A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 2: Back Home

A half-naked Min stood opposite Altraz, waiting for him to instruct her. It was finally time for her to learn to fight. To kill. She’d been excited for this day for so long now, and there truly was no better day for her to start. She was much more powerful. She was a Dhampir now. Her Strength and Agility had nearly doubled. In fact, her Strength was more than twice as high, now.

Her new abilities allowed her to become a deadly weapon. For short durations, she could boost her Strength and Agility several times over, letting her kill people numerous levels above her. Even if she was left unarmed, her nails could grow into sharp claws, capable of tearing out a man’s throat. And even then, her most potent attribute was her magic. Although, she didn’t know a single combat spell yet.

“Before we start, go ahead and give me back that piercing,” Altraz said, talking about the protective relic he’d lent to Min before she went off to help assassinate Lord Caladri.

“Yes, Master. Should I also get dressed?” Min asked. If Altraz wanted to look at her beautiful body, she wouldn’t be the one to stop him. There were few people Min wanted to have sex with more, than her Master. He just wouldn’t do it.

“It’s fine like this. Your clothes might end up ruined anyway, so it’s easier for you to just be topless. Next time, you might want to prepare some more combat friendly clothes. Maybe some tight shorts, and a top,” Altraz said, while Min fiddled with her tongue, trying to get the piercing loose. After a short moment, she succeeded.

“I think I’m going to get another piercing, later. It would be a shame to let the hole go to waste, after the pain, I went through to get it. Besides, after all this time with my navel piercing, I’ve grown a bit fond of it. Maybe I’ll also pierce my lips, sometime. Oh, and my nipples! That sounds fun,” Min said, as she handed over the foggy gem that had just been taken out of her tongue.

“Piercing suit you. I think you’d look good, at least. But here, I have another gift for you,” Altraz said, as he waved his hand, causing a sharp dagger to appear out of thin air. The dagger was of beautiful design. It had a small, curved cross guard, with intricate engravings wrought throughout it. The hilt looked to wrapped in black, braided leather, and the pommel was engraved in a similar pattern as the cross guard. The blade was twin edged and had a silvery color.

Altraz handed the dagger to Min, who stared it with wide eyes, her mouth agape.

“Is this for me?” She asked as she trailed her finger over the edge. The dagger was sharp enough to draw blood from her pale finger, but it didn’t take long for the wound to close on its own. Her recovery ability really was something.

“Yes. I know you have past skills in small weapons, so I’ll be improving on those skills. This knife will be your weapon, from today onward. Now, are you ready?” Altraz said.

“Yes. Oh wait, I should probably take this out,” Min said, as she moved her hand to her behind. She grabbed the butt of the black object that had been inserted in her ass for a while now and pulled. But to her dismay, it barely budged.

“What are you doing?” Altraz asked, puzzled by the peculiar motion.

“Um, Master, it seems we have a bit of an emergency. You see, I think my evolution has tightened my butt hole, and now I can get the butt-plug out. It’s a dilemma,” Min said, her cheeks tinged in red.

“Oh. Then, should I help?” Altraz said, not sure how to respond to the situation. He hadn’t experienced anything like this before. An apprentice who got a butt-plug stuck in her behind wasn’t a common occurrence, for anyone.

“Yes, please. Maybe you can pull it out for me?” Min said. Altraz cleared his throat before replying.

“Very well. Turn around,” Altraz ordered, as he braced himself for what was to come. As Min’s master, he had a responsibility. The responsibility to pull things out of her butt, when no one else was available.

“Yes, Master!” Min replied, strangely energetic. She quickly turned around and bent down, pointing her naked butt towards Altraz. Altraz cleared his throat, again, before taking a step closer to Min. Then, he took a firm grip against the plug and pulled.

“Nnnnnng!” Min moaned as the egg-shaped plug popped out of her behind. What Altraz now saw, was a sizable hole in Min’s butt. It was big enough so that he could put several fingers inside her, without touching Min. He was even tempted to try, but in the end, he detained himself. However, soon after the plug was out, Min’s butt hole started tightening again.

