A Goblin’s Evolution

Chapter 8: Moon and Stars

The next day, Kinder looked rather weirdly at Min.

“Why did my dad hurt you yesterday?” The boy asked.

“Oh, he didn’t really hurt me. Well, he did, but I wanted him to,” Min said. All the bruises on her face and neck were testament to that.

“Anyways, you’ll understand when you get older. Until then, you should just forget you saw anything,” Min said. Kinder didn't ask further. He didn’t understand that they had been having sex. He just figured they had been playing together, like wrestling or something. Naked wrestling. Best wrestling.

Min spent a couple of hours teaching. When the three hours had passed, Telran’s wife entered the room. He motioned her son to leave, before taking the seat opposite Min. She looked her in the eyes.

“I’m sorry for all the commotion yesterday… and the state my husband put you in,” she said, looking at the girl, honestly a bit shocked. Her cheeks were swollen and discoloured, she had a blue eye, and her throat was clearly bruised. It looked like she had been severely beaten.

“I talked with my husband, and I understand that it wasn’t your fault. However, adultery is still a serious crime, and I have grounds to report you to the law,” she continued. Min was frightened by her words.

“No, you mustn’t!” Min begged.

“Don’t worry. I’m willing to let it slide; on one condition. You must officially become my husband's mistress. If you accept, I’ll permit you to keep having sexual relations with him, but if you bear any children with him, they will not receive any inheritance,” she said.

“But, I have Kazz. I can’t become someone else’s woman,” Min said urgently.

“As far as I know, Kazz is only your husband in name. You haven’t actually signed any papers and registered your marriage under the law, have you?” She asked.

“Well, no, I guess not,” Min admitted.

“Then there is no problem. Since you’re not legally married, you can be a mistress. You can keep living with your lover, you just have to uphold your sexual responsibilities with my husband. You’ll also be expected to not sleep around anymore. You may only have sex with my husband,” she said.

“What? I won’t be able to have sex with Kazz, either?” Min asked.

“No. Well, I don’t care if you do, just don’t get caught. It’d be bad for our family’s reputation. And don’t let him impregnate you either. Well, do you accept? Oh, I should probably mention that this isn’t permanent. You must remain his mistress for six months, at least. After that, you may stop being his mistress, if you want, but I won’t permit you to have sex with him after that. So, do you accept?” She said.

“Well, I don’t want to go to jail, so I guess I have to. It just means I can only have sex with one person for half a year. I can handle that. I hope,” Min said. The wife gave her a smile, then reached out her hand.

“Well then, it’s settled. My name is Lilliana. You can call me Lady Lilliana,” she introduced herself

“Nice to meet you, Lady Lilliana,” Min said, while shaking her hand.

“Well then, since that’s all over, it’s about time I tell you about some things. First of all, the Ashford family. It's a noble family that is quite powerful, actually. This village is only a year old, which is why it’s still so simple and poor. The Ashford family needed someone to develop this land, and my husband volunteered. At first sight, it might seem like a crappy job, but it's actually a great opportunity. If he could manage to make this into a city, he’d be the lord of an entire city. His status in the Ashford clan would skyrocket. Thus, as his wife and mistress, it’s our duty to support him. I’ll support him in managing the land, and you’ll support him by educating our son. I would have tasked you with taking care of him as well, but I think that’d be too much for you, since you can’t walk well. Kinder is a very energetic boy,” Lilliana said. While talking about her son, she actually adorned a pretty adorable smile.

She might seem like the cold lady who didn’t care about anything, but she actually cared greatly about her own son. She just didn’t have much time to spend with him, since she had many duties as the Lady of the village.

“Also, right now, the population of the village is a bit less than one hundred people. Right now, we’re only slowly developing the land. You know, getting farms ready, raising cattle, that kind of stuff. However, in six months, our plan is to hire a construction company to help us build many houses, and then we’re going to grow rapidly. We plan to reach a population of one thousand within three years. This isn’t common knowledge, but I thought you might like to know. By the way, do you have any skill with math?" Lilliana asked.

“Only the most basic. I can add and retract, but I haven’t gained the Mathematics skill yet. My old teacher hadn’t come so far as to teach me mathematics, before he passed away,” Min said.

