A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 7: Infiltration

The four assassins were gathered in the dense woods, overlooking the dark fort in the distance, as only the moon showered the world with its meager light. But all four of them were trained assassins. As such, they all had their means of seeing in the dark. For Min and Kemah, it was a natural ability. Kemah was a cat-girl, so she had formidable enough night vision. As for Min, she was even better. She’d always been able to see in the dark, as if it was day, due to being a Child of Darkness, and now that she was a Dhampir, that ability was even greater.

Her vision was even superior during the night. After becoming a half-Vampire, the sun had started to annoy her, seeming as if it shone even brighter than it used to. As a Dhampir, she didn’t suffer from the weaknesses of Vampires, but this was only to a certain extent. Therefore, the sun wouldn’t hurt her, but it wasn’t pleasant either.

Similarly, she didn’t need blood, but if she was greatly injured, or entered a huge rage during battle, filling her with bloodlust, she might end up drinking someone’s blood. Due to her Vampiric side, blood had its benefits, after all. To her, it would taste fantastic, and it would even heal her wounds rapidly. Even faster then she healed normally.

The Dhampires were indeed a formidable race, being at the forefront of all mortal races. The Half-Demon race was another such race, but they were even fewer in numbers than the Dhampires. At least around this area of the world. There were probably some countries that were less antagonistic towards demon kind.

“Before we enter the fort, we should probably capture one of the outside guards and interrogate him. After all, we may have constructed a rough layout of the fort, based on its architecture, but we have no idea where our target is located. So, if you guys will wait here for a bit longer, I’ll go get someone,” Kor said. Out of all four of them, Min had the least experience, while Kor had the most. He’d even been on more than a dozen missions, despite being only in his twenties. Since they were only apprentices, they were all young, with even Kor only being in his mid twenties.

And apprentices didn’t get sent on as many missions as the full-fledged assassins, so having been on more than a dozen missions, was already a lot. However, Kor was also the one who was closest to finishing his training, and advancing to the next rank.

“Good, you do that. We’ll wait patiently,” Haemir replied. Kor gave the other three a nod, before disappearing, as was his signature move. Min still didn’t understand how he did that, without using magic.

“Say, Haemir, you specialize in poison, right?” Min suddenly asked, spurring on a conversation, as they waited. They were still quite far away from the fort, so there was no chance they’d be heard. They’d have to shout from the top of their lungs, for the bandits to have any chance of hearing them. Especially since it was quite windy, and the wind was going away from the fort, in their direction.

“Yes. What of it? Do you have some kind of plan for me?” Haemir asked. Min was naturally the one with highest Intelligence and Wisdom amongst the four apprentice assassins, so any plan of hers was worth listening to.

“No, I was just wondering how effective they would be on me. I have some resistance against poison. I have fangs, so if I can resist the effect of the poison, I might be able to coat them in poison. That would provide a valuable weapon, especially when I get get up close to my target, seduce them, or even have sex with them. Biting is highly erotic to many people, so the target probably wouldn’t think anything of it. But little do they know, they’ve already been poisoned! What do think?” Min asked, very curious about what Haemir would answer with.

“Hmm, if your resistance against poison is strong enough that would indeed be viable. A poison is most deadly when directly inserted into an artery, and through biting, you would easily be able to target an artery, as long as you have some anatomical knowledge. There is even a big one on the neck, which is why Vampires usually bite there. But considering that you’re a Dhampir yourself, you most likely know that,” Haemir explained.

“Yes, I’m aware. If I focus, I can even see arteries in your body. After all, even Dhampires can drink blood, if they want to. It’s quite tasty to be honest,” Min said. After becoming a Dhampir, Min had tasted the blood of both Dralu, Kinder, and Ellie, usually when having sex. However, she’d only taken very small amounts from Ellie, due to her pregnancy.

“I see. Then that would be quite useful, for poisoning purposes. How about this, then? After we’re done here, we’ll do some experiments. Since I have no resistance against poison, I always carry antidotes for all my poisons, just in case an accident happens. On our way home, what poisons you can or can’t resist. Since this might make any future missions we go on easier, I’ll gladly help,” Haemir said.

Assassins of the organization always operated in teams, except when they were on solo missions. But even then, their teammates never changed, unless one transcended rank. Kor, Haemir and Kemah had been together for a few years now. The one Min replaced had just ended his apprenticeship, and had thus joined another team. Thus, Min would be spending quite a lot of time with these people in the future. Even Kor, the oldest of them, still had at least two years before he’d finish his apprenticeship.

