A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 10: S*x Slave

The light of a flickering fire lit the night, three people surrounding it. A bit further back, laid a thin, but curvaceous girl, covered in a blanket. As she breathed, her chest heaved heavily, her breath hoarse.

Occasionally, she’d utter a pained cough, and sometimes, drops of blood would accompany it.

Kemah was in a bad state. There was only so much that Min could do for her. In the end, she’d lost a lot of blood, and her lung had been punctured. They would be arriving in the city tomorrow, but the three were worried that Kemah might not last that long.

Her skin had turned frighteningly pale, and her moments of consciousness were growing ever rarer.

Originally, Min had been looking forwards to having a foursome with Kemah, Kor, and Haemir, but now, no one was interested in sex. Not even Min.

The worry she felt for Kemah, even drowned Min’s desire to get fucked by Haemir and Kor.

When the night grew older, and the time for sleep came, Min huddled her naked body against Kemah, giving her whatever warmth she could give.

Vampires were cold blooded, due to be being undead beings, but luckily, Dhampires were still amongst the living, so Min had a warm body.

The next day, after several hours of travel, the walls of Rymalona finally loomed over the steep hills. It had been a several days long journey, and without Min’s blood and magic, Kemah would be long dead.

But now, she still breathed.

“Don’t worry Kemah, you’ll make it,” Min said, while brushing her fingers through Kemah’s hair, as the sleeping girl was carried in Kor’s arms.

“You can’t quit on us here,” Kor said, his eyes centered on the city in front of them. An hour passed, before they finally arrived at the gates. They were briefly stopped by the guards, who questioned them on the wounded girl.

Kor told them that they had fought a band of bandits, and Kemah had been grievously wounded in the fight. It was actually the truth, as there had technically been nothing illegal about what they were doing. Bandits were condemned by the throne, and taking their lives was perfectly legal.

But Kor still refrained from revealing the fact that they were assassins.

Seeing adventures coming and going like this was a common sight, so the guards quickly allowed the group to enter the city, so they could seek healing for their friend.

“Guys, follow me. I’ll take us straight to Lord Aldon. I’m sure he’ll heal Kemah, if I ask him,” Min said, leading her friends towards the noble’s quarters.

“Lord Aldon? Is he a higher up of the organization?” Haemir asked. As mere apprentices, they had little knowledge of the organization. They had only met a few members, who had helped train them.

“Yes, he is. He is one of the best healers we have. With his help, Kemah will be sure to survive,” Min said.

“Are you sure he’ll really help us? Kemah is only an apprentice, so she isn’t worth that much to the organization. Usually, we’d only be healed by some of the lower level healers,” Kor said, doubting that this Lord Aldon would even help them.

“I’m sure he won’t be able to say no to me,” Min said, giving the guys a wink. They were quick to understand what she meant.

A while later, they arrived outside the mansion. The guards recognized Min, but they still tried to stop her from bursting into the mansion. But Min didn’t give them the time of day, and made her way straight inside.

She immediately set her course to where she knew Aldon spent most of his time. During the time she spent healing her hips, she had stayed over here several times, so she was pretty familiar with the mansion, and Aldon’s behaviorism.

Min opened the door to Aldon’s study, and lo and behold, there he was.

“Min? What are you doing here? I heard you went on a mission somewhere,” Aldon said, as she spotted the group of intruders.

“Lord Aldon, we need your help? Kemah has been heavily injured, and if you don’t heal her, she’ll die!” Min begged.

“Kemah? Why should I help a little apprentice. We have people for that,” Aldon said.

“If you help her, I’ll be your fuck toy, your sex slave for a week! No, a month! I’ll let you do whatever devious things you want to me!” Min said, as she went on her knees.

“Well, if you put it like that, I’ll help. Bring the girl to the healing room,” Aldon said. Min feverishly nodded, as she pushed Kor forwards. Min had spent a significant amount of time in the healing room, so she naturally knew the way.

Moments later, Aldon stood over a naked Kemah, his palms showering her wounds in a golden light. Min and the other two waited outside, while Aldon worked.

After a few minutes, Aldon turned, and left the room. He stood facing Min, Kor, and Haemir. He had worked up a light sweat, but it was nowhere as intense, as when he’d healed Min.

“She’ll be fine. Her external wounds will finish healing before the magic fades away. However, her internal wounds will take a bit longer. She’ll need to come back soon. Also, she’ll be left with several scars. If she gotten my healing immediately after she got wounded there wouldn’t be a single mark left on her body, but since it’s been several days, there’s nothing I can do,” Aldon explained.

In truth, he could remove the scars, but he didn’t feel any need to put in the effort. As long as the girl survived, he’d done his part.