“I see. Well then, I do want my son to learn Mathematics when he gets older. You have pretty high Intelligence, right?” Min nodded.

“21,” she replied.

“Very well, here’s the plan. We’ll hire a teacher to come here for a couple of months, and teach you mathematics every night. It would be much cheaper to have him teach you now. I hate to say it, but my son isn’t going to reach your level for a long time. I reckon you must have been a warrior or something in your old tribe. How old are you anyway?” Lilliana asked.

“I was a hunter actually. I can teach your son archery when he’s older, if you want. And I am,” Min said, before taking a quick look at her Status Window.

“227 days old,” Min continued. Lilliana looked at her, amused.

“Hey, don’t jest with me,” she said with a short giggle.

“I’m not jesting. I’m a Goblin, you know? We’re different from non-monster races. It only takes us one day to mature to the level of a ten-year-old human. In one year, we’ll be the equivalent of a twenty-year-old human, and then the aging slows down a lot. Your average Goblin will live for about twenty years,” Min explained. Goblin physiology wasn’t commonly known. Min could almost be considered a professor in the area.

“That’s fascinating. Well, how old would you reckon you are now, in human terms?” Lilliana asked.

“Hard to say. I’ve already become a Hobgoblin, and we age slower. In one year, we’d probably age around 1.5 to 2 human years. I'm probably the equivalent of a sixteen to eighteen-year-old in human terms,” Min decided, after some speculation.

“I see. Then you’d actually be considered rather high levelled for your age. Most humans and elves are only around level 10 or so, upon reaching adulthood. A villager would perhaps be even lower,” Lilliana said.

“What about you, and Lord Telran? How old are you actually?” Min asked.

“I’m 38 years old and my husband is 46. We’re quite old, to only have gotten a child three years ago, but we always had trouble conceiving. We truly were lucky to finally get a child, since I’m nearing infertility. If we still didn’t have a child, I’d probably have made him take you as a concubine instead, so you could bear him an heir,” Lilliana said.

The two kept talking for a couple of hours, while enjoying some nice tea and biscuits. Even though Min had slept with her husband just the day before, they actually became quite good friends.

She didn’t have many people to speak to, since most of the villagers feared her; after all, she was the Lord’s wife. But now since Min had become the Mistress of Lord Telran, she had become part of the inner circle of the village government, so to say. They could talk together easily.

Day after day passed by. Every morning, Min would go to the Lord’s Manor, which was more of a slightly large house at this point, after eating breakfast. She’d spend three hours teaching little Kinder. After that, she'd hang out with Lady Lilliana, and she’d sometimes assist her in various duties. Through this, Min managed to gain the Stewardship skill. Every now and then, Min would have sex with Lord Telran. Min had been raised to be an obedient girl by her old Master, so she always obeyed him, and hadn't had sex with Kazz once, since she became Lord Telran’s mistress.

Kazz, of course, was rather angry at this, but Min assured him it would only be for six months. Kazz was willing to not have sex with her for six months, if they could stay here. After all, there were a few single girls in the village, and he’d spent time with several of them.

Once, he had gotten into quite a bit of trouble with one of the villagers, after he had caught Kazz in bed with his fifteen-year-old daughter, completely naked. He had actually punched him, but luckily, Kazz was one of the strongest individuals in the village, as well the, then official, Lieutenant of the Guard. Kazz had quickly managed to subdue him, and then apologized to him. Kazz still needed to get used to the way this society acted around sex.

After they had spent their first month, Min’s new mathematics teacher arrived. He would teach Min right after Min finished teaching Kinder. He was a bit of a lecher, and the way Min dressed didn’t help, so he made several advances on her, almost every single day. However, Min told him that Lord Telran wouldn’t let her have sex with others, even though she really wanted to. Lord Telran would only fuck her every other day, after all, so it was quite hard for her, too.

Her teacher, named Arkus, told her that it was quite alright. He wasn’t about to piss off his employer. He continued to sit close to her, and touch her, though. Min didn’t mind, so she just let him. She like being touched, after all.

After the first month, Min had reached level 19 in Mathematics and level 13 in Stewardship, giving her 2000 XP. She was still about 500 XP away from levelling up, though. She had also received her first silver coin in payment. Telran didn’t subtract her teacher’s payment from her own pay, at all. Since she was his mistress, it was his duty to take care of her.

