A gamer in Rwby with reverse morals.

What if: Matt arrived in Atlas instead of Vale

This chapter is an experiment! So if you like it please let me know and I'll do something similar again every couple of chapters. Essentially it is a non-canon story of what would have happened if Matt was dropped in Atlas instead of near Vale. While this story is not connected to the main one, all the “lore” dropped can be considered canon. I had a lot of ideas for how I wanted to write “A gamer in RWBY” originally but had to pick one, and this is one of those ideas I had that I couldn't resist writing . I have a couple other possible “What it's” like if Cinder found Matt first or Salem recruits him so if you want to see those one-shots let me know. Also if you have ideas for one of these I'm open to writing good ideas, maybe I'll even write one in a completely different anime.


Strolling through the bustling streets of Atlas, Willow Schnee paid no mind to the curious gazes directed her way, accustomed to such attention. Her distinctive, snow-white hair served as a symbol of her identity throughout the entire city. Accompanying her was her bodyguard, a retired huntress who had formerly served in the military of the floating city.


Willow was an elegant woman, though the passage of time had left subtle traces on her fair skin and ice-blue eyes, which showed signs of stress. She had her snow-white hair neatly arranged in a bun, a common style among businesswomen, with a few bangs framing her face. Her attire featured a white coat with sleeves that exposed her upper arms, adorned with a red-lined high collar and a matching red brooch.


Today, she found herself doing something out of the ordinary - taking a leisurely walk. It was a rare occurrence for her, prompted by the mounting stress of her daughter Weiss leaving for Beacon and her other daughter Winter's abandonment. Seeking an outlet for her anxiety, she contemplated momentarily about the possibility of finding companionship with another man. But she quickly dismissed the idea, ‘More men would only make my life more complicated’ She thought, sighing through her nose.


Jade, her attentive bodyguard, noticed her distress and inquired, "Is something bothering you, Ma'am?"


Willow glanced at Jade from the corner of her eye, offering a slight shake of her head. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, Jade," she replied, seeing the woman's respectful nod from the edge of her vision.


As she passed by a dim alley, something caught her attention, and she came to a halt. There, she noticed a young boy, most likely homeless, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. His mouth was cut open and bleeding, while his face was covered in dirt. Despite his unkempt appearance, it was evident that he possessed a striking attractiveness, on top of his greasy white hair were two fluffy appendages indicating that he was a cat faunus.


Initially, Willow considered moving on, dispassionate towards the boy's plight. However, when the boy opened his eyes, an inexplicable sensation stirred within her, triggering a rush of memories associated with someone dear to her heart. The boy's eyes were identical to someone she once cherished deeply.


Almost on autopilot, she approached him, and without thinking, she gently held his chin, turning his face towards her, getting a closer look at his captivating eyes. It was as if nostalgia and a pang of heartache overwhelmed her, leaving her in a daze of memories.


Jade's questioning voice reached her ears, but Willow remained oblivious, her focus entirely on the boy before her. "Boy," she addressed him, causing him to flinch slightly. "What is your name?"


"M-Matthew," the boy replied weakly, his voice sounding frail and unused.


Cupping his face with both hands she shook him lightly, her brows furrowing “Full name?”


"Matthew A-a-artend-dale." His said, his eyes shining in confusion and a bit of fear


Willow’s eyes went wide, her grip going completely slack, "He's really your son… so this is your legacy Dave?” She thought numbly, the matriarch at a loss for words, something she was very unused to.


When Willow was young, there was a man that she had fallen head over heels for. The man's name was Dave, and he was her first real friend. At the time she was being swamped with marriage proposals from various different families, each trying to push their own agendas. She had met with several of her possible husbands, and all of them had plastic smiles. None of them speaking their mind freely and every man trying to suck up to her, ‘the fucking sycophants’ she thought bitterly.


And then, Dave came along. She ran into him purely by chance on a visit to a distant relative living in Anima. The man knew who she was, and yet he didn't care, giving her a complete dressing down in public. He had been returning home with a bag of groceries when Willow bumped into him, causing them to spill everywhere. Barely paying him any mind the Schnee was about to leave when Dave grabbed her arm and started yelling at her about how rude she was.


Her relative looked ready to maim the man however to everyone's surprise, Willow began to laugh. From there the two's friendship developed and continued over the years as she came back frequently to see him, and eventually Willow fell deeply in love with him. 


Thinking about what happened next caused her thoughts to go very dark. One day she had gotten a letter from one of Dave's relatives, claiming that he had been kidnapped by a bandit tribe called the Branwens. She had searched for over a year for that fucking tribe, using every resource available to her, yet they were never able to catch the bitches. 


