A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 127: (1)

“I just confirmed through the spirit of the earth… The entrance in the north has been breached.”

“Who could possibly… Don’t tell me the ancient monsters have escaped?”

Ronta shook his head at the elder’s question, who asked with a serious expression.

“It doesn’t seem so.”

“Then what are you saying!”

“It’s… not that something escaped but rather someone has entered. Through the barrier….”

“That’s even more serious. Someone who could break through the World Tree’s barrier.”

As the elder said, the underground world of Havnheim was surrounded by a barrier created using the World Tree. The purpose was to prevent the ancient monsters from getting out.

The fact that someone had breached this strong barrier meant they were at least stronger than the ancient monsters.

“Could it be… the ghosts of Baryon that had escaped in the past? Ronta! Lead the way. We must go there immediately.”

“Me? You mean you will go personally, Elder?”

“Yes. The 5th Unit, follow me!”

Ronta led the way behind a tree, followed by the elder and hundreds of elves.

“Eek! Phew… That was close.”

[I almost couldn’t make it in!]



A translucent wall that closed immediately after passing through a small gap.

When a 1 appeared on Kaiyan’s golden dice, he was expecting to give up, but then he had an idea and managed to get in.

“To think I could use the Steady Step skill in such a way. Good to know.”

The Steady Step skill, which made him dodge all attacks without being in control.

Out of curiosity, Kaiyan used the skill while holding Rieka and Windy, and the wall that wouldn’t budge before created a gap and allowed him to enter successfully.

[Maybe it treated the repulsion from the wall as an attack?]

“Hmm… That makes sense.”

After all, the repulsion from the wall was strong enough to withstand Kaiyan’s full power, so it wasn’t strange to consider it an attack.

“So, we managed to get in, but now what… Hm? Mana? No, it’s different.”

[What’s wrong?]

“Someone is coming this way…. But it’s a bit unclear. It doesn’t seem like a monster, but it can’t be people from Havnheim either. Is it a monster…?”

In a dark cave where not a single light shone deeper, Kaiyan felt a strange sensation, almost human-like but not quite. And there were quite a lot of them.

“Just in case, be prepared.”

[Yes! I’m always ready to use a scroll!]


Windy, thinking of helping, summoned the wind bow it first used and held it with its small hands.

Thud, thud, thud!

After a short wait, a small light began to appear from the deep inside of the cave.

‘Is it a spider monster? Or something like the Canien?’

Kaiyan tensed, pointing his sword forward, the moment the danger signal rang out rapidly.

“Both of you, get down!”



Dozens of arrows flew over them as they lay down.

These weren’t ordinary arrows. Otherwise, Kaiyan’s danger sense wouldn’t have rung so alarmingly.

After the barrage of arrows ceased, the light approached, revealing dozens of people.

“People? Actual people in Havnheim?”

The appearance of those who emerged from the dark cave was something Kaiyan hadn’t seen in over a month in Havnheim, and they were as beautiful as to uplift one’s spirits just by looking at them.

‘But why did they start with an arrow barrage?’

As Kaiyan looked at them puzzled, a person with a beautiful garland on their head, whether a man or woman, stepped forward.

“Who are you!”

“Ah… I’m Kaiyan. Nice to meet you.”

“That’s not what I’m asking. Reveal your identity.”

“Excuse me?”

What did Kaiyan do wrong to them?

Despite revealing his name, the person with the garland raised their hand, and the people behind aimed their bows as if they were about to shoot at any moment.

“What exactly are you asking for?”

It was the first time Kaiyan thought they might have mistaken him for a monster and shot arrows, but even after realizing he was a human, their attitude, aiming bows at him, infuriated him.

The initial arrows could have seriously injured Rieka or Windy if not for Kaiyan’s detection ability.

“Do you not know what you’re asking? Your identi….”


Windy, lying behind Kaiyan, stood up, blocking him as if to say shoot it instead.

It was a touching gesture, but knowing Windy couldn’t even handle a mid-level monster on its own, Kaiyan quickly pulled Windy back.


“Windy! Come back! Rieka, take care of Windy.”

[Yes! Kaiyan, I’ll use the scroll immediately if it gets dangerous!]

After sending Windy and Rieka to the back and standing up with his sword, the person who seemed lost in thought for a moment shook their head and looked at Kaiyan again.

“Why is a low-level spirit here?”

“What does it matter to you?”

Annoyed by Kaiyan’s tone, the person frowned.

“It’s very important to us. Why a low-level spirit is here… and how you broke through the barrier to enter.”

Kaiyan wanted to ignore the person’s words, but the archers waiting behind and their serious expressions made him speak without thinking.

“…You ask a lot. As I said, I’m Kaiyan. I haven’t been in Havnheim for long. Windy… yes, the low-level spirit, I met on the surface and brought it here under contract.”

“You contracted with a spirit? How? You’re not even a half-elf, how did you contract with a spirit?”


I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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