Kazz was also paid a silver coin in payment, so their household made two silvers per month, which was about twice the amount most couples would earn. In one year, they would get 24 silvers, meaning at this rate, they would only have to work for a couple hundred lifetimes to afford to fix Min’s legs! Yay!

Min had also spent some time practising her Calligraphy and Drawing. From time to time, she would also go on walks, accompanied by Kazz or Lady Lilliana, or even Lord Telran, when he had the time. She wouldn’t be able to go on long walks, but she’d always inspect as many flowers as she could, and would collect many as well. Through this, her Herblore skill slowly rose.

In one month, she had increased her Calligraphy to level 26, her Herblore had increased to level 18, while her Drawing remained still stagnant.

After they had received their first payment, Kazz had left the village on a trip to the city, together with a few others. Every once in a while, a small caravan would go out to purchase supplies of various sorts. Since Kazz was strong, he had been assigned as the guard leader. While in the city, he had purchased some more fabrics, paper and drawing supplies, as well as painting supplies and a couple dozen canvases, as well as other necessities. In the end, he had spent almost all their money, leaving only enough for them to buy food for the next month.

The most expensive items had been the painting supplies. While canvases were very cheap, the brushes and paint, was pretty expensive. At least, it wouldn’t cost as much next time. In addition, it wasn’t too hard to make your own canvases, but Kazz hadn’t thought about that.

When he returned, he was met with a loving kiss, and Min had almost been tempted to reward him with her body, but didn’t in the end. He just had to wait five more months, and then he’d be able to do her as much as he wanted.

Thus, Min started painting in her free time as well. Since painting and Drawing were closely related skills, Min increased her skill rapidly, reaching level 30 in just a few days. She had gone from level 16, to level 30, which meant she gained the 2000 XP from level 20, as well as the 3000 XP from level 30, totalling 5000 XP, allowing her to level up to level 22. She decided to put all her 4 points into Intelligence.

The last thing she’d spent some time practising, was her Darkness Magic, but she spent very little time on it. She wasn’t sure if she wanted people to know she knew magic. In the end, she still hadn't levelled up in it. After all, she only spent a couple minutes practising it every day.

Practising it wouldn’t do her any good either, since she only knew one spell and no one here could teach her more. She had more important things to focus on.

Another month passed peacefully, and Min had been pregnant now for five months. Her belly had already grown very large, and the old women of the village were saying that she would probably be giving birth soon. Maybe in a month. Min hadn’t been very sure how long she would be pregnant for. There were quite a few factors that would decide that.

For a normal Goblin who had been impregnated by another Goblin or Hobgoblin, she would be pregnant for three months. However, Hobgoblins were different, and Min wasn’t sure how long a Hobgoblin would be pregnant for. Then there was the fact that the baby might not have a Goblin father, which could make it take longer. Six months seemed about right, though.

The second month in the village had been spent in the same manner as the first. However, she had some better yields this time. Her Painting had already reached level 39, but it was the Drawing skill that worried her more.

One day, she had been sitting in the grass on a hill, overlooking the village, drawing it. She drew the buildings and landscape in great detail, and as she drew the villagers in their busy lives, they almost seemed alive. However, that drawing had been completely ruined when an annoying blue box appeared in her face!


[Congratulations! Your skill [Drawing] has levelled up to level 40!

You are awarded with 4000 XP!]


[Congratulations! Your skill [Drawing] has ranked up!

You are now Qualified!]


[Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 23!

As a Hobgoblin, you are awarded with 4 attribute points to distribute.]


Initially, she had been annoyed by the box, but when she saw the contents she got excited and was about to stand up and jump around. However, when she stumbled down again, her excited mood disappeared. She had forgotten she was crippled for a moment.

She didn’t let it show much, but she was actually very depressed. She hated not being able to run around, not being able to jump like a rabbit when something excited her, not being able to climb around in the trees. She missed sneaking around in the foliage, shooting her arrows. She missed training with her knife.

She started crying into the soft, green grass. Her pale blue body deeply contrasted the world, as she let her tears sink into the world; as she let her sorrows become one with the world.

She didn’t raise her head for hours, and eventually, she had fallen asleep in the grass, and the moon had risen to the sky. When she woke up, her eyes met the tranquil moon, accompanied by the millions of stars in the darkness. Her soul was tranquil, in this dark solitude.

