A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 71: Embers and Ashes Pt.1

Arterius had always hated the northern Principalia's weather. The gloomy skies made it impossible for the sun to peek its much-needed rays over the rain-soaked and muddy grounds. Two days have passed since he arrived at the port town of Imvula.

After passing the Senate and his father's quality test, his old man immediately ordered him to be deployed to the northern border to see how the cannon faired in a real battle. He wanted to protest to the idea but with such a limited exposure, his father, the Imperatur was giving him, he had no choice but agree.

That was the first time he had silenced the mumbling old fools of the Senate. It was the Senate's first time seeing a fully- armored Jagaleer ship from the Eastern Kingdom sunk with just three hits. As the ship sank, Arterius recalled some of the senators gasped in awe, while others clamored over to him praising him for such a technological feat.

His father on the other hand, stood stoically, staring at him. There was no emotion on his stare. There was no hint of jubilation or disgust, only a blank expression that puzzled him. When everyone settled, the Senators who supported him asked for the Imperatur to give him the necessary funds to start manufacturing more of the cannons. Instead of giving a direct answer, his father ordered him to deploy it into battle.

"Your brother, Veritus is currently defending the port town of Imvula from foreign invaders from the Nothern Isles." The Imperatur said blandly. "I want you to go there and test that little toy of yours."

He recalled how the Senate silently stared at him as his face painted an unbashful reaction of disbelief. As irritated as he was disappointed with how his father reacted, he nodded in agreement.

"I know you would." The Imperatur smirked. "But knowing your brother, he might end the battle right away. Actually, he might've ended it already! If I don't get any recommendation from him, prepare to vacate the palace and I'll be dissolving your child's play project along with that!"

Thus he, injured and awfully tired, went on to travel to the Northern border that day along with a fresh supply of reinforcement for his brother's campaign. It took him two days of an excruciating travel as the rocky and muddy road made his carriage jiggle along the way.

A thunder cracked outside his window. Arterius got distracted with recollecting all the events for the past week. The cold wind blew and that didn't help him either. It only worsened the throbbing pain of his broken leg.

"Where is my brother?" He rudely interrupted Stolas who was checking their inventory. "It's been two days and his men had denied me of seeing him! Those bastards!"

"He's camped near the shoreline. Prince Veritus was very adamant of welcoming the Vyrkolae bastards from the north with a blade at their throats." Stolas answered while counting the number of cannonballs they brought.

"Damn it! I have to speak with him!" Arterius stood up from his bed while grabbing his cane at the side of his bed. "Gods! This damned leg! Stolas where's that medicine?!" He winced in pain.

Stolas hesitantly grabbed the bottle of medicine as he spat curses at his leg. "Here you go, Arterius."

"T-thank you! This weather made it all the worse!" Arterius said as he took a sip of the medicine. "This fucking bitter medicine!" He covered it and placed it in his satchel.

Though limping, Arterius walked towards the door planning to confront his brother on his camp. Seeing this, Stolas blocked the door with his hand, slapping the wooden slab forcefully.

"Where do you think you're going?" Stolas raised his eyebrow. "You do know—"

"I know fully well, Stolas!" He exclaimed. "But this rain is not going to stop me! He had ignored me far too long!"

He swiped Stolas' hand from blocking the door and opened it wide. "I am going to speak to him! Ready the men and the cannon! We'll bring it there!"

"In this weather?" Stolas sighed. "Fine. I will call them, but first let me—"

"Damn you, Stolas! Don't worry about me! Hurry up with my orders. I'll see you outside." He gritted his teeth, loathing on his condition.

His ward scurried outside and called on the knights while he took the stairs going down. Descending from the second story of the bastion was never a pleasant experience for him. He had no one to help him. He ordered Stolas to ready the cannon out on the battlefield. While he would've liked to have someone to accompany him on the stairs. Unfortunately he wasn't given the same warm hospitality unlike his brother.

There were no servants given to him by the town's magistrate. It wasn't surprising knowing the fact that he was the unpopular prince of the Principalia. A knight came to him by the bottom of the stairs and helped him on his last step. Of course, Arterius refused the help. It doesn't make sense helping someone with his last step on the stairs when he made the descend from the top without any.

