A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 15: Announcing the Pregnancy

Min and Kemah walked through the busy streets of the city, hand in hand. The morning sun shone brightly on them, bothering Min quite a bit. She couldn’t help but grimace and squint her eyes, as the sun was extra bright to her, these days.

But she tried her best not to let the light bother her, as she happily led Kemah through the walkways. Today was too happy of a day to let anything bother her. Not only was she going to tell everyone she was pregnant, but Kemah had also left her room for the first time in a month.

Min was also pretty excited to introduce Kemah to everyone. Ever since the arrived in Rymalona, Min had been a bit lonely. At least before she started spending most of her time training.

Min didn’t have any friends outside her family and Master, before she met Kemah and the others. So Min was excited to show Ellie and Dralu that she had finally found a friend.

Min was the only one who had this problem. Dralu had only been here for a bit more than a month, but he already knew some people in the city.

Ellie had made several friends from work, and it was the same for Kinder. Kinder even had that second girlfriend of his. Only Min had spent  most of her time at home.

But now, her work had similarly granted her with a small group of friends that she cherished. They might not be super close to each other yet, but Min was sure that they would grow to be the bestest of friends, after some time.

Soon, the building where Min lived peered over the corner. Min pointed towards it, before speaking,

“That’s where I live,” she said, making Kemah divert her eyes to where Min was pointing.

“It’s nice. Pretty big, too,” Kemah remarked, as she examined the building. As someone who’d been trained to be an assassin for a few years now, she couldn’t help but examine the building with the eyes of an assassin.

Within seconds of looking at the house, she’d spotted several ways to escape the building, and even a few methods of sneaking inside.

“We live in an apartment inside, but it’s still pretty big. Way bigger than our old apartment, that’s for sure. We only moved here a short while ago,” Min said, as she pulled Kemah closer to her home.

Soon they had opened the door, and stepped inside. Min took her up a few stairs, and then through another door. Finally, they were inside Min’s apartment.

The first room of the apartment was just a small entryway. Through the next door, you’d arrive in the living room. Inside, Min immediately spotted Ellie, wasting her time away.

Her belly was huge, and she was expected to be giving birth soon. But as soon as she saw Min enter the room, her bored expression changed into one of excitement. It had been a month since she last saw her.

“Mom! You’re finally home!” Ellie said, getting a rare moment of energy, as she rushed up to her mother, and took her into a hug.

“I was worried you’d miss the birth of my baby!” Ellie said, as she nuzzled her cheek in Min’s cleavage.

“You knew I was coming home today, so there was no need to worry. I’ll definitely be there for the birth of my own grandchild. Although, saying that still feels weird. I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma. I’m still a teenager,” Min said, as she hugged Ellie back.

“Yeah, I knew you’d be back today, but who knows when I might end up giving birth? It’ll be any day, now,” Ellie said, finally looking up from Min’s cleavage, straight into her eyes.

“There’s no need to worry. By the way, I have some great news! I just found out I’m pregnant! Within the year, another baby will be joining our family! I can’t wait to tell Dralu. Where is he, by the way?” Min said, looking around the room for any sign of her boyfriend.

“He went out for a bit. Since you’ve been gone, dad’s taken care of the grocery shopping. He and Kinder teamed up to prepare food. I said I could do it, but they were adamant that a pregnant girl should rest as much as possible. Not that I mind too much. Though, I will say that their food definitely made me miss you that much more,” Ellie began, struggling to keep her excitement down. But then, she finally broke.

“But mommy, I can’t believe you’re pregnant! We’re actually pregnant at the same time! It’s a shame that you were so slow, though. But at least I’ll be able to take care of you, now. After all, I’ll be taking shorter hours at work for a few years, as I raise my baby,” Ellie said, as she went down on her knees, getting face level with Min’s belly. Min chuckled, as she held Ellie’s cheeks in her palms.

“If you really want to, you can still take longer hours, you know. I’ll help take care of your baby. I’ll be at home most of the time, anyways. I can definitely keep on eye on our kids, while training or studying. And even when I can’t produce any milk, I can just take your baby on a trip to the restaurant so her own mommy can feed her. Or him,” Min said, before helping Ellie back up.

“I still want to spend some more time with my child, though, so I’ll be taking those shorter hours,” Ellie responded.

“It’s all up to you. But since your dad is out shopping, let’s just sit down for a while. I still haven’t introduced you to my friend,” Min said, as she showed both Ellie and Kemah further into the living room, to the couch.

“Who is this, anyway?” Ellie asked, her gaze hovering over the several scars that covered Kemah’s body. Kemah noticed, but only gave a meek smile in return. She knew the scars were eye catching, so she couldn’t blame anyone for looking. Especially when she dressed like she did. Barely any of her skin was covered, just like Min.

