A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 68: Again but Never the Same

"I will let you pass on one condition." The goddess said. "Make a deal with me."

These words were 132-X's pet-peeve. He hated these words being used on him, especially the "on one condition" phrase. It really won't matter who would tell him that, his blood simply boiled every time he would hear it.

This unlikely pet-peeve stemmed from his time on his original world, as Adlaw-on. His father, Datu Adlawan, would often pull-off this phrase especially at times when the young Adlaw-on would ask something from his father.

One time, he asked the Datu to teach him the art of Kali. Instead of enthusiastically teaching him, his father made a condition with him.

"I will teach you the art of Kali, but you have to fetch water from the mountain spring without any aide everyday until the next full moon." The Datu smiled.

"B-but Father!" The five-year-old Adlaw-on pouted his lips. "That's way too difficult for me!"

His father glared at him and slapped him across the face. "Ha! You foolish boy! If everything is given to you easily, how would you learn and grow?! Either you do it or I won't teach you anything at all."

Biting his lip, the teary-eyed Adlaw-on agreed to his father's terms. Ever since that day until the next full moon, Adlaw-on would wake up before the rooster crows and climb the mountain to take the fresh water from the spring.

He would hurt himself along the way. The muddy soil and the jagged rocks made him wince and slip. It took him a many day to finally get used to the terrain and finally bring back two pails of water that he balanced with a bamboo pole on his back.

When the next full moon arrived, his father finally taught him the basic of Kali, until the first advanced move. He died after learning the move and trying to use it in a sparring with his rival Bagyon. Ironically, the move did him more harm than good.

"So, what do you say?" Oyue broke his reminiscing. "Do you want to—"

"Are you saying you won't let me help them if I won't go on a deal with you?" 132-X raised his eyebrow in disgust. "I thought you were different from the rest of them."

Oyue looked at him straight in the eyes and shook her head. She stepped away from the portal and invited 132-X to step into it.

"Don't get me wrong," Oyue sighed. "I won't stop you from going there! But then again, what can you do once you're there?"

She stepped in front of the portal once again, "You're a crafty man, I'll give you that! But even that, will only get you so much."

132-X clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, frustrated with his current situation being rubbed into him by a deity. He really despised deities after his encounter with them in his lifetimes long ago. No matter how hard he wanted to be tough, without the Mark of Ouroboros he's nothing more than a normal human being. Even with his new body, he still lacks the strength and power to kill them.

He loathed admitting his limitations. He hated showing his weakness or even a hint of his powerlessness, but it was grossly obvious. Going back in the real world with those monsters lurking around will prove to be too much for him.

He didn't need help, or so he would say. He knew that was being foolish of him to think like that. He was bummed at the fact that the reason he survived the hive of Obscurii was because of Oyue's timely help. Her power boost made it possible for him to kill all of them.

132-X didn't want that kind of help, especially coming from a deity of unknown origin but what good would it give him if he refuses? That could spell the end for everyone!

He thought about his comrades. The witty dwarf, loyal and always got his back. The elf, who wanted to travel the world and the timid Beastman who just wanted to go home to his clan. His friends and only allies during his stay in the world of Calamatis.

"I-I swore to protect them and give them back their freedom!" 132-X breathe out his loathing. "But I cannot trust you, Oyue! You know that!"

Oyue smiled at him, "I know you may never trust me, but I will give you a good bargain for your troubles."

"I don't give a damn about a good bargain!" He stomped his foot on the floor in frustration. "I-I want to save them. Make them happy and give them a better place in that cruel world you called your own."

"That world was never mine to begin with." Oyue sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "But I understand, I can give you all—"

"No! I don't need all the power! I just need something enough for me to help them and maybe create a safer haven for them."

"Weren't you an overpowered hero before?" Oyue pointed out. "I mean, 364 incarnations and…"

"And what good did that brought me? And at what cost am I to bargain for that?" 132-X asked. "The gods made me their slave for the longest time! I followed them blindly! And when I did try to change my fate…" His sadness and frustration painted on his teary eyes.

"It never ended well for you and that world," Oyue finished the sentence for him.

Oyue crossed her arms as she pondered on what she could offer him. 132-X cleared his throat after composing himself.

"Give me just enough to kill those bastards." 132-X said. "I will deal with myself after. I will use my memories and give this world the things that I have learned, eh…the ones I could remember."

Before he jumped into the Calamatis gate, 132-X, formerly Arellin Matrious recalled the High Chancellor putting a curse on him. The sly god took away almost all his abilities and erased his mark. Even if it was just a foggy memory, he dreamt about it from time to time. He still knew it really happened.

The moon goddess was impressed by 132-X's determination. She knew he was a flawed and spoiled hero. A mortal given power from the gods to do their own bidding. She knew how the conceited deities altered his memories and inculcated to him their twisted view towards the world. But if there was something redeemable about this arrogant hero, it's his determination and will to move forward no matter what.

"The gods of your previous incarnation may have chosen you for all the wrong reasons," Oyue approached him and reached out her hand. "They should've seen it in you. Your true power!"

"True pow…why are reaching out your hand?" 132-X concerned by the goddess's proximity to him.

"Let's make the deal now!" She said. "We are wasting time on words."

"Wasting time? You're—" he sighed. "Nevermind, what do you have for me?"

"I will give you what you need. A power enough to kill those Obscurii. A power that cannot overwhelm you and still give you time to grow. You MAY still become overpowered, that's if you wanted to."

132-X thought of it for a moment, "What's the catch?" He asked.

Oyue shrugged her shoulders, "Just don't ignore me when I try to speak with you."

132-X laughed out hard at the ridiculousness of the deal, "T-that's it?! Don't take me for a fool, Oyue. I've played that part before."

"I do not underestimate you, God-killer." She jabbed at him for laughing at her.

132-X laughter turned sour, "Must you bring that up?"

He sighed and apologized to the goddess. "I apologize for laughing at you, Lady Oy—"

"Oyue will do. Drop the title part!" Oyue interjected. "There are a lot of things you have to learn about this world. I won't force you to worship me and push others to do so too, like the gods you knew before. If you want to conquer this world, I shall give you my blessing, not that you need it."

"You are giving me so much for a deal that could not benefit you as much!" 132-X outstretched his hand to clasp with hers. "But I am still not convinced with this! However, I will take this deal for now."

As soon as they clasped hands, 132-X felt the surge of energy rushing inside him. Suddenly thin glowing lines appeared all over his body.

"W-what is this?" He asked Oyue as he shuddered in awe.

���The deal." Oyue answered. "Bright Light Oyue. That's the first spell. Your body will easily adapt this power, I guarantee. You can learn more along the way if you choose to. This also works well with elemental magic and creation magic! But you have to learn those for yourself."

"It's still too much!" 132-X exclaimed.

"Trust me, Adlaw-on. That's still lacking compared to what you have before." Oyue smiled. "Oh! One more thing, you need a new name now, since you are no longer a slave! Do you have anything in mind?"

"Yes." He answered.

132-X ran towards the portal and opened his eyes. He's back into the real world! He moved his fingers and toes to see if they still work—indeed they do. He slowly moved his body and rose from the ground he laid on earlier.

He looked around to see nothing but the dark fog and his comrades lying on the ground with only the old Commander taking the last stand against the monsters from the void.

He cracked his knuckles and took a deep breathe, "I'll burn you bastards to hell!"

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