A Goblin’s Evolution

Chapter 3: Big Bad Bear


“Min finally had sex with the guys yesterday! Min gotta say, it was simply amazing! We went on and on for several hours, Min never thought that anything could feel that good!” Min said, as soon as she sat down at the table. As she said it, Mila lit up too, as if she had been waiting for her.

“Right?! I also had sex with three of the guys yesterday for like two hours! It was amazing! In the end, I ended up sleeping the night with them, and had sex again this morning,” she explained with great fervour. At the last few words, Min adorned an expression of shock.

“Min didn’t get any sex this morning! They cheated Min!” Min complained, causing her parents to laugh at them. Amongst Goblins, this could indeed be considered a normal conversation, however if humans heard their daughters say things like that, they would be aghast, and most likely very angry. The two cultures were truly different. In fact, there were truly few cultures who were so openly sexual as the Goblins. Maybe Orcs could compare, but they were practically branches of the same tree

Gibb could only look at his two sisters in disappointment.

“You girls are lucky; I didn’t get to have sex with a single girl, yesterday!” He complained. Hearing his words, Min immediately got up close to him and kissed him on the cheek, followed by her sister.

“Don’t worry little brother, your two, cute sisters will definitely take care of you!” Min said, as she sat herself on top her brother’s lap, and gave him a kiss on the nose. Then she put her hand under his rabbit skirt and took his cock out, and put it under her own skirt, leading the tip to the entrance of her pussy. She gave him another kiss, then sat down, letting his already hardened cock slide deep inside her.

“Aah!” She moaned, as she felt her own brothers cock caress her inner walls. Garo and Mel chuckled at their actions, as their daughter was having sex with their son, while their other daughter was licking and kissing him all over.

“Aren’t you going to eat first?” Mel asked. Min looked over to her mother, and said,

“Breakfast can wait.”

Then she started moving up and down, moaning unhesitantly.

The Goblin society had always been a carnal one. They had sex without shame, even if they were in a group of people, which was what led to their great population. Even incest wasn’t frowned upon in the slightest. Many brothers and sisters even had children together. They weren’t like humans, where children born from an incestuous relationship would often have disabilities. The chances of that happening were still greater than a non-incestuous relationship, but still much lower compared to humans. It was quite rare. So, Goblin siblings would have sex without hesitation.

Looking around, one could see several similar scenes happening. Young Goblins always had a very high libido after having sex for the first time, so they would be having sex all around.

“Aah, aah! Little brother, ah, how does it feel? Aah, good, right?” Min asked in her moaning voice. Without hesitation, Gibb grabbed her rabbit top, and directly tore it off, so he could fondle her breasts.

“It’s amazing!” He shouted.

“Aah, your tore Min’s top! That was Min’s only one! Aah, oh well, Min’ll, aah ah, just go, ah, topless today!” Min said, barely able to speak a whole sentence, without letting moans out, as she moved her hips up and down, along her brother’s large cock. Mila kept teasing Gibb, while looking at them lustfully. After a few more minutes, Gibb finally came inside Min.

“Aaaahh, aah!” Min also came, just a few seconds later, from the warm feeling of sperm flowing into her womb. After her orgasm ended, she finally slumped unto her brother’s body.

“Aah, that was nice… Your cute sisters will always be happy to have sex with you, but you should also have sex with other girls, okay?” Min said, while still sitting on his lab, his penis still inside her. She was trying to play the smart mature sister, even though she was just as stupid as her brother, if not even stupider. But there was still wisdom in her words.

“Of course. If I can’t get any girls, and can only fuck my own sisters, the others will make fun of me!” Gibb said.

“Hehe, good then,” Min said. Then, she gave him a light kiss on the mouth, then sat up from his lap, letting his penis slide out of her. As she did so, a not so small amount of semen leaked out from her pussy, down her legs. But she didn’t care about that. Instead, she got down on her knees, and started licking and sucking on Gibb’s cock, until it was clean.