“Thank you, Lord Aldon. We’ll never forget this, and I’ll make sure Kemah knows she owes you her life,” Min said, as she gave Aldon a deep bow.

“It’s no trouble. You deed a fine job convincing me. You can let your friends take the girl home, now,” Aldon responded, a calm smile on his face.

“Yes, Lord. Also, I know I promised to be your sex slave for a month, but if possible, I’d like to go home first. I need to let my family know where I’ll be. I also need to report back to my Master,” Min said, while Kor and Haemir went back into the healing room, eager to take Kemah home.

Since they were all partners, they also lived in the same place. They lived, ate, and trained together. That was how apprentices typically lived.

Min was only different because of her particular status, as well as because she was Altraz’s personal disciple.

“Of course. You can just come back in a week or so. I do also have a few things to attend. And if Altraz doesn’t like our little arrangement, you can smooth him over by telling him I’ll be giving you some much needed training,” Aldon said, causing Min’s smile to turn into a bit of a frown.

“Hey, I’ve been doing nothing but train, day in and day out, these last few months!” Min complained. Who is he to say she needs even more training?

“Yet you still know only the most basic of Light spells. Your Darkness magic is barely alright, but your Light magic has fallen behind,” Aldon said, a scholarly air around him.

“If you say so, Lord Aldon. But I’m going to go home now. I’ll see you again in a week, then,” Min said, before giving another bow, and turning to the hallway leading to the exit.

“See you then,” Aldon replied, as he, too, walked away.

As Min walked through the streets, heading for her home, she garnered many views. It wasn’t often people saw adventurers walking around, and it was even rarer to see someone dressed like Min.

It would be more appropriate to call her suit of leather armor a bikini, or underwear. But Min would be damned if she wasn’t going to show it off. She’d spent a lot of money on her armor.

The armor itself had been expensive, but she’d also bought a few mana crystals, in case her enchanted armor ran out of charge.

Since mana couldn’t lasts indefinitely out of a body, or natural mana sources, even enchanted gear would eventually run dry, even if you didn’t use it.

However, a majority of the art of enchantment was learning ways to make mana last longer. But no one could make it permanent.

This was where mana crystals came into the picture. They were a natural mana source, so they wouldn’t leak at all. But Min had no idea how they were formed.

The piercing on her navel was actually an enchanted mana crystal, which was why it lasted so long. It was also a low powered enchantment, so it drew very little mana out of the crystal. All it did was make it easier for a certain person to locate her, and also make it impossible for her to take it off.

For someone like Min’s old master, creating such a trinket was easy.

Min soon arrived at her home. As soon as she stepped through the door, she saw Dralu and Ellie. Dralu was calmly practicing his sword movements, while Ellie was watching him.

Since Ellie would probably be giving birth in a month or so, she’d opted to take some time off work. With her big belly, it was too hard to work anyway.

The moment Ellie saw Min, a wide smile grew on her face. She burst up and took her scantily glad mother into a hug.

“Mom, welcome home! Make me dinner!” Ellie said. Even though she was an apprentice cook, Ellie never made food at home. And even though she made food for a famous restaurant, Ellie still preferred Min’s food.

But in reality, Ellie was definitely the better cook. It was just nostalgia, and the fact that Min always made her food with love, for the people she loved.

“I will, I will. Just let me go change, first. I also need to wash,” Min said. She’d been wearing the same thing for days now, and she really needed a bath.

“Before you go, how did the hunting trip go?” Dralu asked. For all Ellie and Dralu knew, Min had gone hunting for beasts with the students of some of Altraz’s friends. Dralu still didn’t know about the organization.

“It went well at first, but we met some trouble on our way back. Kemah, a cat-girl, was heavily injured. But she’ll be alright. But other than that, it went well enough. I even leveled up, once. How about you, honey? Have you been training hard while I was gone?” Min asked. She put great importance on Dralu’s training, since there was nothing she wanted more, than for him to join her in the organization.

“Of course, always! Master Altraz even visited, and gave me a few pointers. All in all, I’ve improved as much as I possibly could, in this short span of time,” Dralu said.

Since Altraz didn’t want Dralu to call him Lord, Dralu had taken to call him Master. It was the most appropriate thing he could think of. After all, Altraz was a master of his trade, and he was also his girlfriend’s master. Additionally, he had taught Dralu on several occasions.

“That’s good. In the future, maybe he’ll let you join on a hunting trip. But it’s still inappropriate, since it’s meant to train us, and you’re still stronger than we are,” Min said.

“I’m sure you’ll catch up to me soon,” Dralu replied.

“Maybe. But I’m going to take a bath now. After we’ve had dinner, I’ll be expecting you to put a baby in me,” Min said, as she walked for the bathroom. 

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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