In this state, her body got wrapped in shadows, and it was as if she sank into the night world. She had executed her one and only spell without knowing it. She could only think about the moon. She felt so warm when she looked at the moon, like there were no troubles in the world. When she looked at the moon, she felt like she was in the warm embrace of a mother. She was rudely awakened from this dreamlike state by a sea of bright blue.


[Congratulations! Your spell [Shadow Cloak] has levelled up to level 2!

You may now enshroud an expanded area in shadows.]


[Congratulations! Your Magical Discipline [Darkness Magic] has levelled up to level 10!

You are awarded with 5000 XP!]


[Congratulations! Your Magical Discipline [Darkness Magic] has ranked up!

You are now an Amateur!]


[Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 24!

As a Hobgoblin, you are awarded with 4 attribute points to distribute.]


[As you gazed at the moon, you entered a deep trance of magical comprehension, allowing you to get a deep grasp of Darkness Magic, and get a fundamental understanding of the spell, Shadow Cloak, allowing it to grow stronger!

You gain 1 Intelligence and 1 Wisdom!

Would you like all messages to be held back in the future, when you enter a similar state, so as to not break you out of it?




Min slowly read through all the new messages, slowly getting more and more shocked. She hadn’t even known she could level up her spells! From that message, it seemed like she wouldn’t only be able to cover herself in shadows, but an entire area! That would be greatly beneficial in a fight. After all, she had natural night vision, but most people didn’t have that, so to be surrounded by shadows would be the same as being blind!

Then she read that she had reached level 10 in Darkness Magic and ranked up, but instead of getting the usual 1000 XP, she had gotten 5000! That was as much as you got from reaching level 50 in a normal skill! It was insane! She couldn’t help but wonder if it was like that for everyone, or just her. After all, both cases would make sense.

She was a Child of Darkness, so it could be possible that she got more XP from the Darkness element. Then again, it was much harder to progress in Magical Disciplines than Skills, so it would make sense to get more XP. Well, Min could only wonder and hope to find out in the future.

Then, when she saw the last message she got excited! She had apparently entered some sort of amazing trance, just from watching the moon! But as she read the last sentence, she finalized her emotions in a crescendo of fury! She was furious! Raging anger! She had been broken from her stance because of these STUPID blue boxes of crap, while there had been an option to delay them?! Who the hell designed it! Min wanted to punch that person in the stomach!

She wanted to punch the ground until it cracked! She wanted to kick a tree until it fell! But when she tried to do just that, her mood took another 180 degree swing, as she fell back into depression. She forgot that her legs couldn’t support her again.

It was at that moment that Kazz came walking up there. He looked relieved when he saw Min.

“Min, what the hell are you doing here! Do you know how late it is? You can’t just wander off like that without telling anyone! You know you’re more fragile than others now, and you have to act like it,” Kazz said, visibly annoyed at his mate.

“Shut the fuck up!” Min bellowed at him. Kazz took a step back, but then his expression changed.

“Don’t talk to me like that! You’re not the same Min as you were before! You’re not the Min that gave me the relaxing job. Now you’re the Min who had to rely on me to carry you for days, so you could get a safe, peaceful life! Now you’re the slut who has to fuck the Lord of the village, just to stay here! Now you're the Min who has to rely on me to take care of you,” Kazz said.

Min started tearing up. Normally, she would have gotten aroused from being called a slut, but this was different. This time she could feel the malice in the words. A malice that neared hatred even. Kazz shook his head, then took a deep breath.

“Let’s go,” he finally said, as he grabbed the girl and carried her back home. When they arrived, he put her into bed, then left. He didn't return until hours later, stinking of alcohol. Min realized that she wasn’t the only one who had it hard. She was holding him back.

Lying in the bed, she felt at the piercing in her navel. She started thinking about her Master, her mother, father. Her beloved siblings whom she had cared so much for. She always hoped that her family was still alive, but deep in her heart, she knew they were dead. She started quietly sobbing.

In the next days, Kazz seemed more distant than ever. He spoke fewer and fewer words to Min, and it seemed like there was always some hesitant thought in his mind.

