*thump* *thump* *thump*

For some reason, Jingi is beating her forehead against my chest.  Then she lets out a long sigh.

“The heavens dread nothing more than a quiet dragon."  She wiggles to my side.  “Play more for me, dragon.  On your magic pipa.”

“Okay, snuggles.”  Another snort, with a little blush, from her.  “How about this?”

♫ I’m not the one who’s so far away, when I feel the snake bite enter my veins.  Never did I wanna be here again, and I don’t remember why I came…3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SSUQxGjZZ4

By the end, this sneaky, sexy, and scary woman is looking heated and slithering at my side.  About to sit Cheri down and see what notes I can get Jingi to sing when-


Huh?  Oh.

The twins are being gently, but insistently, pushed out the door by a grinning fox girl.  [Super Senses] show me the maid platoon has begun its daily assault on fort sleepy harem.

Xinyue and Ganyue must have been first in line because they are looking freshly pressed and dressed.  Wearing robes similar to what they showed up in last night.  Elegant, silky, sheer, and sexy.

Ganyue, with her yellow makeup and scar on inner left thigh, bows and speaks first.

“Zhangfu, may we join you?”

This time I decided to get the scoop on my latest nickname right away.  Zhangfu basically means husband.  Making the twins intentions towards me very clear.

“Of course.”

Living shadows manifest and quickly rearrange the deck chairs.  So three are side by side.  As the twins crawl in and do their best to become my pillow.  Elder Baiyu nudges me from the side.

“More music, dragon.”

Grin as I share some tongue with the two new arrivals before replying.

“Okay, here’s another track from the same artist.”

♫ As I sit here, and slowly close my eyes.  I take another deep breath, and feel the wind pass through my body…4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A4Km5PTu5o

My ears and neck are kissed and licked by the twin’s lips and tongue.  Jingi wriggles further down and finds a different target for her mouth.

*schlup* *slurp*

“Fuck, Jingi, that feels good.  Ha♡  Okay, let’s try something smoother.”

♫ Nights in white satin, never reaching the end.  Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send…5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbqxbGm9hBI

Yeah, we decided to, uh, skip going to the gym that day.

But we still had a great workout.

'Okay, twenty-two.  But that’s it!  And I mean it this time.'


Baiyu, Jingi (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5'8", 300 years
    • Green eyes, green lips and makeup, straight long pinned black hair, oblong face, milky white skin
    • C-cup breasts, slim inverted triangular body, small v-shaped butt
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Lao (Core Elder)
    • Xinulongzu group
    • Shou (Leader)
  • Daoist
    • Yuanying (Nascent Soul)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Jin, Kung fu queen, Superwoman

Luo, Ganyue (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5'4", 100 years
    • Brown eyes, yellow lips and makeup, straight long pinned black hair, square face, soft pale skin
    • B-cup breasts, slim rectangular body, small square butt
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Dizi (Core Disciple)
    • Xinulong group
  • Daoist
    • Ninling (Spirit Condensing)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Gan, Twins, Thing 1

Luo, Xinyue (female, human, yanese)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5'5", 100 years
    • brown eyes, red lips and makeup, straight long black pinned hair, square face, soft pale skin
    • B-cup breasts, slim rectangular body, small square butt
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Hexin Dizi (Core Disciple)
    • Xinulong group
  • Daoist
    • Ninling (Spirit Condensing)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Xin, Twins, Thing 2

Yamabe, Sayuri (female, beastkin(fox(huyao)), nandao)

  • Mistress of Jon Barton
  • 5’3”, 16* years
    • orange irises with slit pupils, short straight rusty-red hair, red-white fur, diamond face, raised fuzzy ears, fair skin
    • C-cup breasts, slender top hourglass body, small heart butt, bushy tail
  • Beyulongong sect
    • Qianzai Dizi (Potential Disciple)
  • Daoist
    • Lianti (Body Refining)
    • Chuqi (Early-stage)
  • Kitsu, Fox girl, Fox, Foxy

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