A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 7 Chapter 59: I Give You Three Options

Volume 7 Chapter 59: I Give You Three Options


"Phew, it's coming together perfectly." Keith took a small break as he looked at the others working. Everyone was split into four groups; that way, they could work more efficiently. From what he saw, they would finish the pathway in a day or two.  


The one he was most surprised about was Krystal. That girl worked like a machine. She worked faster than the others; a conveyor belt was the only way to describe it. Sarah decided to assist her by bringing her stones while she placed them in. 


"I should start working on that." Keith turned to Diana, "Diana, take my place. I need to do something." 


"Understood." Diana nodded as Keith walked over to the side.


"Keith, what are you planning with those stones?" The man had picked up some stones. There was also a device on the side as well. That was when he made his move. However, that caused the others to freeze!


"Are you kidding me?!"


"What are you doing, you idiot!" Herrick quickly held him by the shoulders and pulled him back! What was he doing messing with those stones?! This guy was crazy!


"What? I'm only slicing them." He wasn't killing someone!


"That's the point! What are you trying to pull?!"


"Oh, I'm focusing on the center of the walkway. The stones are going to swirl." To do that, you would need to cut it to make it work.


"...But the stones."


"It's only stones. There's really nothing to worry about." Keith shook his head as he returned to slicing. As he did this, the others couldn't help but grit their teeth.  


You're breaking our hearts! How could he do something like that in front of their face! Coins were definitely thrown down the drain! 


It didn't take long before Keith was finished with the circle. A satisfying smile plastered on his face as he stared. But that was not the end. There was something else Keith planned to do.


"You're going to use more stones?" The expensive stone wasn't the only thing Keith had brought out. Rows of different stones were brought. 


"I'm thinking about breaking these up to use them later." He felt he could do something interesting with it later. 


"..." "I give up on him!" 


"At this point, he's tossing coins away!"


"I feel like he's the prince while I'm just a commoner," Herrick muttered. 


"Can you not throw me like a potato sack?!" Keith groaned as he stared at the girl. Keith and Krystal were sparring in Tennol's class. She had executed the perfect shoulder throw. He was sent flying across the field. 


That only caused Krystal to grin, "What about it? I only executed the perfect shoulder throw."




"You're the demon!" Krystal scoffed. The two started to argue, undisturbed by how the others stared. It was not surprising since they were like this. However, what was unexpected was how Krystal acted. 


"Don't you think Krystal has become more normal?"


"Is it? She did throw him away."


"But she looks so cute."


The biggest shock for their classmates was Krystal. She acted so differently from the other times. Especially so for these last few days. It was bright if you didn't consider how the two yelled at them like rabid dogs. 


At the end of class, Krystal was with Keith and Jack, "I'm going to get Knight from the stable. Going to return with us?"


"I have something else to do." Despite opening up to the group, Krystal still preferred some alone time. Keith knew that was as well, "Alright, we'll see you at home. Don't go wandering off!"


"... Don't treat me like a child." Krystal rolled her eyes as she walked away. But there was a smile on her face. She felt so light after everything that happened. 


"Well, how dare you walk around here?"


"Are you kidding me?"


"How are you not expelled?!"


Krystal turned around to see the group who tried to recruit her and who she attacked. 


"What do you want?" Krystal glared at all of them.


"What do we want? We want retribution!"


"Yeah! Someone like you shouldn't be here!"


"Get yourself out of here!"


"..." Krystal blinked when she heard that. Should I attack them? It was tempting. However, she couldn't. I can't mess everything up. If she did, Keith would get in trouble as well. 


"What? Are you not going to attack us?" 


"Huh? Are you scared?" 


Those guys snickered as they inched towards Krystal. 


"Now, now, what do we have here?" A playful voice came from the corner. Everyone turned their heads to see Keith.  


"…" Those students glared at him.


"What do you want?" 


"Having so many people going around one person, that's such a shame." Keith shook his head. With his sudden appearance, they made way for him. The pressure coming off his body forced them to move. 


"What? Are you siding with her?" 


"Huh? Of course, I'm going to side with her, stupid? What kind of question was that?" Keith scoffed.




"I will give you guys some options.


  1.     You guys try to annoy Krystal, and she will grind you to the ground.
  2.   You annoy her, and we will grind you down.
  3.   Don't bother her; we will leave you guys alone."


"Do you think we're afraid of you? Just because you're-"


"You guys keep forgetting that you're talking to a Marquis's son and Grand Duke's daughter," Keith explained.




"It doesn't matter if her family is down. She's still a grand duke. Go ahead and burn that bridge. But be prepared for the consequences."


“…” That made them freeze.


"Good choice."


"Why are you even here?" Krystal was confused. Shouldn't he be bringing Knight back home? 


"Because I had the feeling you would get annoyed by them again."




 "Also afraid you might go ballistic on them again."


"Tch." Krystal gave him a dirty look, "Do you think I would?"


"50-50," Keith was slightly unsure. But now, "I don't need to worry about you so much."




"Also, let's go back. I don't think Jack could hold Knight more." Keith was a little anxious. But as he said this,


"Someone got sent flying by a horse!"


"..." "..." 

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