The fourth month arrived. Min’s belly had reached its peak level of growth. Kazz had left with the caravan again, when Min’s water broke. However, it was on the day they would return, so Min waited patiently for her mate. Lilliana and a few of the veteran birth givers were with her.

Then, the word came that the caravan had returned. Min looked excited and anxious.

“Quick, go tell Kazz to get here! I want him here! I need him,” Min said. The messenger looked at her, a bit hesitant. Then he gulped.

“Min, I’m sorry. He didn’t return. I hear he snuck away in the dead of night. He even stole a lot of money," he said. Min looked at him, eyes wide.

“No, you’re lying,” Min said, almost monotone. The messenger shook his head, then left.

“He wouldn’t just leave me! He wouldn’t!” Min cried. Lilliana grabbed her hand, and looked her into the eyes.

“Listen Min, you’re about to give birth! Damn that despicable Kazz, he’s not worth you! You're too smart and talented for him anyway. You need to focus on giving birth now! You’re going to be a mother!” Lilliana said. In truth, she was just a shocked as Min was, and wasn't sure what to say. But right now, she needed to help Min. Min might be smart, but she was still immature. Right now, she needed an elderly figure like Lilliana to give her strength.

Min was tearing up, but she still nodded. She could be depressed later, right now she had more important things to take care of. Thus, the birth of Min’s firstborn commenced.

After a while, Min held a tiny little baby in her arms. The sorrow from Kazz’s betrayal left her, as the pure joy of her own child filled her heart. The baby was an adorable girl with blue skin like her own, but it was much deeper blue. Her cute, short hair was also silver, like Min’s.

Min looked at her child, holding her tightly as if she was the most valuable treasure in the world.

“What’s your name, little one?” She asked. She looked at the Relations Window.

“Eliana, huh? Sounds a bit like Master Eledor,” Min said. When a child was born, it was granted a name from the world. It could be anything, from a name similar to their mother or father, or something related to someone or something the parent cared deeply for, or something else entirely.

In Min’s and her siblings’ case, the sisters had names similar to their mother’s, while Gibb was named after Garo. It seemed like Min's subconscious had named her daughter after her Master, Eledor. Perhaps it was because he was the only one she knew for sure was dead.

“I wonder who your daddy is… We’ll just have to wait until you can talk,” Min said. Everyone was looking at her, as she spoke to her new born daughter. They looked at her a bit weirdly, when she asked who the father could be. But most of the village had learned about the way of Goblins, by now, since Kazz had slept around with so many young girls. In a village like this, it was quite easy for him to seduce the young women. Women valued strength after all, and he had been a strong man. And quite handsome, for a Hobgoblin.

But now that he had fled the village, abandoning Min and taking basically all her money with him, they looked at him like a bit of a scumbag.

“So, her name is Eliana, huh? Could it be she is named after me, her great auntie?” Lilliana said, liking the name quite a bit.

“Haha, no, I think she’s named after my Master, Master Eledor. He was very important to me,” Min said, getting a bit downcast at thinking about her dead master.

“Oh, I see. Well, it’s a great name none the less. Anyways, let us take care of the child for now. You need some well-earned rest,” Lilliana said.

After the birth, Min became even more depressed, to the point where it was even noticeable. She stopped leaving her house, and didn’t even teach Kinder for a few days. She just spent most of her time looking at her daughter, as if it was the only thing worth doing. Losing Kazz had broken her. He had been her only family. As far as she knew, he was the only other living person of their tribe, but he had left her, cold blooded.

Lord Telran had hired a middle-aged woman to take care of Min and Eliana. Min was very guarded against the woman, not letting her touch her daughter. No matter how difficult it was, Min insisted of doing everything she could. She wanted to feed her, change her, bathe her, play with her. Too bad for her, she found it too hard to cook. She couldn’t stand without her crutches, and she needed her hands free to make food, after all. Thus, the woman had been permitted to make food and clean.

It was only after an entire week of staying inside that Lilliana managed to convince Min to start teaching Kinder again. She also managed to make her put trust into the caretaker. It was with reluctance that she had handed Eliana to her, but the smile she gave Min, when she took the baby made Min cry.

“Don’t worry, Lady Min. I will take great care of your baby girl while you are teaching the young master. You can trust me, I won’t let anyone else touch her,” she said. The woman was a small dwarf woman called Tala, only a little bit shorter than Min.

