A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 73

Chapter 69: Revisiting The Food World

“Toriko-kun, but do you know why so many creatures from the food world rarely enter the human world to prey on them?” At the same time, above the Angolan forest, at the detention center of Takitsubo of Life, the guards here are not people, but those who accidentally entered the human world. of high-grade ingredients, although the odds are low. At this time, it is a special mission, Toriko-kun, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

“It’s because it’s delicious!! The food in the human world is not as delicious as the food in the food world, so even those creatures who can’t survive will not enter the human world to prey on them, because the food in the human world is not as attractive to them as the food world. Toriko nodded and looked at the endless forest in front of him, although he couldn’t see clearly, but in a large forest, many trees grew of unknown heights, so that they could be seen here.

“Yeah! This place is called the Takitsubo of Life, and the origin of the name is because it is the safest route to enter the food industry.” The director of the detention center looked at Toriko and said: “Among the three routes, this is because there is no special difficult environment required. Overcome, so this is the easiest place to get into the food world.””

“However,” the director of the detention center changed his voice: “Although this is the safest route, there are more than tens of thousands of people entering the food industry here every year, and fewer than three who can overcome the environment of the food 407 world and return safely. There is no one in 10,000, so this place is also called Takitsubo of life, which means nothing else, but that the people who jumped here are basically gone.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be one of them. After Toriko said that, he jumped and jumped off the cliff of Takitsubo of life. If Tianya was by his side, he could only laugh. Going down 20,000 meters here is equivalent to going straight down. court death.

“Toriko…” The director of the detention center was about to say something when he saw that Toriko had already jumped off.

“Director, another celebrity wants to enter the food industry here!!!” An employee ran over and said to the director of the detention center who was in a daze.

“Who? The director of the 99 Detention Center asked suspiciously, this time is not the best time to enter the food industry, so no one will enter the food industry during this time.

“It’s me, long time no see.” Tianya’s figure instantly appeared in front of the director of the detention center, looking at the man in front of him, the director of the detention center saluted Tianya excitedly.

“Well, how long has Toriko been in the food industry? (ciej)” Tianya asked, looking at the Angolan forest in front of him.

“I just went down.” The director of the detention center seemed to understand what Tianya meant by coming here. Obviously, although the Four Heavenly Kings who grew up at the same time were very famous, those who knew the inside story also understood. The eighteenth chef in the world, Mr. Tianya, actually The Four Heavenly Kings are companions and brothers who grew up together.

“Well, go get busy! I also have to bring back this ignorant guy.” Tianya nodded and said to the director of the detention center.

“Okay, Mr. Tianya!! I wish you a prosperous food!!!” The director of the detention center knows that Mr. Tianya has the ability to overcome the food industry. After all, he has already been to the food world once, so he does not worry about what accident will happen to Mr. Tianya, Just a word of blessing and leave with the staff.

“Taylor!!! Tianya called, and then with a swoosh, Taylor’s moon-white figure appeared beside Tianya, with his head arched to Tianya, very intimate.

“Ouch” Master, where are we going this time?

“Well, not where to go this time, that guy Toriko just jumped off, we’re going to bring him back? How about Terry now?” Tianya shook his head, this time it depends on the situation, after all, he didn’t have any Goal, and there is no place to go, so this time there is no time to go to other parts of the food world to catch ingredients.

“Ow, ooh, ooh” That kid was doing well, but because of the lack of food sources, his strength grew very slowly.

“Well, I’ll talk to that kid Toriko later, and let Terry go shopping in the food world with you.” Tianya nodded, as expected after all. Toriko has not evaluated Terry’s strength, so he did not bring Terry over. To be honest, if Toriko brought Terry on this food tour, the result may be very different. Terry is a wolf fighting, plus Tianya’s Taylor is not concerned, so his strength has already exceeded 200 levels. It is actually very easy to deal with some beasts in the Angolan forest.

“Ouch”? Taylor tilted her head and looked at the Angolan forest below. She knew that there were no high-grade ingredients in this place! Why do you need someone to rescue it? Then, thinking of her own boy, Taylor was also a little happy Head, after all, it’s a good thing to be able to grow up with Terry.

“Let’s go, let’s go too!” The chat was delayed for a while, but Tianya didn’t worry about Toriko’s safety. At least this guy as the protagonist has some luck, but when it comes to luck, maybe food luck is not so good, ordinary luck is good. Komatsu is just the opposite. As long as it is related to ingredients, his food luck is very strong, while ordinary luck is very bad.

Tianya has both. After all, Tianya is not only lucky, but also has a very high level of food fortune.

“Huh? There’s actually a Thunder Dragon?” Tianya, who was going down the Angola forest, suddenly saw a huge monster in the distance. It was a dragon-type ingredient, but when he saw Tyler beside Tianya, the Thunder Dragon gave a quick blow. Zi huddled his head in the woods, not daring to come out.

“Haha” Tianya also remembered the time when Taylor was dominating in the Angolan forest after he advanced, which can be said to be the dark period of the Angolan forest.

“Touch” Just when Tianya was thinking about something, something suddenly bumped into him, Tianya immediately reacted: “Mixie, what are you doing!!!”

Why does Tianya know that Tyler did it, because it is very simple that Tianya’s own superpower attributes are only open to the people around him, and only those recognized by Tianya can approach Tianya unsuspectingly and not be passively thought by Tianya Power fights back.

“Ow~” Master, what were you thinking, Tyler saw Tianya just looking at the frenzied Thunder Dragon in front of him, and finally looked at himself, that smile reminded Tyler of what he had done here, and he suddenly felt to a little shy.

“You girl!!!” Tianya is really speechless, don’t people think about what you did yourself? And I just thought about it and didn’t say it.

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