"Get your hands off me!" Arterius was on a foul mood. "Is everything ready?" He asked.

The knight's eyes couldn't look at him straight. "Y-yes, Sir!I mean… your—"

"That's enough time wasted!" The Prince interrupted the clueless knight. "Let's go."

It was already during the lower level of the Andenoon when they finally arrived on the rocky port. The muddy town made it hard for them to reach their destination especially with the carriages and carts in towed.

Arterius went out of the carriage, cursing his injured leg as he stepped on the uneven ground. His cane was useless on the stony shores as it lodges in between the rocks making it difficult for him to walk straight. The poor prince Arterius had to use his ward's arm for extra support as he walked along the beach with an aching broken leg.

They spotted his brother's tent located at the center of the camp. It was easily to spot because of how ridiculously big it was, and the tent's red color stood out from the dull-colored tent that was usually given to the knights.

They tried to enter the camp but was immediately stopped by the knights guarding the western side of the camp.

"Halt!" The knight commanded. "Who are you?"

"You're talking to a prince!" Stolas answered. "Show some respect! This is Prince Arterius, the firstborn son of Imperatur Severus!"

"Pfft!" The other knight scoffed as he eyed Arterius from head to foot. "Yeah, this defect of a man?" He laughed.

Arterius had always dealt with this kind of scrutiny all his life. Being that he wasn't even close to his brother's ability and fighting prowess, he often stay in the background away from the eyes of the public.

Unfortunately, he wasn't as patient as he was before. The pain from his broken leg, the pressure to deliver the Impertatur's command and the weather made the timid prince irritable more than ever.

"Listen here, ser knight—" His ward was about to dish out words of his own when he suddenly lashed out at the knights.

"You fucken idiots! I will see to it your heads will be displayed at the middle of this camp!" Arterius surprised himself for his sudden outburst. "Where is my brother—what are you doing?"

The knights suddenly grabbed them both and attempted to drag them away from the camp. They both struggled from their grasp; however, they were stronger than both of them. Arterius in desperation, hit one of the knights with his cane so hard it dented the knight's helm.

"W-why you fucker!" The other knight pulled out his sword.

Just as about the knight was ready to strike, a lanky man, grabbed the knight's sword arm preventing him from attacking.

"W-what are you doing?!" The lanky knight asked. "Why are you trying to kill Prince Arterius?"

"S-sir Veracon?!" The knights stood down. "W-what do you—"

Before the knight could finish his question, Veracon placed his finger on his lips asking the knight to stay quiet.

"Prince Arterius! I apologize for how they acted!" Veracon prostrated to the prince. "I apologize for the knights' behavior. They are not from the mainland!"

Arterius wanted no part of the wasteful conversation and went straight to the point. "I understand you will deal with this incident, yes?"

The lanky knight nodded.

"Good! I don't want to talk about them anymore." Arterius sighed while trying to contain his anger. "Where is my brother?!"

The lanky knight lifted his head and stood up before pointing at the towering lighthouse at the far end of the wall.

"Should I take you there, My Prince?" Veracon asked in his soft voice.

"No need to," The prince shrugged his shoulders. "Just do what you must on guarding here and disciplining your men!" He turned away from the knights and proceeded to go to the lighthouse.

After a few paces, Arterius heard a thump on the ground. He saw both the knights lying on the stony ground, heads rolling.

It was a scene he thought he'll see as early as it was during that time when it was relatively quiet with no signs of the enemies on the shore. It sickened his stomach, but he never went and hurled. He kept that in and shrugged it off. He never wanted his brother's knights to see him vomiting at such disciplinary action.

They continued their way to the hulking lighthouse. He had a choice of words to comment on his brother and a few propositions about his new invention.

As they walked, his cane lodged in between the rocks on the ground. The cane unfortunate snapped due to the weight that shifted during the slip.

"By the gods! Now my cane?! I better hope, this doesn't equate to an unsuccessful talk with my brother!" He whispered to himself while cursing at his leg once more.

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