“You promise?” Min asked. She truly could be childish sometimes. Especially after Kazz left her.

“I promise you with all my heart,” she said. Min finally gave her nod, then left with Lilliana. When they entered the house, she was immediately assaulted by Kinder, who hugged her.

“Don’t be sad, teacher. You promised that your baby would be my friend, but I haven’t even seen her yet!" He complained. For the first time in a week, Min giggled.

“I’m sorry little Kinder, teacher was a bit sad, so I forgot,” she replied, as he hugged him back. Lilliana gave a warm smile at the spectacle, relieved to see her friend a bit better. She had been truly worried for her. However, to be truthful, she was a bit glad that Kazz had left. She hadn’t liked him too much, and him leaving meant that Min might continue to serve as mistress for her husband.

Min felt an urge to hug the child and carry him to their classroom, but she wasn’t even able to hug him with one arm, without Lilliana supporting her on the other side. But that didn’t depress her too much. Thus, Kinder's first class in a week started.

A few days later, she decided to just move into Lord Telran’s house, at Lady Lilliana’s invitation. Min was given her own room, with a comfortable bed where she could sleep with her prized baby. This way, she wouldn't have to walk all the way there every morning. For her, it was truly a tiring thing, after all, Min had lived at the edge of the village.

Sometimes, Min would cry herself to sleep, but as time passed, she slowly forgot about Kazz. By the time it had been an entire year since she left the forest surrounding her old home, she had nearly forgotten about Kazz.

In the six months after Eliana’s birth, she had progressed quite a bit. For example, her Drawing Skill had reached level 50, which had allowed her to unlock a Profession; the Illustrator! It gave her a ten percent boost to Dexterity, and made her drawing’s fifty percent better!

She had already reached level 27 herself, too. All progress she had in her skills, had given her about 10,000 XP, most of which came from reaching level 50 in Drawing. Her painting skill was at level 47, and it was one of her top priorities to get it to level 50.

Her artistic skills made her quite popular in the village, too. Sometimes, someone would pay her a bit, to paint a portrait for them. Of course, since the villagers didn’t have a lot of money, she did it very cheaply for them. She had also painted a family portrait of Lord Telran, his wife and his son, which hung in the main room of the manor.

As for Min’s attributes, she had put almost all her points into Intelligence and Wisdom. She had no use for Agility anymore, and her use for Dexterity was limited. At this point, it made very little difference in her artistic skills.

Thus, Min’s intelligence was at 30, her Wisdom at 25, and her Dexterity was at 29, together with the ten percent bonus. Her base stat was 26. After all, she used to put the majority of her points in that.

As for the six-month-old Eliana, she didn’t grow like Goblins. Her growth made her look like a one year old toddler, so she only grew a bit faster than humans. She had recently started talking, too, which was precisely why Min was alone with her right now.

“Ellie, mommy needs you to do something, alright?” Min said gently.

“What mommy need?” Eliana asked in broken Kon Rithian. Since she wasn’t a Goblin, she wasn't born with innate knowledge, so she didn’t speak Goblin and Min had seen no reason to teach it. Maybe she would in the future, if Eliana wanted to.

“Mommy needs Ellie to think real hard the words, ‘Relations Window’. Can Ellie do that?" Min asked. Ellie was Eliana’s nickname. Eliana nodded her head.

“Yes mommy!” She said. Then her face adorned an adorable look of sternness, before being startled.

“Ah, it there mommy!” She said.

“Good girl! Do you see where it says father? Can you tell mommy the name there?” Min asked. One didn’t have to be able to read to understand the Status Windows, as they would portray the meaning directly into your mind. Large numbers were still hard to grasp though, if you didn’t understand numbers well.

“Uh, it say Dralu is father,” Ellie said, proudly.

“Oh, so Dralu really is your dad? I hadn’t expected it to actually be him. Well, he wanted mommy to write him a letter if he was yours, so maybe you’ll get to see your dad, after all,” Min said, as she caressed her daughter.

“Ellie will see dada?” She asked.

“Mommy sure hopes so. Now, go play with Kinder or something. The caravan leaves early tomorrow, so I need to write a letter,” Min said, scurrying off the little girl. Then, she began carefully writing a letter, using all her skill in doing so.