“Thanks, Haemir! I really appreciate it. If you want to, I’ll gladly reward you with my body,” Min said, while winking an eye. Haemir wanted to respond, but before he could, he was interrupted.

“Hey, I’d gladly fuck you, you know, but instead, you offer to the elf!” Kor said, as he dragged a frightened bandit behind his back. The bandit had a piece of cloth in his mouth, preventing him from making any noises, and his hands were tied behind his back.

“Damn, that was fast! But you guys should know me well enough by know! I won’t say no, even if the two of you want to do me at the same time. Hehe, it would be pretty fun, if all four of us did it together,” Min said, putting her desire to have sex with Kemah into the sentence, without making it sound too aggressive.

Of course, a four some was already pretty aggressive, but she’d said it half jokingly, and it hadn’t been directed straight at Kemah. Never the less, both Min, Haemir, and Kor were now directing their gazes at the, so far, silent Kemah. After all Haemir and Kor were both men, and even of the slightly devious nature, at that. An assassin certainly wouldn’t be a goodhearted person.

Seeing how eager everyone was, Kemah gulped. It wasn’t that she was completely unwilling, but she was nervous. She didn’t really have any experience in sex. She was still a virgin, although, she would never admit that. However, it was still pretty common for assassins to enjoy the pleasure’s of each other’s bodies. After all, they walked on the tread between life and death. Any mission could be their last. They were unlikely to make any lasting romantic relationships, so the easiest way for them to tend their urges, was through each other.

“I’ll think about it,” Kemah finally answered, giving everyone a far better answer than they had expected. After all, even though Kemah was nervous, she still wanted to experience sex.

Hearing Kemah’s answer, Min was delighted. She jumped right at Kemah, and took her into her arms, brushing her hands against her skin.

“Don’t worry Kemah, I’ll make sure they treat you gently. You won’t have to suffer like I did, when I lost my virginity. They did me in the pussy and butt at the same time, and it really hurt! Losing your virginity should be a relaxing, pleasant thing, and I’ll make sure it’ll be like that for you,” Min said, as she continued lovingly hugging Kemah. She had really smooth skin.

Listening to Min, Kemah’s ears drooped. She was feeling strangely comfortable, as Min reassured her. Then, she realized what Min was saying.

“What? I, I’m not a virgin!” Kemah insisted, but Min was clearly not convinced.

“You don’t have to lie to me. That time you fell in the water, you spread your legs a lot. I could see your hymen,” Min said. Min and Kemah had been bathing in the river, when Kemah tripped and fell. She was very flexible, so her legs somehow ended being spread apart by a lot. That situation had allowed Min to see Kemah’s hymen.

“R-really?!” Kemah asked, her cheeks growing a deep red.

“Yeah, but don’t worry. If you have a foursome with us, you won’t be a virgin anymore, and I promise you, it’ll feel amazing! Sex is really the best thing in the world. It just feels so, so good!” Min said, her cheeks also tinging red as she spoke, albeit, not due to embarrassment.

“O-okay. I’ll do it,” Kemah said. While she was still nervous, despite Min’s pep talk, she was also looking forward to it. She was finally going to lose her virginity, after twenty years!

“Awesome! Let’s finish this mission, and then celebrate with sex! I can’t wait!” Min said. At this moment, Haemir and Kor were truly glad that Min had joined their team. The person who Min had replaced had also been female, and Haemir and Kor had often had sex with her, but Kemah had always been very shy when it came to sex. She could slit a man’s throat, no problem, but letting someone put their dick inside her was not as easy.

But now, Min had opened Kemah up to the idea of sex, solely through being herself. And now, she’d even convinced her to have a foursome with them! What Kor and Haemir had spent a few years trying to do, and still failing, Min had done in just a day. But Min had always had a strangely easy time convincing others to have sex. To date, the only person she hadn’t convinced to fuck her, was her Master, Altraz.

She even had great success in making others have sex. A few words of encouragement had been enough to make Ellie commit to having sex with her boss. In the past, she’d always been influencing Ellie and Kinder to get together, and when they entered the teens, it happened. But she’d never succeeded in convincing Dralu to have sex with Ellie, which was a shame, since Ellie really wanted to feel her dad’s cock inside her.

Ellie had Goblin blood inside her, and Goblins loved having sex with their family members, so it wasn’t strange for Ellie to feel that way. But it was also normal Dralu to be strictly against it, as that was how just about the rest of the world felt.

