A Goblin’s Evolution

Chapter 18: Farvyre, Valynor, and Caladri

Min sat in front of her desk, a pencil in her hand, and a sheet of paper below it. She was rapidly sketching lines on the paper, showing considerable skill and technique. Soon, those lines began taking shape, forming into the face of an elven man. Sally entered the room, walking behind Min, and took a look at what she was doing.

“Who’re you drawing? You’re actually quite good,” Sally said, complimenting Min’s talent. Sally was surprised at just the sheer number of things this girl was good at. She was a prodigy at chess, showing genius levels of intelligence. When it came to being a maid, it seemed like that was just another skill she was a prodigy at. This was only the, what, third day? Yet she was already about as good as some of the less experienced maids. And now, she seemed to be an artistic genius, as well.

“It’s just some guy I saw in the mansion the other day. I’m been drawing since I was a little girl, though, so I’d naturally be good, by now. You know, my family wasn’t always as poor as it is now. We used to be doing quite well, actually. Out status was quite close to that of nobles. Affording drawing supplies wasn’t all that hard. But as often tends to happen, things changed,” Min said, as she continued to draw.

Her drawing was quickly taking shape into the face of the man she’d with Lord Caladri in his study, the other day. Min wanted to find out who he was. If she could, Min would like to uncover the plot she’d discovered. That information might come handy to the organization she now worked for. Whatever that organization was.

“I think I’ve seen him before. He’s been here to visit the lord a few times. I don’t know who he is, though. I know quite a bit about the Caladri family, since I’ve worked here for a very long time, but when it comes to the other great families, I only know the names, not the faces,” Sally said.

“I don’t care too much about that. I’m just drawing him because he’s handsome. And because I want to practice drawing from memory,” Min said.

“Well, I’d say your memory is excellent, as your drawing is starting to look near identical to the model. No surprise there though. You’re a very intelligent girl,” Sally said.

“Anyways, this drawing is just about finished. I better get going. See you later, Sally,” Min said, as she picked up the drawing, and turned towards the door.

“Later,” Sally replied, before Min disappeared out the room.

After Min had left the mansion grounds, she turned towards the poor district, just like last time. Min was very careful. She wanted everyone to believe she was going home. However, after getting a certain distance away, she’d turn directions, once more, again heading towards the rich district.

However, this time, she wasn’t returning to the Caladri Mansion. She was going to a much more familiar place. One she had visited several times. She intended to visit Aldon, the man who had healed her. She needed help to figure out who Lord Caladri’s accomplice was, but she had no way of contacting Altraz. Altraz was a much more secretive man than Aldon. He was, by all means, an assassin.

Meanwhile, Aldon played a more supportive role in the organization. He was more on the public side, even if no one knew his true identity. He had connections around the entire city, and beyond, making him invaluable. Aldon and Altraz were both very high tier members of the organization, but they had completely different specializations.

Thus, Aldon was the perfect person for her current needs. Min carefully sneaked to Aldon’s mansion. Since the guards had seen her before, she was allowed to enter. A servant led her to a waiting room, while Aldon was notified of her arrival. After a short moment Aldon arrived, a puzzled look on his face.

“Min? Why are you here? Is something wrong with your legs?” Aldon asked. He didn’t think there should be any problems, but magic was a volatile thing, and should never be trusted completely.

“No, I’m fine. But I do need your help with something,” Min said, before moving her sight to the servant behind Aldon.

“Ah, I see. You may leave,” Aldon said, as he turned to the servant.

“Yes, my Lord,” the servant replied, and left the room, giving Aldon and Min some privacy.

“Then, Min my girl, what do you need?” Aldon said, as he sat next to Min on the couch.

“I don’t know if you know, but I’m currently on a mission. I need to gather information on Imperius Caladri, and, well, I found something. I was sneaking around in Lord Caladri’s study, when he and a friend entered the room. They didn’t discover me, but I certainly discovered their secret. Their planning something. Something big. They’re going to kill someone, and they’re willing to pay a hundred platinum coins,” Min explained.

“A hundred platinum coins? That’s certainly something. Do they have this amount ready?” Aldon asked.

“They do, or at least they did. Lord Caladri gave it to his friend to pay the assassins. But the assassins won’t strike until five days from now, so he might still be holding on to the money,” Min said, thinking back to their conversation.

“I see. Do you know who this man was?” Aldon asked.

“That’s why I’m here. I drew a portrait of him, hoping you might know his identity,” Min said, handing over her drawing. Aldon looked at the drawing for a moment, before his lips curved upwards.

“What exactly are you planning?” He wondered.

“You know him?” Min asked.

“Yes. He’s Vesryn Farvyre. He’s a a noble, but not quite as powerful as Imperius Caladri. There’s only one thing they share that I can think of. They’re both related to the Duke, and farther up to the Royal Family. You see, here in Rymalona, there are four families that share Royal blood. One is the Ducal family. Then there’s Caladri, the most powerful other than the Ducal family. Only slightly weaker is the Valynor family, and then, finally, the Farvyres. They’re not the most powerful nobles in Rymalona, however, should the Ducal family somehow be extermined, they’re the only ones who’d have a claim on the Dukedom,” Aldon explained.