Eventually they managed to catch one of the higher ups and conducted an “interrogation” on the woman. What Willow found out that day ripped her heart to shreds. Apparently the second in command, a woman named Sarah, had taken Dave as her property and accidentally became pregnant from forcing herself on him. At some point he had gotten sick and was left to rot in the wilds, never being heard from again. The Branwen tribe members' screams echoed throughout the building for the entire day as Willow took out all her pent up rage on the woman, with no one daring to interfere.


After that Willow had turned into the ruthless buisnesswoman that she was known as today, her heart becoming a brick of ice. She still sent teams out every once and in a while to search for that accursed tribe, but nothing ever came from it.


Refocusing on reality she saw that the boy was shaking slightly in front of her, confusing the Schnee. Realizing the memories were causing her rage to be apparent on her face she made an effort to calm herself, her expression morphing back into a neutral one. “Boy… no, Matthew, are you homeless?” Matt shook his head weakly. Humming Willow continued the questions, “Where are you living?”


At this the boy seemed hesitant to answer, causing Willow to sigh, “You can tell me, I only wish to help you.”


Looking at her with distrust Matt shakily answered, “T-the Exotic Pole.” he mumbled.


Willow's eyes widened before she felt her arms shake with rage, ‘This! This cannot stand! I will not allow Dave's legacy to work at a strip club! That settles it…’ She thought, resolve forming in her mind. “Matthew” She said strongly, “How would you like to work for the Schnee family?” she questions.


Matt stared at her in confusion before looking away in shame, “I… am much too weak to work in the mines.”


The woman knew her reputation with the faunus was horrible, but it still hurt slightly to have him assume she would send a young boy down into the depths to mine dust for her. “I am not talking about the mines” she said with slight annoyance, “How would you like to be my personal butler?”


3 Days later:


“Thank you for letting me work here Ma’am. You have no idea how much you have helped me.” Matt said, his eyes shining gratefully as he bowed deeply to the Schnee matriarch.


Willow smiled lightly, something that would have shocked anyone that knew her, “Your welcome Matthew, as long as you keep working hard you will have a place to stay.” she said neutrally. There were no free lunches with her after all.


Smiling brightly the cat faunus stood up straight and looked at her, “Of course! I would expect no less Ma’am.” 


Willow's smile seemed to stretch a little wider at that, ‘He is surprisingly nice for a faunus. Most of the time they dislike me.’ Of course there was a reason for that she supposed, however most of it was her husband's fault. The bastard was a major racist and a heavy drinker. Willow understood that he was very unhappy being forced to marry, but he didn't have to take it out on her and the family. “Please, call me Willow in private.”


“Very well, Willow.” Matt said with a grin as he turned around, walking out of the room. As he did, Willow's eyes tracked his ass subtly. Once the doors shut the Schnee matriarch shook her head, ‘Control yourself, he's almost 30 years younger, and you're married’ That last part didn’t bother the woman all that much though.

2 weeks later:


Willow watched Matt dust off the shelves with appreciation, not able to resist his nice curves despite how wide the age gap between them was. Bending over Matt started to clean the bottom of the shelf, his hips shaking slightly as he brushed back and forth. 


The Schnee felt her underwear moisten slightly at the sight, ‘Are you doing this on purpose you fucking slut’ She thought in a brief spike of hornyness. Realizing how turned on she was getting she let out a pant before turning around and leaving, ‘Fuck I need a cold shower, why is this man making me lose control?’ she thought in annoyance.


However as she reached the door she took a peek back one last time, but when she saw his underwear flash briefly from the skimpy butler outfit she had him wearing, Willow felt something come over her that made the woman turn around.


Walking up behind him she put on her best dissatisfied face, “No no, Matt you're doing it wrong.” She said, causing him to stand and freeze, turning around nervously. ‘Fuck…’ She thought, staring into his eyes that were shining in worry, worry that he would disappoint her, ‘Oh brothers, I haven't felt excitement like this in years’ She thought, resisting the urge to smile hungrily.


Walking up right behind him she leaned down right into his ear, the height difference making it slightly difficult. “Let me show you”, she whispered lightly, standing back up and holding out her hand.


Staring at her with red tinted cheeks Matt nodded with nervous excitement, handing her the duster. Getting even closer to him she rested his back on her chest, her crotch almost digging into his ass. Putting her hand on his shoulder she leaned over slightly, “You need to do it like this, back and forth.” Willow was just making shit up at this point but decided to roll with it.