“There, Min cleaned it for ya!” She said cheerfully. “And you’re already hard again, so now you and little sister can have sex too,” she continued with a wink, before sitting down on her seat, to finally enjoy her breakfast. Mila, however, jumped straight unto his lap, leading his cock straight inside her.

After eating, she happily skipped towards the cave entrance, her dagger hanging from her belt, bow in hand, and quiver strapped to her naked back. Entering the entrance of the cave system, all five men immediately noticed that her top was naked.

“Hey, why aren’t you wearing a top? You’re gonna make us men horny!” Gobu said, giving Min’s left breast a cup, making her chuckle.

“Hihi, if you’re horny, Min’s more than happy to help! Also, Min’s brother ruined her top while we were having sex. Min will just make another one when we get back,” she said. Gobu laughed at her answer, and gave her a loud slap on the ass, causing Min to squeal equally as loudly.

After their little antics, they left towards the forest. After exiting the cave, into the forest, they quickly found some tracks, as usual and followed them. From what Vraaz could tell, it should be one or two wolves, so they gladly followed them. And indeed, about twenty minutes later, they found two wolves drinking from a small river in a glade.

The short statured goblins were hiding in the shrubs, waiting for Vraaz’s signal to shoot. Whoosh, an arrow flew out, and five followed, all hitting their targets with ease. The two wolves immediately succumbed from three arrow wounds each. The six Goblins walked over to the corpses, and admired their kills.

However, no blue screen appeared. Min didn’t take notice of this, but Vraaz did. He looked around him, and what he saw frightened him. Behind them, were ten wolves like the ones they had seen before. From what he knew, they should all be around the level 10, plus minus 3.

“RUN!” He said, as he immediately charged into the vegetated forest. The others looked behind them, then immediately followed him. The wolves howled into the skies, then charged straight at them, easily avoiding the trees and vegetation. Luckily, five of the Goblins all specialized in Agility and Dexterity, so they, too, were easily able to traverse the forest. Only Gobu was a bit worse off, but he could manage.

They kept running, jumping over fallen trees, sliding under branches, for ten minutes, but the wolves were still on their tail. If only they could get back to the tribe they would be safe, but they had walked for more than an hour already, and would still take a while to run back.

It was at this moment that the weakest of them made a mistake; Min. She tripped on a branch, causing her to fall! They were currently running right by a steep hill, so the fall caused her to slide down the hill uncontrollably. When she finally reached the bottom, she hit her head on a rock, knocking her unconscious!

None of her Goblin friends had noticed her fall, and the wolves had ignored her, since she was practically unreachable now, so they continued their chase. It was only when they got back to the cave, and managed to kill the wolves that they noticed.

“Hey, where is Min?” Gobu asked, as he looked around. Vraaz too started looking around, then yelled,

“Min!” But no answer came.

“Shit,” he said, as his face suddenly got serious.

“Did the wolves get her?” Gobu asked, his face also frantic.

“Shouldn’t be, they would have stopped, but all ten wolves are dead right before us. Could she have fallen? Damn it! Garo isn’t going to be happy,” he said, looking around one more time.

“Guys, go restock arrows. We leave in five minutes!” he finally said, as he entered the cave system. All of them followed, not voicing a word of complaint. They all cared about Min and naturally wanted to find her. Thus, the five Goblins went back out into the forest only five minutes later.


Min finally woke up to a splitting headache! She put her hand to her head, feeling something wet. When she looked at it, she squealed.

“Blood! Min’s bleeding?!” She said. However, when she looked at the rock next to her, she understood and calmed down. She was afraid that the wolves had gotten her. She started to look around.

“Where is Min?” She wondered. Then she looked up the impassably steep hill next to her.

“Must have fallen down from there. No way Min’s climbing back up, at least not with this pain in my head,” she spoke to no one in particular.

Suddenly, a bright blue screen appeared.


Congratulations! You have received 233 XP for killing a Lvl 9 Wolf!


Since you were not alone in defeating your foe, the XP has been shared equally!