“Since Caladri already holds more power than Valynor, if Farvyre supports him, he’d definitely become the Duke, should the Ducal family really be killed off. It would definitely be Farvyre’s favor to help Caladri, since Farvyre and Valynor aren’t exactly friends, while Farvyre and Caladri have a long history. Should Caladri become the Duke, Farvyre might end up becoming the most powerful Noble in the city, while Valynor would be suppressed. I’m not guaranteeing anything, but it’s certainly possible that the Ducal family is their target. A hundred platinum coins would be enough, since the assassins would not only get the money, but also the favor of a Duke,” Aldon said.

“Should we do something, then? Lord Caladri’s death would not be enough to stop this plot. It’s been going on since before his father died. Caladri has an heir, so if Caladri died, it would only mean his son would become Duke, instead. I don’t know if it’s my place to speak, but if we let this happen, we would be giving our competitors more power,” Min said.

“You’re very right. I will convene the council tonight. I’ll convey everything you’ve discovered. You did very good. Your name is about to become known to all the highest tier members of our organization. But for now, you should do your best to get closer to Imperius Caladri. Seduce him, if you have to. You know how to manipulate the relationship window, right?” Aldon said.

“Yes, Master taught me. As long as I don’t hate him, I’ll at least be able to keep it friendly. And since I’m friendly towards him, even though I’m aiding in his assassination, I might be able to make it seem as I’m romantically interested in him,” Min said.

“Good. As long as he thinks you’re friendly. While it’s a bonus if he thinks you like him romantically, it isn’t required. As long as he likes you, he won’t care if you only want to get closer to him so you can live a better life. He’ll only want you for sex, after all, which I’d say you’re very good at,” Aldon said.

“Anyways, Min, before you go, I have another task for you. I see you’re very talented at drawing, so I’d like you to make me a picture of the container the money Caladri gave Farvyre,” Aldon requested.

“That’s no problem. However, I’m just as good at painting. I’m at the Professional rank in both skills, so I could pain the picture to get the colors, too,” Min suggested.

“Oh, splendid! I’ll have a servant prepare a canvas. Wait here for just a second,” Aldon said, before disappearing out the door. He came back a moment later. A few more minutes passed, before a servant came with all the painting supplies Min might need.

Min spent about half an hour painting a detailed painting of the small chest that Caladri had given Farvyre. The shape and colours, as well as even the most intricate details were all completely identical to the real thing.

“This is very good. I’ll make sure to give you the highest praise to the council, and I’m sure Altraz will as well. This will definitely aid you in the future. You can go now,” Aldon said.

“Yes. Farewell, Lord Aldon,” Min said, before bowing to him.

“Goodbye,” Aldon replied.

Having finished her task, it was time for Min to return to the mansion. As soon as she got back, she changed back into her maid outfit, and got to work. The maid work was quite tiring, but it had its worth. Cleaning around the mansion allowed Min to get a close and personal look at every inch of the rooms she visited.

It was common for these mansions to have secret doors and the like. Especially when the owner was a lecher like Imperius Caladri. After all, if he didn’t have secret hallways, how would he go about groping the younger maids. Min had been trained to be perceptive, ever since her days with Eledor, so she did indeed manage to find a few secret doors, hallways, or rooms. She made sure to make a note of all their locations on a map she’d made. She hadn’t had the chance to explore them, though. She’d have to revisit them when she was on her own.

 After she’d spent about an hour working under the supervision of Sally, Lord Caladri entered the room to visit them.

“Min, come with me, would you?” Caladri said, while eying Min’s skin and curves, staying quite faithful to Min’s impression of his character. Not that she minded. She found it quite funny how shameless this old man could be. Min, too, stayed loyal to her emotions, and chuckled, before replying.

“Yes, master. Sally, I’ll have to leave you a bit. Let’s play chess again when I get back,” Min said, smiling a smile of acceptance.

“Yes, Min. Maybe you’ll beat me this time,” Sally said, half joking, half serious. She was quite scared at just how good Min was at the game, even though she was a beginner.

“Beat you? I doubt the day will ever come where you lose a game of chess,” Lord Caladri said. Sally was the oldest maid in the mansion, and the only reason she wasn’t the head maid, was because she didn’t want that title. Not only was she the oldest, she’d also worked there the longest, since she started since she was a little girl, having been born to another maid. Lord Caladri had Sally had practically grown up together, so they were quite close, as a maid and her master go.

“It’s not like I’m invincible. If I play with someone who takes the game as seriously as I do, I might very well lose. It’s happened before. Never the less, if I were you, I wouldn’t take Min lightly. If it weren’t for her unfortunate background, she’d be perfectly capable of creating a true fortune for herself. Even amongst prodigies, she’s an absolute genius! Even though she’s only played chess once, I’m sure she could beat almost everyone in the mansion in it. Only us, who have played the game for a long time, could beat her. And even then, you have to be careful, as she might predict many of your moves. I have no way of checking her status, but I don’t doubt she has a very high Intelligence. And then there’s the fact that she’s a very good artist. I saw her practicing her drawing earlier today, and it was like watching a professional. And she was drawing a man she’d only seen once, yet it was so accurate. It just proves how good her memory is,” Sally said. It was almost like she bragging about a granddaughter or something.