Feeling him relax back into her, Willows arousal spiked, a heavy breath coming from her mouth that made Matts ears twitch, ‘Fuck, your asking for it you brothers damn whore.’


Dropping the act completely the Schnee Matriarch slowly slid her hand down the boy's chest, groping him boldly. The immorality of it all only added to her pleasure, the fact that he was her butler, the fact that he was only sixteen, all of it making her the most excited she's been since she married the bastard. The best part of it all was that he looked like him, ‘Of course he does, he’s his son after all’ She thought, licking her lips. ‘Wait… his son… son… Dave's son…’ she thought, before a spike of panic and shame washed over her like a bucket of ice water.


Jumping back like she was burned, Willow quickly turned around and rushed out of the room. ‘What the fuck is wrong with me! Im a fucking pervert! Fuck!’ Speeding into the bathroom she washed her face with cold water, quickly wetting a rag and shoving the freezing item down her shirt.


Staring at her disheveled appearance in the mirror, only one thought went through her head, ‘This boy is going to be the death of me’


3 months later:


‘Did I hear that right?’ Willow thought in disbelief. Staring at the insolent woman across from her, the Schnee could not keep all the annoyance off her face. Deciding to give her one chance to explain herself she stared neutrally at the woman, “What did you just say?”


Gulping nervously her ex-buisness partner cleared her throat, “I said… uh, if you let me spend a night with your butler over there, I will give you a fifteen percent discount on the first trade we conduct. He’s just a butler right? I mean you must have him in that skimpy outfit for a reason right?” She said nervously. The woman in front of her was a fairly young and attractive rising star, and it seemed the power was already getting to her head.


Staring at the boy in question, Willow saw his cheeks flushed a deep red, and while his eyes were not shining in anticipation, there was lust in there as he looked at the rising star in front of the matriarch. Feeling a spike of jealousy and possessiveness shoot through her, she stared daggers at the bitch across from her, “Get out.”


Eyes widening, the woman glared right back, “What?!” she shouted, “Were partners, you can't just kick me out like this!”


Eyes like ice, Willow never broke eye contact, “I can and I am. Get out before I call my security to force you out the door, it's up to you if you want to leave in one piece or several.” She growled.


Standing up the brat huffed, “You will regret this.” she said before walking out.


Sniffing derisively the Schnee looked away, “No, I don't think I will. When I’m done with you, you won't even be able to afford a cardboard box to sleep in.” She said, hearing the woman scoff as the doors shut behind her.


Turning around, Willow marched straight up to Matt, who was looking slightly nervous. Cupping his face with both hands, Willow dragged him closer to her, their faces barely an inch apart. “You are mine Matt! Do you understand?!” She said loudly, before calming down slightly, her face softening. Gently sticking her thumb in his mouth, she stared at him in a daze, “You’re all mine.”, she mumbled.


3½ months in, Matt Pov:


Absently cleaning a mirror with an alcohol wipe, Matt lost himself in his thoughts. When he first landed in this city he was honestly overjoyed, looking at this as a second chance at life. Then reality hit him like a brick when he learned the true nature of this world and how dangerous it actually was for him. Almost getting assaulted, Matt had to take refuge in a strip club, where the other boys helped him collect himself. 


After a while of going hungry, he eventually resigned himself to getting a job at the strip club where he learned to pole dance, something he still felt ashamed of. At first he enjoyed the job, after all what man didn’t love women throwing money at him and grinding against him all day. But after a while he realized that most of the women that went there were ugly, out of shape, and had bad hygiene, which made the whole thing disgusting after a couple days. 


After a little over a month there, one day one of his clients got particularly rowdy and got physical. Matt was not able to put up a good fight thanks to his pathetic strength and constitution, resulting in him taking a beating and getting thrown out into the alley. He was honestly considering attempting suicide again when the last person he expected walked up to him. 


After becoming Willow's personal butler, life improved greatly. One: he got to spend all day in a mansion, even being allowed to use most of its amenities when he was off shift. Two: He got to hang out with a smoking hot milf all day that liked to buy him presents, and three: said milf was definitely interested in him.


While she did get all crazy that one time a business partner overstepped her boundaries, for the most part Willow was great company. She was intelligent, witty, and very knowledgeable about the business world. 


Refocusing back on the mirror, Matt stared at his reflection. After that whole business partner incident, Willow scrapped the skimpy butler outfit and gave him a much more modest one. Matt was honestly a little disappointed, he enjoyed how easy he could get her riled up with just a swing of his hips with the last suit.

Sighing, Matt smiled a bit, ‘Yeah… I could get used to this life’


Next chapter will be right back to the main story

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