She stood up, and started wandering about. She had no idea which way was home, so she could only choose a random direction, and trust in her Luck. However, when it started getting dark, she started getting worried. Luckily for her, it didn’t really get cold here. However, when it grew dark, it grew hard to see, even though Goblins had somewhat good vision in the dark. At least better than Humans and most variety of elves.

But she still grew scared. In the end, she sat down under a tree, and closed her eyes, hoping she could sleep her fears away. And it worked. At least for a bit, but after an unknown amount of time, she woke up to an odd sensation. It was like a warm wind blowing on her head, and it smelled bad! When she opened her eyes, she screamed, and rolled to the side.

There was a huge bear, several times larger than herself, in front of her that had just been about to bite her head off! Faster than she had ever moved before, she jumped onto the tree and climbed up as high as she possible could! When she had gotten to the tallest branch that she thought could hold her, she finally calmed down. However, the calm was short lived, as when she looked down, she saw that the bear had already started climbing the tree!

She felt a cold sweat tricking down the nude back, as she looked at the huge beast climb up. She was worried. Very worried! She had no idea what to do! Suddenly she thought of one thing, and reached for her back, only to find out that her bow was missing! She had lost it in the fall! The only weapons she had now were the few arrows left in her quiver, as well as her trusty dagger.

She immediately unsheathed her dagger, then squatted down. She stared at the bear, wondering what to do. However, she quickly decided to stop thinking and start doing, as she saw the bear get closer and closer! Thus, she jumped down and lodged her knife as close the neck of the bear as she could. She managed to stab pretty close to the neck, causing the bear to roar in fury, while trying to swat the Goblin girl off with one paw, unsuccessfully!

Min grabbed its fur with one hand, and then started to stab furiously at the bears head and neck. The knife went in and out, repeatedly, while the bear was trying to furiously hold on to the tree! However, after what seemed like a much too large number of stabs, the bear finally fell down… landing right on top of the poor Goblin girl.

Min gave a muffled scream, as the bear suffocated her. But, through using all of her strength and agility she still managed to crawl out from under the extremely heavy bear.

“Ghaag!” She sounded, as her head finally stuck out. The only thing in her vision now was a blue screen.


Congratulations! You have received 2500 XP for killing a Lvl 15 Beast Bear!

Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 8!

As a low ranked Goblin, you are awarded with 3 attribute points to distribute.

Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 9!

As a low ranked Goblin, you are awarded with 3 attribute points to distribute.

Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 10!

As a low ranked Goblin, you are awarded with 3 attribute points to distribute.

Congratulations! You have reached level 10. You can now learn an innate ability.

You have 9 unspent attribute points.

“Woow, what a large number! How the hell did Min manage to kill that! And so many blue boxes,” She said as she finally got out from under the bear corpse. However, as she examined the bear, the answer was made clear to her. There was already a large number of wounds on the corpse, not caused by her. Clearly, it had already been heavily wounded, before it tried to eat her as a snack. This caused her to worry, however. She might not be the smartest Goblin on the block, but she was smart enough to realize that there might be something big and bad around that could even wound this giant bear. Luckily, the bear had slid down the tree during the stabbings, so she wasn’t hurt too badly.

Thus, she did the only logical thing; she ran away screaming, albeit rather limpidly. However, she quickly stopped the screaming part, as she realized it might not be smartest thing to do in the dead of night, when a scary monster was potentially nearby.

She ran for nearly an hour, before she was too tired and hurt to continue. This time she decided against sleeping under a tree, out in the open, and instead climbed up the largest tree she could find, and lied down on a big branch.

