A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 71

Chapter 67 Return And Dionysus

“Where have you just been? Tyler.” Seeing Tyler coming back, Tianya asked curiously, Tyler seemed to be in a good mood at this time, and then Tianya was surprised that Tyler did not bring the Lightning Phoenix back.

“Ouch?” Master, I found a nest of silly birds!! Tyler let out a cry and said.

“Oh, is that so? Let’s go?” Tianya smiled happily when she heard Taylor’s words, but she didn’t expect that Taylor would lure the enemy to relax and go home, and then swept them away.

“This is… gourmet sea?” Riding on Taylor and following Taylor all the way, Tianya suddenly discovered that this place is a famous place in the world of gourmet food. It is famous because the waters near here not only have very famous beach parks, but also There is a beach cave where the puffer whales captured by Toriko and the others are located. It is also another famous place. It is an island not far away. There is a place where the gourmet carriage sails twice a year. More importantly, the gourmet sea. The other side is close to the food center city, where there is a chef’s paradise, where 28 food festivals are held.

“Oh, I didn’t expect the old man to have a dark time.” Seeing the special island that is getting closer and closer, it is very far away from the sky vines where the Lightning Phoenix is ​​active, about 50,000 kilometers away, but the distance from the human world is 50,000 kilometers. Very close, less than a thousand kilometers away.

Mr. Yilong also specially sent some senior IGO personnel, including Shigematsu and Mansam, to investigate the distribution of high-grade ingredients in the human world. Lightning Phoenix is ​​one of them, because the capture level is between seventy and two hundred. grade or so, this is the highest recorded capture grade ever seen.

And in that investigation, Tianya was also there, but he didn’t make a shot, because at that time he was still in the courtyard, studying with Toriko and the others.

“Forget it, I just happened to meet you, I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck.” Tianya said this is not unreasonable, after all, if Tianya hadn’t met, they would have been eliminated in the future, after all, their capture level is too high, generally Food hunters are not opponents at all. In the current human world, there are basically not many people who go out to the protagonist group with more than 100 levels. Director Mansam and Vice President Shigematsu are only about 500 levels in unblocking strength.

Therefore, after the discovery of Yilong, the old man would basically destroy them all, and he would never keep them. After all, among the senior cooks, only a few of the senior cooks have such strength. And to say that they are lucky is also a kind of blessing. They were discovered by Tianya, and Tianya put them into the star shell at most.

“Let’s go, let’s go back! I can finally go to the Jiuhao Islands.” Before coming to this continent of Wu, Tianya himself wanted to go to the Jiuhao Islands, but he didn’t make it halfway, and drove directly to Wu. the continent.

Before “Roar” reached the Brewers Islands, a huge roar was heard, Tianya and Taylor looked up at the same time.

“Oh, Dionysus dragon? I didn’t expect to see something good as soon as I arrived.” Dionysus dragon is the main dish in Mansam’s uncle’s life menu ingredients. As Tianya, who has cooperated with IGO for so many years, he Director Sam is very familiar and has eaten the menu many times in his life.

“I didn’t expect that I would just catch a group of them and go back. The taste is really good, but if you can help them evolve with the help of the energy and the power of creation, they should be able to reach a new height.” The human world is just ordinary ingredients, and the capture level is not high.

Dionysus Dragon


Capture Level: 37

Habitat: Dionysus Island

Body length: 48m


Weight: 22t

Price: 100 grams of meat / 180,000 yuan

The dragon of the island of Dionysus dominates the island that is praised as the “Paradise of Wine”. The alcoholic director Mansam chose it as the “main course” of the full menu. Its flesh is known for its mellow taste with the finest brandy.

In addition, since the whole body of Dionysus dragon contains alcohol, it must be eaten at the age of 20. It is indeed an ingredient that echoes the “taste of adults” that children cannot understand. Cooking with barbecue can not only fully exude the mellow aroma of alcohol in the meat, but also keep the original flavor of the meat.

But Tianya knows that the Dionysian dragon is a two-tailed pterosaur. Among the native species, the original Dionysian dragon has a capture level of thousands of levels. Of course, this is different now. After all, many years have passed. All have degenerated, and some have evolved.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the main island.” After capturing a bunch of Dionysian dragons and their eggs, Tianya said to Tyler, this guy just ate two Dionysian dragons. Although Dionysian dragons are 48 meters long, they are not suitable for For high-level predators, it is only a swallowed amount.

“Ow~” Master, this wine tastes good.

“Well, go back and bring some more and see if you can find the source, and then you can make the Brewers Islands by yourself.” Tianya already knew by now that most of the natural ingredients have a source, such as those chocolate springs or the current wine Lakes and the like all have a source, and the source can be captured and then put into the star shell for development.

“Ouch” The host is so nice.

“Let’s go, there should be a sea of ​​red wine and wine in front of you.” Although it was a small island, it was only the periphery of the Jiuhao Islands, and the Dionysus Dragon, as an ingredient with a low capture level, could only be active in the periphery. As for the highest grade of high-grade ingredients inside, IGO has not recorded it. Tianya estimates that only the 407th division of Jiro who often comes here to make wine knows what the highest grade ingredients are.

“This is the sea of ​​red wine.” Tianya looked at the large maroon sea in front of him. This place exudes the taste of top red wine, but don’t underestimate this place. Apart from the sea of ​​white wine, the sea of ​​red wine is the most dangerous, because here For many years, there have been Dionysian sharks with a catch level of more than 80. Yes, those are only level 30, but in the same way, the level of ingredients will continue to increase with the food they are preying on. This is the law of this world, and it is also delicious. The special thing about cells is that there is no artificially bred Dionysian shark like Director Mansam’s capture level here. There are all natural Dionysian sharks here. The average catch level is sixty. Tianya also likes this taste. Nice group of sharks.

Dionysus Shark

(fish and beasts)

Capture Level: 31

Habitat: Seas around Bacchus Island

Body length: 60m


Weight: 12t

Price: 100 grams of meat / 260,000 yuan

The Bacchus shark with the scent of alcohol all over its body. It usually does not appear on the sea surface and only swims in the depths of the sea, so it is an animal that is difficult to find. Its meat is very tender and rich in strong alcohol.

“Put Tong” Tianya jumped directly into the sea and went to the depths of the sea to find the source of the red wine sea. This place is not composed of a single source, but hundreds of different sources have gathered here for tens of millions of years.

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