“Holy shit, I suddenly feel so empty down there. That was certainly an experience, but I think I’ll probably use a smaller one next time, so I don’t end up like this again,” Min said, as she turned around again, her breasts swaying in the sudden motion.

“Yes, I think that may be a good idea. Now, enough diversions. It’s time for us to start your training. Show me what you got,” Altraz said.

“Yes!” Min answered as she went into a stance, holding her new knife in front of her face. With all the strength and speed she could muster, without using her special abilities, Min lashed at Altraz, slashing the dagger at him faster than she’d ever swung a weapon before.

She wasn’t scared that she might end up hurting Altraz since, in her eyes, there was no way she’d ever be able to do anything to her Master. And she was right to think like that, since, right now, Altraz was just far too powerful. Even if Min were ten times stronger, she still wouldn’t be Altraz’s match.

This was evident, as Altraz easily stepped back, avoiding the reach of the silver dagger. Min wasn’t about to give up after one attack, though. She took a step forward, and slashed at Altraz, once more. But just like before, the dagger was a good distance away from connecting to its target.

Min continued slashing like a maniac until Altraz finally deemed he’d seen enough. Moving faster than Min could see, he grabbed her forearm, stopping her mid-attack.

“That’s enough,” Altraz said, as he let go of Min’s arm. Min took a step back, accepting her defeat. She had only been supposed to show Altraz what she was capable of, anyway.

“You have speed, and it’s clear you’ve used a dagger before. However, there is no technique in your fighting. You’re just slashing about, randomly. But that was what I expected. I will teach you technique, how to read your opponents, and where to strike, amongst other things. But today, I will only teach you the basic moves, which you can then practice on your own. We don’t have much time since I have to be somewhere in about an hour,” Altraz said.

Then, he proceeded to teach Min. First, he adjusted her stance, showing her to stand. Next, he taught her how to move. Finally, he showed her how to attack in all the cardinal directions. It was all very basic, but it did create a foundation that he could later build upon. In the end, it wasn’t enough to level up her Short Blades skill, since she was already level twenty-five.

“That’ll do it for today. But before I go, let me give you your pay,” Altraz said, as he reached into his robe, and took out a single gold coin.

“Pay?” Min asked. She’d thought that the knife was her pay, and she would have been perfectly happy with that.

“Of course. The knife wasn’t your payment. It was a gift from me, as your teacher. For a job well done, you’ll get this coin. Additionally, since you’re now officially an apprentice in our organization, you will be given a monthly stipend of ten silvers. That should ease your living situation quite a bit,” Altraz said.

“Really? That’s awesome! Now my Ellie and Kinder won’t have to work so hard. Thank you very much, Master! I love you!” Min said as she hugged Altraz.

“No need to thank me. You’ve done more than earn it,” Altraz said, as she patted the silver-haired Min on the head.

“Then, Master, can I ask you one more favor?” Min asked as she looked up into Altraz’s eyes.

“Sure. If it isn’t too much,” Altraz said.

“Well, I’d like to get some sort of birth control, but it’s really costly. If only I could get a way to procure the ingredients, I would be able to create the potion. I don’t get why they’re so expensive. Even I can create them, and I’m a self-taught alchemist. Meaning I’m not really that good at it,” Min said.

“It’s basically because of politics. The empire doesn’t want birth control to be easily accessible since it would decrease the birth rate, so it’s become a very controlled market. Only a few people are allowed to sell it, and the prices are exorbitant. But there are no rules against creating it for self-use, as long as you don’t give it to others. So you can make some for yourself, but if you even give your daughter some, you could face some serious trouble, if you get caught. I will help you find someone you can buy the ingredients from, for a low price, as long as you promise not to give the potion to anyone else,” Altraz said.

“All right, I promise. But can I at least teach Ellie how to make it?” Min said.

“If you’re able. Alchemy isn’t an easy thing to teach when you’re not skilled at it yourself. I assume you were only able to learn it, due to your high level in Herblore,” Altraz said.

“Yeah, that’s right. And even then, it took me months to create my first successful potion,” Min said.

“As I thought. But I really have to go now. I will be back tomorrow,” Altraz said, before bidding his farewells and leaving. Then, Min was left alone in her apartment. It was still a while until Ellie and Kinder would be off work, so Min to head out for a bit.

