A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 125: (2)



“Rieka! What do we need to heal the spirit?”

[Uh… It’s my first time seeing an injured spirit…]

Watching Windy’s energy weaken, he grew anxious that she might die.

“Maybe a potion…”

Continuing to dodge the spider monster and retreating, he took out a potion from the storage and poured it on Windy, but their condition remained unchanged.

“Ugh… Please, brain, work.”

[Kaiyan! First, deal with that monster! I’ll take care of Windy!]


Having retreated to where Rieka was, he had no choice but to leave Windy beside her and charged at the monster coming at them.

To prevent it from targeting Windy.


“You filthy beast! I will kill you! Blaze Armor!”


Activating Blaze Armor once again, he extended his fist, and the burning light made the monster grimace in pain as it shielded its face with its giant legs.


As if defense was futile, his fist cleanly penetrated into the monster.

Having practiced martial arts for 30 days and reached grade C, he didn’t need a sword to deal with this level of adversary.



Seizing the opportunity, he added more force to his punch and kicked off the air, hitting the monster’s head directly with his fist.


The unpleasant sensation of squishiness transmitted through his fingertips.

The monster’s forehead wasn’t as hard as he thought, allowing his fist to penetrate its soft exterior.

“Kahah…! Sa, save…”

“Die… What?”

At the moment he was about to completely crush its head, he heard it speak in the common language.

But it was too late to retract his extended hand, and with added force,


The spider monster’s head burst, spraying fluid in all directions.


“…It definitely spoke the common language.”



Snapped out of his thoughts by Rieka’s voice, he shook his head and rushed to Windy.


“Right, Windy. Is there no way to save the spirit? The potion didn’t work.”

[Ummm… I’ll ask the spirits!]

Rieka quickly asked the surrounding spirits, who were looking on with worried eyes.

[Is there a way to heal the spirit?]

“Kkuuoo! Kkuuoo!”

[What? Ha… Is there another way?]


As Rieka conversed with the spirits, her expression grew worse, realizing there was no way to heal Windy in their current state.


“Is there a way to heal her?”

[If we had a leaf from the World Tree, we could heal her, but it’s not something sold in store…]

He never imagined there would be something not sold in the vast list of shop items.

“…Is there no other way?”

[The spirits don’t know either.]



Watching Windy weaken, his heart felt heavy at the thought of losing something precious once again. He closed his eyes and concentrated, thinking there must be a way.


[Yes… Kaiyan.]

“Perhaps… could an elixir work?”

The legendary potion was said to recover all conditions.

If the elixir he had been carefully storing in the inventory could save Windy, shouldn’t he try it?

[Oh…! Maybe… an elixir could work… we won’t know unless we try! But if it fails…]

Even without hearing the rest of Rieka’s sentence, he could guess what it implied.

If the elixir also proved useless, it would mean losing 1000G for nothing.

“I guess I’ve grown quite attached over these 30 days. I don’t feel the slightest regret about it.”


From the moment he stepped onto the battlefield, he had lived somewhat selfishly.

Prioritizing his growth over others’. If it was possible to save someone, he would, but if not, he would use that situation to his advantage.

“The reason I’ve grown on the battlefield is that I didn’t want to lose anything precious again. Inventory.”

He took out the elixir, which he had been saving in his inventory, opened the lid, and slowly poured it into Windy, who was listlessly lying there.


“That’s right, take it slow.”

Miraculously, the elixir showed its effect, and Windy, who had been half-unconscious, began to regain strength and started to drink the trickling elixir.

Gulping down.

Carefully, over about 5 minutes, he fed Windy the entire elixir.


“Ah… Windy.”

[She’s recovering!]

The wound =, where Windy had been impaled by the spider monster, began to heal gradually. Then, Windy got up with a cute sound, fully recovered.

“Are you okay? Do you want some more?”


[She says she’s fine! She feels very energetic!]

Indeed, Windy seemed energetic as she flapped her small wings, buzzing around him. The anxiety that had filled him up to his throat dissipated.

“Ah… I’m truly relieved.”

[Phew… Yes. That was a close call.]

Heaving a sigh of relief and looking at Rieka once more, Windy, who had been chatting with the spirits, approached them.

“Kkiruut! Kkiruut!”

“Hm? Rieka, what is Windy saying?”

[Oh… She says she wants to keep traveling with us.]

“Together…? What do you mean by…”

Spirits couldn’t survive without the energy of the World Tree. That’s why he hadn’t thought of taking Windy with him when they first met.

Despite this, Windy, seemingly unaware of this fact, snuggled into his chest and rubbed her beak against his face.

“I’d like that too, but… it’s not possible.”


“If it were just Havnheim, maybe, but in the Eunasia continent where I live, you can’t survive…”

Ding! [Spirit Contract Skill has been created]

His words were interrupted by the notification sound.

“…Spirit Contract?”


I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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