When she woke up again, sunlight was already creeping through the vegetated roof of the forest. Min sat up, glad that she hadn’t fallen off the branch while she slept. Her stomach grumbled, and she realized just how long it had been since she last ate. She wanted to grab for her bow, but then remembered that she lost it. And to top it off, she had also lost her dagger and quiver in the fight with the bear! The only thing she had now was her skirt and belt, but that wouldn’t help much…

She dropped down the tree and started to look around for some fruit or vegetables, but she didn’t really know what to look for. Goblins only ate meat for the most part. The only thing she could resort to now, was to hope she could catch a rabbit. She started carefully looking around for tracks, like she had seen Vraaz do so often before. She looked for anything that seemed unnatural, anything at all, be it broken branches or grass that was somewhat pressed down. It didn’t take long, until she was successful, much to her delight.

She followed the tracks she had found very carefully and very slowly. After about twenty minutes, a prompt appeared.


Congratulations! You have gained a new skill – Tracking!

You have been awarded with 15 XP for learning this skill!


She squealed in delight as the prompt finally came, and suddenly it seemed as the tracks were much clearer than before. She continued to follow them, and another thirty minutes passed.

“Min still hasn’t found that stupid animal? How come?! It just seems to go in circles! In fact, Min has barely moved from the place she started!” Min complained. But she still continued to follow. It was only twenty minutes later that she made a realization.

“Wait, Min’s following her own tracks, isn’t she?” She suddenly realized. She cleared her throat.

“W-well then… No matter, Min will just go somewhere else!” She said, speaking aloud, as if someone was listening, even though she was alone.

After making her big realization, she moved away and started looking for new tracks, making sure they weren’t her own. A while later, she was finally successful. Following these tracks, it only took twenty minutes, until she finally found the owner of them.

A small rabbit was carelessly running around. She immediately jumped at the animal and quickly managed to catch it. She was already much quicker than she was a month ago, since her Agility had reached 11 already, and she still had 9 points to spend. Combined with her small body, she was quite agile and could definitely match the rabbit.

After catching the rabbit, she broke its neck, using the same method she was taught on her first day of life, then skinned it, using the barehand method.  Then she found the sharpest rock she could, and cut open the rabbit’s stomach with great difficulty. She didn’t want to eat the innards, so she just threw them away. Then she ate the rabbit raw. It wasn’t as good as a cooked rabbit, but she didn’t mind.

Instead of making the rabbit skin into a top, she instead decided to make it into a pouch that she could store water in. Since her Tailoring was at level 6, it wasn’t too hard to accomplish, even though the skin wasn’t treated to carry water. She reckoned that she might be out here for days, since she didn’t know the way back, so having something to store water in was a must. Now she just needed to find some water… she was very thirsty.

That didn’t pose much of a problem, though, since there tons of rivers in this forest. Only ten minutes later, she had quenched her thirst and filled the water skin, which she had tied to her belt.

Then, she decided to do what all Goblins hated to do… find some damn vegetables. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to find an animal every day, since her tracking was very weak, so she needed another food source. She started tasting all sorts of flowers and plants. Some tasted good, some were horribly bitter, while others made her feel sick.

Luckily, Goblins had very strong stomachs and immune systems, and she didn’t accidentally eat any very poisonous plants, or she might have died. After testing several different plants, she got another prompt.


Congratulations! You have gained a new skill – Herblore!

You have been awarded with 15 XP for learning this skill!


“Ooh, another skill! Herblore? Wass’ dat?” She wondered. She decided to bring up her skills menu.




Skill Name

Skill Lvl:







Short Blades









She stared at the tab saying Herblore, as if it would allow her to know more about it. And apparently, it did! Another prompt appeared.


Herblore, Lvl 1

Herblore allows you to identify various plants and herbs and see their attributes. At this level, you can discern whether they hurt you or not and their name.


1% increased effectiveness for herbs and plants, per level.


“Oooh, cool, cool!” She exclaimed. Then she looked away as if it had never happened, as something else had caught her attention. Close to her, there was a patch of very pretty, pink flowers. There were quite a lot of them, and Min decided to run over, and squatted down in front of them. She took one of the flowers, and was just about to put it in her mouth, when she remembered the skill she had just gained, five seconds prior.

She focused on the flower, to see if she could get any information. A prompt appeared.


