A Gallop on the Embankment with Spring Breeze

Chapter 3 - The Master Who Knocked Ma Tian’en over

Chapter 3: The Master Who Knocked Ma Tian’en over

Translator: Liu Yanyan

Proofread by Fu Tianying

Compared with night time, the street in the daytime was another scene. The shop signs in the street were waving and bristling; the street vendors were shouting with charm; and some entertainers were performing acrobatics, attracting a cheer from the crowd.

A few children were singing while running around: if in fatigue you travel, next year please pay a visit to the second dam. The scenery of both sides can be compared with a beautiful picture. Five miles away to the east is the third dam…” The children’s voices were so clear and sweet.

Along with other sidekicks, Ma Tian’en swaggered around in the street. Noticing the children were running over, she threw a few copper coins to them. Then the children picked up the copper coins happily, shouting in chorus: thank you, Hero Ma.”

Ma Tian’en didn’t think it was a big deal and said: go and buy some sugar gourds

At this moment, she saw a child running hurriedly toward him, as if someone was chasing behind. The child was too hurry-scurry to see the way and hit upon Ma Tian’en. He suddenly fell onto the floor and hastily got up, grabbing Ma Tian’en’s clothes to hide behind her. “Help me, hero! Someone wants to abduct me,” the child cried.

At this time, a scholar-like young man ran over and stopped in panting in front of Ma Tian’en.

Ma Tian’en looked at the scholar and thought he looked kind of familiar, but cannot remember where they met. Gentle and handsome as he looked, it is surprising that he was a trader in human beings. Although Ma Tian’en hadn’t read many books, fighting is her strong suit. Since childhood, she relied most on swiftness when fighting with others.

he scholar was about to talk, but the words were not uttered. Ma Tian’en lifted her leg. What surprising is that the scholar looked weak, but reacted quickly. He shunned swiftly and Ma Tian’en missed. Failing to control her body, she fell down toward the earth. And the scholar, who wanted to pick up Ma Tian’en, didn’t expect that it had such inertia. Ma Tian’en pounced onto the scholar and they two fell down.

Ma Tian’en wanted to stand up. She looked up while the scholar was also up, and the two heads bumped together again. Ma Tian’en jumped up from the scholar and shouted, “You are such a fucking trader in human beings! How dare you to hit me! today I will teach you a lesson.

At this moment, Tian Fugui and other people also came over, surrounding the scholar

People on the street gathered round and whispered to each other.

“Ma Tian’en is bullying people again!”

“Master Ma is such a nice man. How could he have such a black sheep?”

“This scholar is an honest young man. How could he offend the devil? Today must be his bad day.

These comments were not conducive to Ma Tian’en. Hearing these, she suddenly got angry, “Are you blind? I am getting rid of the cruel and pacify the good. He is a trader in human beings.”

At this time, the scholar also stood up and tidied his clothes. He straightened the square scarf on his head. Although it was only a simple long blue gown and, it still revealed an elegant style after tangling with Ma.

Compared with the furious Ma Tian’en, the scholar seems to be magnanimous and calm. The scholar held his fist on hips, “My name is Wu Zhong. Not before long, a little thief just stole my purse, so I chased him here.”

“Your mere words cannot persuade me. Where is the kid? Ma Tian’en hurried to find the child, but it was in vain.

“Boss, we just thought to protect you and failed to pay attention to that kid…” Tian Fugui and his fellows looked around at each other and then uttered in a timid manner.

” Do I need your protection?” Ma Tian’en then realized that she might be used by that kid as a tool. But she was reluctant to admit it.

“Perhaps, he is afraid of being sold by you and ran back home!”

Wu Zhong suddenly approached to Ma Tian’en. Ma Tian’en felt guilty and shunned to the other side. However, Wu Zhong bypassed her. On the ground, where Tian Fugui stayed just now, lied a small bag. It was supposed to be left by that kid.

The scholar picked up the small bag and showed it to Ma Tian’en, “It is my lost wallet. Then what do you want to say? Could it be said that you are the accomplice?”

“Bah, I have plenty of money, so how can I steal a poor scholar’s wallet?” Ma Tian’en said angrily. Until now, she was fully aware that she misjudged Wu Zhong, so she felt guilty in the bottom of the heart.”

When Wu Zhong opened his wallet, it was empty. It seemed that the thief took the money and left it there.

“That is all the money that I have, and now it was stolen away. I insist on learning for decades in spite of hardships, only to make myself stand out in the imperial examinations. However, I have no money now. See, should you be responsible for this? But for you, I am sure to catch up with the little thief.” The sadness aroused the compassion of the audience. In the next second, he turned the tones into slashing and Ma was pushed hard.

“I would like to offer the compensation. You say, how much tael of silver is there in it?” Ma Tian’en, for the first time, met such a difficult scholar. How loquacious! It would better to have a fight. Thinking that the silver which is asked from father painstakingly was about to hand over part to him, Ma felt heart-broken. Ah, without the money, she had to say good bye to the liquor in Wangdong Tavern, the meat in Wanghai Restaurant, and the dice in Ruyi Casino!

Suddenly, Wu Zhong wore an expression of integrity, “As a scholar, how can I accept your money. Sow nothing, reap nothing. Although the escape of thief has something to do with you, you didn’t steal my money; so I can’t ask for your money. However, since you have been involved in these accidents, you should shoulder some responsibilities.

Ma Tian’en was dazzled by his words. “You scholar, I have said that I will compensate for you but you won’t accept. What do you want? Do you want me to pledge to marry you?”

Wu Zhong just answered seriously, “Sir, it is the natural law to be harmonized by Yin and Yang. But we are all men, how can we marry each other? Please behave yourself!

“Well, well. Then you tell me what to do.” Ma felt like hundreds of crows flying overhead.

“I want to rely on myself to make money. Since the trouble is caused by you, you should find a job for me!”

“What can you do?” Ma Tian’en looked at Wu Zhong up and down. “Unloading the cargoes of my wharf? Look at your weak arms and legs. I am afraid it is likely to be broken.”

“Boss, I have an idea” Tian Fugui pulled Ma Tian’en aside and whispered, “Your father is looking for a teacher for you, right? Why don’t you take the scholar back home to be your teacher? He can’t beat you anyway, and if you don’t want to learn, can he force you?

Ma Tian’en thought in a flash, “Indeed, although this scholar talked too much, at least he looked handsome, which was better than those stuffy old men which were hired by his dad. Moreover, he needed to prepare for the exam and had no time to take charge of me.” Ma Tian’en felt that this was destiny! At this moment, Ma Tian’en never thought that although he will not be forced to learn, he will be tricked.

“Well, Wu Zhong, you are a scholar, but you don’t have much energy. Why don’t you go back with me and study with me?” Ma was reluctant to call Wu Zhong a teacher, so he said he was to accompany him to study.

It was unknown whether Wu Zhong pretended to be confused or not. He continued to ask, “Are you inviting me to be your teacher? It is servant’s job to accompany you to read, not mine!”

Looking at his awe-inspiring expression, Ma Tian’en suddenly wondered whether he was shooting himself in the foot. With the more people gathered, Ma was afraid that what he had done today was to be heard by his father; otherwise, it was more difficult to go out. Thinking about these, Ma Tian’en held fists on hips toward Wu Zhong as a politeness, “Please be my teacher and teach me how to learn. Are you satisfied?”

“Please lead the way, my student,” Wu Zhong replied immediately.

Ma Tian’en felt that she jumped into the trap dug by herself voluntarily. By the way, she blocked the exit and she had no way out.

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