She wasted several sheets of paper in doing so; she just couldn’t get satisfied with her letter! However, after two hours, she finally wrote a letter that satisfied her. Thus, she sealed it in an envelope, and ran off to her helper. Or limped. She instructed her to give it to the caravan leader, and explained where he should deliver the letter to.

The envelope detailed the name of the receiver, as well as the ship he worked in. Thus, the next morning, the letter was sent off. A moment later, Telran entered her room. While he was giving Min a good tumble, Ellie entered the room. Min smiled to her daughter, while Ellie gave the two a quick look, before climbing into the bed. Telran only noticed her, when she got into the bed. This happened quite a few times, but Min never got herself to do anything. The thought of her own daughter seeing her get fucked and dominated aroused her so much. Ellie had come to see it as nothing special.

“Hey, sweetie,” Min said, caressing her daughter, who snuggled up to her. Telran’s face paled, though.

“Damnit, Min! How many times do I have to tell you that Eliana shouldn’t see us like this?” Telran said, a bit agitated.

“I’m sorry, but you know I can’t help it. I love it when people see me get fucked, especially those close to me. The thought of my own daughter seeing me get humiliated… it’s just so arousing,” Min said, saliva leaking from her mouth.

“You nympho,” Telran sighed.

“Well… wanna finish?” Min asked with hungry eyes.

“What? No, are you crazy? Go to sleep,” Telran said with yet another sigh, before leaving the room. Ellie snuggled up closer to her mother.

“Mommy, hungry!” She said. Min smiled at her, then grabbed her and brought her head up to her breasts.

“Here, drink,” Min said. Ellie grabbed her boob with her hands and started suckling on her nipple with closed eyes. Min giggled. She always looked so cute when she was drinking milk from her.

A month later, a new arrival came to the growing village. When he came, he had asked around for the blue Hobgoblin Min, and had been directly sent to the biggest house in the village. When there, he had been led into a room, where he was instructed to wait. And he waited for an hour, before a familiar girl entered the room, using two crutches to walk. Next to her, was an older woman, carrying a cute baby that had quite a similar appearance to the man.

Min immediately recognise the handsome, dark skinned man with the hair matching her own. Min’s expression brightened when she saw him, and she walked a bit faster, to sit next to him. Ellie, on the other hand, seemed very shy. She was blushing and fidgeting in Tala’s arms.

“Dralu, you came!” Min said, giving the man a hug.

“I came as soon as I got your letter. I even took leave from the ship until it comes back next time, in four months,” he said with a sheepish grin.

“You did?” Min asked, surprised.

“I did indeed. I had never suspected that you would actually bear me a daughter, so I had to come. Where’s Kazz, by the way? Working? I imagine he should have become a guard here, hahaha!” Dralu said. He was very excited, and equally as happy. Min, however, immediately worsened in mood.

“He… he left,” Min said. Dralu was shocked at this.

“What?! Why? What happened?” Dralu asked.

“I think he grew to hate me. Since I’m crippled and all. So, he simply left, taking all my money with him. Not only that, he also stole a lot of money from Lord Telran. He slipped away with a small fortune," Min said. When she talked about him, there was clear contempt in her eyes. She used to love him, but betraying her like that made her slowly grow to hate him, bit by bit. However, she still cared for him. He was the only other member of her tribe, after all. She wouldn’t get back together with him, though.

“What?! That son of a…” Dralu said. Then he remained silent for a bit.

“Hey, Min? Would you want to marry me, instead? After all, we do have a child together. I would be able to support you, I make quite a bit of money. Well, I would only be here four to eight months a year,” Dralu said.

“What? Marry you? You want to marry someone like me, a cripple? Wouldn’t you just grow to hate me, just like Kazz?” Min asked. Dralu shook his head furiously.

“No way! I would never hate you. I want to marry you. If not for your sake, then our daughter’s. I believe a child should be with her father,” he said, looking at Ellie with warm eyes. The moment he saw her, he already knew for sure that she was his.

“I’m not sure I’m ready marry someone. Not yet. Also, you should know how I am. To be without sex for four months? I can't do it,” Min said.