Nerium Oleander

The Nerium Oleander, commonly known as Oleander, is a pretty, yet rare flower, often used by females as an ornamental decoration or accessory.

Consuming it would not be recommended.


“Aaah, cool! Those are some big words, wonder what they mean… But it say Min shouldn’t eat it, so Min won’t!” She said, still speaking aloud as she usually did. She didn’t quite get the concept of speaking with inside voices. Instead of eating it, she put it in her hair, so she would look prettier.

Content with her new accessory, she started examining more flowers and plants. Most of them only gave a small description of the plant, while some said you shouldn’t eat them. The descriptions usually informed whether or not they were popular food items or not, so that was useful.

After using the skill on several plants, it levelled up.


Congratulations! Your skill [Herblore] has levelled up to level 2!


After levelling the skill, she tried examining it in the Skills tab, but there was no change in the description. She was a bit disappointed, but quickly got back to playing with the skill. She quite liked examining all the plants and quickly found out that she was quite fond of pretty flowers.

She quickly decided that it was a must to bring as many of them as possible back home, but she didn’t have a method to carry many plants. Thus, she started looking for another rabbit! A whole four hours later, she finally found one, and killed it, rewarding her with another 5 XP.

She fashioned the rabbit skin into another bag, which she tied next to the other one. The skinned rabbit, she carried in her hand, since she wasn’t hungry yet. Then she set to find her way back to where those pretty pink flowers had been, by tracking her own tracks.

During the process of tracking these two rabbits, as well as finding her way back, she had already levelled her tracking skill twice! She was now already very happy, since she both got to level her skill, make a new bag, AND get back to the pretty flowers, in only SIX hours! Yeah, she spent two hours getting back there…

But she didn’t care, because now she could take all the flowers she wanted! She had seemingly completely forgotten all about the fact that she was lost in the middle of nowhere with no tools, barely any food, and no way back home.

She spent another two hours picking flowers, before the sun started to set, and the forest grew dark. She didn’t like the forest when it was dark, and she got easily scared. She decided it was best to immediately find a tree to hide in. Hiding in the tree, she was quivering, trying to fall asleep.

A few hours passed, before she was just about to sleep, however, just before she managed to fall asleep, she was startled awake by voices! She looked around, but she couldn’t see anything in the cover of the night. Yet, the voices were still growing ever louder, as they drew nearer. A short while later, a few figures appeared, not too far away from her.

Min was panicked and annoyed that they would actually walk straight to where she was. But she could do nothing, except watch the figures draw closer. She could hear them clearly now; they were speaking in some foreign language that she had never heard before.

When the figures were a few meters away from the tree, Min started calming down. Maybe they would just walk straight past her. But to her dismay, they all stopped, as one of the strangers said something. Then, without warning, one of them moved his hand, and a bow appeared. Not even a second later, an arrow flew straight towards her, hitting her dead in the shoulder, causing her to fall down to the ground!

Min was knocked unconscious for a short amount of time, and when she came too, several strangers of various strange appearances were standing in front of her. Min immediately backed off as fast as she could, as tears swelled in her eyes, and she started sobbing. She felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, causing her to sob only more. She was truly scared now; scared of death!

The men, however, only started laughing, as one of them walked towards her and pulled the arrow out causing Min to scream in pain. The shortest of them walked forwards and spoke in words she could understand.

“What are you doing out here all alone gal? We thought you might a bandit or assassin, so we shot you… sorry ‘bout that,” the pale green man said. Min immediately recognised him for what he was; a Hobgoblin. However, he was much better equipped than Vraaz or her father. And he was even travelling with several other, non-Goblin people.

“M-M, Min fell down and got lost! Min doesn’t know how to get home!” Min said, sobbing. Since she saw that it was a Hobgoblin, she immediately trusted him, in her naivety. She didn’t think that a fellow Goblin would do anything to her.

“You’re lost? What tribe are you from?” He asked, with a kind smile. Min thought for a moment, then checked the Relations Window, since she had forgotten the name of her own tribe.