First, she needed to clean herself up, though. Her back was still covered in blood, after all. A bath and change of clothes later, Min stood outside her apartment again. Min had a goal in mind. She was heading to a shop that specialized in piercings. After entering the shop, Min was met with several displays, showcasing all sorts of piercings.

Some looked expensive and were mostly made out of gems or gold, while others were much cheaper, and were composed of metals. Soon after entering, Min was met with a young man. He had large, sleeve tattoos up his arm, as well as several piercing on his face. The man’s eyes hovered on Min’s pierced navel for a moment, recognizing her as a more, experienced, customer.

“What can I do for you, miss?” The man asked.

“I need a new piercing for my tongue since I lost my old one. And I’d also like to get my nipples pierced, as well as buy a matching set of piercings for them,” Min said, not shy in the slightest.

“I see. I can help you with the tongue piercing. However, it’s only me here right now. Our female employee won’t be coming back until tomorrow morning,” the man said.

“That’s okay, you can do it if you don’t mind. I’m not shy,” Min said, smiling kindly towards the worker.

“Really? Then why don’t get that out of the way immediately?” The man said as he showed Min inside the store. Perhaps he was eager to get it over with before Min changed her mind.

“Sure. Lead the way,” Min said, allowing the man to lead her to a seat, further in the store.

“Take off your top, please,” the man asked, politely. Min smiled at him and did as requested. She untied her bra from behind, and let it fall into her lap, revealing her pale breasts to the employee.

“Great. Now, prepare yourself. This will hurt quite a bit,” the man said, as he held a long needle in his hand.

“Don’t worry. I have a high tolerance for pain,” Min said with a wink of her eye.

“All right then,” the man responded. Finally, he placed the tip off the needle to Min’s nipple, as he held her breast in his hand. Then he pushed, drawing blood as he pierced into her.

“Nnng!” Min squealed, as the needle pierced through the nipple, before finally coming out the other side. The employee quickly moved to the next nipple and stabbed it in a flash. However, before he pulled out the needle, Min stopped him.

“You’re going to need to put a needle in the other nipple. I heal very fast, and I can already feel it closing,” Min said.

“Oh, I see,” the man said, as he quickly grabbed another needle. Then, he pierced the first nipple, one more time. It had already partially closed, so Min had to suffer through a bit more pain. But it was a pain that she liked since it was her nipples.

“Alright, we’re good. Normally, I’d tell you to keep it clean, but since you apparently heal this quick, I think you’ll be fine. Now, shall we move on to the piercings?” The man said.

“Yes, please. I think I’ll go for ordinary barbell piercing for my nipples, for now. And I guess the same for the tongue,” Min said, as she stood up from the chair.

“Oh, and do you mind if I stay topless for a while longer? I’d like to avoid getting blood on my bra,” she continued.

“That’s fine by me. It’s quite the sight,” the man replied. There was a bit of lust in his eyes, and there was a slight bulge in his pants.

“Well, I’m always up for some nice sex, if you want,” Min said, as she accompanied the employee towards the piercings’ display.

“Really? But I’m on the clock right now. A customer might walk in. But if the offer still stands, I don’t mind paying you a visit later,” the man said.

“Sure. I’ll write down my address before I go,” Min replied.

“Alright, then. Back to the piercings. How about these?” The man said as she showed Min three matching, steel barbells.

“Those will do just fine,” Min said while examining one of them closer.

“Great. Due to your, let’s say friendliness, I’ll give you a small discount,” the man said, as he showed Min to the counter.

“Thank you very much,” Min said. She then proceeded to pay for the piercings and provided services, before writing her home address down on a piece of paper.

“I will see you in about two hours then,” the man said.

“I’ll be waiting,” Min said. Finally, she left the store and returned home. Of course, she put her bra back on, too.

Hours passed. Eventually, Ellie returned from work, a bit earlier than Kinder. As she opened the door to the apartment, she met with a male stranger. It was the tattooed man who’d pierced Min earlier in the day. The two didn’t speak a word to each other. The man simply passed by Ellie, after sharing a brief glance at each other, before closing the door behind him.