“This is Kemah. She’s my friend. She went with me on that hunting trip, a month ago, but she ended up heavily injured. That’s why I stayed with Lord Aldon for a month. He agreed to heal Kemah in exchange for me being his sex slave for a month. But it was fun. It did get a bit painful, though,” Min explained. However, her last few words caused even Ellie to widen her eyes.

“For you to say that, he must have been truly brutal to you. I know how much you love being abused,” Ellie said. Hearing this, Kemah got visibly surprised. It seemed like Min had gone through quite the ordeal for her sake.

“Yeah, if I didn’t have my healing abilities, I could have ended up dead. Just about every bone in my body was broken, and my back was ripped to shreds. But it was an interesting experience, and it certainly increased my ability to focus and tolerate pain. We used it as a bit of a training exercise,” Min explained. Finally, Kemah spoke for the first time after entering the apartment, her voice quivering.

“D-did you really go through all that, just for me?” She asked, almost scared at the answer. To think someone would do something so intense, just for her.

“Yeah, I did. You’re my friend, and I don’t have many of those. There’s no way I could let you die, when I had the means to save you. If the need arises, I’ll even do it again. And besides, it was very beneficial to me. I’ve almost reached level fifty in Light magic. I can use some more advanced healing magic now, which means I’ll have an easier time treating my hips,” Min said.

The three chatted for quite a while. Even though Ellie was oblivious about the true nature of Min and Kemah’s jobs, they got along with each other quite well. They were all similar ages, although Kemah was a few years older, and they had similar personalities.

Eventually, Dralu came back, carrying several bags in his hands. As he saw Min, a smile crept on his lips, happy to see his love again.

“Welcome home, babe,” Dralu said, as she gave Min, who had rushed up to him, a hug. He wasn’t a shy man, and fondled Min’s butt tightly, even though Ellie and Kemah could see.

The action even caused Min’s loincloth to fall to the side, revealing both Min’s naked ass, as well as her pussy. Both Ellie and Kemah eyed Min’s entrance hungrily. Kemah actually found Min very attractive, and even though she had a hard time admitting it, she was looking forward to having sex with her and the others.

Ellie, on the other hand, was much more familiar with Min’s body. Ever since the mother and daughter had sex for the first time together, the two had done it on several occasions. It wasn’t rare for them to share Kinder, either. Kinder, Ellie, and Min were very sexually open with each other by now.

Due to Min’s influences, and probably the goblin blood in her body, Ellie really wanted to have sex with Dralu, but he remained a hard egg to crack. But Min and Ellie were slowly working on them. However, as it looked now, it remained unlikely that he’d ever join in their sexual endeavors.

For normal people, having sex with their daughters was an unthinkable thing. The only reason Kinder was so similar to Min and Ellie in his sexuality, was because Min had practically raised him.

She’d been his teacher since he was a little kid, and she’d definitely had an effect on him.

However, even though though he wasn’t as deviant as the rest of his family, he wasn’t a saint either, as was evident by the way he was handling Min’s ass in front of the others.

“Hey, honey, guess what? I’m pregnant! You’re going to be a dad again!” Min exclaimed, as she jumped Dralu, putting her arms around his neck, while bending her knees.

“You’re pregnant? You’re sure?” Dralu asked, as he forced her down on the floor again.

“Super sure! Lord Aldon even used a spell to confirm! And he taught me that spell too. There’s definitely a baby growing inside me. Soon enough, my belly will be just as big as my cute little Eliana’s,” Min said, using Ellie’s real name on a rare occasion.

“This, this is great! Oh, I hope it’s a boy, this time. I’d love to teach my own son swordsmanship,” Dralu said, as his hands rested on Min’s curvy hips.

“Hey, you can teach me to use the sword, daddy,” Ellie said, suddenly an excited smile on her mouth.

“Haha, sure! After you’ve given birth, I’ll teach you to fight with a sword. And when my grandchild is older, I’ll teach him or her to use the sword too! Haha, maybe my child and grandchild will learn besides each other,” Dralu said, already fantasizing about the future.

As long as one of the two children were to be born as a boy, he’d be beyond happy.

“I’m looking forwards to seeing that. And maybe, if any of my children or grandchildren have aptitude for magic, I’ll teach them. Although, I still don’t feel completely qualified to do that. But I could definitely teach Ellie some basic magic. And when our kids are old enough, I’m sure I’ll be more skilled than anyone!” Min said, feeling confident about her future as a mage.

And she had no reason not to. She was destined to be great, after all.

But even with the future that was laid before her, there was nothing she was looking forwards to more, than the birth of her child and grandchild.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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