A fierce and cute wife came to flirt with him

Chapter 548

Chapter 548: 545: inexplicable


Liu Yunxiang was also dumbfounded. If you ask me, who am I going to ask? ? ? ?

The girls were all envious and blessed, while the boys were all in a bad mood. Their hearts were broken and scattered all over the ground.

They were all heartbroken. Some of the boys were even crying bitterly. The Goddess was married, and the groom was not him —

This news seemed to have grown wings, and it spread to the entire campus along with the cold wind.

Meanwhile, Kang Xiaoqiao was running as she shed tears, which blurred her vision. However, she cried more and more sadly.

In these three years, every night, she was most afraid of dreaming of Lu Yichen’s miserable appearance with blood all over his body. It was as if she would receive the news of Lu Yichen’s death in battle at any time.

This made her unwittingly afraid. She knew that Lu Yichen was a soldier. He was a soldier. The most important thing for him was to go to the battlefield and use their lives to defend the country and protect the people.

Kang Xiaoqiao also knew that without their bloody battles, it was impossible for the common people to live in peace. The world had never been peaceful.

And for them to be able to live in such a stable country, it was because someone was carrying a heavy burden. And the soldiers were on the front line, a crucial link.

The stability and unity of the country needed their protection. The country’s peace and stability needed their protection. However, they were also human. They had flesh and blood. They would be injured. Of course, they could also die.

They had never seen such a young life. There were so many beautiful things in this world. They had never enjoyed beautiful love, had never experienced marriage, let alone enjoy the happiness of family.

And Lu Yichen was one of them. Kang Xiaoqiao knew that she should support him, should love him, should understand him, shouldn’t throw a Tantrum, and shouldn’t leave just like that.

She should welcome his return with joy, should comfort his heart, she should be magnanimous, she should be sensible, she should… …

But, Kang Xiaoqiao wasn’t willing, she wasn’t willing —

Wu —

Who knew her sadness, her fear Who Knew Who would comfort her? ? ? ?

She couldn’t sleep until dawn. In her nightmare, she saw Lu Yichen covered in blood, his limbs blown off, and even his broken fingers still moving.

She was so scared that her forehead was covered in sweat. At that time, who would comfort her, and who would care about her? ? ? ?

Yes, she was a wilderness wife, but should she have to bear all of this? ? ? ?

She was unwilling. She would rather have nothing happen between her and Lu Yichen, and she did not want to live her life in fear.

People could scold her for being ungenerous, unforgiving, insensible, no… …

Whatever, whatever —

Kang Xiaoqiao might have cried too hard, and her emotions were so strong that she did not pay attention to her feet. Just as she was about to fall, a strong arm caught her and carried her back tightly.

It was so tight that he wanted to push her into his body. The fear that Kang Xiaoqiao would disappear as soon as he let go of her spread throughout Lu Yichen’s soul.

No words, no words..

It was as if the world had become quiet. It was as if Lu Yichen’s embrace had some kind of magic. Kang Xiaoqiao, who was originally irritable and full of negative emotions, miraculously became quiet after being hugged.

She didn’t even know why she used to mock those couples who quarreled. Why did they quarrel so fiercely? Why did they blame each other so much? They even said that there was nothing good about each other. However, in the blink of an eye, the other party coaxed her.. She instantly calmed down.

Then, the two of them continued to have a sweet relationship as if nothing had happened.

At that time, Kang Xiaoqiao couldn’t understand at all. However, at this moment, Kang Xiaoqiao suddenly understood.

All the scolding, complaints, and anger were actually a signal. It was a signal that needed to be understood, understood, and comforted.

Those women who constantly argued with men, complained, scolded, and even became hysterical and pestered. In fact, what they wanted was very simple. Even a heartfelt hug could soothe their emotions.

Just like children who couldn’t get sugar, crying was her last resort. However, there were too few people in this world who knew, or perhaps they knew, but they didn’t want to do it. They just didn’t want to.

Kang Xiaoqiao was tightly embraced by Lu Yichen. From the violent struggle at the beginning to the gradual reduction of the extent, she gradually stopped struggling.

From the beginning, she continued to vent her emotions, and in the end, there was only the sound of sobbing. The two of them tightly hugged each other in this silver-clothed world, as if there was only each other.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed. These few days, Kang Xiaoqiao rarely did not go to school. She did not organize her information like a desperate Sanniang. She did not care about anything related to the construction of the school. She put everything aside.

It was rare for her to enjoy these few days in peace.

It was snowing outside again, as if this year’s snow had fallen especially heavily.

Kang Xiaoqiao was in a daze. She touched Lu Yichen beside her and found that it was empty. It was even cold. Kang Xiaoqiao could not help but frown. However, she was really too sleepy and still did not open her eyes.

Then, she continued to climb over to find water to drink. However, after grabbing for a long time, she still did not find a cup. Kang Xiaoqiao swallowed her saliva and climbed up from the warm blanket in a very helpless manner.

She put on her cute fluffy slippers and walked toward the Middle Hall in a daze. However, the moment she opened the door, she bumped into a hard chest. Kang Xiaoqiao screamed and covered her nose in pain.

Seeing this, Lu Yichen frowned and said with a cold face, “why are you up? Why are you running out just because you’re wearing something? ”

“It’s snowing heavily outside. It’s the coldest time. You’ll get sick if you keep doing this. ”

Kang Xiaoqiao rubbed her nose, which had almost been knocked out, pitifully. She pouted and said, “I’m thirsty — ”

“But there’s no more water on the bedside table. I’m dying of thirst. Where have you been? ”

As soon as she finished speaking, a glass of water appeared in front of her. Kang Xiaoqiao hurriedly took it and drank a few mouthfuls. The temperature of the water was just right. It was about 40 to 50 degrees Celsius. It was so warm in her stomach that it would not burn her mouth.

It had to be said that Lu Yichen was very attentive. After Kang Xiaoqiao drank her fill, she became much more energetic.

She rubbed her big, befuddled eyes and yawned. “What time is it now? Eh, did you say it snowed just now? ”

“It snowed again? ? ? ”

Before she could finish speaking, she was carried by Lu Yichen like a princess and directly carried back to the bed. Then, she said, “it’s already five or six o’clock at night, and the sky is almost dark. You little pig, you really can sleep. ”

After saying that, he even pinched Kang Xiaoqiao’s nose. Kang Xiaoqiao quickly broke free from Lu Yichen’s grasp and said in surprise, “what, it’s already so late? ”

“Oh my God — ”

Kang Xiaoqiao quickly ran to the window after recovering from her surprise. Through the glass window, she saw big snowflakes falling outside. Now, the courtyard and trees were all hung up. It was very beautiful.

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