After a short, and ultimately deadly, interrogation, the assassins managed to make the bandit say where they could find his leader. Thus, the four finally ventured down the hill, towards the old fort. Soon, they stood a short distance outside the fort walls, hidden in darkness.

“We’ve discussed this already, but let’s just go over it one more time. Our main target is the leader, and in a frontal fight, he might be potentially difficult to kill. We don’t have a lot of information on him. The other bandits are only our secondary targets. So, we’ll kill those who are alone, and those we can easily hide away. These guys out here, will quickly realize if someone’s missing, so we’ll only kill those inside. When we find our target, we’ll kill him, and then we’ll pick all the others off, one by one. Everyone’s clear on this, right?” Kor whispered, as he faced the other three.

The others nodded. They’d gone over this several times, and everyone knew what they had to do.

“Good. Then, let’s go,” Kor said, before leading the others further in. Kor took the lead in this one, since he was the best sneak. If there was someone they couldn’t get past easily, he’d somehow distract him. But all four of them were at least proficient in stealth, so no one was worried about getting discovered.

Thus, they soon managed to get into the fort. Inside, they were met with a a stairway, going both up and down. From outside, the fort looked like a tower, but most of the indoors space was underground, which was one of the things they’d learned from the captured bandit.

The four assassins knew that the leader wasn’t upstairs, so they quickly ventured downward, always being on the lookout for any bandits. When they made their way to the bottom, they found themselves inside a long corridor, at least a hundred meters long. There were only a few torches lighting the place up, but they could all see a turn at the end of the hallway.

Two thirds of the way in, they came to an offshoot, leading to who knows where, but the target shouldn’t be inside there, so they ignored it for now.

After roughly another thirty meters, the arrived at the end of the corridor. Now, the corridor turned to the left for another dozen or two meters. At the end, it turned back down, in the same direction they’d arrived from. However, in the middle, there was another corridor, going deeper in. If the bandit hadn’t lied to them, this was where they wanted to go.

But there was some slight trouble here. This new corridor was guarded by two bandits, both carrying torches. The assassins peered over the corner, before backing off. Min and Kor looked at Haemir and Kemah, making a plan through nothing but eye contact. They were all keenly aware of each others skills, and amongst the four of them, Haemir and Kemah would be able to kill the bandits with the quickest speed.

Haemir was the best archer amongst them, and Kemah could be quite frightening with her throwing knives. The two nodded their heads, as they edged closer towards the corner. Haemir knocked an arrow, carefully aiming at one of the bandits, with out being seen. Meanwhile, Kemah took out a knife, strapped to her thigh. In a burst of speed, she jumped out into the corridor, instantly throwing her knife, as Haemir loosed his arrow.

Arrow and knife zoomed through the air, quickly hitting their targets. The arrow pierced into the bandits chest, penetrating straight into his heart, killing him in an instant. The knife lodged deep into the second bandit’s throat, causing him to clutch at the wound, as he fell down to the knees.

The bandit gurgled silent cries for help, as the blood poured from his throat, down the chest. Only seconds later, he collapsed, either unconscious, or dead. Kemah calmly walked over to the bleeding bandit, a dagger in her hand. Silently, she knelt down next to him, and stabbed him in the heart, ensuring that he wouldn’t be in pain any longer.

“You know, you’re very kind for an assassin. If it was me, I would just leave him there,” Min said, as she joined Kemah by the corpse. Kemah looked up to Min, a small smile on her lips, as she withdrew her knife, causing a spurt of blood to spray on her face.

“I might kill people for a living, but I don’t enjoy causing pain. When I can, I make sure my victims die quickly, and painlessly,” Kemah said, as she stood up. The next moment, Kor and Haemir joined the two, ready to continue onward.

“Yeah, Kemah has always been the most kindhearted out of all of us. Well, as kindhearted as an assassin can be,” Haemir said, as he put a hand on the cat girl’s shoulder.

“That’s nice. Where I was born, lives aren’t valued very much. I killed my first person when I was only a child. But then again, I didn’t live there for very long. A majority of my life was spend in a village in the northern parts of Kon Rithia,” Min said.

“Sounds like a tough place to live, your old home,” Kor remarked, as he, too, thought back to his old life. Much like Min, he’d lived the first part of his life in a more violent place, in a remote orcish tribe.

“It wasn’t too bad. We were all really close, so it was nice. But everyone there is long dead. Anyway, we can talk more about that later, when we aren’t deep inside an enemy dungeon. Let’s go,” Min said, as she looked into the corridor going deeper into the underground fort.

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