“Then we’ll have an open relationship. You can sleep around as much as you want, and I’ll do the same. We don't have to get married, either,” Dralu said. Min remained silent. She looked at Dralu, then Ellie.

“Alright. I like you, I don’t mind living with you. It’s good for our baby as well,” Min finally said.

“Great! Speaking of our baby, you haven’t told me her name yet,” Dralu said. Min chuckled a bit. Dralu already knew her name, of course, since the Relationship Window was a thing. When he had gotten Min’s letter, the first thing he’d done, was check it. However, people didn’t really look at their Relationship Windows a lot, so he’d only noticed then.

“Sweetie, this is your daddy. Why don’t you introduce yourself to him?” Min said in a sweet voice. Nothing was more important to Min than Ellie. She couldn’t even bring herself to yell at her, if she did something wrong. In fact, she had never raised her voice at her. The most she’d do was to sweetly tell what she did wrong, and to not do it again. Ellie looked at the strange man next to her, while sitting on Min’s lap.

“M-my name is Ellie,” she said shyly. Min giggled at her. She couldn’t help herself, Ellie was just too cute!

“Her actual name is Eliana, but Ellie is easier,” Min said. Dralu got closer to the little girl, then patted her on the head.

“Hey there, little Ellie. My name is Dralu, but you can just call me dad,” he said kindly.

“H-hi dada,” Ellie replied, as shy as ever, while blushing like crazy. Then she buried her face in her mom’s bare stomach. Min took her into an embrace.

“Don’t be shy, little one,” she said. Then she looked at Tala, who had been standing in a corner.

“Hey, Tala, could you go ask Lord Telran to come here?” She asked. Tala nodded, then left to find her lord. A moment later, Lord Telran came. Whenever Min needed to speak with him, it was he who came to her, instead of the opposite. This was mainly because Telran’s office was on the second floor, and Min had a hard time getting up there.

“Oh, who’s this?” Telran asked, eyeing the Drow. It was rare to see one them above grounds.

“This is Dralu. He’s the father of Ellie. We’ve decided to live together, so I’m afraid I can’t be your mistress anymore,” Min said, a bit apologetic.

“Oh, so he’s the one. Well then, I only took you as mistress so that the wife wouldn’t beat my ass, in the first place. I'm not one to force you. However, I can’t continue to pay for your math teacher or the servant. It’s going to have to come out of your own pocket," Telran said.

“I understand. How much did their services cost, anyways?” Min asked.

“Tala was paid a standard wage of 50 coppers every month,” Telran began.

“That’s fine, I can pay that. Not like I can forego it either, since Dralu won’t always be here," Min said.

“Oh, he won’t?” Telran asked, a bit surprised.

“I’m a sailor,” Dralu explained.

“Oh, I see. A Drow sailor, that’s quite something. Anyways, the teacher cost us a gold coin every month,” Telran continued.

“What?! A whole gold coin? Every month?” Min asked. She was simply unwilling to believe it! If it was true, they would have spent about ten gold coins on her! That was one thousand silver coins! Min would have to work for 83 years to afford that!

“Well, you know that my family is richer than what this village would suggest. And I would have sent him away soon, too,” Telran said.

“Well, there’s no way we can pay for that,” Min said. Dralu also looked at him with a new expression of admiration. Even if he did make quite a bit of money on the sea, it was nowhere near to be able to afford that.

“Actually, I don’t mind sponsoring you for another month. That should be enough to let you reach level 40 in Mathematics, allowing you to become Qualified. That would be better for my son’s education, too,” Telran said.

“You’d do that?” Min asked, shocked.

“Naturally. It’s only a single gold coin more, and it’s technically for the sake of my son," Telran said.

“Then I’ll graciously accept,” Min said. She would naturally grasp at this chance! She wasn't going to be able to progress much in Mathematics on her own, so she could use all the help she’d get.

Since that was all over with, Telran assigned them a house. Min’s old house had long since been filled, so they needed a new one. Luckily for them, the grand construction of houses had already begun, so there were plenty of houses. Telran gave them the biggest house  that was free, which would also be the second biggest residential house in the village.

Min was, after all, a dear friend of his and his family, as well as the teacher of his only son. He had also had sex with her countless times, and was no doubt going to sneak out to give her a tumble, every now and then. He just had to be careful that Lilliana didn’t find out…


If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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