A fierce and cute wife came to flirt with him

Chapter 564

Chapter 564: 561: Difficult


Therefore, most of the people who could go with Kang Xiaoqiao to teach at the new school were because Kang Xiaoqiao’s treatment was so good that they could not refuse. Or, they were those big volunteers who really had ideals.

Of course, it was not that there were no young people who impulsively wanted to go, but they were all forcefully opposed by their families.

If they had an iron rice bowl, they would not go to that labor-owned private school. If one day it went bad, they would not be able to find a tune even if they cried —

It was an old saying that many families would scrimp and save to study for a child. They were all waiting for a reward. What if he failed WOULDN’T HIS STUDIES BE IN VAIN WOULDN’T HIS MONEY BE IN VAIN WOULDN’T HIS CRIME BE IN VAIN? ? ? ?

So, how could he Of course he couldn’t —

Kang Xiaoqiao ran until her legs were broken. Only then did she realize that life was actually difficult. Looking at the scattered information in her hands, Kang Xiaoqiao gritted her teeth.

What made Kang Xiaoqiao feel even more affected was her biggest supporter, Wu Qinghui.

Just as Kang Xiaoqiao was looking at the pitiful list in her hand and exhaling, Wu Qinghui came looking for her. Kang Xiaoqiao was really not in the mood, let alone little Tiantian, who was beside her. This was a child who could not keep her cool.

“Sister Xiaoqiao, look, there are only a few people here. ”

“We agreed at the beginning that everyone would come when the time comes. Why did it change in the blink of an eye? How can these people not keep their word? I’m so angry. ”

Kang Xiaoqiao drank a mouthful of water. She wanted to tell her that it was not easy for everyone. They did not only represent her, or rather, they could not represent her at all. This was also a kind of sorrow, wasn’t it?

She could not control her own life. Everything was under the control of others, especially those relatives. In the name of your own good, they blocked your decisions.

After graduation, if you want to find a stable job, you should take the civil service exam. Civil servants are more stable and easy to find a partner. If you can find a good partner, you won’t have to worry about your life anymore. Blah, blah, BLAH —

You don’t comply? ? ? ?

Hehe, cry, make a fuss, and hang yourself. As a child, to be honest, she was still a person who had not experienced social experience and had been tempered. There was simply no way to refuse. In the end, it was often all about compromise or facing a rupture.

Peaceful and friendly communication. Come on, in China, you could only think about it.

There were very few people who could do so.

However, how could a simple child like little Tiantian understand? In her world, it was either white or black —

Kang Xiaoqiao looked up and saw Wu Qinghui. She took a sip of water and said, “Sister Hui is here? Is there any news? ? ? ”

Wu Qinghui handed over the information in her hand and said, “currently, there are only five people who are willing, and they said it very firmly. However, it is not clear who will be able to go in the end. ”

Kang Xiaoqiao took the documents and nodded. “everything is difficult in the beginning. It’s fine. We can’t be anxious about this kind of thing. Everyone has difficulties. ”

Little Tiantian heard that she was unwilling and opened her mouth to say, “what difficulties? Isn’t teaching everywhere? Moreover, our school has given us such generous conditions. Bah, you don’t know what’s good for you. ”

Wu Qinghui’s face turned pale when she heard that. Kang Xiaoqiao saw it and asked with concern, “Sister Hui, what’s wrong with you? You don’t look well. Have you been too tired recently? ”

Wu Qinghui shook her head. Kang Xiaoqiao kept the information and said, “Sister Hui, you don’t have to be too anxious. Although we haven’t received many people at the moment, it’s about time. Let’s take it slow. We can’t be anxious. Our health is more important. ”

Wu Qinghui nodded. Kang Xiaoqiao saw that she didn’t leave and didn’t say anything. She couldn’t help but ask in puzzlement, “Sister Hui, is there anything else? ”

At this time, Little Tiantian ran over and said, “Sister Hui, are you really okay? You really don’t look well. ”

Wu Qinghui bit her lower lip and lowered her head for a long time before she said, “I, I’m fine. That little bridge, that, I, I can’t go. ”

�� O �� …

Before Kang Xiaoqiao could say anything, Little Tiantian raised her voice and said, “what? You’re not going? ? ? ”

“Sister Hui, how can you do this? Why are you acting like these people don’t keep their promises? ”

“We already agreed to go together. Because of this, Xiangxiang broke up with her family. Even Hongmei wants to go together. I never thought that you would not go. Sister Hui, how can you do this? ? ? ”

As she said this, the little girl’s tears fell. She had been through too many such incidents recently, and she felt aggrieved. Now that Wu Qinghui had done this again, the little girl exploded.

Wu Qinghui lowered her head and let Little Tiantian scold her. Her tears rolled in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. She kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry — ”

Little Tiantian cried as she said, “what’s the use of being sorry? What’s the use? Wu — , if you don’t go, can anyone else go? Sister Hui, how could you do this? At a time like this, you’re simply disturbing the morale of the army. You’re the leader of our club — ”

The more the little girl spoke, the more agitated she became. Kang Xiaoqiao hurriedly stood between the two of them and said, “alright, alright. Stop talking, Little Tiantian — ”

“Forget it. Go over to Yun Xiang’s side and see if there’s anything you need help with. ”

Little Tiantian looked at Kang Xiaoqiao with a wronged expression and said, “sister Xiaoqiao, you’re still on her side — ”

Kang Xiaoqiao said helplessly, “be good. Go. Go out quietly. Otherwise, you’ll scare these few people away again. ”

Little Tiantian’s tears flowed as she glared fiercely at Wu Qinghui. She snorted, turned around and wiped her tears as she ran away.

At this moment, only Kang Xiaoqiao and Wu Qinghui were left in the office. Kang Xiaoqiao poured a glass of water for Wu Qinghui and then sat down on her seat.

This was a room that Kang Xiaoqiao had rented temporarily. In the school, the view was very good and the environment was also good. It was specially provided for recruitment.

However, it was clear that Kang Xiaoqiao’s recruitment did not go smoothly. No matter how powerful she was and how good the treatment she gave, when it came to going to the northeast, there was still no establishment. Many people had already given up.

Those who decided to go with Kang Xiaoqiao were mostly those who were in the remote mountains and did not have any good development after returning to the local area. Or those who were from the very poor places or the local people from the northeast were willing to go.

However, these people still had to go through the selection process. The school that Kang Xiaoqiao was going to set up in the future had to be nurtured as a model seed. It was not that easy to become a teacher.

Did she think that she would be done just by imparting some knowledge? ? ? ?

No, no, no. Kang Xiaoqiao valued character very much. A teacher with good character could learn these things even if the teaching methods were not sophisticated. However, a person with a questionable character, no matter how good his knowledge was, it would be useless.

Kang Xiaoqiao would definitely not accept it because it had also caused a farce. It was a student from a remote area who had exceptionally good academic results and was one of the top students in the school who received scholarships every year He came to Kang Xiaoqiao and wanted to go to the school that she had founded. However, after Kang Xiaoqiao talked to him, she did not use him.

This person was furious at that moment.

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