“Mom, are you home? Who was that?” Ellie asked, but she was pretty sure that the man was just some feller that her mother picked from the street. She was more interested in knowing if Min had returned home yet since she’d been gone for a while.

“Ellie!” Min exclaimed as she heard her daughter’s voice.

“Don’t worry about him. We were just having sex,” she continued, as she burst out of her room, still naked. She arrived before Ellie in a flash and took her into a tight hug.

“M-mom? What happened? You look different. Your skin’s changed, and,” Ellie said, as she pushed herself away from Min, to get a better look at her. Her eyes centered on the newly pierced nipples. Min chuckled, before speaking,

“I’m taller than you now. Now people won’t ever mistake me for being your younger sister, at least,” Min said, as she took Ellie back into a hug. During their lives, it had been a recurring theme that people thought they were sisters. And sometimes, they thought Ellie was the older one.

“Mom, why do you look like this? Even your voice is a bit different. What happened?” Ellie continued asking.

“I evolved. I’m not a Hobgoblin anymore. I’m a Dhampir now. A Moon Blessed Dhampir, to be exact,” Min finally revealed, garnering a surprised look from Ellie. She had never considered that Min might evolve one day.

“Are you serious? What even is that? And how did it happen?” Ellie asked, amazement shining in her eyes. Min chuckled at her eagerness, before taking Ellie by the hand, leading towards a chair.

“A Dhampir is a halfbreed Vampire. I have many of a Vampire’s powers, but none of the weaknesses. I don’t need to drink blood, but I won’t live forever. I will live for a long time, though. However, I noticed that the sun has been bothering me a bit more, so I guess I’ve grown more sensitive to it,” Min explained.

“A half Vampire, huh? I guess you’ll have to watch me grow old, then,” Ellie said, her gaze growing more distant. In reply, Min took her back into a hug, stroking her back lovingly like only a mother could.

“Oh, don’t worry about that sweetie. That’s still far away. We’re both still so young,” Min said, as Ellie rested her head on Min’s bare chest.

“I guess so. I just don’t want you to be sad, mommy. But this is nice, though. You’re still short, but I’m shorter so I can rest my head in your boobs like this, now,” Ellie said, enjoying the smooth skin of her mother’s breasts. Having Ellie resting on her like this, reminded Min of when she was a baby. Back when she still needed to drink her milk. It almost made Min want to have another child.

“How would you feel about having another baby sister or brother,” Min suddenly asked, causing Ellie to raise her head.

“Huh? Mom, are you pregnant?” Ellie asked, seeing no other possible reason for the strange question. In the fourteen or so years since she was born, she’d never been asked this before. Ellie’s question made Min laugh once more.

“No, not yet. But I might want to have a baby soon. When your dad returns,” Min said, as she continued stroking the skin on Ellie’s back.

“That’d be nice. I’ll probably also get pregnant soon so our babies would grow up together. I bet they would be more like siblings, than your new baby and me. Even though you’re my mom, I don’t think I’ll ever have anyone who’s more like a sister to me than you, even if you have another hundred kids. You’re like my sister-mom. I’m already grown up, after all. From you, I get both the closeness of a sister my age, as well as the warmth of a loving mother. I couldn’t be luckier,” Ellie said, a big smile growing on her lips.

“I know. You’re my best friend and my daughter. But there aren’t many people who’d be able to have our kind of relationship. Since I was a goblin, I was able to grow sexually mature within a year, and I also became a Dark Hobgoblin within a year. I wasn’t even one year old when I got pregnant with you, and since I was a Dark Hobgoblin, I aged much slower than normal Hobgoblins. So, by now, you’ve already grown to an age, where your mental maturity is about the same as mine. Really, only someone like me could have anything like this,” Min said.

“Yeah, we’re really lucky. By the way, when did you get your nipple and tongue pierced? I know you always had that navel piercing, but it’s been so long, I never thought you’d get more piercing,” Ellie said, as she lightly touched one of the nipple piercings.

