A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 75

Chapter 71 Wang Lusha

“Thank you, Tianya.” Toriko heard Tianya’s words without saying anything, but silently said thank you to Tianya in his heart. Although they didn’t need this because of their feelings, Toriko understood that Tianya was also for his own good.

“What’s the matter, what are you thinking about?” Tianya was roasting a cockroach and asked when Toriko stared at the sky in a daze.

“It’s nothing, I just didn’t expect that the first time I came to the food industry, I was educated clearly. It’s a cruel living environment. No wonder there are tens of thousands of people who jump down here every year, but few can go back safely.” Toriko shook Shaking his head.

“Of course, this is the Angolan forest 20,000 meters underground. The gravity here is several times that of the human world, so many people are basically unable to move when they come down.” Tianya said with a smile.

Tianya actually understands that if you want to conquer this forest, you must first get used to the gravity here, either by training to adapt to the gravity, or by learning to eat righteousness or Tianya’s “four-one-zero” ape martial arts, or you want your body to quickly adapt to this place. Basically hard.

“No wonder I couldn’t move after I got off, and I felt like several people were pressing on my back.” Toriko suddenly realized, and then asked Tianya about what he had just experienced. Tianya also answered him one by one. These questions are basically not a problem for people with sufficient strength, and it is only because Toriko does not understand anything, and his strength is not enough, so he needs to learn. The real strong person is like Zebra often said, he needs to learn. The environment adapts to me, not me adapts to the environment.

“Tianya, can you and Tyler get used to the environment here?” Seeing Tianya and Tyler eating barbecued meat with ease, Toriko had an indescribable taste. He had always known that Tianya was stronger than their Four Heavenly Kings, but There has never been a more accurate comparison.

“It’s okay!” Tianya replied while eating. To be honest in the food industry, the current environment will not have any impact on him, and only the Eight Kings will have some impact on Tianya’s current strength.

“I’ll send you here.”” Tianya asked Tyler to bring Toriko toward the Takitsubo of Life, and then brought Toriko to the detention center.

“Okay, thank you Tianya” Toriko said to Tianya, “Aren’t you going back together?”

“No, I still have things to do.” Tianya has not forgotten his agreement with the blue Nitro air, and now it has been almost a month, and Tianya will need a few days to get there now, so the time is just right.

“Really?” Seeing that Tianya is really busy, Toriko can’t say anything: “Then I will wait for you to come back with Komatsu-kun, and we will have a meal together.”

“Yeah.” Watching Toriko leave, Tianya turned around and teleported back to the Angola forest. This is the fifth continent, and air is specifically the eighth continent. The strength is barely able to face the king of horses, so I am not afraid of any danger there. I just can go and see if I can bring the salad air tree in the ingredients of the Acacia life menu into the starry sky shell.

“Let’s go, let’s go straight through the Fifth Continent.” Tianya said to Taylor. Although this place also belongs to the Fifth Continent, it is only a small part of the human world, and the average capture level is not high. Place, through a huge winding upward passage, Taylor took Tianya to the Fifth Continent, which is the real Fifth Continent.

“boom boom”

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Tyler and Tianya, who had just left the passage, heard loud noises.

“This is Wang Lu shark?!!!” A huge six-legged shark was eating fiercely, stepping on the ground while eating.

“It’s a bit interesting, the capture level is 4,450. Tianya used his current strength to measure the strength of himself and Wang Lusha, and felt that it is not impossible to kill in seconds, but it may require a sneak attack, but this is not Tianya’s style. , and it is not impossible to fight head-on, it just needs to use more means.


“The host can use time and space food skills, and can restrain most of the ingredients very well. The 35 system reminded Tianya at this time, Tianya thought about it after hearing it, and found that the time and space ability can restrain this kind of ordinary type. biology.

“Roar” saw Tianya suddenly appearing in front of him, Wang Lusha directly warned Tianya, but Tianya’s original goal was it, how could he leave because of the warning?

“War trampling!!!” As an ordinary lifeform, Wang Lusha did not lack skills, stretched out one front leg, and then stepped on Tianya’s side.

“Boom boom boom!!!” A wave of terrifying waves was generated under Wang Lusha’s feet, and the shock wave continued to spread. All trees, even thousands of meters high, were still overturned by the shock wave.

“Oh, I feel so powerful!” Tianya’s voice appeared above Wang Lusha’s head, looking at the position where he had just stood, it had become the center of a nuclear explosion. There was a huge pit there, and there was still a hot spot in the center. The magma is constantly emerging. This is not to say that Wang Lusha penetrated the surface to reach the mantle layer, but a terrifying force exploded here at once, causing the temperature in the central diffusion area to reach the height of melting rock…

“Roar” Hearing Tianya’s voice, Wang Lusha was extremely angry. This human being who dared to challenge its authority was still alive. Turning the huge head attached to the neck, Wang Lusha saw Tianya who was safe and sound, and looked at himself innocently.

“Hoohoho” Wang Lusha couldn’t reach Tianya in the aerial classroom this time, so he turned around and launched a sonic attack, bursts of infrasound and ultrasonic waves were sent out from its mouth, and they quickly attacked in the direction of Tianya.

“Boundary!!!” Tianya immediately set up a barrier around himself, forming two spaces inside and outside.

“Hey, hey, although I want to capture you, I don’t mean to kill you, do I need to be so angry?” The terrifying sonic attack hit a mountain thousands of kilometers away, and the mountain shattered directly.

“Imprisoned” Tianya didn’t give you a chance to strike, he imprisoned Wang Lusha’s body at once, then jumped forward and raised his fist to hit Wang Lusha’s head.

“Roar” But Tianya still believed too much in his own strength, Wang Lusha broke free from Tianya’s spatial confinement before Tianya came over.

‘Jie Jie’ Tianya was not surprised when he saw this. After all, he was just trying to test how far his space ability could reach. There was no doubt that his current level could use his space ability to immobilize such a 4,000-level beast in an instant. It is obviously impossible to be imprisoned for a long time.


“Boom” Wang Lusha saw Tianya fall, and once again raised his front legs and stepped on Tianya. Tianya is not to be outdone, although his strength may be a little worse, but don’t forget the bonus of his emperor-level strength of 4.9 and the advanced ape martial arts, he can instantly use 4,000-level strength, but it is not much worse than the Wang Lusha in front of him.

The moment Tianya’s fist contacted Wang Lusha’s front leg, a violent force exploded on the contact surface, Wang Lusha’s front leg was punched through by Tianya, and then a small piece of flesh was smashed into pieces by the force of the explosion. However, even though it was a small piece of meat, it was only for Wang Lushark. For Tianya’s body of more than two meters, this piece of meat was already the size of a two-hundred-square-meter villa. It’s just that compared to Wang Lushark’s body thousands of kilometers, it looks very small.

The huge force of “Ow” directly impacted Wang Lusha’s nerves, and the severe pain made Wang Lusha cry out in pain.

“While your illness is killing you!!!” Tianya won’t give you time to reply. With Wang Lusha’s level, it only takes ten minutes to recover. A hole of several meters, with its capture level of 4,000, only takes a few minutes to recover.

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