“Uh, it’s the, uh, Iron Cave tribe,” she said. The Hobgoblins eyes brightened at hearing this.

“Well, what a coincidence! That’s exactly where I’m leading these friends of mine! I bet they wouldn’t mind bringing you along… if you helped them with something,” the Hobgoblin continued, his smile suddenly turning devious.

“H-help them with something? What can Min help with?” She asked, confused.

“Well, you see, their journey has been a long one, and they’re bound to have pent up desires, so I bet they’d like very much to have some fun with you,” he said, his smile only turning even more devious.

“You… you want Min to have sex with them?” After that night two days ago, she did indeed really like the sound of sex, however, she didn’t even know what these men were. She was a bit guarded against them.

“Don’t worry, they’re High Elves. They are a lot more cultured than us Goblins, and I can guarantee that it won’t be bad. Sex with four High Elves, there aren’t many Goblins that get to experience that. They’re only willing to do it with you, since they’re pent up, and because you’re very cute for a Goblin,” he said.

“T-then fine, Min doesn’t mind,” Min said. Then, all four of the High Elves started laughing. One of them walked to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. A golden light spawned from his hand, and it was as if Min’s pain disappeared into nothingness. Looking at her shoulder, the wound had already disappeared, and her Health had also been filled.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s just teasing you. Of us four, only I would be willing to sleep with you, but even I wouldn’t force you,” The tall elf said in the Goblin language. Min had to look up to him, since he was about twice as tall as she was. Hearing his words, the other elves laughed even louder.

“Don’t try to act so magnanimous! You’ve always had a fetish for Goblins and other similar beings!” They said, still in the Goblin language, while laughing uncontrollably.

“Well, that is true. And you’re a very cute Goblin, so I would love to keep you,” he said, eying Min somewhat lustfully.

“M-m, you saved Min! You made her hurt go away, so Min will do as you tell her,” Min said.

“Is that so? Then we’ll set camp here, and I’ll have some fun with you, little one,” he said, causing the others to give him an annoyed look.

“Sigh, fine. Just… don’t do it where we can see. I don’t want to see you fucking some slutty Goblin,” one them said.

“Hah, don’t worry, I’m not an exhibitionist. We’ll go a bit away from here. Anyways, see ya later!” He said, as he put a hand on the back of the now standing Min, and led her away. She followed silently, until the elf stopped. Then, without a word, he took out his cock, slid Min’s skirt down to her knees, and lifted her up and slid his cock inside her.

“Aaahn!” She moaned. The cock was even larger than that of the Hobgoblin Vraaz’s, and didn’t even fit completely inside her. But the High Elf didn’t care in the slightest, and kept sliding it in and out continually! Min had no choice, but to moan in pleasure, at the feeling of the golden cock caressing her insides.

“Aahn! Aah! Mmh!” She moaned in her high-pitched voice. The elf turned the girl around, so that he could see the red face of the normally green Goblin. Min, in turn, wrapped her legs around the elf’s waist, taking him even deeper inside her.

After thirty minutes of sex between the one meter tall Goblin, and two meter tall High Elf, the elf finally came, filling her insides with High Elf sperm. Min was surprised to find that he didn’t come as much as the average Goblin did. Maybe elves just didn’t produce as much semen as the prolific Goblins. Min, on the other hand, had already orgasmed several times, before the elf finished.

“Aah, that was good,” the High Elf said. The naked Min was sitting next to the elf, who was lying on the ground now, looking at him. She was really fascinated by this elf. She still hadn’t seen the elves who were held captive in the tribe. Vraaz had said that she can’t spare any training time, until she reaches level 10 in both Archery and Short Blades, so she spent very little time free.

“Will you now help Min home?” Min asked the tired elf.

“I already said I’d help you get home, even without the sex, remember? It was your own decision to have sex with me. Well, you did say you would do anything I say, though,” the elf said,

“Maybe I’ll make you my personal servant when we get there,” he continued with a wink.