“I got my tongue pierced a few days ago, and my nipples were pierced today. That guy from before was the one who did the job. If you want to get any piercings too, I’ll gladly come with you. We have a bit of money to spend now. Speaking of which, you can get a shorter shift now, if you want. My Master is paying me ten silvers every month, and sometimes I’ll do some jobs for him that will pay extra. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last week or so. This job was a bit of a test, which allowed me to pass to the apprentice rank,” Min said.

“Really? Your Master is so nice! Then maybe I will let you treat me. You’re my mom after all. You’re supposed to spoil me. And I’ll definitely switch for an eight-hour shift since twelve hours is exhausting. Even if it takes a bit longer to finish my apprenticeship, I welcome the extra free time. And it means my boss has fewer chances to molest me,” Ellie said.

“Speaking of your boss, how are you feeling about him. Since we have more money now, you could quit and find another place to work. You don’t have to force yourself anymore,” Min said, but Ellie only smiled in return.

“It’s okay. I’ve gotten used to it. Right now, I only really hope that Kinder is able to impregnate me before him. And I have yet to tell him about all this. I think I need you to be with me when I do. I don’t think he’ll get angry, but if he does, you can kick his ass! Now that your legs are healthy again, you should be way strong, right? Especially after evolving. How strong are you now, mommy?” Ellie asked, quite excited by her mom’s power.

“Oh, dear Eliana, don’t you know your super cute mommy is also super strong now? I could lift you above my head if I wanted!” Min bragged, her tone haughty

“Really?” Ellie exclaimed, shocked by Min’s great power.

“Yeah! And check this out,” Min continued, as she held out a finger. Suddenly, her nail started growing out, forming into a sharp claw.

“Wow,” Ellie said, awed by the display,

“And this,” Min continued, as she used her claw to cut a straight line along her arm, garnering yet another shocked expression from Ellie. However, before she knew, they wound started closing, until it had disappeared. For a shallow cut like that, it would only take a few seconds to heal. But if it were deeper, it’d take longer. A wound that cut into the bone could take a few days to fully recover. At least according to Altraz’s approximations.

“Yeah. When I got home, I had a bunch of whip marks on the back, from sex. But after I evolved, they disappeared after mere moments. I had wanted to sport them for a bit longer, though,” Min revealed.

“That’s so cool. Why couldn’t I be born now, instead? Then I’d have some of your Dhampir blood, and maybe some of your powers. I would not have minded waiting the actual required amount of time to mature as much as I have, in return for that. But I guess that would mean we wouldn’t have our current relationship, so maybe not, after all,” Ellie said, as she buried her head back into Min’s bosom.

“If I knew a way to share my powers with you, I’d do so in a heartbeat. I’d do anything have you live longer than me. Maybe if I can someday evolve into a full Vampire. Vampires can turn others into their own, right?” Min said.

“I don’t know. I’ve only heard about Vampires in stories, and those are bound to be full of myths,” Ellie replied.

“Yeah, probably. My Master has told me a bit about them, but most of what I know is from stories, too. Anyway, I’m gonna throw on a skirt, and get some dinner going. Even if you work in a restaurant all day, I bet you’re hungry for some of mommy’s food, right?” Min said, before taking Ellie’s face into her palms, and giving her a peck on the mouth.

“Yeah, I’m still not your match in cooking. You’ve been making food for me since I was a baby, and to this day, there’s nothing as good as my mommy’s food,” Ellie said, a beaming smile on her face. Finally, Min got up and started preparing food.

Soon after, Kinder finally got home. Ellie and Min proceeded to tell him about their new monetary situation, and he decided to start working eight-hour shifts, too. They had quite a bit of money, now, after all. There were Min’s two gold coins, as well as the funds Dralu had saved up through the years.

“Mom, we’re going to try to get pregnant. Come get us when food’s ready, okay?” Ellie said, speaking the sentence as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

“Sure,” Min replied, finding it equally un-strange.

“Who announces to their mother that they’re going to have sex? What a strange family,” Kinder said, ending in a chuckle. He was used to it, by now.

Then Min proceeded to prepare their meal, as she swayed to the music of Ellie’s moans. She was probably the only mother in the world who enjoyed the fact that her daughter was having sex.


If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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