A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 118: The Hole Pt.2

Chandea, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 48th day of Fall, Arenfall


"Very well," Lord Prestonheim sighed. "The people here became too anxious to see that spike of energy. Is everything passable now?" He asked.

The Orkamuu passed the crystal ball to Adaloun while discreetly whispering, "You answer that question."

Adaloun took the communication device from the Orkamuu and reported the status of their journey.

"So far, the muddy water has been cleared from the opening. All we have to do is explore what's inside of it." He answered.

"Is there a possibility that something might still be lurking at the other side?" The Commander asked.

"I am not certain yet." Adaloun sighed. "But here's one thing for sure, get the second squad ready while I try and explore the other side." He added.

"Alright." Lord Prestonheim agreed to Adaloun's suggestion. On the background he could hear the Commander's muffled voice ordering the next batch to ready their descent.

Adaloun gave back the crystal ball to Ser Gravil, "Here, Ser…"

"Gravil. Just call me Gravil, my friend." The Orkamuu smiled. "Looks like you'll have to go inside first." He pointed at the exposed opening.

"Yes, I have to crawl to the other side like I did before." Adaloun sighed.

"It's a dark and narrow entrance, would you like the assistance of my fire sprite?" The Orkamuu politely asked. "It could help you light your way and save some of your exousia for later." He added.

It was a good offer. Adaloun didn't refused it, "I would appreciate that." He smiled.

"Very well, my friend." Gravil smiled back. "Stand back a little bit while a get you one."

Adaloun did what the Orkamuu instructed. He stood back and watch Gravil do his spell.

Gravil held up his arm, "Oh beautiful and mighty sun! I ask for your light show me your wondrous light and spread you shine towards this dark world." He snapped his finger and suddenly a clumped ball of light began to appear in front of them.

The sphere's light started off dim, then became brighter and brighter as it compressed into a small dense floating ball.

"There, my friend!" Gravil grinned. "It will light your path as you crawl into that hole. May Apholak, bless you!"

Adaloun thanked him and smiled back. "I shall get going then."

The spherical light hovered first into the dark opening, giving Adaloun a sense of sight on the damp tunnel. The tight tunnel was still wet from all the water it was soaked in. Adaloun felt uncomfortable crawling on the slippery and soft mud sticking on his hands, knees and foot.

He crawled some more, covering half the length of the tunnel. The scent of decay still lingered through the tunnel and it became stronger as he went deeper into the other end. He finally saw the other mouth at the end of the tunnel, Adaloun hastily crawled towards exiting the claustrophobic tightness of the tunnel.

Unfortunately for him, the sphere of light, wasn't able to pass through it. It only stayed hovering at the opening where he exited but never hovered beyond that mark. It was quite a strange thing, but nonetheless it did its job to light him throughout his way.

He crouched back and shouted his lungs out, "All clear!" He said as he lit his own light rune to provide him with additional light. The place was darker than what he remembered, and the last thing he wanted was surprised at some lurking monster in the dark.

His light rune flickered as he tried to control the amount of exousia he released on the object. The last thing he wanted was to be drained of unnecessary energy due to excessive usage of exousia. He raised his light rune and waved it around the cavernous space.

The cave was bigger than what it was before, or so he thought. Being in the darkness could change your perspective in all forms.

"What's your status there?!" The Orkamuu shouted.

Adaloun took another look around the area. He increased his exousia output into the light rune and made it shine brighter. The light spread throughout the cavern and revealed an empty and lifeless place. He drew his sword with his other hand just to be sure, incase there are some attacks that might come out of nowhere.

"It's safe here. There's nothing here anymore!" He answered back.

A few moments later, Adaloun heard the buzzing echoes of the knights slowly crawling the muddy entrance. He could hear their complaints and curses while they passed the mucky cave.

The Orkamuu came popping out of the cave first. His hands were muddy and his elaborately patterned silk under his amor had a few dirt splattered all over. He stood up and wiped his hands with a towel he hid under his belt.

He offered it to Adaloun after seeing his hands, but Adaloun refused. Both men stood beside the opening as they waited for the rest of them to go through the opening. There was a baffled look on Gravil's face, so he asked.

"Is something the matter?" Adaloun hovered his light rune around the cave once again.

The Orkamuu looked at him and asked, "Did my fire sprite went along with you or did it just stay right there?"

"Well…now that you asked…" Adaloun furrowed his brows. "Well, should it have followed until here?" He asked.

Gravil looked at it once more, "It should've." He stratched his head. "That is definitely odd."

The Orkamuu didn't dare take the spere out since there were still knights crawling towards them.  They waited silently for others to pass before he deactivates it.

The crystal ball buzzed once again. The Orkamuu took it out of his satchel and passed the device to Adaloun.

"He might be looking for you." He smiled.

"Is anyone there?" Lord Prestonheim's voice echoed out from the ball. "Can anyone hear me?"

"Lord Prestonheim," Adaloun answered. "Gravil and I are already on the otherside of the opening. So far, it's quiet here. Everything is clear. We are just waiting for the others to pass through."

"Understood." Lord Prestonheim answered back. "Squad 2 had already descended and will be with you on queue. Please work with them." He added.

"As you wish, my Lord." Adaloun answered and gave back the ball to Gravil.

It took a few moments more for the entire squad to reach the other side. Once they did, Adaloun instructed them to move further into the cave and investigate the spacious clearing.

"Alright, good Sers," He began and pointed at the white slab on the wall. "No matter how curious you are about it, do not touch it." He instructed.

The knights looked at each other and nodded silently. The knights spread all over the place and investigated the wide space in the cave. They saw the wonderful gems sparkling against the canopy. They also saw the huge clumps of shiny crystal ores glowing opposite to the white stone wall.

One of them took out his pickaxe and tried to harvest it but was stopped by Adaloun.

"Don't do it!" He said as he held the knight's tool down. "You might trigger something, let's just part it for now." The knight was hesitant about following his order but agreed to him anyway. It seemed like the knight valued Adaloun's experience inside the cave more than his pride.

Adaloun looked at the white stone wall once more and saw how the aetherium veins shifted its pattern along the swirls and lines of the white stone. He dared not to touch it and made sure his light was as far from it as possible. Strangely, it didn't absorb the light from his rune.

He looked back at Gravil who was waiting for the second squad to enter the hole. The Orkamuu stood there staring at his summoned sprite, brooding over why it won't go pass the entrance. Adaloun returned to investigating the changes of the clearing but didn't went pass the next cave located at the end of it. He only stared at it for a while before walking back. He knew that's where the all the dread was, and it was just a matter of time for the others to experience it.

He heard a commotion coming from the first opening, muffled voices began to fill the air. Adaloun approached the Second Squad who finally were able to pass the entrance and welcomed them.  Corvinus smiled at him and greeted.

"Oh, what a pleasant face to welcome us!" The silver-tongued Orkamuu commented.

Adaloun bowed and looked for Tristam. He found him engrossedly staring at the white stone wall.

"Ser Tristam!" He shouted but it seemed that he hadn't heard him. "Ser Tristam." He called out once more but there was no response.

Suddenly, Adaloun felt dreadful as he watched helplessly as the young knight began to smile at the wall and picked something out of his satchel. Seeing this, Adaloun ran towards him he shouted to the other knights to stop their leader, but he was too late.

Tristam took out all of his light runes, activated all of it and smacked it against the white wall. Adaloun stopped in horror as he realized Tristam's grin.

"Run! All of you run and take cov—" But it was too late, the runes element was fully absorbed and suddenly everything turned white, followed by a deafening explosion.

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