“Well, isn’t that a surprise. I didn’t know my new maid was so skillful. Tell me, who did you draw?” Caladri asked, interested in Min’s sudden talents.

“I don’t know his name, but he was a noble, I’m pretty sure. He visited you on my first day here. I saw the two of you walking together,” Min admitted. There was no harm in telling him. In fact, if she hid it, it would be suspicious.

“I only had one visitor that day. Must have been Vesryn. Would you mind showing me the drawing? If you’re really as good, I might be able to help you get good at painting as well,” Caladri said.

“Yeah, I can show you. But I’m actually already past level 110 in both drawing and painting. In the past, my family wasn’t so pitiful, so I had plenty of time to practice. But these days, I have neither the money, nor time, which is very sad, as I could have made some money with my painting, if I only had the means,” Min said. This was part truth, part lie. After having received the money from her first assassination, she had more than enough money for painting supplies, but she did spend a lot of her time studying or doing housework these days.

“Really? You’re already this good. You just keep surprising, don’t you? I’m sure Vesryn will be more than pleased when he hears a pretty, and very talented artist chose him as the model for a drawing. You’re going to have to tell me a bit abour your past later. It sound like it might be interesting. But right now, there’s something else I’d rather do with,” Caladri said, garnering another chuckle from Min.

“Sally, you be well,” Caladri said, as he put an arm around Min’s shoulders, and led her away into a private room.

Inside the room, Caladri stared at Min for a few seconds, before he spoke.

“I’d like to see your naked body. Last time, you’re were still clothed,” Caladri said, his eyes plastered on Min’s breasts.

“Y-yes, master,” Min said, showing some actual shyness. However, this shyness was actually more nervousness. She didn’t want to show Caladri one of the few identifying marks she had; her navel piercing. However, after thinking about it for a short moment, she decided it didn’t matter too much. Caladri was going to die anyway, and he was unlikely to tell anyone about some insignificant piercing. And Min wasn’t going to kill him anyways, so there probably wouldn’t be any suspicion on her in the first place.

At most, she was just going to lead him to his death. Maybe act as witness to the death, before disappearing. After she got rid of her disguise, not even Sally would recognise her, even if she stood right in front of her.

After all, everything about Min looked different right now. Her hair was black, her eyes were changed to a dark blue color, and her facial features were completely different, due to the heavy makeup she was wearing.

Thus, Min took off her top, and pulled down the skirt, revealing her naked body to Caladri’s eyes. Caladri stepped forwards and took on of Min’s breasts into his hand, squeezing it tightly.

“Your breasts are so lovely. So incredibly soft and smooth. But what’s that piercing in your navel? It looks expensive,” Caladri asked.

“The last relic of my past. It isn’t really worth much, but it has sentimental value,” Min said, as she pushed her body towards Caladri’s, her chin touching Caladri’s clothed chest.

“I see. We can talk more about that later. For now, how would you like me to fuck you?” Caladri asked, as his free hand groped at Min’s ass. Min thought about the question for a moment, before answering.

“I would love for master to pick me up, and fuck me against the wall,” Min said, excited to be fucked again by this High Elven cock.

“As you wish,” Caladri replied, and picked Min up by the legs, and pushed her against the wall. Then, he took out his already erect rod, and pushed it against Min’s pussy. It easily slid into her well-used entrance, touching her deepest pits in seconds.

“Aaah,” Min moaned seductively, as Caladri brushed against her inside. Caladri started thrusting, as he simultaneously lifted Min up and down, causing his hard cock to slide in and out of Min, rapidly.

Caladri fucked Min as hard as he could, causing Min to moan equally as loud, resounding through several rooms in the mansion. She was fucked for a quarter of an hour, before Caladri pulled out, only to shove his cock back into Min’s mouth. Min gleefully sucked him off, until she managed to milk him for every drop of cum he had. When she was finished, there was a single trickle of white sperm going down the side of her mouth.

When she was finished, she looked Caladri in his eyes, a satisfied smile on her cum stained lips.

“You looked happy,” Caladri commented.

“That’s because I am! I haven’t had sex often before, but having sex with master is amazing. I really love it! And I even get to drink your tasty cum too. I’m so thankful to you. Not only do you treat so well, you also give me so much pleasure.

“I’m glad you feel like that. It feels very good for me, too. Now come clean up my dick,” Caladri said.

“Yes, master!” Min replied, before getting down on her knees, and cleaning Caladri’s shaft of any remaining cum.

Only 2 more chapters and an epilogue left, then book 1 is finished. Then I'll start posting book 2. Book 2 has more chapters, but they're shorter.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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