“Why is mister going to Min’s tribe?” Min asked, curious.

“You’ll see when we get there,” he said, keeping it mysterious. Min really wanted to know, but there was nothing she could do. This elf was her saviour, and she was scared that he might abandon her, if she annoyed him.

“Your name is Min, right?” The elf suddenly asked.

“Y-yes! How did you know?” She replied, genuinely confused, causing the High Elf to deadpan.

“Really? You speak in third person… You say Min instead of I,” he said.

“Oh, right. Min forgot. What is your name mister?” She asked back, causing the elf to sigh even further.

“My name is Eledor Reynorin. You can call me Master Eledor,” he replied.

“Uwaa, pretty name!” Min said, impressed by his name. A Goblin’s name was usually only one or two syllables, and they only had one name, yet this High Elf had a name that she could barely pronounce, and there were even two entire words!

“Haha, enough chatting for now. Let’s get back, and get some sleep,” Eledor said, as he led the small, green girl away again. When they returned, the other elves could see the sperm dripping down her legs, a bit of distaste in their eyes. The elves weren’t like Goblins. They didn’t revel in sex. Only this Eledor was quite lustful. The Hobgoblin, however, looked at her with clear lust in his eyes. It had been a long time since he had sex.

He asked Eledor something in a foreign language, and Eledor only gave him a nod.

Min didn’t get to sleep much that night, as the Hobgoblin repeatedly fucked her throughout the night, covering her in his slimy goo.

When they started walking again, she was so tired that she could barely walk. Eledor had to let her sit on his shoulders, where she quietly fell asleep again, resting on his head. The elves had to admit that it was quite a cute spectacle.

About an hour later, they arrived near the cave, and, coincidentally, just as they arrived, Vraaz and his party were leaving the tribe to go search for Min again. The Goblins saw the group arrive, and naturally noticed the sleeping Min on Eledor’s shoulders.

“Min!” They shouted, startling the girl awake. When she saw the five, she immediately smiled and easily jumped off the elf’s shoulders.

“Guys!” She yelled, as she run towards them, jumping at the nearest of them, which happened to be Gobu, giving him a tight hug. Gobu hugged her back, then looked at the five newcomers. He recognised four of them as elves of some kind, and then looked at the Hobgoblin, confused to why they were here.

Only Vraaz was truly shocked though. He instantly recognised the elves for what they were; High Elves, the most exalted of elven kind. The elf which had been carrying Min walked forwards, towards the Hobgoblin, Vraaz.

“You go find your leader. I will wait at the entrance, and will expect his arrival within ten minutes. You better hurry,” he said to Vraaz, and then looked to Min.

“Min, you can wait with me,” he said. He took her hand, then walked into the cave, followed by the three other High Elves. Vraaz stared at them for a few seconds, before coming to again.

“Quick, go find the elders! I’ll go find the Chieftain,” Vraaz said, before speeding off as quickly as he could. The others soon followed suit. Inside the cave, Eledor found a rock to sit on. Then, he gestured for Min to sit on his lap.

“Come, sit with me,” he said with a smile. Min was a bit confused, but still did as he asked, and sat on his lap. Eledor put a hand on her thigh and started caressing her. The other hand he put on her still short, brown hair and caressed her head, before letting it make its way to her exposed breast.

“After this, I’ll be leaving for a while. I don’t want you to spend any of your attribute points, until I return, alright?” He said with an authoritarian tone.

“What? Why?” Min asked.

“It doesn’t matter. Just do as I say, or I’ll be angry,” he said. Min could see the serious in his eyes, and nodded with a gulp.

Eledor kept playing with her body for a few minutes, before one person after another entered the cave entrance. After ten minutes, every Hobgoblin of the tribe that was currently in the caves, had arrived. This included Min’s father, who was instantly relieved when he saw her. However, he was still a bit angered by seeing how this elf was treating his daughter, but he didn’t dare say anything. High Elves were all very powerful beings and were the rulers of the Elven Kind, the grand empire of Elves.

In front of all these Hobgoblins stood the largest of them all, dressed in exquisite furs; the chieftain of the Iron Cave tribe.

“My Lords, why have you come to my tribe?” He asked, as he went down on one knee. All the other Hobgoblins immediately followed him.

“My nation’s Divinators have found out that there lies an unknown amount of Mithril ore within these mountains. Thus, I was tasked with subjugating the area. Therefore, I give you two choices. One, serve under me as serfs, two, die. Well then, what will it be?” He asked as nonchalantly as ever.

The Hobgoblins looked at each other, and Min looked at her supposed saviour in fright. She had clearly understood those words, as they were in the Goblin tongue. It didn’t take long before the chieftain made his choice, without even consulting the others.

“We serve you, my Lord!” He said, bowing his head further down. The others were shocked by this, but didn’t say anything.

“Good. My three friends here control everything for now. If you go against their orders, they will destroy you. I will be leaving to report my success, before returning with a contingent of soldiers. You can expect my return in a month,” he said, then left without another word, leaving Min behind, giving her only a wink. When he had left, she ran to her father, who gave her a strong hug.

“My daughter, you gave me a fright there,” he whispered, since the other three High Elves were still there.

“Well, you heard Lord Reynorin. You are now subjects of the Elven Kind. You will be tasked with mining the Mithril ore as soon as it’s uncovered. Enough, you’re all dismissed. Iron Tribe chieftain, follow,” one of the elves said, before entering the tunnels. After waiting a few minutes, the Hobgoblins also returned. Min was walking with Vraaz and Garo, telling them what had happened to her these last days.

“When we were running away from the wolfies, Min fell down a hill and was hurt. She didn’t wake up until much later, Min thinks. Then Min fell asleep under a tree, when a big bad bear attacked her! Min managed to kill it though, since it was wounded. Then Min got, uh, many XPs! She levelled up three times! But Master Eledor said that Min couldn’t use her new points until he returns. After killing the big bad bear, Min got very scared and hid up in the trees, where she slept. Then Min learned to track the rabbits, so she could eat! Min was very hungry, you see. Oh, and Min gathered many pretty flowers too and learned a new skill! It’s very cool and can tell Min about the pretty flowers! Very cool! It even told Min not eat them, or it would hurt her tummy again! After that, Min spent the day hunting another rabbit, made a pouch, then gathered many flowers. When it got dark, Min hid in the trees again, when she heard the elves come. Min was very scared, so she tried to hide, but they still found Min and shot an arrow into her shoulder! Luckily, Master Eledor is very kind and made the hurt go away. Then we had sex, so that they could show Min home. Although, Master Eledor said that I didn’t need to have sex with him. But Min was very thankful and wanted to please him!” She said, very enthusiastically.

“You call him Master? Why?” Garo asked. Usually, you wouldn’t call someone ‘master’ except if they were just that. It meant that she was either his student, servant or slave, or something similar. It was very rare for someone to be called Master in general.

“Because he told Min to,” she admitted.

“I see. I guess we’ll have to wait until he returns to see what he meant by it. Heh, if my daughter could become the student of a High Elven mage that would be pretty nice,” Garo said.

“Ah, but she’s way too stupid for that,” Vraaz added, causing Garo to only nod. Indeed, Min was the least smart of his children… She even spoke in third person… Who does that? Well, at least she was always heart-warmingly cheerful and very cute. She might even be the most cute, most beautiful Goblin in the tribe! She certainly was popular.

“Well, you must be tired. You should go get some rest,” Vraaz said, patting the girl on the back.

“Yes, Min is very tired. That Hobgoblin wouldn’t let Min go to sleep all night…” Min said. Thus, Min walked towards their quarters. When there, she slid out of her skirt, and looked at her body. She was very dirty, be it scratches and blood, dirt or semen. She decided to go take a quick bath first, before going to bed. When she finally made way into the furs, she immediately fell asleep.

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